コード例 #1
class MissionActionsHandler(object):
    def __init__(self, config):

        self.filename = config.csettings[
            'configs_path'] + '/' + config.csettings['last_auv_config_xml']
        logger.debug("Reading Mission Actions XML...")
        self.configParser = XMLConfigParser(self.filename)

    def get_actions(self):
        Get a list of action from xml structure configuration
        :return: return a list of actions from a xml structure configuration
        # get misison actions
        mission_actions = self.configParser.first_match(
            self.configParser.root, "mission_actions")
        # all actions
        actions = self.configParser.all_matches(mission_actions, "action")
        return actions

    def get_name_from_param(self, param):
        """ Get name from 'param'"""
        return self.configParser.first_match(param, "param_name").text

    def get_type_from_param(self, param):
        """ Get type from 'param'"""
        return self.configParser.first_match(param, "param_type").text
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, config):
        config_check_xml = ConfigCheckXML(config)
        if not config_check_xml.exists():

        # last auv config xml
        self.configParser = XMLConfigParser(
            config.csettings['configs_path'] + '/' +
コード例 #3
class CheckListHandler(object):
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.filename = config.csettings[
            'configs_path'] + '/' + config.csettings['last_auv_config_xml']
        self.configParser = XMLConfigParser(self.filename)

    def get_check_lists(self):
        Get check_lists
        :return: return all lists from check_lists
        chk_lists = self.configParser.first_match(self.configParser.root,
        # all check_list in check_lists
        lists = self.configParser.all_matches(chk_lists, "check_list")

        return lists

    def get_items_from_checklist(self, checklist_name):
        Get all items from a check_list with name 'checklist_name'
        :param checklist_name: name of the check_list
        :return: return a list of items from a check_list with name 'checklist_name'
        chk_lists = self.configParser.first_match(self.configParser.root,
        # get specific check_list by attribute chk_name
        xml_check_list = self.configParser.first_match(
            chk_lists, "check_list[@id='" + checklist_name + "']")
        # all check_list items
        check_items = self.configParser.all_matches(xml_check_list,

        return check_items

    def get_description_from_item(self, item):
        """ Get description field from 'item'
        :param item: item is a check_item from xml structure configuration
        :return: return description field from 'item'
        description = self.configParser.first_match(item, "description")
        return description

    def get_check_topics_from_item(self, item):
        Get check_topics from 'item'
        :param item: item is a check_item from xml structure configuration
        :return: return a list of check_topics from 'item'
        check_topics = self.configParser.all_matches(item, "check_topic")
        return check_topics

    def get_check_actions_from_item(self, item):
        Get check_actions from 'item'
        :param item: item is a check_item from xml structure configuration
        :return: return a list of check_actions from 'item'
        check_actions = self.configParser.all_matches(item, "check_action")
        return check_actions
コード例 #4
class VehicleInfoHandler(object):
    def __init__(self, config):
        config_check_xml = ConfigCheckXML(config)
        if not config_check_xml.exists():

        # last auv config xml
        self.configParser = XMLConfigParser(
            config.csettings['configs_path'] + '/' +

    def read_configuration(self):
        # get Vehicle Info
        xml_vehicle_info = self.configParser.first_match(
            self.configParser.root, "vehicle_info")

        return xml_vehicle_info

    def write(self):
コード例 #5
class VehicleDataHandler(object):
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.filename = config.csettings['configs_path'] + '/' + config.csettings['last_auv_config_xml']
        self.configParser = XMLConfigParser(self.filename)

    def read_topics(self):
        # get Vehicle Data topics
        xml_vehicle_data_topics = self.configParser.first_match(self.configParser.root, "vehicle_data_topics")

        return xml_vehicle_data_topics

    def read_services(self):
        # get Vehicle Data services
        xml_vehicle_data_services = self.configParser.first_match(self.configParser.root, "vehicle_data_services")

        return xml_vehicle_data_services

    def read_launch_list(self):
        # get Launch list
        xml_launch_list = self.configParser.first_match(self.configParser.root, "launch_list")

        return xml_launch_list
コード例 #6
 def __init__(self, config):
     self.filename = config.csettings[
         'configs_path'] + '/' + config.csettings['last_auv_config_xml']
     self.configParser = XMLConfigParser(self.filename)
コード例 #7
    def read_configuration(self):
        logger.debug("Reading  ros_params XML...")
        config_parser = XMLConfigParser(self.filename)
        # get ros_params
        ros_params = config_parser.first_match(config_parser.root,
        # all sections in ros_params
        sections = config_parser.all_matches(ros_params, "section")

        # initialize empty list of sections
        section_list = list()

        # fill section values by reading xml and corresponding param values in the param server
        for section in sections:
            sect = Section()
            for value in section:
                # description
                if value.tag == 'description':
                    logger.debug("     {} {}".format(value.tag, value.text))
                # param
                if value.tag == 'param':
                    logger.debug("     {}".format(value.tag))
                    desc = config_parser.first_match(value, "description").text
                    param = Param(desc)

                    field = config_parser.first_match(value, "field")
                    if field is not None:
                        f_name = config_parser.first_match(
                            field, "field_name").text
                        f_type = config_parser.first_match(
                            field, "field_type").text
                        param.set_field(f_name, f_type)
                        field_array = config_parser.first_match(
                            value, "field_array")
                        f_name = config_parser.first_match(
                            field_array, "field_array_name").text
                        f_type = config_parser.first_match(
                            field_array, "field_array_type").text
                        f_size = config_parser.first_match(
                            field_array, "field_array_size").text
                        param.set_field_array(f_name, f_type, f_size)

                    p_value = cola2_interface.get_ros_param(
                        self.ip, self.port,
                        self.vehicle_namespace + f_name)['value']
                    logger.debug("         {}".format(desc))
                    logger.debug("         {}".format(f_name))
                    logger.debug("         {}".format(p_value))
                    logger.debug("         {}".format(f_type))

                # action_id
                if value.tag == 'action_id':
                    logger.debug("     {} {}".format(value.tag, value.text))

        return section_list
コード例 #8
    def __init__(self, config):

        self.filename = config.csettings[
            'configs_path'] + '/' + config.csettings['last_auv_config_xml']
        logger.debug("Reading Mission Actions XML...")
        self.configParser = XMLConfigParser(self.filename)