コード例 #1
def download_file(url, fname=""):
    if not fname:
        fname = os.getcwd() + '/' + url.split('title=')[-1] + '.torrent'
        if not fname:
            fname = 'torrent.torrent'

    log('Downloading >> ' + fname, 1)

        get_request = request.Request(url, method='GET', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64)',
                                                                  'Accept-Charset': 'utf-8', 'Accept-Language': '*',
                                                                  'Connection': '*'})
        response = request.urlopen(get_request)

        if response.getcode() is not 200:
            error(response.getcode(), 2, 'http')

        with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
            shutil.copyfileobj(response, f)

        # server response can be gzipped, this will decode the response so torrent will can be parsed
        return open_file(fname, response.getheader('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip')

    except Exception as e:
        error('Exception happened\n\n' + str(e), 3)
コード例 #2
ファイル: isaFeed.py プロジェクト: vmasek/ISA-project
def torrent_from_xml(rss_xml):
    url = rss_xml.find("./channel/item/enclosure").attrib['url']
    fname = get_fname(rss_xml.find("./channel/item"))

    get_peers_for_torrent(download_file(url, fname))

    with open('movies_announce_list.txt', 'w') as f:
        log('movies_announce_list.txt has been created', 3)
コード例 #3
def check_response(response):
    if re.search(r'HTTP/1.[01].*\r\n\r\n', response, flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE):
        if re.search(r'HTTP/1.[01] 200.*\r\n\r\n', response, flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE):
            return 200
        elif re.search(r'HTTP/1.[01] 404.*\r\n\r\n', response, flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE):
            return 404
            return -1
        log("response is weird -> %s" % response, 3)
        return None
コード例 #4
def open_file(name, gzipped=False) -> str:
    """Function will open and read the data of the torrent file, if needed it will also gzip decode it

    :param str name: file name of the torrent to open and read
    :param bool gzipped: signalize if file is gzipped or not (default is False)
    :return: data of the opened torrent
    if gzipped:
        return open_gzipped_file(name)
        log("File should not be compressed according to response header", 2)
        return open_standard_file(name)
コード例 #5
def open_gzipped_file(name) -> bytes:
    """Function to read gzipped standard file

    :param str name: file name to open and read
    :return: data of the opened and decoded file
    log("Decompressing response", 2)
    with open(name, 'rb') as f:
        torrent = gzip.decompress(f.read())
    with open(name, 'wb') as f:
    return torrent
コード例 #6
def write_peers_to_file(name, peers):
    """Function to read standard file

        name (str): file name to write to
        peers (list): list of peers to write
    with open(name + ".peerlist", 'w') as f:
        for peer in peers:
            f.write(peer + "\n")

    log("Peers have been written to file %s.peerlist" % name, 1)
コード例 #7
def receiving(sock, content_length):
    received = b''
    received_length = 0
    while received_length < content_length:
        received += sock.recv(1)
        received_length += 1

    if len(received) != content_length:
        log("Corruption while receiving, length is not right", 0)

    # log('Received from server: %s' % received, 3)
    return received
コード例 #8
def get_peers_from_tracker(announce, torrent_data, http=True) -> list:
    if http:
        response = connect_to_http_tracker(announce, torrent_data)
        transaction_id = get_udp_transaction_id()  # randomized transaction ID for UDP
        response = connect_to_udp_tracker(announce, torrent_data, transaction_id)

    if response == b'':
        log('Response of tracker was empty', 2)
        return []  # if error has occurred empty list of peers will be returned

    if http:
        # response from tracker is bencoded binary representation of peers addresses will be parsed to readable form
        decoded = bencodepy.decode(response)
        if not decoded:
            log("Decoded response is empty", 1)
            return []
        elif b'peers' not in decoded:
            log("Decoded response has no peers data in it", 1)
            return []
        bin_peers = decoded[b'peers']
        bin_peers = parse_udp_announce_response(response, transaction_id)

    log("There should be %u peers" % (len(bin_peers) / 6), 1)
    peers = []

