def test_sudo_rule_restricted_to_one_hostmask_setup(self): # We need to detect the hostmask first full_ip = get_host_ip_with_hostmask(self.client) # Make a note for the next test, which needs to be skipped # if hostmask detection failed self.__class__.skip_hostmask_based = False if not full_ip: self.__class__.skip_hostmask_based = True raise pytest.skip("Hostmask could not be detected") self.master.run_command(['ipa', '-n', 'sudorule-add-host', 'testrule', '--hostmask', full_ip]) # SSSD >= 1.13.3-3 uses native IPA schema instead of compat entries to # pull in sudoers. Since native schema does not (yet) support # hostmasks, we need to point ldap_sudo_search_base to the old schema self.__class__.client_sssd_conf_backup = FileBackup( self.client, paths.SSSD_CONF) domain = self.client.domain with remote_sssd_config(self.client) as sssd_conf: sssd_conf.edit_domain(domain, 'sudo_provider', 'ipa') sssd_conf.edit_domain(domain, 'ldap_sudo_search_base', 'ou=sudoers,{}'.format(domain.basedn))
def test_extdom_group(self): """ipa-extdom-extop plugin should allow @ in group name. Test for : If group contains @ in group name from AD, eg. abc@[email protected] then it should fetch successfully on ipa-client. """ client = self.clients[0] hosts = [self.master, client] ad_group = 'group@group@{0}'.format( expression = '((?P<name>.+)@(?P<domain>[^@]+$))' master_conf_backup = tasks.FileBackup(self.master, paths.SSSD_CONF) client_conf_backup = tasks.FileBackup(client, paths.SSSD_CONF) for host in hosts: with tasks.remote_sssd_config(host) as sssd_conf: sssd_conf.edit_service('sssd', 're_expression', expression) tasks.clear_sssd_cache(host) try: cmd = ['getent', 'group', ad_group] result = self.master.run_command(cmd) assert ad_group in result.stdout_text result2 = client.run_command(cmd) assert ad_group in result2.stdout_text finally: master_conf_backup.restore() client_conf_backup.restore() tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master) tasks.clear_sssd_cache(client)
def test_extdom_plugin(self): """Extdom plugin should not return error (32)/'No such object' Regression test for If there is a timeout during a request to SSSD the extdom plugin should not return error 'No such object' and the existing user should not be added to negative cache on the client. """ extdom_dn = DN( ('cn', 'ipa_extdom_extop'), ('cn', 'plugins'), ('cn', 'config') ) client = self.clients[0] tasks.backup_file(self.master, paths.SSSD_CONF) res = self.master.run_command(['pidof', 'sssd_be']) pid = res.stdout_text.strip() test_id = 'id testuser@%s' % self.ad_domain client.run_command(test_id) conn = self.master.ldap_connect() entry = conn.get_entry(extdom_dn) # pylint: disable=no-member orig_extdom_timeout = entry.single_value.get('ipaextdommaxnsstimeout') # set the extdom plugin timeout to 1s (1000) entry.single_value['ipaextdommaxnsstimeout'] = 1000 conn.update_entry(entry) # pylint: disable=no-member self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'restart']) with tasks.remote_sssd_config(self.master) as sssd_conf: sssd_conf.edit_domain(self.master.domain, 'timeout', '999999') remove_cache = 'sss_cache -E' self.master.run_command(remove_cache) client.run_command(remove_cache) log_file = '{0}/sssd_{1}.log'.format(paths.VAR_LOG_SSSD_DIR, logsize = len(client.get_file_contents(log_file)) try: # stop sssd_be, needed to simulate a timeout in the extdom plugin. stop_sssdbe = self.master.run_command('kill -STOP %s' % pid) client.run_command(test_id) error = 'ldap_extended_operation result: No such object(32)' sssd_log2 = client.get_file_contents(log_file)[logsize:] assert error.encode() not in sssd_log2 finally: if stop_sssdbe.returncode == 0: self.master.run_command('kill -CONT %s' % pid) # reconnect and set back to default extdom plugin conn = self.master.ldap_connect() entry = conn.get_entry(extdom_dn) # pylint: disable=no-member entry.single_value['ipaextdommaxnsstimeout'] = orig_extdom_timeout conn.update_entry(entry) # pylint: disable=no-member tasks.restore_files(self.master) self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'restart'])
