コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        super(TestMethods, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        if stat in ['F', 'B']:
            self._b = irbasis.load(stat, Lambda)
        elif stat == 'barB':
            self._b = augmented_basis_b(irbasis.load('B', Lambda))
        self._B = Basis(self._b, beta)
コード例 #2
    def test_sampling_point_y(self):
        for stat in ['F', 'B']:
            b = irbasis.load(stat, Lambda, "../irbasis.h5")

            dim = b.dim()
            whichl = dim - 1
            sp = irbasis.sampling_points_y(b, whichl)
            sp2 = b.sampling_points_y(whichl)
            assert numpy.all(sp==sp2)
            #print(len(sp), whichl)
            assert len(sp) == whichl+1
コード例 #3
    def test_sampling_point_x(self):
        for stat in ['F', 'B']:
            b = irbasis.load(stat, Lambda, "../irbasis.h5")

            dim = b.dim()
            whichl = dim - 1
            sp = irbasis.sampling_points_x(b, whichl)
            sp2 = b.sampling_points_x(whichl)
            assert numpy.all(sp==sp2)
            assert len(sp) == whichl+1
            uxl = numpy.array([b.ulx(l, x) for l in range(dim) for x in sp]).reshape((dim, dim))
            U, S, Vh = scipy.linalg.svd(uxl, full_matrices=False)
            cond_num = S[0] / S[-1]

            print("cond_num ", cond_num)
            self.assertLessEqual(cond_num, 1E+4)
コード例 #4
    def test_sampling_point_tau(self):
        for stat in ['F', 'B']:
            if stat == 'barB':
                b = Basis(augmented_basis_b(Lambda), beta)
                b = Basis(irbasis.load(stat, Lambda), beta)

            dim = b.dim
            whichl = dim - 1
            sp = sampling_points_tau(b, whichl)
            assert len(sp) == whichl+1
            Utaul = numpy.array([b.Ultau(l, tau) for l in range(dim) for tau in sp]).reshape((dim, dim))
            Utaul_real = from_complex_to_real_coeff_matrix(Utaul)
            U, S, Vh = scipy.linalg.svd(Utaul_real, full_matrices=False)
            cond_num = S[0] / S[-1]

            print("cond_num ", cond_num)
            self.assertLessEqual(cond_num, 1E+4)
コード例 #5
    def test_sampling_point_matsubara(self):
        for stat in ['F', 'B']:
            b = irbasis.load(stat, Lambda, "../irbasis.h5")

            dim = b.dim()
            whichl = dim - 1
            sp = irbasis.sampling_points_matsubara(b, whichl)
            sp2 = b.sampling_points_matsubara(whichl)
            assert numpy.all(sp==sp2)
            if stat == 'F':
                assert numpy.all([-s-1 in sp for s in sp])
            elif stat in ['B']:
                assert numpy.all([-s in sp for s in sp])

            assert len(sp) >= whichl + 1

            Unl = b.compute_unl(sp)[:, :dim]
            U, S, Vh = scipy.linalg.svd(Unl, full_matrices=False)
            cond_num = S[0] / S[-1]

            print("cond_num ", cond_num)
            self.assertLessEqual(cond_num, 1E+4)
コード例 #6
    def test_sampling_point_matsubara(self):
        for stat in ['F', 'B']:
            if stat == 'barB':
                b = Basis(augmented_basis_b(Lambda), beta)
                b = Basis(irbasis.load(stat, Lambda), beta)

            dim = b.dim - 4
            whichl = dim - 1
            sp = sampling_points_matsubara(b, whichl)
            if stat == 'F':
                assert numpy.all([-s-1 in sp for s in sp])
            elif stat in ['B', 'bB']:
                assert numpy.all([-s in sp for s in sp])

            assert len(sp) == whichl+1

            Unl = b.compute_Unl(sp)[:, :dim]
            Unl_real = from_complex_to_real_coeff_matrix(Unl)
            U, S, Vh = scipy.linalg.svd(Unl_real, full_matrices=False)
            cond_num = S[0] / S[-1]

            print("cond_num ", cond_num)
            self.assertLessEqual(cond_num, 1E+4)
コード例 #7
import matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

matplotlib.rcParams['font.family'] = 'serif'
matplotlib.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'cm'
matplotlib.rcParams['mathtext.rm'] = 'serif'

import numpy
import irbasis

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Lambda = 1000.0
    statistics = 'F'  # Fermion. use 'B' for bosons
    basis = irbasis.load(statistics, Lambda)
    linst = ['solid', 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted']

    mi = numpy.linspace(-1, 1, 10000)

    #plt.figure(1, figsize=(8,6))
    #plt.figure(2, figsize=(8,6))

    idx = 0
    for l in [0, 1, 2]:
                 numpy.array([basis.ulx(l, x) for x in mi]),
                 label="$l = {}$".format(l))
コード例 #8
        return numpy.sqrt(self._beta / 2) * numpy.dot(
            gtau_smpl[:, :], self._u_smpl[:, 0:nl]).reshape((nl))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    stat = 'F'  # 'F' for Fermionic or 'B' for Bosonic
    wmax = 10.0
    Lambda = 1000.0
    beta = Lambda / wmax

    pole = 2.0

    assert numpy.abs(pole) <= wmax

    basis = irbasis.load(stat, Lambda)
    Nl = basis.dim()

    # Initialize a transformer
    trans = transformer(basis, beta)

    # G(tau) generated by a pole at "pole = 2.0"
    if stat == 'B':
        gtau = lambda tau: -numpy.exp(-pole * tau) / (1 - numpy.exp(-beta *
    elif stat == 'F':
        gtau = lambda tau: -numpy.exp(-pole * tau) / (1 + numpy.exp(-beta *

    #Compute expansion coefficients in IR by numerical integration
    Gl = trans.compute_gl(gtau, Nl)
コード例 #9
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy
import irbasis

# By default, Lambda = 10, 100, 1000, 10000 are available.
Lambda = 1000.0

# Fermionic
# If you has not installed the irbasis package via pip,
# you must specify the location of a data file as follows.
#   irbasis.load('F',  Lambda, './irbasis.h5')
basis = irbasis.load('F', Lambda)

l = 0
print("l =", l, ",Lambda =", Lambda)

x = 1
y = 1

# Dimensions of basis
print("Dim ", basis.dim())

# u_0(x = 1) and v_0(y = 1)
print("ulx ", basis.ulx(l, x))
print("vly ", basis.vly(l, y))

# Singular value s_0
print("sl ", basis.sl(l))

# The k-th derivative of u_l(x) and v_l(y)  (k = 1,2,3)
for k in [1, 2, 3]: