コード例 #1
    def process(self, acq, data):
        orig_size = list(data.shape);
        data2 = data.reshape([(data.size/data.shape[data.ndim-1]), data.shape[data.ndim-1]])
        new_length = data2.shape[1]>>1
        data2 = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(transform.transform_kspace_to_image(data2,dim=(1,))[:,(0+(new_length>>1)):(new_length+(new_length>>1))],dim=(1,))
        orig_size[data.ndim-1] = new_length
        acq.samples = new_length

        return 0
コード例 #2
    def process(self, acq, data):
        orig_size = list(data.shape);
        data2 = data.reshape([(data.size/data.shape[data.ndim-1]), data.shape[data.ndim-1]])
        new_length = data2.shape[1]>>1
        data2 = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(transform.transform_kspace_to_image(data2,dim=(1,))[:,(0+(new_length>>1)):(new_length+(new_length>>1))],dim=(1,))
        orig_size[data.ndim-1] = new_length
        acq.samples = new_length

        return 0
コード例 #3
    def process(self, acq, data):
        orig_size = list(data.shape)
        data2 = data.reshape([data.shape[0], int(data.size / data.shape[0])])
        new_length = data2.shape[0] >> 1
        data2 = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(
                dim=(0, ))[(0 + (new_length >> 1)):(new_length +
                                                    (new_length >> 1)), :],
            dim=(0, ))
        orig_size[0] = new_length
        acq.samples = new_length

        self.put_next(acq, data2)
        return 0
コード例 #4
def sample_data(img_obj, csm, acc=1, ref=0, sshift=0):
    #%  Samples the k-space of object provided in 'img_obj' after first applying
    #%  coil sensitivity maps in 'csm' and Fourier transforming to k-space.
    #%  INPUT:
    #%    - img_obj [x,y]    : Object in image space
    #%    - csm     [x,y,c]  : Coil sensitivity maps
    #%    - acc     scalar   : Acceleration factor
    #%    - ref     scalar   : Reference lines (in center of k-space)
    #%    - sshift  scalar   : Sampling shift, i.e for undersampling, do we
    #%                         start with line 1 or line 1+sshift?
    #%  OUPUT:
    #%    - data    [kx,ky,c]: Sampled data in k-space (zeros where not sampled)
    #%    - pat     [kx,ky,c]: Sampling pattern (0 = not sampled,
    #%                                           1 = imaging data,
    #%                                           2 = reference data,
    #%                                           3 = reference and imaging data)
    #%   Code made available for the ISMRM 2013 Sunrise Educational Course
    #%   Michael S. Hansen ([email protected])

    sshift = sshift % acc

    assert img_obj.ndim == 2, "Only two dimensional objects supported at the moment"
    assert csm.ndim == 3, "csm must be a 3 dimensional array"
    assert img_obj.shape[0] == csm.shape[
        1], "Object and csm dimension mismatch"
    assert img_obj.shape[1] == csm.shape[
        2], "Object and csm dimension mismatch"

    pat_img = np.zeros(img_obj.shape, dtype=np.int8)
    pat_img[sshift:-1:acc, :] = 1
    pat_ref = np.zeros(img_obj.shape, dtype=np.int8)
    if ref > 0:
        pat_ref[(0 + img_obj.shape[0] / 2):(ref + img_obj.shape[0] / 2), :] = 2

