def simulate_R0_unmitigated_plot(simulate_R0_unmitigated): w = interactive(simulate_R0_unmitigated, R_0=widgets.FloatSlider(min=1, max=7, step=0.1, value=2, description='R0:', continuous_update=False), column=widgets.Dropdown(options=[ 'Infected (symptomatic)', 'Hospitalised', 'Critical', 'Deaths' ], value='Infected (symptomatic)', description='Category:')) words = widgets.Label( 'Impact of R0 value on the do nothing scenario outcomes') container = widgets.VBox([words, w]) container.layout.width = '100%' container.layout.border = '2px solid grey' container.layout.justify_content = 'space-around' container.layout.align_items = 'center' return container
def rebinnable_interactive_histogram(series, initial_bin_width=10): figure_widget = go.FigureWidget( data=[go.Histogram(x=series, xbins={"size": initial_bin_width})]) bin_slider = widgets.FloatSlider( value=initial_bin_width, min=1, max=30, step=1, description="Bin width:", readout_format=".0f", # display as integer ) histogram_object =[0] def set_bin_size(change): histogram_object.xbins = {"size": change["new"]} bin_slider.observe(set_bin_size, names="value") output_widget = widgets.VBox([figure_widget, bin_slider]) return output_widget
def snapshot_slider(self, var: str = 'index') -> widgets.interactive: """Returns a slider that updates all Snapshot objects. Returns a slider from the ipywidgets library. Args: var: What variable the slider uses, either 'index' or 'time'. """ if var.lower() == 'index': return widgets.interactive(self.set_snapshot_index, index=widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=len(self.times) - 1, layout=widgets.Layout(width='100%'), step=1)) elif var.lower() == 'time': return widgets.interactive(self.set_snapshot_time, time=widgets.FloatSlider(min=self.times[0], max=self.times[-1], layout=widgets.Layout(width='100%'), step=0.01)) else: raise ValueError("var must be either 'index' or 'time'.")
def __init__(self, format=None, *args, **kwargs): description = kwargs.pop('description', 'FloatSlider') min = kwargs.setdefault('min', 0.0) max = kwargs.setdefault('max', 10.0) self.formatstring = format self.header = ipy.HTML() self.readout = ipy.Text(width=100) self.readout.on_submit(self.parse_value) kwargs.setdefault('readout', False) self.slider = ipy.FloatSlider(*args, **kwargs) self.minlabel = ipy.HTML(u'<font size=1.5>{}</font>'.format( self.formatstring.format(min))) self.maxlabel = ipy.HTML(u'<font size=1.5>{}</font>'.format( self.formatstring.format(max))) self.sliderbox = ipy.HBox([self.minlabel, self.slider, self.maxlabel]), 'description'), (self.header, 'value')), 'value'), (self.slider, 'value')) self.description = description self.update_readout() super(ReadoutFloatSlider, self).__init__([self.header, self.readout, self.sliderbox])
def get_widgets(self): """return the slider widget that are to be used :returns: widget_list: the list of widgets in order widget_dict: a dictionary of the widget to be used in `interact :todo: make the sliders smaller: """ coeff = self.eigen_decomp.C widge_dict = {} widge_list = [] for i in range(self.eigen_decomp.n): if coeff[i] > 0: r = [0, coeff[i] * 2] else: r = [coeff[i] * 2, 0] widge_list.append(widgets.FloatSlider(min=r[0],max=r[1],step=(r[1]-r[0])/10.,\ value=coeff[i],orientation='vertical',decription='v'+str(i))) widge_dict['c' + str(i)] = widge_list[-1] return widge_list, widge_dict
def __init__(self, layer, map): self.layer = layer = map visible = widgets.Checkbox(value=layer.visible, layout=initial_width, indent=False) widgets.jslink((visible, "value"), (layer, "visible")) self._widgets["visible"] = visible opacity = widgets.FloatSlider( value=layer.opacity, min=0, max=1, step=0.01, continuous_update=True, readout=False, layout=widgets.Layout(max_width="50px", min_width="20px"), ) widgets.jslink((opacity, "value"), (layer, "opacity")) self._widgets["opacity"] = opacity super().__init__(layer, map)
