コード例 #1
k = 8 * np.pi / 3

solution_func = lambda x, y: -np.cos(x) * np.exp(np.sin(x)) * np.sin(y)
force_func = lambda x, y: (2.0 * np.cos(x) + 3.0 * np.cos(x) * np.sin(x) - np.
                           cos(x)**3) * np.exp(np.sin(x)) * np.sin(y)

# solution_func = lambda x, y: np.exp(np.sin(k*x))*np.sin(k*y)
# force_func = lambda x, y: k**2*np.exp(np.sin(k*x))*np.sin(k*y)*(np.cos(k*x)**2-np.sin(k*x)-1.0)
f = force_func(ebdyc.grid.xg, ebdyc.grid.yg) * ebdyc.phys
frs = [force_func(ebdy.radial_x, ebdy.radial_y) for ebdy in ebdyc]
ua = solution_func(ebdyc.grid.xg, ebdyc.grid.yg) * ebdyc.phys
uars = [solution_func(ebdy.radial_x, ebdy.radial_y) for ebdy in ebdyc]
uar = uars[0]
bcs2v = solution_func(ebdyc.all_bvx, ebdyc.all_bvy)
bcs2l = ebdyc.v2l(bcs2v)

# Setup Poisson Solver

solver = PoissonSolver(ebdyc, solver_type=solver_type)
ue, uers = solver(f, frs, tol=1e-14, verbose=verbose)

uer = uers[0]
mue = np.ma.array(ue, mask=ebdyc.ext)

if plot:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.pcolormesh(grid.xg, grid.yg, mue)
    ax.plot(ebdy.bdy.x, ebdy.bdy.y, color='black', linewidth=3)
    ax.plot(ebdy.interface.x, ebdy.interface.y, color='white', linewidth=3)
コード例 #2
solution_func = lambda x, y: np.exp(np.sin(k * x)) * np.sin(k * y)
solution_func_x = lambda x, y: k * np.cos(k * x) * np.exp(np.sin(k * x)
                                                          ) * np.sin(k * y)
solution_func_y = lambda x, y: k * np.exp(np.sin(k * x)) * np.cos(k * y)
solution_func_n = lambda x, y, nx, ny: solution_func_x(
    x, y) * nx + solution_func_y(x, y) * ny
force_func = lambda x, y: helmholtz_k**2 * solution_func(x, y) - k**2 * np.exp(
    np.sin(k * x)) * np.sin(k * y) * (np.cos(k * x)**2 - np.sin(k * x) - 1.0)
f = force_func(grid.xg, grid.yg)
frs = [force_func(ebdy.radial_x, ebdy.radial_y) for ebdy in ebdys]
ua = solution_func(grid.xg, grid.yg)
uars = [solution_func(ebdy.radial_x, ebdy.radial_y) for ebdy in ebdys]
all_nx = np.concatenate([ebdy.bdy.normal_x for ebdy in ebdys])
all_ny = np.concatenate([ebdy.bdy.normal_y for ebdy in ebdys])
bcs2v = solution_func_n(ebdyc.all_bvx, ebdyc.all_bvy, all_nx, all_ny)
bcs2l = ebdyc.v2l(bcs2v)

# Setup Poisson Solver

print('Creating inhomogeneous solver')
solver = ModifiedHelmholtzSolver(ebdyc, solver_type=solver_type, k=helmholtz_k)
print('Solving inhomogeneous problem')
ue, uers = solver(f, frs, tol=1e-12, verbose=verbose)

print('Solving homogeneous problem')

# this isn't correct yet because we haven't applied boundary conditions
def two_d_split(MAT, hsplit, vsplit):
    vsplits = np.vsplit(MAT, vsplit)
コード例 #3
# Interpolation of a globally smooth function on grid to radial
f = test_func(grid.xg, grid.yg)
frs = [test_func(ebdy.radial_x, ebdy.radial_y) for ebdy in ebdys]
fev = ebdyc.interpolate_grid_to_radial(f, order=5)
fes = ebdyc.v2r(fev)
errs = [np.abs(fe - fr).max() for fe, fr in zip(fes, frs)]
err = max(errs)
print('Error in grid --> radial interpolation:    {:0.2e}'.format(err))

f *= ebdyc.phys

# Interpolation of a function to the interface (3rd order)
frs = [test_func(ebdy.interface.x, ebdy.interface.y) for ebdy in ebdys]
fev = ebdyc.interpolate_grid_to_interface(f, order=3, cutoff=False)
fes = ebdyc.v2l(fev)
errs = [np.abs(fe - fr).max() for fe, fr in zip(fes, frs)]
err = max(errs)
print('Error in grid --> interface interpolation: {:0.2e}'.format(err))

# Interpolation of a function to the interface (NUFFT)
frs = [test_func(ebdy.interface.x, ebdy.interface.y) for ebdy in ebdys]
fev = ebdyc.interpolate_grid_to_interface(f, order=np.Inf, cutoff=True)
fes = ebdyc.v2l(fev)
errs = [np.abs(fe - fr).max() for fe, fr in zip(fes, frs)]
err = max(errs)
print('Error in grid --> interface interpolation: {:0.2e}'.format(err))

# Interpolation of a function from radial to grid
frs = [test_func(ebdy.radial_x, ebdy.radial_y) for ebdy in ebdys]
fts = ebdyc.interpolate_radial_to_grid(frs)
コード例 #4
MATS[1][0][:] = d_only(bdy1, bdy2) + Stokes_Pressure_Fix(bdy1, bdy2)
MATS[1][1][:] = cd_singular(bdy2) + half_eye(bdy2) + Stokes_Pressure_Fix(
    bdy2, bdy2) * 0.0
MATS[1][2][:] = c_and_d(bdy3, bdy2) + Stokes_Pressure_Fix(bdy3, bdy2) * 0.0

MATS[2][0][:] = d_only(bdy1, bdy3) + Stokes_Pressure_Fix(bdy1, bdy3)
MATS[2][1][:] = c_and_d(bdy2, bdy3) + Stokes_Pressure_Fix(bdy2, bdy3) * 0.0
MATS[2][2][:] = cd_singular(bdy3) + half_eye(bdy3) + Stokes_Pressure_Fix(
    bdy3, bdy3) * 0.0

bu = solver.get_boundary_values(urs)
bv = solver.get_boundary_values(vrs)
bu_adj = upper_u - bu
bv_adj = upper_v - bv
bu_adj = ebdyc.v2l(bu_adj)
bv_adj = ebdyc.v2l(bv_adj)
bc_adj = np.concatenate(
    [np.concatenate([bu_a, bv_a]) for bu_a, bv_a in zip(bu_adj, bv_adj)])
tau = np.linalg.solve(MAT, bc_adj)
taul = ebdyc.v2l2(tau)

def v2f(x):
    return x.reshape(2, x.size // 2)

# get effective sources
qfs_list = []
Naive_SLP = lambda src, trg: Stokes_Layer_Form(src, trg, ifforce=True)
Fixed_SLP = lambda src, trg: Naive_SLP(src, trg) + Stokes_Pressure_Fix(