コード例 #1
ファイル: kojoney_tail_1.0.py プロジェクト: crouchr/br-app
def writeSecViz1(ip, username, countryCode, commandStr):
        p0fInfo = p0fcmd.getP0fInfo(ip, "0", "", "22")
        if p0fInfo['result'] == True:
            p0fStr = "os:" + p0fInfo['genre'] + ":hops=" + p0fInfo['hops']
            p0fStr = p0fInfo['errormsg']

        #raise Exception	# test code
        #print i		# force exception for testing

        asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(ip)
        asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
        asRegisteredCode = asInfo['registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g.ARCOR

        fpOut = open(r'/var/log/kojoney_tail_secviz_cmds.csv', 'a')

        msg = ip + ":" + asNum + ":" + asRegisteredCode + ":" + p0fStr + "," + username + "," + '"' + commandStr + '"' + "," + countryCode
        print "writeSecViz1():" + msg
        print >> fpOut, msg

    except Exception, e:
        syslog.syslog("kojoney_tail.py : writeSecViz1() exception caught = " +
                      ` e ` + " ip=" + ip)
コード例 #2
ファイル: traceroute_matrix.py プロジェクト: crouchr/br-app
def traceroute(sensorId,ip,hops,fpDebug=None):
     asn = []
     asnUnique = []
     print "----------------------"
     if fpDebug != None:
         print >> fpDebug,"-------------"
     if hops != 0:
         #cmdLine = "/usr/local/bin/traceroute -p 53 -A -m " + hops.__str__() + " " + ip
         cmdLine = "/usr/local/bin/paris-traceroute -n -m " + hops.__str__() + " " + ip
         #cmdLine = "/usr/local/bin/traceroute -p 53 -A " + ip
         cmdLine = "/usr/local/bin/traceroute -n " + ip  
     print cmdLine    

     pipe = os.popen(cmdLine,'r')
     if pipe == None :
         syslog.syslog("getP0fInfo() os.popen() returned None for " + cmdLine)
     raw = pipe.read().strip()
     if fpDebug != None:
         print >> fpDebug,raw
     print "raw = " + raw.__str__()                                  

     #asn = re.findall("AS(\d+)",raw)
     ipList = re.findall("(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)",raw)
     print "traceroute() : list of IPs = " + ipList.__str__()

     for ip in ipList[3:] :
         a = ipintellib.ip2asn(ip)    
         #asn.append(a['as'] + ":" + a['registeredCode'])
     print "asn = " + asn.__str__()    

     # Pre-pend sensorId to start of AS Path
     asnUnique = asnUnique + asn
     # Create list of unique AS numbers by filtering out duplicates
     # asnUnique.append("AS" + asn[0])
     #for i in range(0,len(asn)-1):
     #     if asn[i+1] != asn[i] :
     #          if asn[i+1] != "28513" and asn[i+1] != "8151":	# IP is private IP ?
     #              asnUnique.append("AS" + asn[i+1])
     # Append the countryCode to the target IP
     geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(ip)
     countryCode = geoIP['countryCode']        
     city        = geoIP['city']                             
     #asnUnique.append(countryCode.__str__() + ":" + ip + ":" + city.__str__())
     asnUnique.append(countryCode.__str__() + ":" + ip)
     # Eliminate duplicates
     asnUnique = eliminateASpathDuplicates(asnUnique)
     print asnUnique                
     if fpDebug != None:
         print >> fpDebug,"traceroute(out) : " + asnUnique.__str__()
     return asnUnique
コード例 #3
ファイル: kojoney_tail_1.0.py プロジェクト: crouchr/br-app
def alert(subject, ip, username, content):
    smtpServer = 'smtp.btconnect.com'
    sender = '*****@*****.**'
    destination = ['*****@*****.**']
    debugLevel = False

        # Get DNS info
        dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(ip)
        dnsName = dnsInfo['name']

        # WHOIS information
        asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(ip)
        asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
        asRegisteredCode = asInfo['registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g.ARCOR

        # GeoIP information
        geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(ip)
        countryCode = geoIP['countryCode']
        city = geoIP['city']
        longitude = geoIP['longitude']  # Calc approx. localtime
        latitude = geoIP['latitude']

        info = "haxx0r IP : " + ip + "\nuser : "******"\nDNS : " + dnsName + "\n\nAS Number : " + asNum + "\nAS Name : " + asRegisteredCode + "\n\nGeoIP Country : " + countryCode + "\nGeoIP City : " + "\nGeoIP Longitude : " + "%.2f" % longitude + "\nGeoIP Latitude : " + "%.2f" % latitude

        # Haxx0r's client stack information
        p0fInfo = p0fcmd.getP0fInfo(ip, "0", "", "22")
        if p0fInfo['result'] == True:
            p0fStr = "os=" + p0fInfo['genre'] + " hops=" + p0fInfo[
                'hops'] + " linktype=" + p0fInfo[
                    'linktype'] + " up_secs=" + p0fInfo[
                        'uptime'] + " tos=" + p0fInfo[
                            'tos'] + " masq=" + p0fInfo[
                                'masq'] + " fw=" + p0fInfo[
                                    'firewall'] + " NAT=" + p0fInfo[
                                        'nat'] + " realOS=" + p0fInfo['realos']
            p0fStr = p0fInfo['errormsg']

        # Notify !
        alertSubject = "honeypot intrusion! : " + subject
        alertContent = info + "\n\np0f : " + p0fStr + "\n\n" + content + "\n\nSent by Kojoney Honeypot\n\n"

        print "alert():\nsubject:" + alertSubject + "\ncontent:\n" + alertContent + "\n"

        status = mailalert.mailalert(sender, destination, smtpServer,
                                     alertSubject, alertContent, debugLevel)

        # Add a record to syslog
        a = "Sent alert e-mail, Subject=" + alertSubject + " to " + destination[

    except Exception, e:
        syslog.syslog("kojoney_tail.py : alert() : " + ` e ` + " ip=" + ip)
コード例 #4
def prettyAS(ip):
    asMsg = ""
    if ip != None:
        #print "prettyAS() : IP found = " + ip
        # WHOIS information
        asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(ip)
        asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
        asRegisteredCode = asInfo['registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g.ARCOR
        asMsg = asRegisteredCode + " (" + asNum + ")"

    #print "AS info : " + asMsg
    return asMsg
コード例 #5
ファイル: kojoney_tail_1.0.py プロジェクト: crouchr/br-app
def writeSecViz3(ip, username):

    #print "entered writeSecViz3()"
    now = time.time()

        p0fInfo = p0fcmd.getP0fInfo(ip, "0", "", "22")
        if p0fInfo['result'] == True:  # p0f data is available
            hops = p0fInfo['hops']
            os = p0fInfo['genre']
            fw = p0fInfo['firewall']
            nat = p0fInfo['nat']
            if p0fInfo['genre'] == "Linux":
                uptime = p0fInfo['uptime']
                bte = now - int(uptime)
                hops = p0fInfo['hops']
                uptimeHours = 0
                bte = 0
        else:  # p0f data not read OK
            hops = 0
            os = "?"
            fw = "?"
            nat = "?"
            bte = 0

        # get current time
        timeTuple = time.localtime(now)
        nowStr = time.asctime(timeTuple)

        # calc haxx0r bootTime
        timeTuple = time.localtime(bte)
        bootTimeStr = time.asctime(timeTuple)
        bootTimeEpochHours = int(bte / 3600)
        #print "bootTimeEpochHours:" + `bootTimeEpochHours`

        asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(ip)
        #asNum = asInfo['as']					# AS123
        asRegisteredCode = asInfo['registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g.ARCOR

        msg = ip + "," + `bootTimeEpochHours` + "," + ip + ":" + Username + "," + "os=" + os + ",hops=" + hops + ","\
        + asRegisteredCode + ",now=" + nowStr + "," + `now` + ",bootTime=" + bootTimeStr + "," + `bte` + ",fw=" + fw + ",nat=" + nat

        print "WriteSecViz3() = " + msg

        fpOut = open(r'/var/log/kojoney_tail_secviz3_uptime.csv', 'a')
        print >> fpOut, msg

    except Exception, e:
        syslog.syslog("kojoney_tail.py : writeSecViz3() exception caught = " +
                      ` e ` + " ip=" + ip)
コード例 #6
ファイル: twitter_streamer.py プロジェクト: crouchr/br-app
def checkDoStweet(text, group, victim):
        global VERSION
        if ("IP" in text.upper() or "TARGET" in text.upper()
                or "FIRE" in text.upper()) and ("#ANON" in text.upper()
                                                or "#OP" in text.upper()):

            asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(victim)
            asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
            asRegisteredCode = asInfo[
                'registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g. ARCOR

            dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(victim)
            dnsName = dnsInfo['name']

            geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(victim)
            countryCode = geoIP['countryCode'].__str__()

            subject = "Anonymous DDoS Request"

            body    = "The text in the Tweet below *MAY* indicate that a hactivist-based DDoS attack is being requested against IP " + victim.__str__() + " DNS=" + dnsName.__str__() \
                    + " located in BGP AS" + asNum.__str__() + " ISP=" + asRegisteredCode.__str__() + " CC=" + countryCode.__str__()

            body = body + " => Tweet="
            body = body + '[' + text.replace('\t', " ") + ']'
            body = body + " : "
            body = body + "This e-mail notification was generated by soclscrpr v" + VERSION + " at " + time.ctime(
            body = body + " : "
            body = body + "For support, contact [email protected]"

            kojoney_alert_client.sendAlert(subject, body, True, True)

    except Exception, e:
        msg = "twitter_streamer.py : checkDoStweet() : exception : " + e.__str__(
        ) + " : " + text.__str__()
        print msg
コード例 #7
ファイル: kojoney_tail_1.0.py プロジェクト: crouchr/br-app
def processSSH(line):
    global PreviousIPs
    global CLInum
    global SessionId
    global Username

    if Username == None:
        Username = "******"