def check_sudorules_for(self, object_type, object_name, testuser, expected): """Verify trusted domain objects can be added to sudorules""" # Create a SUDO rule that allows test user # to run any command on any host as root without password # and check that it is indeed possible to do so with sudo -l hbacrule = 'hbacsudoers-' + object_type sudorule = 'testrule-' + object_type commands = [['ipa', 'hbacrule-add', hbacrule, '--usercat=all', '--hostcat=all'], ['ipa', 'hbacrule-add-service', hbacrule, '--hbacsvcs=sudo'], ['ipa', 'sudocmd-add', 'ALL'], ['ipa', 'sudorule-add', sudorule, '--hostcat=all'], ['ipa', 'sudorule-add-user', sudorule, '--users', object_name], ['ipa', 'sudorule-add-option', sudorule, '--sudooption', '!authenticate'], ['ipa', 'sudorule-add-allow-command', sudorule, '--sudocmds', 'ALL']] for c in commands: self.master.run_command(c) # allow additional configuration yield TestDataRule(sudorule, 'sudo', object_name, testuser) # Modify refresh_expired_interval to reduce time for refreshing # expired entries in SSSD cache in order to avoid waiting at least # 30 seconds before SSSD updates SUDO rules and undertermined time # that takes to refresh the rules. sssd_conf_backup = tasks.FileBackup(self.master, paths.SSSD_CONF) try: with tasks.remote_sssd_config(self.master) as sssd_conf: sssd_conf.edit_domain( self.master.domain, 'refresh_expired_interval', 1) sssd_conf.edit_domain( self.master.domain, 'entry_cache_timeout', 1) tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master) # Sleep some time so that SSSD settles down # cache updates time.sleep(10) result = self.master.run_command( ['su', '-', testuser, '-c', 'sudo -l']) if isinstance(expected, (tuple, list)): assert any(x for x in expected if x in result.stdout_text) else: assert expected in result.stdout_text finally: sssd_conf_backup.restore() tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master) commands = [['ipa', 'sudorule-del', sudorule], ['ipa', 'sudocmd-del', 'ALL'], ['ipa', 'hbacrule-del', hbacrule]] for c in commands: self.master.run_command(c)
def override_gid_setup(self, gid): sssd_conf_backup = tasks.FileBackup(self.master, paths.SSSD_CONF) try: with tasks.remote_sssd_config(self.master) as sssd_conf: sssd_conf.edit_domain(self.master.domain, 'override_gid', gid) tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master) yield finally: sssd_conf_backup.restore() tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master)
def filter_user_setup(self, user): sssd_conf_backup = tasks.FileBackup(self.master, paths.SSSD_CONF) try: with tasks.remote_sssd_config(self.master) as sssd_conf: sssd_conf.edit_service("nss", 'filter_users', self.users[user]['name']) tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master) yield finally: sssd_conf_backup.restore() tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master)
