def reconstruct_noise_scan(filename, noisesetname): dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(filename,noisesetname) header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(dset.read_xml_header()) bw = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.relativeReceiverNoiseBandwidth # Read the first acquisition to check the number of samples and coils nacq_noise = dset.number_of_acquisitions() acq = dset.read_acquisition(0) nsamp_noise = acq.number_of_samples ncoils_noise = acq.active_channels sampletime_noise = acq.sample_time_us # Accumulate the noise data into a big array noisedata = np.zeros([ncoils_noise,nsamp_noise,nacq_noise],dtype='complex') for n in range(nacq_noise): acq = dset.read_acquisition(n) noisedata[:,:,n] = noisedata = np.reshape(noisedata, [ncoils_noise, nsamp_noise*nacq_noise]) # Calculate the pre-whitening matrix Mtx = coils.calculate_prewhitening(noisedata, scale_factor=1.0) # Close the noise data set dset.close() return noise_struct(Mtx, bw)
def process(self, acq, data, *args): if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT): self.noise_data.append((acq, data)) else: if len(self.noise_data): profiles = len(self.noise_data) channels = self.noise_data[0][1].shape[0] samples_per_profile = self.noise_data[0][1].shape[1] noise = np.zeros((channels, profiles * samples_per_profile), dtype=np.complex64) counter = 0 for p in self.noise_data: noise[:, counter * samples_per_profile:(counter * samples_per_profile + samples_per_profile)] = p[1] counter = counter + 1 scale = (acq.sample_time_us / self.noise_data[0][0].sample_time_us) * 0.79 self.noise_dmtx = coils.calculate_prewhitening( noise, scale_factor=scale) #Test the noise adjust d = self.noise_data[0][1] d2 = coils.apply_prewhitening(d, self.noise_dmtx) self.noise_data = list() if self.noise_dmtx is not None: data2 = coils.apply_prewhitening(data, self.noise_dmtx) else: data2 = data self.put_next(acq, data2) return 0
def process(self,acq,data,*args): if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT): self.noise_data.append((acq,data)) else: if len(self.noise_data): profiles = len(self.noise_data) channels = self.noise_data[0][1].shape[0] samples_per_profile = self.noise_data[0][1].shape[1] noise = np.zeros((channels,profiles*samples_per_profile),dtype=np.complex64) counter = 0 for p in self.noise_data: noise[:,counter*samples_per_profile:(counter*samples_per_profile+samples_per_profile)] = p[1] counter = counter + 1 scale = (acq.sample_time_us/self.noise_data[0][0].sample_time_us)*0.79 self.noise_dmtx = coils.calculate_prewhitening(noise,scale_factor=scale) #Test the noise adjust d = self.noise_data[0][1] d2 = coils.apply_prewhitening(d, self.noise_dmtx) self.noise_data = list() if self.noise_dmtx is not None: data2 = coils.apply_prewhitening(data, self.noise_dmtx) else: data2 = data self.put_next(acq,data2) return 0
def reconstruct_noise_scan(filename, noisesetname): dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(filename, noisesetname) header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(dset.read_xml_header()) bw = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.relativeReceiverNoiseBandwidth # Read the first acquisition to check the number of samples and coils nacq_noise = dset.number_of_acquisitions() acq = dset.read_acquisition(0) nsamp_noise = acq.number_of_samples ncoils_noise = acq.active_channels sampletime_noise = acq.sample_time_us # Accumulate the noise data into a big array noisedata = np.zeros([ncoils_noise, nsamp_noise, nacq_noise], dtype='complex') for n in range(nacq_noise): acq = dset.read_acquisition(n) noisedata[:, :, n] = noisedata = np.reshape(noisedata, [ncoils_noise, nsamp_noise * nacq_noise]) # Calculate the pre-whitening matrix Mtx = coils.calculate_prewhitening(noisedata, scale_factor=1.0) # Close the noise data set dset.close() return noise_struct(Mtx, bw)
#Undersample reload(simulation) acc_factor = 2 ref_lines = 16 (data,pat) = simulation.sample_data(phan,csm,acc_factor,ref_lines) #%% #Add noise noise = np.random.standard_normal(data.shape) + 1j*np.random.standard_normal(data.shape) noise = (5.0/matrix_size)*noise kspace = np.logical_or(pat==1,pat==3).astype('float32')*(data + noise) data = (pat>0).astype('float32')*(data + noise) #%% #Calculate the noise prewhitening matrix dmtx = coils.calculate_prewhitening(noise) #%% # Apply prewhitening kspace = coils.apply_prewhitening(kspace, dmtx) data = coils.apply_prewhitening(data, dmtx) #%% #Reconstruct aliased images alias_img = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(kspace,dim=(1,2)) * np.sqrt(acc_factor) show.imshow(abs(alias_img)) #%% reload(sense)
# TODO: Currently ignoring noise scans if not acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT): raise Exception( "Errror: non noise scan found in noise calibration") noise[:, acqnum * noise_samples:acqnum * noise_samples + noise_samples] = noise = noise.astype('complex64') #Calculate prewhiterner taking BWs into consideration a = dset.read_acquisition(firstacq) data_dwell_time = a.sample_time_us noise_receiver_bw_ratio = 0.79 dmtx = coils.calculate_prewhitening( noise, scale_factor=(data_dwell_time / noise_dwell_time) * noise_receiver_bw_ratio) #================================================================================ # # #================================================================================ # assemble information #================================================================================ print "trajectory: ", enc.trajectory # Matrix size eNx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x eNy = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y eNz = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z rNx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x rNy = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.y
def compute(self): do_squeeze = self.getVal('Squeeze') do_remos = self.getVal('Remove Oversampling') do_zeropad = self.getVal('Zeropad') do_noiseadj = self.getVal('Noise Adjust') receiver_noise_bw = self.getVal('Receiver Noise BW Ratio') #Get the file name use the file browser widget fname = gpi.TranslateFileURI(self.getVal('File