        #print "line read from file\n:" + line

        # haxx0r guessed password OK
        # Use this one to perform the ipintellib() functions
        if line.find("authenticated with password") != -1:
            SessionId = SessionId + 1

            fields = line.split(',')
            #print fields
            a = fields[2].split()
            ip = a[0].rstrip(']')
            Username = a[1]
            #print "a is " + `a`

            # Get DNS info
            dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(ip)
            dnsName = dnsInfo['name']

            # WHOIS information
            asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(ip)
            asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
            asRegisteredCode = asInfo['registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g.ARCOR

            # GeoIP information
            geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(ip)
            countryCode = geoIP['countryCode']
            city = geoIP['city']
            longitude = geoIP['longitude']  # Used to calc approx. localtime

            msg = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
            makeMsg(0, ip, msg)

            msg = "EXPL:authOK," + Username + "," + countryCode + "," + asNum + "," + asRegisteredCode + "," + city + "," + dnsName + ",long=" + "%.2f" % float(
            makeMsg(0, ip, msg)

            # Write Security Visualisation Data to secViz file
            print "Calling writeSecViz3()"
            writeSecViz3(ip, Username)

            # Compute localtime based on longitude
            locTime = calcLocalTime(longitude)
            msg = "INTEL:haxx0r localTime(est) is " + locTime
            makeMsg(0, ip, msg)

            # Haxx0r's client stack information - using p0f 3.0.0, uptime is in seconds not hours
                p0fInfo = p0fcmd.getP0fInfo(ip, "0", "", "22")
                if p0fInfo['result'] == True:  # p0f data is available
                    hops = p0fInfo['hops']
                    os = p0fInfo['genre']
                    fw = p0fInfo['firewall']
                    nat = p0fInfo['nat']
                    if p0fInfo['genre'] == "Linux":
                        uptime = p0fInfo['uptime']  # measured in secs
                        uptime = 0
                else:  # p0f data is not available
                    hops = 0
                    os = "?"
                    fw = "?"
                    nat = "?"
                    uptime = 0

                #p0fStr = "os=" + os + " hops=" + hops + " lt=" + p0fInfo['linktype'] + " up=" + uptime + " tos=" + p0fInfo['tos'] + " masq=" + p0fInfo['masq'] + " fw=" + p0fInfo['firewall'] + " NAT=" + p0fInfo['nat'] + " realOS=" + p0fInfo['realos']
                p0fStr = "os=" + os + " hops=" + hops + " up=" + uptime + " fw=" + fw + " NAT=" + nat

                # Compute haxx0r's PC bootTime based on p0f uptime (seconds)
                bootTime = calcBootTime(uptime)
                bootmsg = "haxx0r PC bootTime(est,UTC) is " + bootTime[

                # p0f info
                msg = "p0f,INTEL:" + p0fStr  # INT = Intelligence
                makeMsg(0, ip, msg)

                # haxx0r boot time
                msg = "INTEL:bootTime," + bootmsg
                makeMsg(0, ip, msg)

                # Has this IP been seen before ?
                if PreviousIPs.has_key(ip):  # IP has been seen before
                    msg = "INTEL:IP was last seen " + PreviousIPs[ip][
                        'lastVisitStr'] + " with a bootTime of " + PreviousIPs[
                    makeMsg(0, ip, msg)

                    # Has this PC stack been seen before ?
                    # i.e. are bootTimes within 30 minutes of each other ?
                    if abs(
                            float(PreviousIPs[ip]['epoch']) -
                            float(bootTime['epoch'])) < 1800.0:
                        msg = "INTEL:p0f uptime (secs) indicates repeat visit from haxx0r's PC from this ip"
                        makeMsg(0, ip, msg)
                        ip] = bootTime  # set info to be haxx0r boottime
                    msg = "INTEL:first time visit from " + ip + ", user " + Username
                    makeMsg(0, ip, msg)

            except Exception, e:
                    "Exception in processSSH() p0f for authOK section of code "
                    + ` e ` + " ip=" + ip)

        # Extract haxxor's SSH client
        elif line.find("pty request") != -1:
            fields = line.split(',')
            #print fields
            a = fields[2].split()
            #print "a is " + `a`
            ip = a[0].rstrip(']')
            pty = a[3]
            #print "pty is " + `pty`
            msg = "INTEL:client=" + pty
            makeMsg(0, ip, msg)
コード例 #8
ファイル: kojoney_loggly.py プロジェクト: crouchr/br-app
def sendToLoggly(sensorId, line):

        global txnId

        print "sendToLoggly() : line=" + line

        # honeytweeter
        #shakey = "e25e6042-e490-4910-a246-94cefbdd11b9"

        # honeytweeter-json
        shakey = "fe39eb54-7c8f-417c-afc8-5b8db98961d3"

        sdata = {}
        cifdata = {}

        # Event Type
        fields = line.split(",")
        eventType = fields[0]
        sdata['eventType'] = fields[0]

        # Do not process obsolete eventTypes
        if sdata['eventType'] == 'FW_SNORT' or sdata['eventType'] == 'NIDS_SH':
            return None

        if sdata['eventType'] == "ANALYST" and "TRACEROUTE" in line:  # ANALYST traceroutes don't visualise well
            return None

        if sdata['eventType'] == "ANALYST" and "NMAP" in line:  # ANALYST nmaps don't visualise well
            return None

        #print sdata['eventType']

        # Sensor Name
        sdata['sensorId'] = sensorId

        # IP address
        ips = re.findall("\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+", line)
        if len(ips) > 0:
            sdata['ip'] = ips[0]

            # GeoIP
            geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(sdata['ip'])
            cc = geoIP['countryCode']
            if cc != "?":
                sdata['cc'] = cc.__str__()
                sdata['ipcc'] = sdata['ip'].__str__(
                ) + " - " + sdata['cc'].__str__()

            # Reverse DNS : fixme Extract the TLD and create a sdata field for it
            dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(sdata['ip'])
            dnsName = dnsInfo['name']
            if dnsName != "NoDNS":
                sdata['rdns'] = dnsName.rstrip('.').lower()
                sdata['tld'] = crudeTld.getTLD(sdata['rdns'])
                if "baiduspider" in sdata['rdns']:
                    return None  # this is not an interesting event
                if sdata['rdns'] == "pointer":
                    return None

            # ASN info
            asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(sdata['ip'])
            asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
            if asNum == "AS-none":
                asNum = "NO_INFO"
                asNum = "AS" + asNum
            asRegisteredCode = asInfo['registeredCode'].upper()  # e.g. GOOGLE
            sdata['asn'] = asNum
            sdata['isp'] = asRegisteredCode

        # Snort SID
        if sdata['eventType'] == "SNORT_NIDS" or sdata[
                'eventType'] == "NIDS_SH":
            sids = re.findall("SID=(\d+)", line)
            if len(sids) > 0:
                sdata['sid'] = sids[0]
            a = re.findall("P(\d+) SID", line)
            if len(a) > 0:
                sdata['priority'] = a[0]
                # removed the P from the priority - due to ELK issues - fixme : make a Blackrain-wide PRIORITY ? for all events ?

        # Clamd malware name - e.g. Exploit.Shellcode.X86-Gen-1
        # Jun 27 04:47:39 mars kojoney_tweet_engine[3173]: SENDTWEET = <0>CLAMD,Malware Exploit.Shellcode.X86-Gen-1 in flow from ports={s=4592 d=135}
        if sdata['eventType'] == "CLAMD":
            a = line.split(",Malware ")[1]
            a = a.split(" ")[0]
            sdata['malware'] = a
            sdata['avendor'] = "ClamAV"

        # Threat Report
        # submitted=Wed Jun 26 02:54:18 2013 cmd=GEO_IP tweet=REPORT,Threat Level for is 41.1, flags={PR SC PS BH AT GA}
        if "flags={" in line and sdata['eventType'] == "REPORT":
            a = line.split("flags=")[1]
            #a = a.rstrip("}")
            sdata['flags'] = a

        # VirusTotal
        # submitted=Fri May 17 07:48:03 2013 cmd=BASIC tweet=ANALYST,AV eb7656dd256eb414abe092eb0f41ea1f.php => Norman=PhpShell.BL 17/46 VT=http://bit.ly/14vyont
        # line=ANALYST,AV 06a940dd7824d6a3a6d5b484bb7ef9d5.php => Unseen by VirusTotal
        if sdata[
                'eventType'] == "ANALYST" and "AV" in line and "Unseen by" not in line:
            a = line.split(" => ")[1]
            b = a.split(" ")[0]  # Symantec=Trojan.Usuge!gen3
            sdata['avendor'] = b.split("=")[0]
            sdata['malware'] = b.split("=")[1]

            b = a.split("VT=")[1]
            sdata['virustotal'] = b

            # filename = MD5 name + extension (optional)
            c = line.split("AV ")[1]
            c = c.split(" ")[0]
            #print c
            if "." in c:
                c = c.split(".")[0]  # lose filename extension
            sdata['md5'] = c.lower()