    pat = pat_img + pat_ref

    coil_images = np.tile(img_obj, (csm.shape[0], 1, 1)) * csm
    data = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(coil_images, dim=(1, 2))
    data = data * (np.tile(pat, (csm.shape[0], 1, 1)) > 0).astype('float32')
    return (data, pat)
コード例 #5
 def process(self, acq, data,*args):
     if not acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
         ro_length = acq.number_of_samples
         padded_ro_length = (acq.number_of_samples-acq.center_sample)*2
         if padded_ro_length != ro_length: #partial fourier
             data2 = np.zeros((data.shape[0], padded_ro_length),dtype=np.complex64)
             offset = (padded_ro_length>>1)  - acq.center_sample
             data2[:,0+offset:offset+ro_length] = data
             data2 = data
         data2=transform.transform_image_to_kspace(data2,dim=(1,)) * np.sqrt(float(padded_ro_length)/ro_length)
         acq.center_sample = padded_ro_length>>2
         acq.number_of_samples = data2.shape[1]
     return 0                                                                                     
コード例 #6
ファイル: tpat_snr_scale.py プロジェクト: shihao80/gadgetron
 def process(self, acq, data,*args):
     if not acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
         ro_length = acq.number_of_samples
         padded_ro_length = (acq.number_of_samples-acq.center_sample)*2
         if padded_ro_length != ro_length: #partial fourier
             data2 = np.zeros((data.shape[0], padded_ro_length),dtype=np.complex64)
             offset = (padded_ro_length>>1)  - acq.center_sample
             data2[:,0+offset:offset+ro_length] = data
             data2 = data
         data2=transform.transform_image_to_kspace(data2,dim=(1,)) * np.sqrt(float(padded_ro_length)/ro_length)
         acq.center_sample = padded_ro_length>>2
         acq.number_of_samples = data2.shape[1]
     return 0
コード例 #7
def sample_data(img_obj, csm, acc=1, ref=0, sshift=0):
#%  Samples the k-space of object provided in 'img_obj' after first applying
#%  coil sensitivity maps in 'csm' and Fourier transforming to k-space.
#%  INPUT:
#%    - img_obj [x,y]    : Object in image space
#%    - csm     [x,y,c]  : Coil sensitivity maps
#%    - acc     scalar   : Acceleration factor
#%    - ref     scalar   : Reference lines (in center of k-space)
#%    - sshift  scalar   : Sampling shift, i.e for undersampling, do we
#%                         start with line 1 or line 1+sshift?
#%  OUPUT:
#%    - data    [kx,ky,c]: Sampled data in k-space (zeros where not sampled)
#%    - pat     [kx,ky,c]: Sampling pattern (0 = not sampled,
#%                                           1 = imaging data,
#%                                           2 = reference data,
#%                                           3 = reference and imaging data)
#%   Code made available for the ISMRM 2013 Sunrise Educational Course
#%   Michael S. Hansen ([email protected])

    sshift = sshift%acc;
    assert img_obj.ndim == 2, "Only two dimensional objects supported at the moment"
    assert csm.ndim == 3, "csm must be a 3 dimensional array"
    assert img_obj.shape[0] == csm.shape[1], "Object and csm dimension mismatch"    
    assert img_obj.shape[1] == csm.shape[2], "Object and csm dimension mismatch" 

    pat_img = np.zeros(img_obj.shape,dtype=np.int8)
    pat_img[sshift:-1:acc,:] = 1
    pat_ref = np.zeros(img_obj.shape,dtype=np.int8)
    if ref>0:
        pat_ref[(0+img_obj.shape[0]/2):(ref+img_obj.shape[0]/2),:] = 2

    pat = pat_img + pat_ref
    coil_images = np.tile(img_obj,(csm.shape[0], 1, 1)) * csm
    data = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(coil_images,dim=(1,2))
    data = data * (np.tile(pat,(csm.shape[0], 1, 1))>0).astype('float32')
    return (data,pat)
コード例 #8
    a = diff_angle.sum()

folder = "/home/benoit/Documents/IHUBordeaux/test_sms_4/out/"
name = "donnee_mb_apres_extract_memcpy"
name2 = "donnee_sb_apres_extract_memcpy"

print(folder + name)
ref_coil_map = read_real_imaginary_part(folder, name)
ref_coil_map2 = read_real_imaginary_part(folder, name2)

dims = (ref_coil_map.shape)
dims2 = (ref_coil_map2.shape)

cha = 0
slc = 0

kspace_data = ref_coil_map[:, :, 0, cha, 0, 0, slc]
kspace_data2 = ref_coil_map2[:, :, 0, cha, 0, 0, slc]

image = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(kspace_data, dim=(0, 1))
image2 = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(kspace_data2, dim=(0, 1))

display(kspace_data2, image2)
display(kspace_data, image)
#comparaison(kspace_data, kspace_data2)
コード例 #9
def create(filename='testdata.h5',

    # Generate the phantom and coil sensitivity maps
    phan = simulation.phantom(matrix_size)
    csm = simulation.generate_birdcage_sensitivities(matrix_size, coils)
    coil_images = np.tile(phan, (coils, 1, 1)) * csm

    # Oversample if needed
    if oversampling > 1:
        padding = round((oversampling * phan.shape[1] - phan.shape[1]) / 2)
        phan = np.pad(phan, ((0, 0), (padding, padding)), mode='constant')
        csm = np.pad(csm, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (padding, padding)),
        coil_images = np.pad(coil_images, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (padding, padding)),