Browser')) #Check if the file exists if not os.path.exists(fname): self.log.node("Path does not exist: "+str(fname)) return 0 dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(fname, 'dataset', create_if_needed=False) xml_header = dset.read_xml_header() header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(xml_header) self.setData('ISMRMRDHeader', str(xml_header)) enc = header.encoding[0] # Matrix size eNx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x eNy = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y eNz = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z rNx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x rNy = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.y rNz = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.z # Field of View eFOVx = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x eFOVy = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y eFOVz = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z rFOVx = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x rFOVy = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y rFOVz = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z # Number of Slices, Reps, Contrasts, etc. ncoils = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.receiverChannels if enc.encodingLimits.slice != None: nslices = enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1 else: nslices = 1 if enc.encodingLimits.repetition != None: nreps = enc.encodingLimits.repetition.maximum + 1 else: nreps = 1 if enc.encodingLimits.contrast != None: ncontrasts = enc.encodingLimits.contrast.maximum + 1 else: ncontrasts = 1 # In case there are noise scans in the actual dataset, we will skip them. noise_data = list() noise_dmtx = None firstacq=0 for acqnum in range(dset.number_of_acquisitions()): acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum) if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT): noise_data.append((acq.getHead(), continue else: firstacq = acqnum break if len(noise_data): profiles = len(noise_data) channels = noise_data[0][1].shape[0] samples_per_profile = noise_data[0][1].shape[1] noise = np.zeros((channels,profiles*samples_per_profile),dtype=np.complex64) counter = 0 for p in noise_data: noise[:,counter*samples_per_profile:(counter*samples_per_profile+samples_per_profile)] = p[1] counter = counter + 1 self.setData('noise',noise) scale = (acq.sample_time_us/noise_data[0][0].sample_time_us)*receiver_noise_bw noise_dmtx = coils.calculate_prewhitening(noise,scale_factor=scale) noise_data = list() # Empty array for the output data acq = dset.read_acquisition(firstacq) ro_length = acq.number_of_samples padded_ro_length = (acq.number_of_samples-acq.center_sample)*2 size_nx = 0 if do_remos: size_nx = rNx do_zeropad = True elif do_zeropad: size_nx = padded_ro_length else: size_nx = ro_length all_data = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, ncoils, eNz, eNy, size_nx), dtype=np.complex64) # Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff for acqnum in range(firstacq,dset.number_of_acquisitions()): acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum) acq_data_prw = np.zeros(,dtype=np.complex64) acq_data_prw[:] =[:] if do_noiseadj and (noise_dmtx is not None): acq_data_prw = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq_data_prw, noise_dmtx) data2 = None if (padded_ro_length != ro_length) and do_zeropad: #partial fourier data2 = np.zeros((acq_data_prw.shape[0], padded_ro_length),dtype=np.complex64) offset = (padded_ro_length>>1) - acq.center_sample data2[:,0+offset:offset+ro_length] = acq_data_prw else: data2 = acq_data_prw if do_remos: data2=transform.transform_kspace_to_image(data2,dim=(1,)) data2=data2[:,(padded_ro_length>>2):(padded_ro_length>>2)+(padded_ro_length>>1)] data2=transform.transform_image_to_kspace(data2,dim=(1,)) * np.sqrt(float(padded_ro_length)/ro_length) # Stuff into the buffer rep = acq.idx.repetition contrast = acq.idx.contrast slice = acq.idx.slice y = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1 z = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2 all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, z, y, :] = data2 all_data = all_data.astype('complex64') if do_squeeze: all_data = np.squeeze(all_data) self.setData('data',all_data) return 0
# Undersample reload(simulation) acc_factor = 2 ref_lines = 16 (data, pat) = simulation.sample_data(phan, csm, acc_factor, ref_lines) #%% # Add noise noise = np.random.standard_normal(data.shape) + 1j * np.random.standard_normal(data.shape) noise = (5.0 / matrix_size) * noise kspace = np.logical_or(pat == 1, pat == 3).astype("float32") * (data + noise) data = (pat > 0).astype("float32") * (data + noise) #%% # Calculate the noise prewhitening matrix dmtx = coils.calculate_prewhitening(noise) #%% # Apply prewhitening kspace = coils.apply_prewhitening(kspace, dmtx) data = coils.apply_prewhitening(data, dmtx) #%% # Reconstruct aliased images alias_img = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(kspace, dim=(1, 2)) * np.sqrt(acc_factor) show.imshow(abs(alias_img)) #%% reload(sense)
for acqnum in range(dset.number_of_acquisitions()): acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum) if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT): print("Found noise scan at acq ", acqnum) continue else: firstacq = acqnum print("Imaging acquisition starts acq ", acqnum) break #Calculate prewhiterner taking BWs into consideration a = dset.read_acquisition(firstacq) data_dwell_time = a.sample_time_us noise_receiver_bw_ratio = 0.79 dmtx = coils.calculate_prewhitening(noise,scale_factor=(data_dwell_time/noise_dwell_time)*noise_receiver_bw_ratio) #%% # Process the actual data all_data = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, ncoils, eNz, eNy, rNx), dtype=np.complex64) # Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff for acqnum in range(firstacq,dset.number_of_acquisitions()): acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum) acq_data_prw = coils.apply_prewhitening(,dmtx) # Remove oversampling if needed if eNx != rNx: xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(acq_data_prw, [1])