        # Destination port - make this a string so it is not displayed with commas in Kibana
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Snort messages
        flow = re.findall("\w+\:(\d+) ", line)
        if len(flow) > 0:
            sdata['port'] = str(flow[0])

        # IPLOG - make a string so it is displayed with commas in Kibana
        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        if sdata['eventType'] == "IPLOG":
            ports = re.findall("port (\d+)", line)
            if len(ports) > 0:
                sdata['port'] = str(ports[0])

        # CLAMD - clsniffer
        if sdata['eventType'] == "CLAMD":
            ports = re.findall("d=(\d+)", line)
            if len(ports) > 0:
                sdata['port'] = str(ports[0])

        # KIPPO
        if sdata['eventType'] == "KIPPO":
            #sdata['port'] = 2222
            sdata['port'] = "22"
            sdata['protocol'] = "tcp"

        # Glastopf #
        if "WEB_" in sdata['eventType']:
            #sdata['port'] = 18080
            sdata['port'] = "80"
            sdata['protocol'] = "tcp"
            line = line.replace(
                '|', '/'
            )  # pipe character is used in Tweets to avoid Twitter generating shortened URLs
            url = line.split('req=')[1]
            sdata['url'] = url.lower()
            #if sdata['url'] == '/' or sdata['url'] == '//' :
            #    return None

        # Botjuicer cracked scripts
        if sdata['eventType'] == "ANALYST" and "BOTJUICER" in line:
            #if "UNDETERMINED" in line.upper():
            #    return None
            #print "BOTJUICER log found : " + line
            a = re.findall("p=(\d+)", line)
            if len(a) > 0:
                sdata['port'] = str(a[0])
            a = re.findall("ch=(#\w+)", line)
            if len(a) > 0:
                sdata['irc'] = a[0]

        # Protocol - generic
        if "TCP" in line.upper():
            sdata['protocol'] = "tcp"
        if "UDP" in line.upper():
            sdata['protocol'] = "udp"
        if "ICMP" in line.upper():
            sdata['protocol'] = "icmp"

        # Timestamp
        sdata['datetime'] = time.ctime()

        # Message
        sdata['msg'] = line.split(",")[1:][0]

        # Txnid - increment this last, just before submission to Loggly
        txnId = txnId + 1
        sdata['txnId'] = txnId

        # Splunk
        #print "\nkey-value pairs for Splunk :-"
        #splunkMsg = "'" + time.ctime() + ' ' + sensorId + ' '
        #for i in sdata:
        #    if i == 'datetime' : # ignore
        #        continue
        #    if i == 'msg' and "SNORT" in eventType:
        #        print "Snort event found"
        #    #    sdata[i] = '"' + sdata[i] + '"'
        #    #    sdata[i] = sdata[i].replace('"','')
        #    splunkMsg = splunkMsg + ' ' + i.__str__() + '=' + '"' + sdata[i].__str__() + '"'
        #    #print i,sdata[i]
        #splunkMsg = splunkMsg + "'"

        # Abandoned - has my API key run out ?
        #print "Send to SplunkStorm Cloud SIEM => " + splunkMsg
        #log.send(splunkMsg , sourcetype='syslog',host=sensorId)

        # Loggly - abandoned in favour of splunk
        #body = json.dumps(sdata)

        #print "\nsendToLoggly() : JSON body = " + body

        # Send to Loggly

        #insert_url = "http://logs.loggly.com/inputs/" + shakey
        #insert_http = httplib2.Http(timeout=10)
        ##body = line
        #resp, content = insert_http.request(insert_url, "POST", body=body, headers={'content-type':'text/plain'})
        ##print "Loggly : resp : " + resp.__str__()
        ##print "Loggly : content : " + content.__str__()

        ##{'status': '200', 'content-length': '18', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'server': 'TwistedWeb/12.0.0', 'date': 'Tue, 25 Jun 2013 05:55:58 GMT', 'content-type': 'text/html'}
        ##{"response": "ok"}

        #if "ok" in content.__str__() :		# bug -> why can't I look at the "response" field in a structured way
        #    msg = "Sent to Loggly OK : " + body.__str__()
        #    print msg
        #    msg = "Sent to Loggly FAIL : " + body.__str__() + " error = " + content.__str__()
        #    print msg
        #    syslog.syslog(msg)

        # crude form of rate-limiter

        # Return the JSON structure so it can be used by NoSQL type databases
        sdata = json.dumps(sdata)
        return sdata

    except Exception, e:
        msg = "kojoney_loggly.py : sendToLoggly() : exception : " + e.__str__(
        ) + " line=" + line
        print msg
        return None
コード例 #9
def processGlastopf(txnId, sensorId, line):

    asMsg = ""

        print "-------------\nprocessGlastopf() : line read is " + line
        dstIP = ""  # bug - not portable
        request = "No URL found"
        apacheCLF = "None"

        logEntry = line  # keep a copy since we are going to modify line

        # Normalise Mail attacks
        line = line.replace("ail attack found", "ail attack from")

        # Looks like a duplication bug so ignore the 'Unknown' variant
        if "Unknown POST attack" in line:
            return None

        # ATTACK : Successful attack
        if line.find("attack from") != -1 or line.find(
                "Mail attack found from") != -1:
            print "WebApp attack detected : " + line
            apacheCLF = fakeApacheCLF(line)  # fake an Apache CLF record
            fields = line.split(" - ")
            #print fields
            msg = ' '.join(fields[3:])
            #msg = ' '.join(fields[3:]).rstrip("?")		# does glastopf add trailing ? / ??
            msg = "WEB_X," + msg
            msg = msg.replace(" with request: ", " req=")
            #msg = msg.replace("found from","from")		# normalise MAIL versus "other" attacks
            msg = msg.replace(
                "Mail", "Webmail")  # normalise MAIL versus "other" attacks

            msg = msg.replace(
                "/", "|"
            )  # fool Twitter into not using t.co URL shortening and ensure users cannot click on malware links

            a = re.findall("(GET|POST|Unknown POST|Mail) attack from", line)
            if len(a) > 0:
                attackType = "WebApp " + a[0].upper(
                ) + "-based RFI attack"  # upper() used to convert Mail to MAIL
                attackType = "Unknown WebApp attack"

            ips = re.findall("from (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", line)
            if len(ips) > 0:
                srcIP = ips[0]
                if "request" in line:
                    request = line.split("request: ")[1]
                print "Successful WebApp attack : AttackType=" + attackType + " srcIP=" + srcIP + " URLrequest=" + request

            if "unknown" in line.lower():
                completion = "failed"
                completion = "succeeded"

            kojoney_glastopf_idmef.sendWebAppIDMEF(attackType, request, "http",
                                                   "18080", completion, srcIP,
                                                   dstIP, apacheCLF, srcIP,
                txnId, srcIP, None, sensorId, "ATTACKING", "GLASTOPF", None,
                attackType, None, None, None, apacheCLF, None)

            return msg

        # File retrieved
        if line.find("successfully opened") != -1:
            #apacheCLF=fakeApacheCLF(line)					# fake an Apache CLF record
            fields = line.split(" - ")
            #print fields
            msg = ' '.join(fields[3:])
            msg = "WEB_OPEN," + msg
            urls = re.findall("(\S+) successfully opened", line)
            if len(urls) > 0:
                url = urls[0]
                domain = kojoney_idmef_common.extractDomain(url)
                if domain != None:
                    dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(domain)
                    dstIP = dnsInfo['name']
                    dstIP = ""  # error
                # IDMEF the honeypot to drop-site flow
                    "WebApp URL opened", url, "http", "", dstIP,
                    "80", "succeeded", "None", dstIP, logEntry)

            msg = msg.replace(
                "/", "|"
            )  # fool Twitter into not using t.co URL shortening and ensure users cannot click on malware links

            return msg

        # Googledorks data written to mySQL database - not interesting enough to Tweet
        #if line.find("written into local database") != -1 :
        #    fields = line.split(" - ")
        #    #print fields
        #    msg = ' '.join(fields[3:])
        #    msg = "WEB_GOOGLEDORK," + msg
        #    return msg

        # File saved to disk
        if line.find("written to disk") != -1 and line.find("File ") != -1:
            fields = line.split(" - ")
            #print fields
            msg = ' '.join(fields[3:])
            msg = msg.replace("File", "Previously unseen PHP malware file")
            msg = "WEB_WRITE," + msg
            fileMD5 = fields[3].split(" ")[1]
                "File retrieved from remote server", fileMD5, logEntry)
            return msg