    # The number of points in x,y,kx,ky
    nx = matrix_size
    ny = matrix_size
    nkx = oversampling * nx
    nky = ny

    # Open the dataset
    dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(filename, "dataset", create_if_needed=True)

    # Create the XML header and write it to the file
    header = ismrmrd.xsd.ismrmrdHeader()

    # Experimental Conditions
    exp = ismrmrd.xsd.experimentalConditionsType()
    exp.H1resonanceFrequency_Hz = 128000000
    header.experimentalConditions = exp

    # Acquisition System Information
    sys = ismrmrd.xsd.acquisitionSystemInformationType()
    sys.receiverChannels = coils
    header.acquisitionSystemInformation = sys

    # Encoding
    encoding = ismrmrd.xsd.encoding()
    encoding.trajectory = ismrmrd.xsd.trajectoryType.cartesian

    # encoded and recon spaces
    efov = ismrmrd.xsd.fieldOfView_mm()
    efov.x = oversampling * 256
    efov.y = 256
    efov.z = 5
    rfov = ismrmrd.xsd.fieldOfView_mm()
    rfov.x = 256
    rfov.y = 256
    rfov.z = 5

    ematrix = ismrmrd.xsd.matrixSize()
    ematrix.x = nkx
    ematrix.y = nky
    ematrix.z = 1
    rmatrix = ismrmrd.xsd.matrixSize()
    rmatrix.x = nx
    rmatrix.y = ny
    rmatrix.z = 1

    espace = ismrmrd.xsd.encodingSpaceType()
    espace.matrixSize = ematrix
    espace.fieldOfView_mm = efov
    rspace = ismrmrd.xsd.encodingSpaceType()
    rspace.matrixSize = rmatrix
    rspace.fieldOfView_mm = rfov

    # Set encoded and recon spaces
    encoding.encodedSpace = espace
    encoding.reconSpace = rspace

    # Encoding limits
    limits = ismrmrd.xsd.encodingLimitsType()

    limits1 = ismrmrd.xsd.limitType()
    limits1.minimum = 0
    limits1.center = round(ny / 2)
    limits1.maximum = ny - 1
    limits.kspace_encoding_step_1 = limits1

    limits_rep = ismrmrd.xsd.limitType()
    limits_rep.minimum = 0
    limits_rep.center = round(repetitions / 2)
    limits_rep.maximum = repetitions - 1
    limits.repetition = limits_rep

    limits_rest = ismrmrd.xsd.limitType()
    limits_rest.minimum = 0
    limits_rest.center = 0
    limits_rest.maximum = 0
    limits.kspace_encoding_step_0 = limits_rest
    limits.slice = limits_rest
    limits.average = limits_rest
    limits.contrast = limits_rest
    limits.kspaceEncodingStep2 = limits_rest
    limits.phase = limits_rest
    limits.segment = limits_rest
    limits.set = limits_rest

    encoding.encodingLimits = limits


    # Synthesize the k-space data
    Ktrue = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(coil_images, (1, 2))

    # Create an acquistion and reuse it
    acq = ismrmrd.Acquisition()
    acq.resize(nkx, coils)
    acq.version = 1
    acq.available_channels = coils
    acq.center_sample = round(nkx / 2)
    acq.read_dir[0] = 1.0
    acq.phase_dir[1] = 1.0
    acq.slice_dir[2] = 1.0

    # Initialize an acquisition counter
    counter = 0

    # Write out a few noise scans
    for n in range(32):
        noise = noise_level * (np.random.randn(coils, nkx) +
                               1j * np.random.randn(coils, nkx))
        # here's where we would make the noise correlated
        acq.scan_counter = counter
        acq.data[:] = noise
        counter += 1  # increment the scan counter

    # Loop over the repetitions, add noise and write to disk
    # simulating a T-SENSE type scan
    for rep in range(repetitions):
        noise = noise_level * (np.random.randn(coils, nky, nkx) +
                               1j * np.random.randn(coils, nky, nkx))
        # here's where we would make the noise correlated
        K = Ktrue + noise
        acq.idx.repetition = rep
        for acc in range(acceleration):
            for line in np.arange(acc, nky, acceleration):
                # set some fields in the header
                acq.scan_counter = counter
                acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1 = line
                if line == 0:
                elif line == nky - 1:
                # set the data and append
                acq.data[:] = K[:, line, :]
                counter += 1

    # Clean up
コード例 #10
def load_ismrmrd_ifft3d_reconstruction(filename):
    Load .h5 file, read header (head) and reconstruct images

    filename : path to the .h5 file

    head : read imsrmrd dataset head (dataset.head)
    hdr : deserialized ismrmrd xml dataset file
    img_scaled : reconstructed image