def test_ssh_from_controller(self): """ Test ssh from test controller after adding ldap_deref_threshold=0 to sssd.conf on master Steps: 1. setup a master 2. add ldap_deref_threshold=0 to sssd.conf on master 3. add an ipa user 4. ssh from controller to master using the user created in step 3 """ if self.master.is_fips_mode: # pylint: disable=no-member pytest.skip("paramiko is not compatible with FIPS mode") sssd_version = '' cmd_output = self.master.run_command(['sssd', '--version']) sssd_version = platform_tasks.\ parse_ipa_version(cmd_output.stdout_text.strip()) if sssd_version.version < '2.2.0': pytest.xfail(reason="sssd 2.2.0 unavailable in F29 nightly") username = "******" + str(random.randint(200000, 9999999)) # add ldap_deref_threshold=0 to /etc/sssd/sssd.conf sssd_conf_backup = tasks.FileBackup(self.master, paths.SSSD_CONF) with tasks.remote_sssd_config(self.master) as sssd_config: sssd_config.edit_domain( self.master.domain, 'ldap_deref_threshold', 0) try: self.master.run_command(['systemctl', 'restart', 'sssd.service']) # kinit admin tasks.kinit_admin(self.master) # add ipa user cmd = ['ipa', 'user-add', '--first', username, '--last', username, '--password', username] input_passwd = 'Secret123\nSecret123\n' cmd_output = self.master.run_command(cmd, stdin_text=input_passwd) assert 'Added user "%s"' % username in cmd_output.stdout_text input_passwd = 'Secret123\nSecret123\nSecret123\n' self.master.run_command(['kinit', username], stdin_text=input_passwd) client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect(self.master.hostname, username=username, password='******') client.close() finally: sssd_conf_backup.restore() self.master.run_command(['systemctl', 'restart', 'sssd.service'])
def config_sssd_cache_auth(self, cached_auth_timeout): sssd_conf_backup = tasks.FileBackup(self.master, paths.SSSD_CONF) with tasks.remote_sssd_config(self.master) as sssd_conf: sssd_conf.edit_domain(self.master.domain, 'cached_auth_timeout', cached_auth_timeout) sssd_conf.edit_service('pam', 'pam_verbosity', '2') try: tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master) yield finally: sssd_conf_backup.restore() tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master)
def sssd_config_allows_ipaapi_access_to_ifp(host): """Checks that the sssd configuration allows the ipaapi user to access ifp :param host the machine on which to check that sssd allows ipaapi access to ifp """ with tasks.remote_sssd_config(host) as sssd_conf: ifp = sssd_conf.get_service('ifp') uids = [ uid.strip() for uid in ifp.get_option('allowed_uids').split(',') ] assert 'ipaapi' in uids
def test_external_group_paging(self): """SSSD should fetch external groups without any limit. Regression test for 1: Add external groups more than limit. 2: Run the command id [email protected] 3: sssd should retrieve all the external groups. """ new_limit = 50 master = self.master conn = master.ldap_connect() dn = DN(('cn', 'config')) entry = conn.get_entry(dn) orig_limit = entry.single_value.get('nsslapd-sizelimit') ldap_query = textwrap.dedent(""" dn: cn=config changetype: modify replace: nsslapd-sizelimit nsslapd-sizelimit: {limit} """) tasks.ldapmodify_dm(master, ldap_query.format(limit=new_limit)) sssd_conf_backup = tasks.FileBackup(self.master, paths.SSSD_CONF) ldap_page_size = new_limit - 1 group_count = new_limit + 2 # default ldap_page_size is '1000', adding workaround as # ldap_page_size < nsslapd-sizelimit in sssd.conf # Related issue : with tasks.remote_sssd_config(self.master) as sssd_conf: sssd_conf.edit_domain(self.master.domain, 'ldap_page_size', ldap_page_size) tasks.clear_sssd_cache(master) tasks.kinit_admin(master) for i in range(group_count): master.run_command( ['ipa', 'group-add', '--external', 'ext-ipatest{0}'.format(i)]) try: log_file = '{0}/sssd_{1}.log'.format(paths.VAR_LOG_SSSD_DIR, group_entry = b'[%d] external groups found' % group_count logsize = tasks.get_logsize(master, log_file) master.run_command(['id', self.users['ad']['name']]) sssd_logs = master.get_file_contents(log_file)[logsize:] assert group_entry in sssd_logs finally: for i in range(group_count): master.run_command( ['ipa', 'group-del', 'ext-ipatest{0}'.format(i)]) # reset to original limit tasks.ldapmodify_dm(master, ldap_query.format(limit=orig_limit)) sssd_conf_backup.restore()