        # Scan - i.e. unsuccessful attack
        if line.find("No attack found") != -1:
            apacheCLF = fakeApacheCLF(line)  # fake an Apache CLF record
            #print "scan"
            ip = kojoney_funcs.findFirstIP(line)
            if ip != None:
                #print "IP found = " + ip
                # WHOIS information
                #asInfo = rch_asn_funcs.ip2asn(ip)
                asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(ip)
                asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
                asRegisteredCode = asInfo[
                    'registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g.ARCOR
                asMsg = asRegisteredCode + " (" + asNum + ")"
                #print asMsg

            fields = line.split(" - ")
            #print fields
            msg = ' '.join(fields[3:])
            if line.find("http"
                         ) != -1:  # attacker is trying to test if I am a proxy
                msg = msg.replace("No attack found from",
                                  "WEB_PRX,Request from")
                attackType = "WebApp proxy scan"
            else:  # LOC = local
                msg = msg.replace("No attack found from", "WEB_SCN,Scan from")
                attackType = "WebApp scan"
            msg = msg.replace(" with request: ", " req=")
            msg = msg.rstrip()
            # remove any trailing characters
            #msg = msg + " ISP=" + asMsg

            msg = msg.replace(
                "/", "|"
            )  # fool Twitter into not using t.co URL shortening and ensure users cannot click on malware links

            ips = re.findall("from (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", line)
            if len(ips) > 0:
                srcIP = ips[0]
                request = line.split("request: ")[1]
                #print attackType + " : srcIP : " + srcIP + " request : " + request
                # go for two events ?
                if attackType == "WebApp proxy scan":
                        "WebApp proxy scan Request", request, "http", srcIP,
                        "", "18080", "failed", apacheCLF, srcIP,
                        logEntry)  # inbound
                        txnId, srcIP, None, sensorId, "SCANNING", "GLASTOPF",
                        None, "WebApp proxy scan Request", None, None, None,
                        apacheCLF, None)
                    domain = kojoney_idmef_common.extractDomain(request)
                    if domain != None:
                        dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(domain)
                        dstIP = dnsInfo['name']
                        dstIP = ""  # error
                        "WebApp proxy scan Retrieval", request, "http",
                        "", dstIP, "80", "failed", apacheCLF,
                        dstIP, logEntry)  # outbound
                        txnId, srcIP, None, sensorId, "SCANNING", "GLASTOPF",
                        None, "WebApp proxy scan Retrieval", None, None, None,
                        apacheCLF, None)
                        attackType, request, "http", srcIP, "",
                        "18080", "failed", apacheCLF, srcIP,
                        logEntry)  # inbound
                        txnId, srcIP, None, sensorId, "SCANNING", "GLASTOPF",
                        None, "WebApp scan", None, None, None, apacheCLF, None)
            return msg

        return None

    except Exception, e:
        msg = "kojoney_glastopf_parse.py : processGlastopf() : " + ` e ` + " line=" + line
        print msg
コード例 #10
def processSebekTweet(line):

    ftpInfo = {}

    line = line.strip("\n")
    print "entered processSebekTweet() with line=" + line

        filtered = filter_sebek.filterSebek(line)
        print "processSebekTweet() : filtered = " + filtered

        # missing step is to normalise the sebek line i.e. to remove [BS] etc.

        if len(filtered) > 0:
            #msg = "Honeypot access:" + filtered
            msg = filtered
            #print "tweet before compression : " + msg

            # file needs to be touched - is this the daily file ?
            fpOut = open(r'/home/var/log/kojoney_tail_tweets.csv', 'a')
            print >> fpOut, msg

            # for sebek lines containing "wget", perform additional analysis on destination URL
            if filtered.find("wget") != -1:
                print "kojoney_tweet.py : processSebekTweet() : wget found"
                url = extract_url.extractURL(filtered)  # Normalise URL
                o = urlparse(url)
                domain = ""
                path = ""
                if o.scheme == 'ftp':
                    ftpInfo = extract_url.extractDomainFTP(url)
                    domain = ftpInfo['domain']
                    path = ftpInfo['path']
                elif len(url) != 0:
                    domain = o.netloc
                    path = o.path

                # Tweet additional info if a valid URL was found
                if len(url) != 0:
                    # Get IP from DNS info
                    dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(domain)
                    srcIP = dnsInfo['name'].rstrip(
                        '.')  # right-strip the trailing .

                    # WHOIS
                    asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(srcIP)  #
                    asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
                    asRegisteredCode = asInfo[
                        'registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g.ARCOR

                    # GeoIP information - faster than WHOIS for looking up Country Code information
                    geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(srcIP)
                    countryCode = geoIP['countryCode']
                    city = geoIP['city']
                    longitude = geoIP[
                        'longitude']  # Used to calc approx. localtime
                    #latitude    = geoIP['latitude']

                    msg = "URL_FOUND," + url + "->" + \
                    "IP="     + srcIP +  \
                    ",WHOIS=" + asNum + " (" + asRegisteredCode + ")" + \
                    ",GeoIP=" + countryCode + " " + city + " " + "%.2f" % longitude + "E"

                    print msg
                    # file needs to be touched - see above
                    fpOut = open(r'/home/var/log/kojoney_tail_tweets.csv', 'a')
                    print >> fpOut, msg

            # for sebek lines containing an IP address, perform additional analysis
            # only searches for 1 IP address
            pat = r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+'  # locate a number of IP addresses
            ips = re.findall(pat, filtered)
            print "first IP address found = " + ` ips[0] `
            if len(ips) != 0:
                ip = ips[0]
                # Get DNS name
                dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(ip)
                dnsName = dnsInfo['name'].rstrip(
                    '.')  # right-strip the trailing .

                # WHOIS
                asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(ip)  #
                asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
                asRegisteredCode = asInfo[
                    'registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g.ARCOR

                # GeoIP information - faster than WHOIS for looking up Country Code information
                geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(ip)
                countryCode = geoIP['countryCode']
                city = geoIP['city']
                longitude = geoIP[
                    'longitude']  # Used to calc approx. localtime
                #latitude    = geoIP['latitude']

                msg = "IP_ADDR_FOUND," + ip + "->" + \
                "DNS="   + dnsName + \
                ",WHOIS=" + asNum + " (" + asRegisteredCode + ")" + \
                ",GeoIP=" + countryCode + " " + city + " " + "%.2f" % longitude + "E"

                print msg
                # file needs to be touched - see above
                fpOut = open(r'/home/var/log/kojoney_tail_tweets.csv', 'a')
                print >> fpOut, msg

            #print "tweet filtered out : " + line

    except Exception, e:
            "kojoney_tweet.py : processSebekTweet() exception caught = " +
            ` e ` + " line=" + line)
コード例 #11
def processMessages(line):

        line = line.strip("\n")
        #print "processMessages() : line read from /var/log/messages : " + line

        if line.find("from 192.168.1."
                     ) != -1:  # do not log legitimate local LAN access

        if line.find("mars sshd") == -1:
        if line.find("Accepted password for") == -1:

        print "processMessages() : candidate line read from /var/log/messages : " + line

        # Parse
        # -----
        pat = r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+'  # locate a number of IP addresses
        ips = re.findall(pat, line)

        #fields=line.split(" ")
        #print fields                            # locate username
        #username = fields[9]
        pat = r'password for (\w+)'  # locate a number of IP addresses
        username = re.findall(pat, line)[0]
        print "kojoney_tweet.py : processMessages() : username is " + username

        srcIP = ips[0]
        #dstIP   = "HPOT"
        dstIP = ""
        dstPort = "22"
        proto = "6"  # Tevent   = "user="******"kojoney_tweet.py : processMessages() : p0f input is srcIP=" + srcIP + " dstIP=" + dstIP + " dstPort=" + dstPort

        p0fInfo = p0fcmd.getP0fInfo(srcIP, "0", dstIP, dstPort)
        # 0 = wildcard the srcPort
        if p0fInfo['result'] == True:  # p0f data is available
            os = p0fInfo['genre']
            nat = p0fInfo['nat'][0]
            hops = p0fInfo['hops']
            os = "?"
            nat = "?"
            hops = "?"

        # Get DNS info
        dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(srcIP)
        dnsName = dnsInfo['name'].rstrip('.')  # right-strip the trailing .

        # WHOIS
        asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(srcIP)  #
        asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
        asRegisteredCode = asInfo['registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g.ARCOR

        # GeoIP information - faster than WHOIS for looking up Country Code information
        geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(srcIP)
        countryCode = geoIP['countryCode']
        city = geoIP['city']
        longitude = geoIP['longitude']  # Used to calc approx. localtime
        latitude = geoIP['latitude']

        msg  = "INTRUSION" + \
                ",user="******",IP="    + srcIP +  \
                ",p0f="   + os + " NAT=" + nat + " hops=" + hops + \
                ",DNS="   + dnsName +  \
                ",WHOIS=" + asNum + " (" + asRegisteredCode + ")" + \
                ",GeoIP=" + countryCode + " " + city + " " + "%.2f" % longitude + "E"

        print "tweet before compression : " + msg

    except Exception, e:
            "kojoney_tweet.py : processMessages() exception caught = " +
            ` e ` + " line=" + line)
コード例 #12
def hiddenIP(ipAddress, lanAllowed=False):

        #debug = True
        debug = False
        ipList = []

        HPOTS = [
            "", "", "", "",
            "", "", "", "",
            "", ""

        if isinstance(ipAddress, str):
            #print "hiddenIP() : passed a STRING type"
            ipList = ipAddress
            #print "hiddenIP() : passed a LIST type"

        #print "kojoney_hiddenip.py : hiddenIP() : ipList = " + ipList.__str__()

        for ip in ipList:
            # check that IP is valid IP
            pat = "(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"
            a = re.findall(pat, ip)
            if len(a) <= 0:
                msg = "kojoney_hiddenip.py : hiddenIP() : error : " + ip + " is not a valid IP address, ipAddress=" + ipAddress.__str__(
                print msg
                #syslog.syslog(msg)	# THIS IS STILL A BUG
                #msg = "type of ipAddress is " + type(ipAddress)
                return False  # !!! ideally a third state would exist for errors
            #  print "hiddenIP() : lanAllowed : " + lanAllowed.__str__() + ", IP : " + ip.__str__()

            if ip == "":
                if debug == True:
                    syslog.syslog("hiddenIP(" + ip + "," +
                                  lanAllowed.__str__() +
                                  ") -> TRUE since ip is")
                return True