def NumericalMethods(): """ Main function for called by notebook to produce plots and UI """ steps_sldr = widgets.IntSlider(value=3, description='Steps', min=0, max=50, continuos_update=False) h_sldr = widgets.FloatSlider( value=0.5, description='Step Size', min=0.1, max=1, step=0.1, ) solver_drp = widgets.Dropdown(options=['Euler', 'Improved Euler'], description='Solver Type') eqn_drp = widgets.Dropdown(options=["dydx = -y +1", "dy/dx = cos(x)"], description='Derivative') showSln_chk = widgets.Checkbox(value=False, description='Show Solution') grad_chk = widgets.Checkbox(value=False, description='Show Next Gradient Evaluations') return widgets.VBox([ widgets.VBox([ widgets.HBox([h_sldr, eqn_drp, grad_chk]), widgets.HBox([steps_sldr, solver_drp, showSln_chk]) ]), widgets.interactive_output( RunMethod, { 'h': h_sldr, 'steps': steps_sldr, 'method': solver_drp, 'eqnKey': eqn_drp, 'showSln': showSln_chk, 'showGrad': grad_chk }) ])
def single_img_bulk_wdgt(self): options = [ 'matched_gts', 'unmatched_gts', 'matched_dts', 'unmatched_dts' ] assert len(self.imgIds) == 1 interface = interactive(self._single_img_bulk_wdgt_logic, which_to_display=widgets.SelectMultiple( options=options, value=options, rows=4, ), dts_score_threshold=widgets.FloatSlider( value=0.0, min=0, max=1.0, step=0.05, description='dt score threshold: ', continuous_update=False, readout=True, readout_format='.2f', )) return interface
def toon_voorspellingen(): fig, big_axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 5), nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True, sharey=True) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.25) big_axes[0].set_title("Afbeeldingen met stoma") big_axes[1].set_title("Afbeeldingen zonder stoma") big_axes[0].set_axis_off() big_axes[1].set_axis_off() axes = [] images = model['stoma_patches'] + model['no_stoma_patches'] for i, image in enumerate(images): im =, image['name'])) ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 6, i + 1) ax.imshow(im) for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_linewidth(2) axes.append(ax) xlabel = "Pred: {:f}".format(float(image['prediction'])) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) plt.close() def change_threshold(thr=0.5): for i, image in enumerate(images): if (float(image['prediction']) < thr and image in model['stoma_patches']) or (float(image['prediction']) > thr and image in model['no_stoma_patches']): for spine in axes[i].spines.values(): spine.set_edgecolor('r') else: for spine in axes[i].spines.values(): spine.set_edgecolor('g') display(fig) widgets.interact(change_threshold, thr=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.5, min=0.05, max=0.99, step=0.05, continuous_update=False))
def control(self, max_opacity=0.2): import ipywidgets l1 = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=1, value=self.level1) l2 = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=1, value=self.level2) l3 = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=1, value=self.level3) o1 = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=max_opacity, step=0.001, value=self.opacity1) o2 = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=max_opacity, step=0.001, value=self.opacity2) o3 = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=max_opacity, step=0.001, value=self.opacity2) ipywidgets.jslink((self, 'level1'), (l1, 'value')) ipywidgets.jslink((self, 'level2'), (l2, 'value')) ipywidgets.jslink((self, 'level3'), (l3, 'value')) ipywidgets.jslink((self, 'opacity1'), (o1, 'value')) ipywidgets.jslink((self, 'opacity2'), (o2, 'value')) ipywidgets.jslink((self, 'opacity3'), (o3, 'value')) return ipywidgets.VBox( [ipywidgets.HBox([ipywidgets.Label(value="levels:"), l1, l2, l3]), ipywidgets.HBox([ipywidgets.Label(value="opacities:"), o1, o2, o3])] )