def install(cls, mh): tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=True) tasks.install_client(cls.master, cls.replicas[0]) content = cls.master.get_file_contents(paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF, encoding='utf-8') new_content = content + "\noidc_child_debug_level = 10" cls.master.put_file_contents(paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF, new_content) with tasks.remote_sssd_config(cls.master) as sssd_config: sssd_config.edit_domain( cls.master.domain, 'krb5_auth_timeout', 1100) tasks.clear_sssd_cache(cls.master) tasks.kinit_admin(cls.master) cls.master.run_command(["ipa", "config-mod", "--user-auth-type=idp", "--user-auth-type=password"]) xvfb = ("nohup /usr/bin/Xvfb :99 -ac -noreset -screen 0 1400x1200x8 " "</dev/null &>/dev/null &") cls.replicas[0].run_command(xvfb)
def test_sssd_cache_refresh(self, user_origin): """Check SSSD updates expired cache items for domain and its subdomains Regression test for """ def get_cache_update_time(obj_kind, obj_name): res = self.master.run_command( ['sssctl', '{}-show'.format(obj_kind), obj_name]) m ='Cache entry last update time:\s+([^\n]+)', res.stdout_text) update_time = assert update_time return update_time # by design, sssd does first update of expired records in 30 seconds # since start refresh_time = 30 user = self.users[user_origin]['name'] group = self.users[user_origin]['group'] sssd_conf_backup = tasks.FileBackup(self.master, paths.SSSD_CONF) try: with tasks.remote_sssd_config(self.master) as sssd_conf: sssd_conf.edit_domain( self.master.domain, 'refresh_expired_interval', 1) sssd_conf.edit_domain( self.master.domain, 'entry_cache_timeout', 1) tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master) start = time.time() self.master.run_command(['id', user]) user_update_time = get_cache_update_time('user', user) group_update_time = get_cache_update_time('group', group) time.sleep(start + refresh_time - time.time() + 5) assert get_cache_update_time('user', user) != user_update_time assert (get_cache_update_time('group', group) != group_update_time) finally: sssd_conf_backup.restore() tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master)
def test_override_homedir(self): """POSIX attributes should not be overwritten or missing. Regression test for bug When there is IPA-AD trust with POSIX attributes, including the home directory set in the AD LDAP and in sssd.conf subdomain_homedir = %o is added after initgroup call home directory should be correct and do not report in logs like, 'get_subdomain_homedir_of_user failed: * [Home directory is NULL]' """ tasks.backup_file(self.master, paths.SSSD_CONF) log_file = '{0}/sssd_{1}.log'.format(paths.VAR_LOG_SSSD_DIR, logsize = len(self.master.get_file_contents(log_file)) try: testuser = '******' % self.ad_domain with tasks.remote_sssd_config(self.master) as sssd_conf: sssd_conf.edit_domain(self.master.domain, 'subdomain_homedir', '%o') tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master) # The initgroups operation now uses the LDAP connection because # the LDAP AD DS server contains the POSIX attributes self.master.run_command( ['getent', 'initgroups', '-s', 'sss', testuser]) result = self.master.run_command(['getent', 'passwd', testuser]) assert '/home/testuser' in result.stdout_text sssd_log2 = self.master.get_file_contents(log_file)[logsize:] assert b'get_subdomain_homedir_of_user failed' not in sssd_log2 finally: tasks.restore_files(self.master) tasks.clear_sssd_cache(self.master)