    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        print("%s is not a valid file" % filename)
        raise SystemExit
    dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(filename, 'dataset', create_if_needed=False)

    #Read some fields from the XML header
    hdr = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(dset.read_xml_header())
    #get encoding and reconstruction information
    enc = hdr.encoding[0]
    # Matrix size
    eNx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
    eNy = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
    eNz = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z
    rNx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x

    # Number of Slices, Reps, Contrasts, etc.
    #We have to wrap the following in a if/else because a valid xml header may
    #not have an entry for some of the parameters
    ncoils = hdr.acquisitionSystemInformation.receiverChannels
    if enc.encodingLimits.slice != None:
        nslices = enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
        nslices = 1

    if enc.encodingLimits.repetition != None:
        nreps = enc.encodingLimits.repetition.maximum + 1
        nreps = 1

    if enc.encodingLimits.contrast != None:
        ncontrasts = enc.encodingLimits.contrast.maximum + 1
        ncontrasts = 1

    # Loop through the acquisitions looking for noise scans
    firstacq = 0
    for acqnum in range(dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

        # TODO: Currently ignoring noise scans
        if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
            print("Found noise scan at acq ", acqnum)
            firstacq = acqnum
            print("Imaging acquisition starts acq ", acqnum)

    # Initialiaze a storage array
    all_data = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, ncoils, eNz, eNy, rNx),

    # Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff
    for acqnum in range(firstacq, dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)
        head = acq.getHead()

        # TODO: this is where we would apply noise pre-whitening

        #padd if acquisition data is not complete (padding)
        if acq.data.shape[1] < eNx:
            x0 = int((eNx - acq.data.shape[1]) / 2)
            zeros = np.zeros((acq.data.shape[0], x0))
            padded_acq_data = np.append(np.append(zeros, acq.data, axis=1),
            acq.resize(eNx, acq.active_channels, acq.trajectory_dimensions)
            acq.data[:] = padded_acq_data

        # Remove oversampling if needed
        if eNx != rNx:
            #xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(acq.data, [1])
            xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(acq.data,
                                                        dim=(1, ),
                                                        img_shape=(eNx, ))
            x0 = int((eNx - rNx) / 2)
            x1 = int((eNx - rNx) / 2 + rNx)
            xline = xline[:, x0:x1]
            acq.resize(rNx, acq.active_channels, acq.trajectory_dimensions)
            acq.center_sample = int(rNx / 2)
            # need to use the [:] notation here to fill the data
            acq.data[:] = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(xline,
                                                              dim=(1, ),
                                                              k_shape=(rNx, ))

        # Stuff into the buffer
        rep = acq.idx.repetition
        contrast = acq.idx.contrast
        slice = acq.idx.slice
        y = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
        z = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2
        all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, z, y, :] = acq.data

    # Reconstruct images
    images = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, eNz, eNy, rNx),
    img_scaled = []
    for rep in range(nreps):
        for contrast in range(ncontrasts):
            for slice in range(nslices):
                # FFT
                if eNz > 1:
                    # 3D
                    im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(
                        all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, :, :, :], [1, 2, 3])
                    # 2D
                    im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(
                        all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, 0, :, :], [2, 3])

                # Sum of squares
                im = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(im)**2, 0))

                # Stuff into the output
                if eNz > 1:
                    # 3D
                    images[rep, contrast, slice, :, :, :] = im
                    # 2D
                    images[rep, contrast, slice, 0, :, :] = im



    return [head, hdr, img_scaled]
コード例 #11
# Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff
for acqnum in range(firstacq, dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
    acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

    # TODO: this is where we would apply noise pre-whitening

    # Remove oversampling if needed
    if eNx != rNx:
        xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(acq.data, [1])
        x0 = (eNx - rNx) / 2
        x1 = (eNx - rNx) / 2 + rNx
        xline = xline[:, x0:x1]
        acq.resize(rNx, acq.active_channels, acq.trajectory_dimensions)
        acq.center_sample = rNx / 2
        # need to use the [:] notation here to fill the data
        acq.data[:] = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(xline, [1])

    # Stuff into the buffer
    rep = acq.idx.repetition
    contrast = acq.idx.contrast
    slice = acq.idx.slice
    y = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
    z = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2
    all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, z, y, :] = acq.data