def plot_isosurface(data, level=None, color=default_color, wireframe=True, surface=True, controls=True): from skimage import measure if level is None: level = np.median(data) verts, triangles = measure.marching_cubes( data, level) #, spacing=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) x, y, z = verts.T mesh = plot_trisurf(x, y, z, triangles=triangles, color=color) if controls: vmin, vmax = np.percentile(data, 1), np.percentile(data, 99) level_slider = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(value=level, min=vmin, max=vmax, icon='eye') recompute_button = ipywidgets.Button(description='update') controls = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[level_slider, recompute_button]) current.container.children += (controls, ) def recompute(*_ignore): level = level_slider.value recompute_button.description = "updating..." verts, triangles = measure.marching_cubes( data, level) # , spacing=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) x, y, z = verts.T with mesh.hold_sync(): mesh.x = x mesh.y = y mesh.z = z mesh.triangles = triangles.astype(dtype=np.uint32) recompute_button.description = "update" recompute_button.on_click(recompute) return mesh
def poly_regression(func_to_fit=np.sqrt, x_range=(1, 50), num_points=None): global NUM_POINTS global l1, l2, x, y, y_hat, fig, ax, func func = func_to_fit if num_points is not None: NUM_POINTS = min(NUM_POINTS, num_points) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25) axcolor = "lightgoldenrodyellow" # noise = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], facecolor=axcolor) # degree = plt.axes([0.25, 0.15, 0.65, 0.03], facecolor=axcolor) # snoise = Slider(noise, "Noise", 0, 1.0, valinit=0.2) # sdegree = Slider(degree, "Degree", 1, 30, valinit=3, valstep=1) x = np.linspace(x_range[0], x_range[1], NUM_POINTS) y = get_noisy_func(x, 0.2, func) y_hat = get_polynomial_fit(x, y, 3) l1 = ax.scatter(x, y, alpha=0.8) l2 = ax.plot(x, y_hat, c="r", lw=3) # snoise.on_changed(lambda val: update_noise(sdegree.val, val)) # sdegree.on_changed(update_degree) interact(update_degree, val=widgets.IntSlider(value=2, min=1, max=30, step=1)) widgets.interact( lambda noise: update_noise(degree, noise, func), noise=widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.3, min=0, max=1, step=0.001), ) # resetax = plt.axes([0.8, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) # button = Button(resetax, "Reset", color=axcolor, hovercolor="0.975") # button.on_clicked(reset) plt.title("Polynomial Regression")
def __init__(self, iquery, description, construct, default=0, max=1.0, step=0.01): self._construct = construct self._iquery = iquery self._cost = widgets.FloatSlider(value=default, min=0, max=max, step=step, description=description, disabled=False) ''' self._cost = widgets.BoundedFloatText( value=0, min=0, max=max, step=0.1, description=description, disabled=False) ''' self._plot = widgets.Image( value=b'', format='png', width=300, height=400, ) self.update_plot() self._cost.observe(self.on_changed, names='value') self._vbox = widgets.VBox([self._cost, self._plot], layout=widgets.Layout(border='solid'))
def figure(key=None, width=400, height=500, lighting=True, controls=True, controls_vr=False, debug=False, **kwargs): """Create a new figure (if no key is given) or return the figure associated with key :param key: Python object that identifies this figure :param width: pixel width of WebGL canvas :param height: .. height .. :param lighting: use lighting or not :param controls: show controls or not :param controls_vr: show controls for VR or not :param debug: show debug buttons or not :return: """ if key is not None and key in current.figures: current.figure = current.figures[key] current.container = current.containers[key] else: current.figure = volume.Figure(volume_data=None, width=width, height=height, **kwargs) current.container = ipywidgets.VBox() current.container.children = [current.figure] if key is not None: current.figures[key] = current.figure current.containers[key] = current.container if controls: stereo = ipywidgets.ToggleButton(value=current.figure.stereo, description='stereo', icon='eye') fullscreen = ipywidgets.ToggleButton(value=current.figure.stereo, description='fullscreen', icon='arrows-alt') l1 = ipywidgets.jslink((current.figure, 'stereo'), (stereo, 'value')) l2 = ipywidgets.jslink((current.figure, 'fullscreen'), (fullscreen, 'value')) current.container.children += (ipywidgets.HBox([stereo, fullscreen]),) if controls_vr: eye_separation = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(value=current.figure.eye_separation, min=-10, max=10, icon='eye') ipywidgets.jslink((eye_separation, 'value'), (current.figure, 'eye_separation')) current.container.children += (eye_separation,) if debug: show = ipywidgets.ToggleButtons(options=["Volume", "Back", "Front"]) current.container.children += (show,) ipywidgets.jslink((current.figure, 'show'), (show, 'value')) return current.figure
def phase_shift(holo, roi, phase=0): ''' starts the quest for the global phase shift. Input: the shifted, masked and propagated hologram coordinates of the ROI in the order [Xstart, Xstop, Ystart, Ystop] Returns the two sliders. When you are finished, you can save the positions of the sliders. ------- author: KG 2019 ''' fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2) def p(x): image = fth.reconstruct(holo*np.exp(1j*x)) ax1 = axs[0].imshow(np.real(image[roi[2]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[1]]), cmap='gray') #fig.colorbar(ax1, ax=axs[0], fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) axs[0].set_title("Real Part") ax2 = axs[1].imshow(np.imag(image[roi[2]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[1]]), cmap='gray') #fig.colorbar(ax2, ax=axs[1], fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) axs[1].set_title("Imaginary Part") fig.tight_layout() print('REAL: max=%i, min=%i'%(np.max(np.real(image)), np.min(np.real(image)))) print('IMAG: max=%i, min=%i'%(np.max(np.imag(image)), np.min(np.imag(image)))) return layout = widgets.Layout(width='90%') style = {'description_width': 'initial'} slider_phase = widgets.FloatSlider(min=-np.pi, max=np.pi, step=0.001, value=phase, layout=layout, description='phase shift', style=style) widgets.interact(p, x=slider_phase) #input("Press the <ENTER> key to continue...") button = widgets.Button(description="Finished") display(button) def on_button_clicked(b): slider_phase.close() return button.on_click(on_button_clicked) return (slider_phase, button)
def dynamic_plot(self, testing=False, step=None): """ Generate a dynamic plot with a slider to control the time. Parameters ---------- step : float For notebook mode, size of steps to allow in the slider. Defaults to 1/100th of the total time. testing : bool Whether to actually make the plot (turned off for unit tests) """ if pybamm.is_notebook(): # pragma: no cover import ipywidgets as widgets step = step or self.max_t / 100 widgets.interact( self.plot, t=widgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=self.max_t, step=step, value=0), continuous_update=False, ) else: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import Slider # create an initial plot at time 0 self.plot(0) axcolor = "lightgoldenrodyellow" ax_slider = plt.axes([0.315, 0.02, 0.37, 0.03], facecolor=axcolor) self.slider = Slider( ax_slider, "Time [{}]".format(self.time_unit), 0, self.max_t, valinit=0 ) self.slider.on_changed(self.slider_update) if not testing: # pragma: no cover
def simulate(iT=100, deta=0.8, dsigma=0.8, dbeta=0.0, dalpha=1.0, dphi=0.5, dlambda=0.0, dpstar=0.0, dy_pot=1.0, drstar=0.05, dpi_t=0.2, iShock=5): widgets.interact( simulate_, deta=widgets.fixed(deta), dsigma=widgets.fixed(dsigma), dbeta=widgets.fixed(dbeta), dalpha=widgets.fixed(dalpha), dphi=widgets.fixed(dphi), dlambda=widgets.fixed(dlambda), dpstar=widgets.fixed(dpstar), dy_pot=widgets.fixed(dy_pot), drstar=widgets.fixed(drstar), dpi_t=widgets.FloatSlider( # description="$\\pi$", min=0.01, max=5, step=0.01, value= dpi description="$\\tilde{\\pi}$", min=0.01, max=0.999, step=0.01, value=dpi_t, readout=True), # iShock= widgets.FloatSlider( # description="Shock period", min=1, max=99, step=1, value= iShock # ), iShock=widgets.fixed(iShock), iT=widgets.fixed(iT), )