def install(cls, mh): cls.client = cls.replicas[0] cls.replica = cls.replicas[1] tasks.install_master(cls.master, extra_args=['--no-dnssec-validation']) tasks.install_client(cls.master, cls.replicas[0], extra_args=["--mkhomedir"]) tasks.install_replica(cls.master, cls.replicas[1]) for host in [cls.master, cls.replicas[0], cls.replicas[1]]: content = host.get_file_contents(paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF, encoding='utf-8') new_content = content + "\noidc_child_debug_level = 10" host.put_file_contents(paths.IPA_DEFAULT_CONF, new_content) with tasks.remote_sssd_config(cls.master) as sssd_config: sssd_config.edit_domain( cls.master.domain, 'krb5_auth_timeout', 1100) tasks.clear_sssd_cache(cls.master) tasks.clear_sssd_cache(cls.replicas[0]) tasks.kinit_admin(cls.master) cls.master.run_command(["ipa", "config-mod", "--user-auth-type=idp", "--user-auth-type=password"]) xvfb = ("nohup /usr/bin/Xvfb :99 -ac -noreset -screen 0 1400x1200x8 " "</dev/null &>/dev/null &") cls.replicas[0].run_command(xvfb)
def install(cls, mh): super(TestCertsInIDOverrides, cls).install(mh) = config.ad_domains[0].ads[0] cls.ad_domain = cls.aduser = "******" % cls.ad_domain master = cls.master # A setup for test_dbus_user_lookup master.run_command(['dnf', 'install', '-y', 'sssd-dbus'], raiseonerr=False) master.run_command("sed -i 's/= 7/= 0xFFF0/' %s" % paths.SSSD_CONF, raiseonerr=False) with tasks.remote_sssd_config(master) as sssd_config: try: sssd_config.new_service('ifp') except ServiceAlreadyExists: pass sssd_config.activate_service('ifp') master.run_command(['systemctl', 'restart', 'sssd.service']) # End of setup for test_dbus_user_lookup # AD-related stuff tasks.install_adtrust(master) tasks.sync_time(master, tasks.configure_dns_for_trust(master, tasks.establish_trust_with_ad( cls.master, cls.ad_domain, extra_args=['--range-type', 'ipa-ad-trust']) cls.reqdir = os.path.join(master.config.test_dir, "certs") cls.reqfile1 = os.path.join(cls.reqdir, "test1.csr") cls.reqfile2 = os.path.join(cls.reqdir, "test2.csr") cls.pwname = os.path.join(cls.reqdir, "pwd") # Create a NSS database folder master.run_command(['mkdir', cls.reqdir], raiseonerr=False) # Create an empty password file master.run_command(["touch", cls.pwname], raiseonerr=False) # Initialize NSS database tasks.run_certutil(master, ["-N", "-f", cls.pwname], cls.reqdir) # Now generate self-signed certs for a windows user stdin_text = string.digits + string.ascii_letters[2:] + '\n' tasks.run_certutil(master, [ '-S', '-s', "cn=%s,dc=ad,dc=test" % cls.adcert1, '-n', cls.adcert1, '-x', '-t', 'CT,C,C', '-v', '120', '-m', '1234' ], cls.reqdir, stdin=stdin_text) tasks.run_certutil(master, [ '-S', '-s', "cn=%s,dc=ad,dc=test" % cls.adcert2, '-n', cls.adcert2, '-x', '-t', 'CT,C,C', '-v', '120', '-m', '1234' ], cls.reqdir, stdin=stdin_text) # Export the previously generated cert res = tasks.run_certutil(master, ['-L', '-n', cls.adcert1, '-a'], cls.reqdir) master.put_file_contents( os.path.join(master.config.test_dir, cls.adcert1_file), res.stdout_text) res = tasks.run_certutil(master, ['-L', '-n', cls.adcert2, '-a'], cls.reqdir) master.put_file_contents( os.path.join(master.config.test_dir, cls.adcert2_file), res.stdout_text) cls.cert1_base64 = cls.master.run_command( "openssl x509 -outform der -in %s | base64 -w 0" % cls.adcert1_file).stdout_text cls.cert2_base64 = cls.master.run_command( "openssl x509 -outform der -in %s | base64 -w 0" % cls.adcert2_file).stdout_text cls.cert1_pem = cls.master.run_command( "openssl x509 -in %s -outform pem" % cls.adcert1_file).stdout_text cls.cert2_pem = cls.master.run_command( "openssl x509 -in %s -outform pem" % cls.adcert2_file).stdout_text