def set_up(): # Init repository with one file. remove_dir(_FLAGS, _TEST_DIR) mkdirs(_FLAGS, _TEST_DIR) init_repository(_FLAGS, _TEST_DIR) chdir(_TEST_DIR) create_file(_FLAGS, _TEST_FILE) commit_changes(_FLAGS, "Test file added.") # Create branches. create_branch(_FLAGS, _UPSTREAM) switch_branch(_UPSTREAM) create_branch(_FLAGS, _DEBIAN) switch_branch(_DEBIAN) mkdirs(_FLAGS, path.dirname(_TEST_DEBIAN_FILE)) create_file(_FLAGS, _TEST_DEBIAN_FILE) commit_changes(_FLAGS, "Test debian file added.") # Commit ignored file and config. switch_branch(_RELEASE) create_file(_FLAGS, _IGNORE_FILE) create_file(_FLAGS, _TEST_FILE2) execute_with(action=Action.CONFIG) commit_changes(_FLAGS, "Ignored file added.")
def add_backup(flags, bak_dir, name="unknown"): """ Adds a backup of the git repository. - bak_dir -- The destination directory. - name -- The name of the backup, replaces '_' with '-'. Returns the name of the created backup file. """ try: check_git_rep() # Make sure there are no '_' in the name. name.replace('_', '-') # Set the path to the new backup file. tar_name = "{0}_{1}{2}".format(name, strftime(_BAK_FILE_DATE_FORMAT), _BAK_FILE_EXT) tar_path = path.join(bak_dir, tar_name) # Make a safety backup of the current git repository. log(flags, "Creating backup file \'" + tar_path + "\'") if not flags[Flag.SAFEMODE]: mkdirs(flags, bak_dir) exec_cmd(["tar", "-czf", tar_path, "."]) return tar_name except Error as err: log(flags, "Could not add backup in \'" + bak_dir + "\'") raise OpError(err)