def __init__(self, overtones, basis=lambda p: np.sin(tau * p)): if isinstance(overtones, int): overtones = [1 << i for i in range(overtones)] self.overtones = tuple(overtones) self.basis = basis self.sliders = [] for overtone in self.overtones: self.sliders.append( widgets.FloatSlider(description="#{}".format(overtone), value=0, min=0, max=1, step=0.01, orientation="vertical")) self.offsets = np.zeros(len(overtones)) self.randomizer = widgets.Button(description="Randomize phase") self.randomizer.on_click(lambda args: self.randomize_phase()) self.el = widgets.VBox([ widgets.Label("Overtones"), widgets.HBox(self.sliders), self.randomizer, ])
def test_create_facade(widgets_fix): # Composite widget with all components and default names p = pqef.ParameterWidget() f = pqef.create_facade(p) for name in pqef.ParameterCallbacksMixin.widget_names: assert f[name] is p.__dict__[name] # Composite widget with all components and custom names p = widgets_fix['CustomParm']() mapping = widgets_fix['mapping'] f = pqef.create_facade(p, mapping=mapping) for name in pqef.ParameterCallbacksMixin.widget_names: assert f[name] is p.__dict__[mapping[name]] # Single widget with default target p = ipyw.FloatSlider() f = pqef.create_facade(p) assert f['value'] is p # Single widget with custom target p = ipyw.Checkbox(value=True) f = pqef.create_facade(p, 'vary') assert f['vary'] is p
def multi_pump_widget(aremote, pumps): # Multiple pump UI (i.e., one button to start multiple pumps simultaneously) pulses = ipw.IntSlider(min=0, max=125, value=25, description='Pulses') period = ipw.FloatSlider(min=0., max=125., value=1., description='Period (s)') button_pump = ipw.Button(description='Pump', tooltip='''\ 1) Use checkboxes to select one or more pumps. 2) Select number of pulses. 3) Click here to execute pulses.'''.strip()) checkboxes = ipw.VBox([ipw.Checkbox(description=name_i, index=True) for name_i in pumps]) sliders = ipw.VBox([pulses, period]) def on_multi_pump(pulses, period, *args, **kwargs): for c in checkboxes.children: if c.value: pump = pumps[c.description] do_pump(aremote, pump['addr'], pump['index'], pulses, period) button_pump.on_click(ft.partial(on_multi_pump, pulses, period)) multi_pump_ui = ipw.HBox([checkboxes, sliders, button_pump]) return multi_pump_ui
def sliders( field, datasetYamlPath="/global/u2/d/danieltm/ExaTrkX/eta-tracker/notebooks/datasetConfig.yaml" ): with open(datasetYamlPath, "r") as f: datasetConfig = yaml.safe_load(f) kwargs = { k: widgets.FloatSlider( value=v['default'], min=v['min'], max=v['max'], step=0.1, description='%s' % k, disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='.1f', ) for k, v in datasetConfig[field].items() } # kwargs = {'w{}'.format(i):slider for i, slider in enumerate(weight_sliders)} return kwargs
def __init__(self, dataset, *args, **kwargs): super(Nearest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.dataset = dataset feature_names = list(dataset.feature_names) self.x_name = feature_names[0] self.y_name = feature_names[1] sc = self.scatter_plot = js_proxy.ProxyWidget() xd = self.x_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown( options=list(feature_names), value=self.x_name) yd = self.y_dropdown = widgets.Dropdown( options=list(feature_names), value=self.y_name) bc = self.border_checkbox = widgets.Checkbox(description="border", value=True) ic = self.interior_checkbox = widgets.Checkbox(description="interior", value=True) tc = self.training_checkbox = widgets.Checkbox(description="training", value=True) tstc = self.test_checkbox = widgets.Checkbox(description="test", value=True) ns = self.n_slider = widgets.IntSlider(value=self.n_neighbors, min=1, max=20, description="neighbors", width="50px") ss = self.n_slider = widgets.FloatSlider(value=self.n_neighbors, min=0.2, max=0.5, description="test size", width="50px", step=0.1) traitlets.directional_link((ss, "value"), (self, "test_size")) traitlets.directional_link((xd, "value"), (self, "x_name")) traitlets.directional_link((yd, "value"), (self, "y_name")) traitlets.directional_link((bc, "value"), (self, "show_borders")) traitlets.directional_link((ic, "value"), (self, "prediction_grid")) traitlets.directional_link((ns, "value"), (self, "n_neighbors")) traitlets.directional_link((tc, "value"), (self, "show_training")) traitlets.directional_link((tstc, "value"), (self, "show_test")) xd.on_trait_change(self.redraw, "value") ss.on_trait_change(self.redraw, "value") yd.on_trait_change(self.redraw, "value") bc.on_trait_change(self.redraw, "value") tc.on_trait_change(self.redraw, "value") ic.on_trait_change(self.redraw, "value") tstc.on_trait_change(self.redraw, "value") ns.on_trait_change(self.redraw, "value") controls = widgets.VBox(children=[xd, yd, bc, ic, tc, tstc, ns, ss]) self.assembly = widgets.HBox(children=[controls, sc])
def iplot(self, name): # allfields = list(self.field.keys()) F = self.field[name] fieldmin = np.min(F) fieldmax = np.max(F) timeselector = widgets.FloatSlider(min=self.ts.times[0], max=self.ts.times[-1], step=(self.ts.times[1] - self.ts.times[0]), value=self.ts.times[0]) self.vrange = widgets.FloatRangeSlider(min=fieldmin, max=fieldmax, step=(fieldmax - fieldmin) / 10, value=(fieldmin, fieldmax)) self._init_patch_plot = True self.plotwidget = interactive( self._plot_patch, F=fixed(F), name=fixed(name), time=timeselector, value_range=self.vrange, ) display(self.plotwidget)
def _generate_widget(boundaries, description, width=0.8, step=0.001): bound_min, bound_max = boundaries if type(bound_min) == float or type(bound_max) == float: new_widget = widgets.FloatSlider( description=description, min=bound_min, max=bound_max, step=step, layout=widgets.Layout(width=f'{width*100}%')) elif type(bound_min) == int or type(bound_max) == int: new_widget = widgets.IntSlider( description=description, min=bound_min, max=bound_max, step=step, layout=widgets.Layout(width=f'{width*100}%')) elif type(bound_min) == bool or type(bound_max) == bool: new_widget = widgets.Checkbox( description=description, min=bound_min, max=bound_max, step=step, layout=widgets.Layout(width=f'{width*100}%')) return new_widget
def quick_sliders(obj, throttling=None, continuous_update=True, **kwargs): def create_callback(key): def callback(change): setattr(obj, key, change['new']) if throttling: return throttle(throttling)(callback) else: return callback sliders = [] for key, value in kwargs.items(): slider = widgets.FloatSlider(value=getattr(obj, key), min=value[0], max=value[1], step=value[2], description=key, continuous_update=continuous_update) slider.observe(create_callback(key), 'value') sliders += [slider] return sliders
def add_widgets(msg_instance, widget_dict, widget_list, prefix=''): """ Adds widgets. @param msg_type The message type @param widget_dict The form list @param widget_list The widget list @return widget_dict and widget_list """ # import only here so non ros env doesn't block installation from genpy import Message for idx, slot in enumerate(msg_instance.__slots__): attr = getattr(msg_instance, slot) s_t = msg_instance._slot_types[idx] w = None if s_t in ['float32', 'float64']: w = widgets.FloatSlider() if s_t in ['int8', 'uint8', 'int32', 'uint32', 'int64', 'uint64']: w = widgets.IntSlider() if s_t in ['string']: w = widgets.Text() if isinstance(attr, Message): widget_list.append(widgets.Label(value=slot)) widget_dict[slot] = {} add_widgets(attr, widget_dict[slot], widget_list, slot) if w: widget_dict[slot] = w w_box = widgets.HBox([widgets.Label(value=slot), w]) widget_list.append(w_box) return widget_dict, widget_list