            # Google DNS
            if lanAllowed == False and ip == "":
                return True

            # BlackRain itself
            if lanAllowed == False and ip == "":
                return True

            # mail
            if lanAllowed == False and ip == "":
                return True

            # BRX
            if lanAllowed == False and ip == "":
                return True

            # Node called 'prelude' running VirtualBox
            if lanAllowed == False and ip == "":
                return True

            # Prelude SIEM
            if lanAllowed == False and ip == "":
                return True

            # Spade/Snort external sensor
            if lanAllowed == False and ip == "":
                return True

            # DSL node
            if lanAllowed == False and ip == "":
                return True

            # Cloud node itself
            if lanAllowed == False and ip == "":
                return True

            if ip in HPOTS:

            #print "slow processing code entered for IP = " + ip.__str__()
            # Sometimes LAN IPs are allowed, othertimes not - so cater for both cases
            #if lanAllowed == False and ip.find("192.168.1.") != -1 :
            #    if debug == True :
            #        syslog.syslog("hiddenIP(" + ip + "," + lanAllowed.__str__() + ") -> TRUE at LAN check")
            #        print ip + " should be hidden"
            #    return True

            dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(ip)
            dnsName = dnsInfo['name'].rstrip('.')
            #print "kojoney_hiddenip.py : " + dnsName.__str__()

            # ignore traffic from Internet test hosts
            #if ip.find("173.203.89.") != -1 :	# GSOC slice server roy.doesntexist.org
            #    if debug == True :
            #        syslog.syslog("hiddenIP(" + ip + "," + lanAllowed.__str__() + ") -> TRUE , DNS = slice server doesntexist.org")
            #    return True

            # ignore traffic from Google DNS
            if ip.find("") != -1:
                #if debug == True :
                #syslog.syslog("hiddenIP(" + ip + "," + lanAllowed.__str__() + ") -> TRUE , DNS = slice server doesntexist.org")
                return True

            # ignore traffic associated with Twitter
            if dnsName.find("twttr.com") != -1:
                if debug == True:
                    syslog.syslog("hiddenIP(" + ip + "," +
                                  lanAllowed.__str__() +
                                  ") -> TRUE , DNS = twttr.com")
                return True

            # ignore traffic associated with updating Slackware patches
            if dnsName.find("slackware.mirrors") != -1:
                if debug == True:
                    syslog.syslog("hiddenIP(" + ip + "," +
                                  lanAllowed.__str__() +
                                  ") -> TRUE , DNS = slackware.mirrors")

            # ignore traffic associated with malware analysis by Anubis at Univ California Santa Barbara
            if dnsName.find("anubis.cs.ucsb.edu") != -1:
                if debug == True:
                    syslog.syslog("hiddenIP(" + ip + "," +
                                  lanAllowed.__str__() +
                                  ") -> TRUE , DNS = anubis.cs.ucsb.edu")

            # ignore traffic associated with honeyd updating it's site
            if dnsName.find("honeyd.provos.org") != -1:
                if debug == True:
                    syslog.syslog("hiddenIP(" + ip + "," +
                                  lanAllowed.__str__() +
                                  ") -> TRUE , DNS = honeyd.provos.org")
                return True

            # ignore traffic associated with Team Cymru
            if dnsName.find("cymru.com") != -1:
                if debug == True:
                    syslog.syslog("hiddenIP(" + ip + "," +
                                  lanAllowed.__str__() +
                                  ") -> TRUE , DNS = cymru.com")
                return True

            # Filter based on AS number / name - do last since expensive lookup
            asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(ip)
            asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
            asRegisteredCode = asInfo['registeredCode'].upper()  # e.g. GOOGLE
            #print "kojoney_hiddenip.py : " + asRegisteredCode.__str__()

            if asRegisteredCode.find("GOOGLE") != -1:
                if debug == True:
                    syslog.syslog("hiddenIP(" + ip + "," +
                                  lanAllowed.__str__() +
                                  ") -> TRUE , AS = GOOGLE")
                return True

            if asRegisteredCode.find("TWITTER-NETWORK") != -1:
                if debug == True:
                    syslog.syslog("hiddenIP(" + ip + "," +
                                  lanAllowed.__str__() +
                                  ") -> TRUE , AS = TWITTER-NETWORK")
                return True

            if asRegisteredCode.find("FACEBOOK") != -1:
                if debug == True:
                    syslog.syslog("hiddenIP(" + ip + "," +
                                  lanAllowed.__str__() +
                                  ") -> TRUE , AS = FACEBOOK")
                return True

            # ip is an attacker
            if debug == True:
                syslog.syslog("hiddenIP(" + ip + "," + lanAllowed.__str__() +
                              ") -> FALSE, ip is an attacker")

            #return False

        return False

    except Exception, e:
        msg = "kojoney_hiddenip.py : hiddenIP() : exception " + ` e ` + " ip=" + ipAddress.__str__(
        print msg
        return None
コード例 #13
def setIDMEFcommon(idmef, analyserClass, sensorId, srcIP, dstIP, dstPort,
                   attackerIP, logEntry):
        print "kojoney_idmef_common.py : setIDMEFcommon() : srcIP      = " + srcIP.__str__(
        print "kojoney_idmef_common.py : setIDMEFcommon() : dstIP      = " + dstIP.__str__(
        #print "kojoney_idmef_common.py : setIDMEFcommon() : attackerIP = " + attackerIP.__str__()

        idmef.Set("alert.analyzer(0).model", "Blackrain")
        idmef.Set("alert.analyzer(0).name", "blackrain-" + sensorId.upper())
        idmef.Set("alert.analyzer(0).manufacturer", "Blackrain Technologies")
        idmef.Set("alert.analyzer(0).class", analyserClass)
        idmef.Set("alert.analyzer(0).version", "1.0rc1")
        idmef.Set("alert.analyzer(0).ostype", "Linux")
        idmef.Set("alert.analyzer(0).osversion", "")

        if logEntry != None:
            logEntry = logEntry.rstrip()
            logEntry = "None"
        idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(0).type", "string")
        idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(0).meaning", "Original log entry")
        idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(0).data", logEntry)
        print "kojoney_idmef_common.py : setIDMEFcommon() : logEntry   = " + logEntry.__str__(

        fieldsSet = 1

        if attackerIP != None:
            # GeoIP enhancement
            geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(attackerIP)
            #print geoIP.__str__()
            countryCode = geoIP['countryCode'].__str__()
            city = geoIP['city'].__str__()

            # Prewikka has a "spare" pie-chart used for source users - so abuse it for Country Code pie-chart
                      "haxx0r-" + countryCode)
                      "UserId Name is faked")

            if attackerIP == srcIP:
                idmef.Set("alert.source(0).node.location", countryCode)
                addInfoLabel = "Source(0) "
            elif attackerIP == dstIP:
                idmef.Set("alert.target(0).node.location", countryCode)
                addInfoLabel = "Target(0) "

            latitude = "%.2f" % geoIP['latitude'] + " N"
            longitude = "%.2f" % geoIP['longitude'] + " E"

            # AS enhancement
            asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(attackerIP)
            #print asInfo.__str__()
            asNum = asInfo['as'].__str__()
            asRegisteredCode = asInfo['registeredCode'].__str__()
            asRegisteredName = asInfo['registeredName'].__str__()
            asNetblock = asInfo['netblock'].__str__()
            asRegistry = asInfo['registry'].__str__()

            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(1).type", "string")
                      addInfoLabel + "MaxMind GeoIP City")
            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(1).data", city)

            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(2).type", "string")
                      addInfoLabel + "MaxMind GeoIP Latitude")
            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(2).data", latitude)

            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(3).type", "string")
                      addInfoLabel + "MaxMind GeoIP Longitude")
            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(3).data", longitude)

            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(4).type", "string")
                      addInfoLabel + "BGP ASN")
            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(4).data", "AS" + asNum)

            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(5).type", "string")
                      addInfoLabel + "ISP Code")
            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(5).data", asRegisteredCode)

            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(6).type", "string")
                      addInfoLabel + "ISP Name")
            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(6).data", asRegisteredName)

            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(7).type", "string")
                      addInfoLabel + "Internet prefix/route")
            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(7).data", asNetblock)

            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(8).type", "string")
                      addInfoLabel + "Internet Registry")
            idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(8).data", asRegistry)

            fieldsSet = fieldsSet + 8

        # p0f enhancement - optional
        if srcIP != None and dstIP != None and dstPort != None:
            p0fInfo = p0fcmd.getP0fInfo(srcIP, "0", dstIP, dstPort)
            # 0 = wildcard the srcPort
            if p0fInfo['result'] == True:  # p0f data is available
                os = p0fInfo['genre']
                nat = p0fInfo['nat'][0]
                hops = p0fInfo['hops']
                idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(9).type", "string")
                idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(9).meaning", "p0f : OS")
                idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(9).data", os.__str__())

                idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(10).type", "string")
                          "p0f : NAT detected")
                idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(10).data", nat.__str__())

                idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(11).type", "string")
                idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(11).meaning", "p0f : IP hops")
                idmef.Set("alert.additional_data(11).data", hops.__str__())
                fieldsSet = fieldsSet + 3