    # bin peers data is field of bytes, where each 6 bytes represent one peer
    # for each peer will be appended to peers list
    for i in range(0, len(bin_peers), 6):
        peers.append(parse_bin_peer(bin_peers[i:i + 6]))
    return peers
コード例 #9
def split_trackers(tracker, trackers):
    # Due to extend of standard list of backups can be passed as single tracker, this will check them all one by one
    # to see if there is any of http ones
    if isinstance(tracker, list):
        # Iterate through the all backups of the tracker or through the all trackers in the list, if more than one
        # tracker is passed (announce-list was present in torrent file metadata)
        for backup in tracker:
            split_trackers(backup, trackers)
        if tracker[:4] == b'http':
        elif tracker[:3] == b'udp':
            log("tracker is not http or upd ( " + tracker + " )", 3)
コード例 #10
def receive_header(sock):
    request = b''
    while True:

            request += sock.recv(1)
        except Exception as e:
            log("Exception during receiving: %s" % e, 0)
            return None

        if len(request) > 4 and request[len(request) - 4:] == b'\r\n\r\n':
        if len(request) > 4 and request[len(request) - 4:] == b'\r\n<!':
            return None

    return request
コード例 #11
ファイル: isaFeed.py プロジェクト: vmasek/ISA-project
def generate_txt(rss_xml):
    log('Generating movies_announce_list.txt file', 3)
    text = txt_append(rss_xml, './channel/title')
    text += txt_append(rss_xml, './channel/link')
    text += txt_append(rss_xml, './channel/description') + '\n'

    for item_xml in rss_xml.findall('./channel/item'):
        text += '\n'
        text += txt_append(item_xml, './title')
        text += txt_append(item_xml, './category')
        text += txt_append(item_xml, './author')
        text += txt_append(item_xml, './link')
        text += txt_append(item_xml, './pubDate')

        # prints elements that are at namespace
        for ns_item in item_xml.findall('./'):
            if re.search(r'\{.*\}infoHash', ns_item.tag):
                text += 'torrent:infoHash: ' + ns_item.text + '\n'
            elif re.search(r'\{.*\}fileName', ns_item.tag):
                text += 'torrent:fileName: ' + ns_item.text + '\n'

    return text
コード例 #12
def parse_torrent(torrent) -> dict:
    # Decoded torrent_metadata object contains b'value' as binary data, that is why we need use it explicitly sometimes,
    # otherwise it wont match the values
    # Also this contains additional items that will be used for connection to announce
    torrent_data = {'metadata': bencodepy.decode(torrent), 'trackers': {'http': [], 'udp': []}, 'info_hash': '',
                    'hex_info_hash': '', 'peer_id': "PY3-ISA-project-2015",
                    'uploaded': 0, 'downloaded': 0, 'left': 1000, 'compact': 1, 'port': 6886, 'numwant': -1,

    # if 'announce-list' keyword is missing in list, there is only one tracker for this torrent available
    # and therefor 'announce' will be used to connect to the torrent tracker
    if b'announce-list' in torrent_data['metadata']:
        log("announce-list keyword is present, there are more possible trackers", 2)
        split_trackers(torrent_data['metadata'][b'announce-list'], torrent_data['trackers'])
        log("announce-list keyword is NOT present in dictionary, only one choice for tracker", 2)
        # here will be value under keyword announce used as only tracker
        split_trackers(torrent_data['metadata'][b'announce'], torrent_data['trackers'])

    torrent_data['info_hash'] = get_info_hash(torrent_data['metadata'][b'info'])
    torrent_data['hex_info_hash'] = get_info_hash(torrent_data['metadata'][b'info'], True)

    return torrent_data
コード例 #13
def send_get_message(sock, path, headers):
    """Function will send http GET message to tracer ip opened in passed socket

        sock (object): socket that will be used for connection
    message = "GET " + path + " HTTP/1.0\r\n" + headers + "\r\n"
    message = bytes(message, 'utf-8')
    log("Message is %s" % message, 3)
        log('Sending GET message to tracker', 2)
    except Exception as e:
        log('Sending data to server has failed. Exception %s' % e, 0)
コード例 #14
def create_socket(hostname, port, http=True) -> socket:
    if http:
        log('Creating socket', 2)
        # TODO: there probably could be IPv6 socket condition
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