def channel_properties(): w = ipywidgets.IntSlider(value=default_width, min=5, max=max_channel_width, step=5, description='Width [m]') d = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(value=default_depth, min=0, max=5, step=0.25, description='Depth [m]') s = ipywidgets.IntSlider(value=default_slope, min=1, max=10, step=1, description='Slope [1:x]') res = interactive(_plot_channel, width=w, depth=d, slope=s) display(res) return res
def interact(self): vec_row2 = [] for sp in sorted(self.__scaling_parameters.keys()): (value, value_min, value_max, step) = self.__scaling_parameters[sp] vec_row2.append(ipyw.Label("%s: " % (sp))) new_slider = ipyw.FloatSlider(value=value, min=value_min, max=value_max, step=step) vec_row2.append(new_slider) self.__scaling_widgets[new_slider] = sp new_slider.observe(self.on_slider_change, names=['value']) display( ipyw.VBox([ ipyw.HBox([ipyw.Label("%s: " % (self.separated_vars)), self.dd_filter, self.select_xscale, self.select_yscale]), ipyw.HBox(vec_row2) ]) ) self.figure, self.axis = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4)) self.transform_data() self.draw()
def select_inj_site(): global working working.replace('/', '\\') os.chdir(working) aa = '' p = Popen("python", stdout=PIPE, stderr=None, shell=True) for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, ""): #print(line) if "PRINTING COMPARTMENT" in str(line): break line = p.stdout.readline() #print(line) line = eval(line) x = line #print(line) result = [] prefix = '' import re dot_ind = x[0].find('.') if dot_ind != -1: prefix = x[0][:dot_ind] + '.' for e in x: if e.find('.') != -1: e = e[e.find('.') + 1:] p = re.compile(r'\[\d+\]') test_str = e result.append([e for e in p.split(test_str) if e]) result = [l[0] for l in result] newx = {i: result.count(i) for i in result} n = list(newx.keys()) e = (widgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=1, step=.01, value=0, description="Section Location (0-1)")); button = widgets.Button(description="Create Injection Site", width="100%") display(button) display(e); def f(c): global a, pop, has_subset; has_subset = False; try: po = a.close(); except: pass pop = c if newx[c] - 1 != 0: a = (widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=newx[c] - 1, description="Section subset", step=1, value=0)); po = display(a); has_subset = True; o = widgets.interact(f, c=widgets.Dropdown(options=n, value=n[0], description='Section:', disabled=False)); # button = widgets.Button(description="Create Injection Site", width="100%") def on_button_clicked2_7(b): linex = 'access %s' % (prefix + pop) if has_subset == True: linex = linex + ('[%s]' % a.value) replace_line('runModel.hoc', 29, linex + '\n') replace_line('runModel.hoc', 10, ' stLoc = %s \n' % e.value) # thefile.write( # thefile.close() print("Injection site successfully integrated") # print a.value, pop, e.value, has_subset button.on_click(on_button_clicked2_7)
n = n+1 df=pd.DataFrame(table, columns=['Square Number', 'total', 'last square']) df.set_index('Square Number', inplace=True) return df # Adapted from import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import odeint import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import ipywidgets as widgets style = {'description_width' : 'initial'} betaSlider = widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.3,min=0,max=1.0,step=0.1,description='Social distancing', style={'description_width' : '100px'}, layout=Layout(width='500px')) daysSlider = widgets.FloatSlider(value=14,min=7,max=40,step=2.0,description='Days Contagious', style={'description_width' : '100px'}, layout=Layout(width='500px')) def deriv(y, t, N, beta, gamma): S, I, R = y dSdt = -beta * S * I / N dIdt = beta * S * I / N - gamma * I dRdt = gamma * I return dSdt, dIdt, dRdt def updatePlot(beta, days): doPlot(1.0-beta, 1./days) # beta is infection rate # gamma is rate peple removed from infectred pool def doPlot(beta, gamma):