def add_points_from_csv(self, in_csv, x, y, header): """[summary] Args: in_csv (str): File path to csv file. x (str): Field name for X in csv. y (str): Field name for Y in csv. header (bool, optional): Whether csv file contains a header. Defaults to True. """ with open(in_csv, encoding='utf8') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') i = 0 markers = [] for row in reader: if i == 0: if header == True: fields = row x_index = fields.index(x) y_index = fields.index(y) i += 1 else: markers.append( ipyleaflet.Marker(location=(row[y_index], row[x_index]))) marker_cluster = ipyleaflet.MarkerCluster(markers=markers) self.add_layer(marker_cluster)
def get_marker_cluster(data, geom_column, info_box: widgets.HTML, timestamp_column, title_columns=()): def get_title(d): return '<br>'.join([ _to_html(d[c]) for c in title_columns if d[c] not in (np.nan, None) ]) def get_hover_event_handler(info): def hover_event_handler(**kwargs): info_box.value = info return hover_event_handler locs = data[geom_column].apply(_wkb_hex_to_point) dicts = data.to_dict(orient='rows') markers = [ ipyleaflet.Marker(location=loc, title=str(loc), draggable=False) for loc in locs ] clusters = ipyleaflet.MarkerCluster(markers=markers, name='Marker Cluster') for marker, d in zip(clusters.markers, dicts): marker.on_mouseover(get_hover_event_handler(get_title(d))) marker.timestamp = pd.to_datetime(d[timestamp_column]) return clusters
def layer(self): self.heatmap_all = ipyleaflet.Heatmap(locations=[ tuple(r) for r in self.df[['Latitude', 'Longitude']].to_numpy() ], radius=30, name='All point Heatmap') self.m01.add_layer(self.heatmap_all) self.heatmap_byLast = ipyleaflet.Heatmap(locations=[ tuple(r) for r in self.df[['Latitude', 'Longitude']].to_numpy() ], radius=30, name='By Date') self.m01.add_layer(self.heatmap_byLast) # try: # # path_shapefile = r'G:\Meu Drive\USP-SHS\Outros\Shapefile\Jaguaribe\Jaguaribe.shp' # self.shape = gpd.read_file(self.control_shapefileText.value) # geo_data = ipyleaflet.GeoData(geo_dataframe=self.shape, name='Bacias',style={'color': 'black', 'fillColor': '#3366cc', 'opacity':0.05, 'weight':1.9, 'dashArray':'2', 'fillOpacity':0.6}, # hover_style={'fillColor': 'red' , 'fillOpacity': 0.2}) # self.m01.add_layer(geo_data) # except: # pass # Layer too slow to used marks = tuple([ ipyleaflet.Marker(location=(lat, lon)) for lat, lon in self.df[['Latitude', 'Longitude']].to_numpy() ]) marker_cluster = ipyleaflet.MarkerCluster(markers=marks) self.m01.add_layer(marker_cluster)
def mk_station_selector(on_select, stations=None, dst_map=None, **kw): """ Add stations to the map and register on_click event. :param on_select: Will be called when user selects station on the map `on_select(station)` :param stations: List of stations as returned from get_stations :param dst_map: Map to add stations markers to Any other arguments are passed on to Map(..) constructor. Returns ======= (map, marker_cluster) Passes through map=dst_map if not None, or returns newly constructed Map object. """ import ipyleaflet as L if stations is None: stations = get_stations() stations = [st for st in stations if st.pos is not None] pos2st = {st.pos: st for st in stations} def on_click(event='', type='', coordinates=None): pos = tuple(coordinates) st = pos2st.get(pos) if st is None: # should probably log warning here print("Can't map click to station") return on_select(st) markers = [L.Marker(location=st.pos, draggable=False, for st in stations] cluster = L.MarkerCluster(markers=markers) if dst_map is None: dst_map = L.Map(**kw) dst_map.add_layer(cluster) cluster.on_click(on_click) return dst_map, cluster
def display(self, basemap=False, mapLayout=False, style=False, groupBy=False, colorDict=False, pageTitle='GeoJSON map', outputPath='html/static'): """ Display the dataframe on a map. Markers can be plotted at once, grouped (style='grouped'), or as pie charts (style='pie') grouped by a chosen category (groupBy='COLUMN'). """ if basemap: self.basemap = basemap else: self.basemap = { 'url': 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 'max_zoom': 16, 'attribution': '<a href="">Carto Light NoLabels</a>', 'name': 'Carto Light' } latList = [ x for x in self.df[].values if type(x) not in [str, list, dict] ] latMean = sum(latList) / len(latList) lonList = [ x for x in self.df[self.lon].values if type(x) not in [str, list, dict] ] lonMean = sum(lonList) / len(lonList) = [latMean, lonMean] self.zoom = 5 self.displayMap = ipyleaflet.Map(, zoom=self.zoom, layers=(ipyleaflet.basemap_to_tiles( self.basemap), )) if mapLayout: self.displayMap.layout = mapLayout if not style: markers = self._generateMarkers() for marker in markers: self.displayMap.add_layer(marker) return self.displayMap elif style == 'grouped': markers = self._generateMarkers() self.markerCluster = ipyleaflet.MarkerCluster(markers=markers) self.displayMap.add_control(ipyleaflet.LayersControl()) self.displayMap.add_layer(self.markerCluster) return self.displayMap elif style == 'pie': if not groupBy: raise KeyError( 'Please add groupBy=COLNAME. You need to specify the column containing the categories for the pie chart.' ) html = self._writeHTML(groupCategory=groupBy, pageTitle=pageTitle, outputPath=outputPath) css = self._writeCSS(groupCategory=groupBy, colorDict=colorDict, outputPath=outputPath) print( 'Your map has been generated at\n\t"/html/static/index.html".\nDue to CORS issues, most browsers will not load the GeoJSON in an Iframe correctly.\nPlease open the map in a seperate browser window.' ) return displayHTML( "<iframe allowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” webkitallowfullscreen=”true” height=550px; width=100% src='./html/static/index.html'> <iframe>" )