def extract_ips(c, filename): """Extracts all IPv4 ip addresses out of @filename """ with open(filename, mode='r') as fd: content = sorted_ips = sort_ips([t.value for t in create_lexer(content)]) tables = [ models.GeoLite2AsnBlocksIpv4, models.GeoLite2CityBlocksIpv4, ] with open('results.json', mode='w') as fd: for ip in sorted_ips: network = '.'.join(ip.split('.')[0:3]) network_wildcard = '{}%'.format(network) with sqlite3.session_scope() as session: for table in tables: results = session.query(table).filter( # noqa if results.all(): json.dump([x.to_dict() for x in results.all()], fp=fd, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(',', ': ')) # noqa
def populate_sqlite3(c): """Populate SQLite3 db with geolite2 CSV data """ with def geolite2_city_blocks_ipv4(): return models.GeoLite2CityBlocksIpv4 def geolite2_asn_blocks_ipv4(): return models.GeoLite2AsnBlocksIpv4 # create a mapping of CSV files to models but to avoid the import # problem we just put this behind a small wrapper function. model_mapping = { 'GeoLite2-City-Blocks-IPv4.csv': geolite2_city_blocks_ipv4, 'GeoLite2-ASN-Blocks-IPv4.csv': geolite2_asn_blocks_ipv4, } csv_files = [ os.path.join( 'data', 'geolite2', 'city', 'GeoLite2-City-Blocks-IPv4.csv', ), os.path.join( 'data', 'geolite2', 'asn', 'GeoLite2-ASN-Blocks-IPv4.csv', ) ] for csv_file in csv_files: reader = csv.reader(open(csv_file)) headers = next(reader) ModelClass = model_mapping[os.path.basename(csv_file)]() with sqlite3.session_scope() as session: for i, line in enumerate(reader): model = ModelClass() for key, value in zip(headers, line): setattr(model, key, value) log.debug('adding model={}'.format(model.__dict__)) session.add(model) if i % 10000 == 0: # commit every 10000 records to avoid OOM session.commit()
def on_call(db_filename=None, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('echo', True) db_filename = db_filename or 'test.sqlite3' # we must recreate the Session object since we are using a global # static variable. We do this so that one test that modifies the db # doesn't cause another test to use the same session. We only care # about this here since each test should be isolated. sqlite3.Session = sqlite3.sessionmaker() engine = sqlite3.init_engine(filename=db_filename) sqlite3.init_db(engine=engine) return sqlite3.session_scope()
def test_when_session_is_created_without_initializing_the_db_we_attempt_to_recover_and_initialize_the_db_and_recreate_a_new_session( # noqa self, tmpdir): tmpdir.chdir() data = { 'network': '', 'autonomous_system_number': 55415, 'autonomous_system_organization': 'MARINA BAY SANDS PTE LTD' } rec = models.GeoLite2AsnBlocksIpv4(**data) # we must recreate the session sqlite3.Session = sqlite3.sessionmaker() with sqlite3.session_scope() as session: session.add(rec) results = session.query(models.GeoLite2AsnBlocksIpv4) assert len(results.all()) == 1
def test_attempting_to_save_a_record_to_the_db_that_raises_an_exception_we_should_rollback_the_transaction( # noqa self, ): # we create a dummy object to represent a sessionmaker instance # we will replace the real implementation with this one class MockedSession(object): bind = None def add(*args, **kwargs): pass def commit(*args, **kwargs): raise Exception('boom') def rollback(*args, **kwargs): pass def close(*args, **kwargs): pass with mock.patch.object( sqlite3, 'Session', return_value=MockedSession, ): data = { 'network': '', 'autonomous_system_number': 55415, 'autonomous_system_organization': 'MARINA BAY SANDS PTE LTD' } rec = models.GeoLite2AsnBlocksIpv4(**data) with pytest.raises(Exception) as exp: with sqlite3.session_scope() as session: session.add(rec) assert 'boom' in str(exp.value)