コード例 #1
   def getval(self):
      """Calculates the value from the data supplied in the xml file.

      Either reads the string from the input file as an array of numbers,
      or as a string specifying either a file name or a single value.

      value = super(InputInitBase,self).fetch()
      if self.mode.fetch() == "manual":
         if '[' in value and ']' in value: # value appears to be a list
            if self._storageclass is float:
               value = io_xml.read_array(np.float, value)
               value = io_xml.read_list(value)
            value = io_xml.read_type(self._storageclass, value)
         value = str(value)  # typically this will be a no-op
      return value
コード例 #2
   def fetch(self):
      """Creates a cell initializer object.

      Note that the cell can be initialized from the lengths of the sides and
      the angles between them instead of by a vector, as specified by the
      'abc' or 'abcABC' modes.

      mode = self.mode.fetch()

      ibase = super(InputInitCell,self).fetch()
      if mode == "abc" or mode == "abcABC":

         h = io_xml.read_array(np.float, ibase.value)

         if mode == "abc":
            if h.size != 3:
               raise ValueError("If you are initializing cell from cell side lengths you must pass the 'cell' tag an array of 3 floats.")
               h = mt.abc2h(h[0], h[1], h[2], np.pi/2, np.pi/2, np.pi/2)
         elif mode == "abcABC":
            if h.size != 6:
               raise ValueError("If you are initializing cell from cell side lengths and angles you must pass the 'cell' tag an array of 6 floats.")
               h = mt.abc2h(h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3]*np.pi/180.0, h[4]*np.pi/180.0, h[5]*np.pi/180.0)

         h.shape = (9,)
         ibase.value = h
         mode = "manual"

      if mode == "manual":
         h = ibase.value
         if h.size != 9:
               raise ValueError("Cell objects must contain a 3x3 matrix describing the cell vectors.")

         if not (h[3] == 0.0 and h[6] == 0.0 and h[7] == 0.0):
            warning("Cell vector matrix must be upper triangular, all elements below the diagonal being set to zero.", verbosity.low)
            h[3] = h[6] = h[7] = 0
         ibase.value = h

      return self._initclass(value=ibase.value, mode=mode, units=self.units.fetch())