    s.settimeout(isaCommon.TIMEOUT)  # TODO: set and test timeout

        log("Connecting to tracker socket", 2)
        s.connect((hostname, port))
    except socket.gaierror:
        log('Can not translate %s to IP address' % hostname, 0)
        return None
    except Exception as e:
        log('Connection to server has failed %s' % str(e), 0)
        return None

    return s  # return opened and connected socket, if error happens closed socked is returned
コード例 #15
def parse_udp_connection_response(response, sent_transaction_id):
    # Handle the errors of udp announce response
    if len(response) < 16:  # constant 16 represents min byte length that is required only for metadata
        log("Too short response length %s, returning empty response" % len(response), 0)
        return b''

    action, res_transaction_id = struct.unpack_from("!II", response)

    if res_transaction_id != sent_transaction_id:
        log("Transaction ID is not same as Connection ID in response, Expected %s and got %s, returning empty response"
            % (sent_transaction_id, res_transaction_id), 0)
        return b''

    if action == 0x0:  # Connection established, getting Connection ID
        return struct.unpack_from("!Q", response, 8)[0]  # unpack 8 bytes, should be the connection_id
    elif action == 0x3:  # Error message in response
        log("Error message in response: { %s }, returning empty response" % struct.unpack_from("!s", response, 8)[0], 0)
        return b''
コード例 #16
def chunked_receive(sock):
    all_received = b''
    while True:
        chunk_size, bin_chunk_size = receive_size(sock)
        log('chunk_size: %s' % chunk_size, 3)
        if chunk_size is None:
            log("Received chunk size was None, returning empty data", 2)
            return b''
        if chunk_size == 0:

        received = receiving(sock, chunk_size)
        all_received += received
        if len(received) != chunk_size:
            log("Received size is not same as chunk size should be, returning empty data", 2)
            return b''

    return all_received
コード例 #17
def connect_to_http_tracker(announce, torrent_data):
    hostname = urlparse(announce).hostname
    port = urlparse(announce).port

    s = create_socket(hostname, port, http=True)
    if not isinstance(s, socket.socket):
        log("Returned socket is empty", 2)
        return b''

    headers = "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64)\r\n" + \
              "Host: " + hostname + ":" + str(port) + "\r\n" + \
              "Accept-Charset: utf-8\r\n" + \
              "Connection: *\r\n" + \
              "Accept: application/x-bittorrent\r\n"

    # Send the GET message
    # GET request is created from announce path part, torrent data part and headers
    send_get_message(s, create_tracker_request(urlparse(announce).path, torrent_data), headers)

    # Receive a response
    response, content_length, is_chunked, encoding = receive_response(s)
    log('Response received', 2)

    if response is None:
        log("No response form server", 0)
        return b''

    if is_chunked:
        log("Starting chunked communication", 3)
        received = chunked_receive(s).decode(encoding)
    elif content_length is not None:
        log("Length of content being received is %s Bytes" % content_length, 3)
        received = receiving(s, content_length)
        log("communication is NOT chunked and length of content is not specified", 3)
        s = s.makefile(newline='', mode='rb')
        received = s.read()
        log("Length of content is %i Bytes" % len(received), 3)

    log('Closing socket', 2)

    return received
コード例 #18
def get_peers_for_torrent(torrent):
    torrent_data = parse_torrent(torrent)
    # announce = torrent_data['trackers']['http'][2]
    peers = []

    if not torrent_data['trackers']['http']:
        log('List of HTTP trackers is empty', 0)  # TODO: return or end script