        #print "fieldsSet = " + fieldsSet.__str__()
        return fieldsSet

    except Exception, e:
        msg = "kojoney_idmef_common.py : setIDMEFcommon() : exception : " + e.__str__(
        print msg
        return None
コード例 #14
ファイル: kojoney_tail_1.0.py プロジェクト: crouchr/br-app
def sendTweetCLI(sessionid, username, ip, cli):
    global TweetClient
    global TweetVersion  # bump version of format of Tweet changes

    print "Entered sendTweetCLI()"

    now = time.time()

        # sessionid of -1 indicates that we have no AUTH_OK event and so no username - so don't tweet it
        if (int(sessionid) < 0):
            print "sessionId < 0 -> no previous AUTH_OK event to get username"

        p0fInfo = p0fcmd.getP0fInfo(ip, "0", "", "22")
        if p0fInfo['result'] == True:  # p0f data is available
            hops = p0fInfo['hops']
            os = p0fInfo['genre']
            fw = p0fInfo['firewall']
            nat = p0fInfo['nat']
            if p0fInfo['genre'] == "Linux":
                uptime = p0fInfo['uptime']
                bte = now - int(uptime)  # boot time (epoch secs)
                hops = p0fInfo['hops']
                uptimeHours = 0
                bte = 0
        else:  # p0f data not read OK
            hops = 0
            os = "?"
            fw = "?"
            nat = "?"
            bte = 0

        # get current time
        timeTuple = time.localtime(now)
        nowStr = time.asctime(timeTuple)

        # calc haxx0r bootTime
        #timeTuple   = time.localtime(bte)
        #bootTimeStr = time.asctime(timeTuple)
        bteh = int(bte / 3600)  # bteh = boot time epoch (hours)

        # Get DNS info
        dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(ip)
        dnsName = dnsInfo['name']

        # WHOIS information
        asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(ip)
        asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
        asRegisteredCode = asInfo['registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g.ARCOR

        # GeoIP information
        geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(ip)
        countryCode = geoIP['countryCode']
        city = geoIP['city']
        longitude = geoIP['longitude']  # Used to calc approx. localtime

        # Compact usual returns
        if asNum.find("AS-none") != -1:
            asNum = "?"
        if asRegisteredCode.find("failed") != -1:
            asRegisteredCode = "?"
        if countryCode.find("None") != -1:
            countryCode = "?"
        if city.find("None") != -1:
            city = "?"

        # Construct Tweet
        # todo - if os = windoes, do not add bteh
        msg = "sid=" + `sessionid` + ":IP=" + ip + ":" + asNum + "(" + asRegisteredCode + ")" + ":"\
        + countryCode + ":" + city + ":" + "%.2f" % longitude + ":" + os + ":" + hops\
        + ":fw=" + fw + ":nat=" + nat + ":bteh=" + `bteh`\
        + ":" + username + "@hpot $ " + cli

        # Send the Tweet - max = 147 ?
        syslog.syslog("sendTweetCLI(): msg length=" + ` len(msg) ` + " chars")
        print "Tweet=" + msg

        # syslog every Tweet attempted to be sent
        syslog.syslog("sendTweetCLI(): " + msg)

        # *** Disable during testing ***
        status = TweetClient.PostUpdate(msg)
        time.sleep(5)  # crude rate-limit ?

    except Exception, e:
        syslog.syslog("kojoney_tail.py : sendTweetCLI() exception caught = " +
                      ` e ` + " ip=" + ip)
コード例 #15
def processHoneyd(line):
    flowEvent = {}

        #print "\nEntered blackrain_honeyd.processHoneyd()"
        #print line

        flowEvent['flowType'] = "FLOW_HONEYD_FLOW"

        ip = re.findall("\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+", line)
        if len(ip) == 0:
            #print "No IP addresses found"
            return None
        #else :
        #    print "Found IP addresses..."

        if not "END" in line:
            #print "No END honeyd flow found, so return None"
            return None

        sIP = re.findall("(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", line)[0]
        #print sIP

        sP = re.findall("\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ (\d+) \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \d+",
        #print sP

        dP = re.findall("\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \d+ \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ (\d+)",
        #print dP

        flowEvent['flowDirection'] = "in"
        flowEvent['flowRemoteIP'] = sIP
        flowEvent['flowRemotePort'] = sP
        flowEvent['flowHpotPort'] = dP

        if "icmp" in line:
            flowEvent['flowProto'] = "I"
        elif "tcp" in line:
            flowEvent['flowProto'] = "T"
        elif "udp" in line:
            flowEvent['flowProto'] = "UDP"
                'flowProto'] = "unknown"  # attention : need to test other protocols

        #flowEvent['flowOS']    = "none"

        # Optional parameters
        # ===================
        #flowEvent['flowTflags']   = re.findall("fl=(\d+)",line)[0]

        # Number of bytes received by the honeypot
        # This does not include the data part of the TCP handshake
        flowEvent['flowBytes'] = re.findall("rx=(\d+)", line)[0]

        #print flowEvent

        # Data enrichment
        # ===============
        # DNS info
        dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(flowEvent['flowRemoteIP'])
        flowEvent['flowDNS'] = dnsInfo['name'].rstrip('.')
        #print flowEvent['flowDNS']

        # GeoIP info
        geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(flowEvent['flowRemoteIP'])
        flowEvent['flowCC'] = geoIP['countryCode']
        flowEvent['flowCountry'] = geoIP['countryName']
        flowEvent['flowCity'] = geoIP['city']
        flowEvent['flowLat'] = "%.3f" % float(geoIP['latitude'])
        flowEvent['flowLong'] = "%.3f" % float(geoIP['longitude'])
        #print flowEvent['flowCC']

        # WHOIS info
        asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(flowEvent['flowRemoteIP'])
        flowEvent['flowASN'] = asInfo['as']  # AS123
        flowEvent['flowISP'] = asInfo[
            'registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g. LEVEL3
        flowEvent['flowRoute'] = asInfo['netblock']
        flowEvent['flowRIR'] = asInfo['registry']
        #print flowEvent['flowASN']

        #print flowEvent
        return flowEvent

    except Exception, e:
        msg = "Exception : " + e.__str__() + " in line=" + line
        print msg
        return None
コード例 #16
ファイル: kojoney_loggly_old.py プロジェクト: crouchr/br-app
def sendToLoggly(sensorId,line):
    try :
        global txnId                    
        print "sendToLoggly() : line=" + line
        # honeytweeter
        #shakey = "e25e6042-e490-4910-a246-94cefbdd11b9"               
        # honeytweeter-json
        shakey = "fe39eb54-7c8f-417c-afc8-5b8db98961d3"               

        sdata = {}

        # Event Type
        fields = line.split(",")
        eventType = fields[0]
        sdata['eventType'] = fields[0]
        #print sdata['eventType']
        # Sensor Name
        sdata['sensorId'] = sensorId
        # IP address
        ips = re.findall("\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+",line)
        if len(ips) > 0 :
            sdata['ip'] = ips[0]
            # GeoIP
            geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(sdata['ip'])   
            cc = geoIP['countryCode']
            if cc != "?" :
                sdata['cc'] = cc.__str__()         
            # Reverse DNS
            dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(sdata['ip'])
            dnsName = dnsInfo['name']
            if dnsName != "NoDNS":
                sdata['rdns'] = dnsName.rstrip('.')            
            # ASN info
            asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(sdata['ip']) 
            asNum = asInfo['as']                                                # AS123   
            asRegisteredCode = asInfo['registeredCode'].upper()                 # e.g. GOOGLE
            sdata['asn'] = "AS" + asNum
            sdata['isp'] = asRegisteredCode                           

        # Snort SID
        if sdata['eventType'] == "SNORT_NIDS" :
            sids = re.findall("SID=(\d+)",line)
            if len(sids) > 0:
                sdata['sid'] = sids[0]
            a = re.findall("P(\d+) SID",line)
            if len(a) > 0 :
                sdata['priority'] = "P" + a[0]
        # Clamd malware name - e.g. Exploit.Shellcode.X86-Gen-1
        # Jun 27 04:47:39 mars kojoney_tweet_engine[3173]: SENDTWEET = <0>CLAMD,Malware Exploit.Shellcode.X86-Gen-1 in flow from ports={s=4592 d=135}
        if sdata['eventType'] == "CLAMD" :
            a = line.split(",Malware ")[1]
            a = a.split(" ")[0]
            sdata['malware'] = a
            sdata['avendor'] = "ClamAV"
        # Threat Report
        # submitted=Wed Jun 26 02:54:18 2013 cmd=GEO_IP tweet=REPORT,Threat Level for is 41.1, flags={PR SC PS BH AT GA}
        if "flags={" in line and sdata['eventType'] == "REPORT" :
            a = line.split("flags=")[1]
            #a = a.rstrip("}")
            sdata['flags'] = a
        # VirusTotal    
        # submitted=Fri May 17 07:48:03 2013 cmd=BASIC tweet=ANALYST,AV eb7656dd256eb414abe092eb0f41ea1f.php => Norman=PhpShell.BL 17/46 VT=http://bit.ly/14vyont
        # line=ANALYST,AV 06a940dd7824d6a3a6d5b484bb7ef9d5.php => Unseen by VirusTotal
        if sdata['eventType'] == "ANALYST" and "AV" in line and "Unseen by" not in line :
            a = line.split(" => ")[1]
            b = a.split(" ")[0]		# Symantec=Trojan.Usuge!gen3
            sdata['avendor'] = b.split("=")[0]    
            sdata['malware'] = b.split("=")[1]             
            b = a.split("VT=")[1]
            sdata['virustotal'] = b
            # filename = MD5 name + extension (optional)
            c = line.split("AV ")[1]
            c = c.split(" ")[0]
            #print c
            if "." in c:
                c = c.split(".")[0]	# lose filename extension 
            sdata['md5'] = c.lower()
        # Destination port    
        # ----------------
        # Snort messages
        flow = re.findall("\w+\:(\d+) ",line)    
        if len(flow) > 0 :
            sdata['port'] = int(flow[0])    
        # IPLOG    
        if sdata['eventType'] == "IPLOG" :
           ports = re.findall("port (\d+)",line)    
           if len(ports) > 0 :
               sdata['port'] = int(ports[0])

        # CLAMD - clsniffer    
        if sdata['eventType'] == "CLAMD" :
           ports = re.findall("d=(\d+)",line)    
           if len(ports) > 0 :
               sdata['port'] = int(ports[0])
        # KIPPO
        if sdata['eventType'] == "KIPPO" :
            sdata['port'] = 2222
            sdata['protocol'] = "tcp"
        # Glastopf       
        if "WEB" in sdata['eventType'] :
            sdata['port'] = 18080    
            sdata['protocol'] = "tcp"       
        # Botjuicer cracked scripts
        if sdata['eventType'] == "ANALYST" and "BOTJUICER" in line :
            #if "UNDETERMINED" in line.upper():
            #    return None
            #print "BOTJUICER log found : " + line
            a = re.findall("p=(\d+)",line)
            if len(a) > 0 : 
                sdata['port'] = int(a[0])
            a = re.findall("ch=(#\w+)",line)
            if len(a) > 0 : 
                sdata['irc'] = a[0]
        # Protocol - generic    
        if "TCP" in line.upper():
            sdata['protocol'] = "tcp"
        if "UDP" in line.upper():
            sdata['protocol'] = "udp"
        if "ICMP" in line.upper():
            sdata['protocol'] = "icmp"
        # Timestamp
        sdata['datetime'] = time.ctime()
        # Message
        sdata['msg'] = line
        # Txnid - increment this last, just before submission to Loggly
        txnId = txnId + 1
        sdata['txnId'] = txnId
        body = json.dumps(sdata)        
        print "sendToLoggly() : JSON body = " + body
        # Send to Loggly
        insert_url = "http://logs.loggly.com/inputs/" + shakey
        insert_http = httplib2.Http(timeout=10)
        #body = line
        resp, content = insert_http.request(insert_url, "POST", body=body, headers={'content-type':'text/plain'})
        #print "Loggly : resp : " + resp.__str__()
        #print "Loggly : content : " + content.__str__()             
        #{'status': '200', 'content-length': '18', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'server': 'TwistedWeb/12.0.0', 'date': 'Tue, 25 Jun 2013 05:55:58 GMT', 'content-type': 'text/html'}
        #{"response": "ok"}
        if "ok" in content.__str__() :		# bug -> why can't I look at the "response" field in a structured way
            msg = "Sent to Loggly OK : " + body.__str__()
            print msg
            msg = "Sent to Loggly FAIL : " + body.__str__() + " error = " + content.__str__()
            print msg
        # crude form of rate-limiter
    except Exception,e:
        msg = "kojoney_loggly.py : sendToLoggly() : exception : " + e.__str__() + " line=" + line
        print msg
コード例 #17
ファイル: p0f2reputation.py プロジェクト: crouchr/br-app
def test():
    print "\n\n\n\n"
    print "=========================="
    print "p0f logfile to Reputation "
    print "=========================="
    print "Library version : " + ipintellib.getVersion()

    print "Hard-coded tests"
    print "----------------"
    # IP to DNS name
    ipStr = ""  # My IP
    dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(ipStr)  # resolve get DNS name
    print ipStr + " resolves to " + dnsInfo['name']

    # DNS name to IP
    ipStr = "www.openbsd.org"
    dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(ipStr)  # resolve get DNS name
    print ipStr + " resolves to " + dnsInfo['name']

    # input file : file of IPs (hand-crafted)
    fpIn = open(r'/home/var/log/p0f.log', 'r')

    # output file
    fpOut0 = open(r'/home/var/log/p0f2reputation.out.csv', 'w')

    # Main loop
    #logs = {}
    asInfo = {}
    dnsInfo = {}
    # Logging file
    #logging.info('SYSLOG log file analysis started')

    lineCounter = -1

    while True:
        lineCounter = lineCounter + 1
        #    if lineCounter >= 3000:
        #        sys.exit(0)
        line1 = fpIn.readline()
        if not line1: break
        if line1[0] == '#':  # ignore leading # comment
            #print "Ignore # comment"
        if line1.find(
                "distance") == -1:  # all valid lines have 'distance' in them"
        print "----------------------------------------------"

        fields = line1.split(' ')
        print fields
        numb = len(fields)
        print "numb fields is " + ` numb `

        os = fields[8]
        # re-write this using regular expressions and make a function so that it can be reused
        # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        if line1.find("Linux") != -1:
            if numb == 17:
                ipStr, port = fields[12].split(
                    ':')  # dest IP and dest TCP port number
            elif numb == 24:
                ipStr, port = fields[17].split(
                    ':')  # dest IP and dest TCP port number
        elif line1.find("Windows") != -1:
            if numb == 19:
                ipStr, port = fields[14].split(
                    ':')  # dest IP and dest TCP port number
        elif line1.find("Novell") != -1:
            continue  # ignore Novell for moment
            #if numb == 19:
            #    ipStr,port = fields[13].split(':')		# dest IP and dest TCP port number
            sys.exit("Failed to parse")

        print "line=" + ` lineCounter ` + ": *** haxx0r : ip=" + ipStr + " port=" + port + " os=" + os

        dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(ipStr)  # resolve get DNS name
        asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(ipStr)  # get AS information from WHOIS whob
        reputation = ipintellib.ip2reputation(
            ipStr)  # does slow things down...
        geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(ipStr)

        result = ipStr + "," + dnsInfo['name'].strip('.') + \
                         "," + asInfo['as'] + ",ASowner=" + asInfo['registeredCode'] + ",ASnetblock=" + asInfo['netblock'] + ",ASregistry=" + asInfo['registry'] + \
                         ",geoIPcountry=" + geoIP['countryCode'] + ",geoIPcity=" + geoIP['city'] + ",geoIPlat=" + "%.2f" % geoIP['latitude'] + ",geoIPlong=" + "%.2f" % geoIP['longitude'] + \
                         ",zen.spamhaus="           + reputation['zen.spamhaus.org'] + \
                         ",dnsbl.ahbl.org="         + reputation['dnsbl.ahbl.org'] + \
                         ",bl.deadbeef.com="        + reputation['bl.deadbeef.com'] + \
                         ",bogons.cymru.com="       + reputation['bogons.cymru.com'] + \
                         ",zombie.dnsbl.sorbs.net=" + reputation['zombie.dnsbl.sorbs.net'] + \
                         ",bl.spamcop.net="         + reputation['bl.spamcop.net'] + \
                         ",dul.dnsbl.sorbs.net="    + reputation['dul.dnsbl.sorbs.net'] + \
                         ",l2.apews.org="           + reputation['l2.apews.org'] + \
                         ",virus.rbl.msrbl.net="    + reputation['virus.rbl.msrbl.net'] + \
                         ",phishing.rbl.msrbl.net=" + reputation['phishing.rbl.msrbl.net'] + \
                         ",images.rbl.msrbl.net="   + reputation['images.rbl.msrbl.net'] + \
                         ",spam.rbl.msrbl.net="     + reputation['spam.rbl.msrbl.net']

        print result
        print >> fpOut0, ipStr + "," + "os" + reputation['zen.spamhaus.org']
コード例 #18
def updateAttackerOIDsNetflow(attacker,line) :
    try :      
        #print "attacker['IP'] is " + attacker['IP'].__str__()
        if line.find("dir=in") == -1 :
        print "----"
        #print "attacker_statd.py : updateAttackerOIDsNetflow() : INCOMING : line=" + line[0:120] + "..."
        pat1 = 'dIP=(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)'
        pat2 = 'sIP=(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)'

        dip = re.findall(pat1,line)
        sip = re.findall(pat2,line)
        if len(dip) < 1 or len(sip) < 1 :	# could not find both a source IP and a dest IP
        #print "attacker_statd.py : sip = " + sip.__str__()
        #print "attacker_statd.py : dip = " + dip.__str__()
        if dip[0] in honeypotIPs :
            #print "destination IP : " + dip[0] + " is a honeynet IP"
            #print "source IP : found attacker sIP : " + sip[0]
            # case 1 : update list of unique source IPs
            srcIP = sip[0]      
            #print srcIP
            # Weed out comms with Twitter, Google etc.
            print "attacker_statd.py : called hiddenIP() with IP = " + srcIP
            if kojoney_hiddenip.hiddenIP(srcIP) == True :
                print "attacker_statd.py : srcIP " + srcIP + " is not a real attacker since hiddenIP()=True, so ignore"
                print "attacker_statd.py : srcIP " + srcIP + " is an attacker since hiddenIP()=False, so update SNMP stats"
            if srcIP not in attacker['IP'] :
                #print srcIP + " not seen before"
                temp = attacker['IP']
                attacker['IP'] = temp
                #print "attacker['IP'] updated to : " + attacker['IP'].__str__()
                # increment number of unique IPs found 
                num = len(attacker['IP'])
                attacker['NUM_IP'] = num
                msg = "attacker['NUM_IP'] updated to " + attacker['NUM_IP'].__str__() + " by adding " + srcIP
                #print msg
                # case 2 : update list of unique country codes and cities
                geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(srcIP)
                countryCode = geoIP['countryCode']
                city = geoIP['city']
                if countryCode not in attacker['CC'] :
                    #print "attacker countryCode " + countryCode + " not seen before" 
                    temp = attacker['CC']
                    attacker['CC'] = temp
                    msg = "attacker['CC'] updated to : " + attacker['CC'].__str__()
                    #print msg
                    # increment number of unique CCs found 
                    num = len(attacker['CC'])
                    attacker['NUM_CC'] = num
                    msg = "attacker['NUM_CC'] updated to " + attacker['NUM_CC'].__str__() + " by adding " + countryCode
                    #print msg
                if city not in attacker['CITY'] :
                    #print "attacker city " + city + " not seen before" 
                    temp = attacker['CITY']
                    attacker['CITY'] = temp
                    msg = "attacker['CITY'] updated to : " + attacker['CITY'].__str__()
                    #print msg
                    # increment number of unique cities found 
                    num = len(attacker['CITY'])
                    attacker['NUM_CITY'] = num
                    msg = "attacker['NUM_CITY'] updated to " + attacker['NUM_CITY'].__str__() + " by adding " + city
                    #print msg
                # case 3 : update list of unique AS numbers
                asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(srcIP)
                asn = asInfo['as']
                if asn not in attacker['ASN'] :
                    #print "attacker ASN " + asn + " not seen before" 
                    temp = attacker['ASN']
                    attacker['ASN'] = temp
                    msg = "attacker['ASN'] updated to : " + attacker['ASN'].__str__()
                    #print msg
                    # increment number of unique AS numbers 
                    num = len(attacker['ASN'])
                    attacker['NUM_ASN'] = num
                    msg = "attacker['NUM_ASN'] updated to " + attacker['NUM_ASN'].__str__()
                    #print msg
                # case 4 : update list of unique /24
                slash24 = ipintellib.getSlash24(srcIP)
                if slash24 not in attacker['SLASH_24'] :
                    #print "attacker /24 " + slash24 + " not seen before" 
                    temp = attacker['SLASH_24']
                    attacker['SLASH_24'] = temp
                    msg = "attacker['SLASH_24'] updated to : " + attacker['SLASH_24'].__str__()
                    #print msg
                    # increment number of unique AS numbers 
                    num = len(attacker['SLASH_24'])
                    attacker['NUM_SLASH_24'] = num
                    msg = "attacker['NUM_SLASH_24'] updated to " + attacker['NUM_SLASH_24'].__str__() + " by adding " + slash24
                    #print msg
            print "attacker_statd.py : dstIP " + dip[0] + " not found in honeypotList=" + honeypotIPs.__str__() + ", so no need to update attacker SNMP stats"             
        # All done so return
    except Exception,e:    
        msg = "attacker_statd.py : updateAttackerOIDsNetflow() : exception caught = " + `e` + " line=" + line
        print msg
コード例 #19
def processGlastopf(line):

    asMsg = ""

        #print "processGlastopf() : line read is " + line

        # Successful attack
        if line.find("attack from") != -1 or line.find(
                "Mail attack found from") != -1:
            fields = line.split(" - ")
            #print fields
            msg = ' '.join(fields[3:])
            #msg = ' '.join(fields[3:]).rstrip("?")		# does glastopf add trailing ? / ??
            msg = "WEB_X," + msg
            msg = msg.replace(" with request: ", " req=")
            msg = msg.replace("found from",
                              "from")  # normalise MAIL versus "other" attacks
            msg = msg.replace(
                "Mail", "Webmail")  # normalise MAIL versus "other" attacks
            return msg

        # File retrieved
        if line.find("successfully opened") != -1:
            fields = line.split(" - ")
            #print fields
            msg = ' '.join(fields[3:])
            msg = "WEB_OPEN," + msg
            return msg

        # Googledorks data written to mySQL database - not interesting enough to Tweet
        #if line.find("written into local database") != -1 :
        #    fields = line.split(" - ")
        #    #print fields
        #    msg = ' '.join(fields[3:])
        #    msg = "WEB_GOOGLEDORK," + msg
        #    return msg

        # File saved to disk
        if line.find("written to disk") != -1 and line.find("File ") != -1:
            fields = line.split(" - ")
            #print fields
            msg = ' '.join(fields[3:])
            msg = msg.replace("File", "Previously unseen PHP malware file")
            msg = "WEB_WRITE," + msg
            return msg

        # Scan - i.e. unsuccessful attack
        if line.find("No attack found") != -1:
            #print "scan"
            ip = kojoney_funcs.findFirstIP(line)
            if ip != None:
                #print "IP found = " + ip
                # WHOIS information
                #asInfo = rch_asn_funcs.ip2asn(ip)
                asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(ip)
                asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
                asRegisteredCode = asInfo[
                    'registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g.ARCOR
                asMsg = asRegisteredCode + " (" + asNum + ")"
                #print asMsg

            fields = line.split(" - ")
            #print fields
            msg = ' '.join(fields[3:])
            if line.find("http"
                         ) != -1:  # attacker is trying to test if I am a proxy
                msg = msg.replace("No attack found from",
                                  "WEB_PRX,Request from")
            else:  # LOC = local
                msg = msg.replace("No attack found from", "WEB_SCN,Scan from")
            msg = msg.replace(" with request: ", " req=")
            msg = msg.rstrip()
            # remove any trailing characters
            #msg = msg + " ISP=" + asMsg
            return msg

        return None

    except Exception, e:
        syslog.syslog("kojoney_glastopf_parse.py : processGlastopf() : " +
                      ` e ` + " line=" + line)
コード例 #20
def printAttackerOIDs():
    # need to add logic to fail if the shelf file does not exist
    database = shelve.open('/home/var/log/attacker_shelf.dat')
    if len(database) == 0:  # contains no entries
        sys.exit("Failed to locate shelf file")

    print " "

    print "Attackers"
    print "---------"
    print "NUM_IP              : " + database['NUM_IP'].__str__()
    print "NUM_SLASH_24        : " + database['NUM_SLASH_24'].__str__()
    print "NUM_CC              : " + database['NUM_CC'].__str__()
    print "NUM_CITY            : " + database['NUM_CITY'].__str__()
    print "NUM_ASN             : " + database['NUM_ASN'].__str__()
    print " "
    print "Malware Captured"
    print "----------------"
    print "AMUN_FILES_BIN      : " + database['AMUN_FILES_BIN'].__str__()
    print "AMUN_FILES_HEX      : " + database['AMUN_FILES_HEX'].__str__()
    print "NEPENTHES_FILES     : " + database['NEPENTHES_FILES'].__str__()
    print "KIPPO_FILES         : " + database['KIPPO_FILES'].__str__()
    print "GLASTOPF_FILES_GET  : " + database['GLASTOPF_FILES_GET'].__str__()
    print "GLASTOPF_FILES_POST : " + database['GLASTOPF_FILES_POST'].__str__()
    print "ANALYST_FILES_ALL   : " + database['ANALYST_FILES_ALL'].__str__()
    print "ANALYST_FILES_EXE   : " + database['ANALYST_FILES_EXE'].__str__()
    print "ANALYST_FILES_PHP   : " + database['ANALYST_FILES_PHP'].__str__()
    print "ANALYST_FILES_TXT   : " + database['ANALYST_FILES_TXT'].__str__()
    print "ANALYST_FILES_GIF   : " + database['ANALYST_FILES_GIF'].__str__()
    print "ANALYST_FILES_JPG   : " + database['ANALYST_FILES_JPG'].__str__()
    print "ANALYST_FILES_PNG   : " + database['ANALYST_FILES_PNG'].__str__()
    print "ANALYST_FILES_TGZ   : " + database['ANALYST_FILES_TGZ'].__str__()

    print " "
    print "Attackers"

    outfile = "blackrain_attackers-report.csv"
    fp = open(outfile, 'w')

    for ip in database['IP']:
        asInfo = ipintellib.ip2asn(ip)  #
        asNum = asInfo['as']  # AS123
        asRegisteredCode = asInfo['registeredCode']  # Short-form e.g.ARCOR

        geoIP = ipintellib.geo_ip(ip)
        countryCode = geoIP['countryCode']
        city = geoIP['city']
        longitude = geoIP['longitude']  # Used to calc approx. localtime
        latitude = geoIP['latitude']

        dnsInfo = ipintellib.ip2name(ip)
        dnsName = dnsInfo['name'].rstrip('.')

        msg = ip + "," + "AS" + asNum.__str__(
        ) + "," + countryCode + "," + dnsName.__str__(
        ) + "," + asRegisteredCode.__str__() + "," + countryCode.__str__(
        ) + "," + city.__str__()

        print msg
        print >> fp, msg