    # Get peers for trackers
    if isaCommon.params.tracker_annonce_url:
        announce = isaCommon.params.tracker_annonce_url
        log("Used only announce %s" % announce, 1)
        if announce[:4] == 'http':
            log("Getting peers for announce %s" % announce, 1)
            peers.extend(get_peers_from_tracker(announce, torrent_data))
        elif announce[:3] == 'udp':
            log("Getting peers for announce %s" % announce, 1)
            peers.extend(get_peers_from_tracker(announce, torrent_data, http=False))
        for announce in torrent_data['trackers']['http']:
            log("Getting peers for announce %s" % announce, 1)
            peers.extend(get_peers_from_tracker(announce, torrent_data))
        for announce in torrent_data['trackers']['udp']:
            log("Getting peers for announce %s" % announce, 1)
            peers.extend(get_peers_from_tracker(announce, torrent_data, http=False))

    write_peers_to_file(torrent_data['hex_info_hash'], peers)
コード例 #19
def parse_udp_announce_response(response, transaction_id) -> bytes:
    # Handle the errors of udp announce response
    if len(response) < 20:  # constant 20 represents min byte length that is required only for metadata without peers
        log("Too short response length %s, returning empty response" % len(response), 0)
        return b''

    log("Response length is %s" % len(response), 1)

    action = struct.unpack_from("!I", response)[0]
    if action != 0x1:
        log("Received wrong action number %d, returning empty response" % action, 0)
        return b''

    received_transaction_id = struct.unpack_from("!I", response, 4)[0]  # next 4 bytes is transaction id
    if received_transaction_id != transaction_id:
        log("Transaction ID is wrong. Expected %s, received %s, returning empty response"
            % (transaction_id, received_transaction_id), 0)
        return b''

    log("Reading Response", 3)
    meta = dict()
    offset = 8  # Action and Transaction ID has been at first 8 bytes, that is why offset 8 is needed
    meta['interval'], meta['leeches'], meta['seeds'] = struct.unpack_from("!iii", response, offset)
    offset += 12  # three integers by 4 bytes
    log("Interval = %d, Leeches = %d, Seeds = %d" % (meta['interval'], meta['leeches'], meta['seeds']), 3)

    log("Actual peer data in response are %s" % response[offset:], 3)
    return response[offset:]  # all the rest data in response are peers coded as 6 byte entities
コード例 #20
def receive_response(sock):
    log('Waiting for response', 3)
    response = receive_header(sock)
    log('Response from server: %s' % response)

    if response is None:
        return None, None, None, None

    response = response.decode('utf-8')

    code = check_response(response)
    if code is None:
        log("Tracker response HTTP error code [ %d ]" % code, 2)
    elif code == 404:
        log("Response from server is Error 404", 0)
    elif code == 200:
        log("Response from server is OK", 2)
        log("Unknown response from server -> code %s" % code, 2)

    content_length = get_conntent_length(response)

    is_chunked = is_set_chunk(response)
    if is_chunked:
        log("Communication will be chunked", 2)

    encoding = get_encoding(response)
    log("Encoding of content is: %s" % encoding, 2)
    return response, content_length, is_chunked, encoding
コード例 #21
def connect_to_udp_tracker(announce, torrent_data, transaction_id):
    hostname = urlparse(announce).hostname
    port = urlparse(announce).port

    s = create_socket(hostname, port, http=False)
    if s is None:
        log("Returned socket is empty", 2)
        return b''

    connection_id = 0x41727101980  # default connection id

    s.sendto(create_udp_connection_request(connection_id, transaction_id), (socket.gethostbyname(hostname), port))

        con_response = s.recvfrom(2048)[0]
    except socket.timeout:
        log("Socket connection has timed out", 0)
        return b''
    except socket.error as e:
        log("Cannot connect %s" % e, 0)
        return b''
    except Exception as e:
        log('Connection to server has failed %s' % str(e), 0)
        return b''

    connection_id = parse_udp_connection_response(con_response, transaction_id)
    log("New connection ID is %u" % connection_id, 3)

    socket_port = s.getsockname()[1]  # port number on which socket is communicating

    s.sendto(create_udp_announce_request(connection_id, transaction_id, torrent_data, socket_port),
             (socket.gethostbyname(hostname), port))

        response = s.recvfrom(2048)[0]
    except socket.timeout:
        log("Socket connection has timed out", 0)
        return b''

    return response