# Reconstruct images
images = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, eNz, eNy, rNx),
for rep in range(nreps):
    for contrast in range(ncontrasts):
        for slice in range(nslices):
コード例 #12
            databuff[:, 0:acq.data.shape[1]] = acq.data
            #databuff[:,xcenter-acq.data.shape[1]/2:xcenter+acq.data.shape[1]/2] = acq.data
            databuff = acq.data

        #databuff = acq.data
    if args.removeOS:
        print "removeOS"
        xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(databuff, [1])
        x0 = (eNx - rNx) / 2
        x1 = (eNx - rNx) / 2 + rNx / 2
        xline = xline[:, x0:x1]
        databuff.resize(rNx, acq.active_channels, acq.trajectory_dimensions)
        acq.center_sample = rNx / 2
        # need to use the [:] notation here to fill the data
        databuff = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(xline, [1])
        #print "databuff.shape=", databuff.shape

    print "seg", seg, " / avg", avg, " / set_", set_, " / rep", rep, " / contrast", contrast, " / slice_", slice, " / xcenter", xcenter, " / y", y, " / z", z

    if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION):
        print "calibration data: acq:", acqnum
        all_data_calib[seg, set_, avg, phase, rep, contrast, slice, :, z,
                       y, :] = databuff
    elif acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION_AND_IMAGING):
        print "calibration data and imaging: acq:", acqnum
        all_data_calib[seg, set_, avg, phase, rep, contrast, slice, :, z,
                       y, :] = databuff
    elif acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_DUMMYSCAN_DATA):
        print "dummy scan data: acq:", acqnum
        #all_data[seg,set_,avg, phase, rep, contrast, slice, :, z, y, : ] = databuff;
コード例 #13
# Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff
for acqnum in range(firstacq,dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
    acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

    # TODO: this is where we would apply noise pre-whitening

    # Remove oversampling if needed
    if eNx != rNx:
        xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(acq.data, [1])
        x0 = (eNx - rNx) / 2
        x1 = (eNx - rNx) / 2 + rNx
        xline = xline[:,x0:x1]
        acq.center_sample = rNx/2
        # need to use the [:] notation here to fill the data
        acq.data[:] = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(xline, [1])
    # Stuff into the buffer
    rep = acq.idx.repetition
    contrast = acq.idx.contrast
    slice = acq.idx.slice
    y = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
    z = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2
    all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, z, y, :] = acq.data

# Reconstruct images
images = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, eNz, eNy, rNx), dtype=np.float32)
for rep in range(nreps):
    for contrast in range(ncontrasts):
        for slice in range(nslices):
            # FFT
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_pyport.py プロジェクト: zongjg/mr_utils
    def test_bssfp_data(self):
        '''Sample bSSFP data set.'''
        dset = pyport(file=self.sample, debug=False)

        import numpy as np
        import ismrmrd
        import ismrmrd.xsd

        from ismrmrdtools import show, transform

        header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(dset.read_xml_header())
        enc = header.encoding[0]

        # Matrix size
        eNx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
        eNy = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
        eNz = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z
        rNx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x
        _rNy = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.y
        _rNz = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.z

        # Field of View
        _eFOVx = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x
        _eFOVy = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y
        _eFOVz = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z
        _rFOVx = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x
        _rFOVy = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y
        _rFOVz = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z

        # Number of Slices, Reps, Contrasts, etc.
        ncoils = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.receiverChannels
        if enc.encodingLimits.slice is not None:
            nslices = enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
            nslices = 1

        if enc.encodingLimits.average is not None:
            nreps = enc.encodingLimits.average.maximum + 1
            nreps = 1

        if enc.encodingLimits.contrast is not None:
            ncontrasts = enc.encodingLimits.contrast.maximum + 1
            ncontrasts = 1

        # TODO loop through the acquisitions looking for noise scans
        firstacq = 0
        for acqnum in range(dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
            acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

            # TODO: Currently ignoring noise scans
            if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
                print("Found noise scan at acq ", acqnum)
                firstacq = acqnum
                print("Imaging acquisition starts acq ", acqnum)

        # Initialiaze a storage array
        all_data = np.zeros(
            (nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, ncoils, eNz, eNy, rNx),
            dtype=np.complex64)  #pylint: disable=E1101

        # Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff
        for acqnum in range(firstacq, dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
            acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

            # TODO: this is where we would apply noise pre-whitening

            # Remove oversampling if needed
            if eNx != rNx:
                xline = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(acq.data, [1])
                x0 = int((eNx - rNx) / 2)
                x1 = int((eNx - rNx) / 2 + rNx)
                xline = xline[:, x0:x1]
                acq.resize(rNx, acq.active_channels, acq.trajectory_dimensions)  #pylint: disable=E1101
                acq.center_sample = int(rNx / 2)
                # need to use the [:] notation here to fill the data
                acq.data[:] = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(xline, [1])

            # Stuff into the buffer
            rep = acq.idx.average  #pylint: disable=E1101
            contrast = acq.idx.contrast  #pylint: disable=E1101
            slise = acq.idx.slice  #pylint: disable=E1101
            y = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1  #pylint: disable=E1101
            z = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2  #pylint: disable=E1101
            all_data[rep, contrast, slise, :, z, y, :] = acq.data

        # Reconstruct images
        images = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, eNz, eNy, rNx),
                          dtype=np.float32)  #pylint: disable=E1101
        for rep in range(nreps):
            for contrast in range(ncontrasts):
                for slise in range(nslices):
                    # FFT
                    if eNz > 1:
                        im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(
                            all_data[rep, contrast, slise, ...], [1, 2, 3])
                        im = transform.transform_kspace_to_image(
                            all_data[rep, contrast, slise, :, 0, ...], [1, 2])

                    # Sum of squares
                    im = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(im)**2, 0))

                    # Stuff into the output
                    if eNz > 1:
                        images[rep, contrast, slise, ...] = im
                        images[rep, contrast, slise, 0, ...] = im

        # Show an image
        show.imshow(np.squeeze(images[0, 0, 0, ...]))
def create(filename='testdata.h5', matrix_size=256, coils=8, oversampling=2, repetitions=1, acceleration=1, noise_level=0.05):

    # Generate the phantom and coil sensitivity maps
    phan = simulation.phantom(matrix_size)
    csm = simulation.generate_birdcage_sensitivities(matrix_size, coils)
    coil_images = np.tile(phan,(coils, 1, 1)) * csm

    # Oversample if needed
    if oversampling>1:
        padding = (oversampling*phan.shape[1] - phan.shape[1])/2
        phan = np.pad(phan,((0,0),(padding,padding)),mode='constant')
        csm = np.pad(csm,((0,0),(0,0),(padding,padding)),mode='constant')
        coil_images = np.pad(coil_images,((0,0),(0,0),(padding,padding)),mode='constant')

    # The number of points in x,y,kx,ky
    nx = matrix_size
    ny = matrix_size
    nkx = oversampling*nx
    nky = ny
    # Open the dataset
    dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(filename, "dataset", create_if_needed=True)
    # Create the XML header and write it to the file
    header = ismrmrd.xsd.ismrmrdHeader()
    # Experimental Conditions
    exp = ismrmrd.xsd.experimentalConditionsType()
    exp.H1resonanceFrequency_Hz = 128000000
    header.experimentalConditions = exp
    # Acquisition System Information
    sys = ismrmrd.xsd.acquisitionSystemInformationType()
    sys.receiverChannels = coils
    header.acquisitionSystemInformation = sys

    # Encoding
    encoding = ismrmrd.xsd.encoding()
    encoding.trajectory = ismrmrd.xsd.trajectoryType.cartesian
    # encoded and recon spaces
    efov = ismrmrd.xsd.fieldOfView_mm()
    efov.x = oversampling*256
    efov.y = 256
    efov.z = 5
    rfov = ismrmrd.xsd.fieldOfView_mm()
    rfov.x = 256
    rfov.y = 256
    rfov.z = 5
    ematrix = ismrmrd.xsd.matrixSize()
    ematrix.x = nkx
    ematrix.y = nky
    ematrix.z = 1
    rmatrix = ismrmrd.xsd.matrixSize()
    rmatrix.x = nx
    rmatrix.y = ny
    rmatrix.z = 1
    espace = ismrmrd.xsd.encodingSpaceType()
    espace.matrixSize = ematrix
    espace.fieldOfView_mm = efov
    rspace = ismrmrd.xsd.encodingSpaceType()
    rspace.matrixSize = rmatrix
    rspace.fieldOfView_mm = rfov
    # Set encoded and recon spaces
    encoding.encodedSpace = espace
    encoding.reconSpace = rspace
    # Encoding limits
    limits = ismrmrd.xsd.encodingLimitsType()
    limits1 = ismrmrd.xsd.limitType()
    limits1.minimum = 0
    limits1.center = ny/2
    limits1.maximum = ny - 1
    limits.kspace_encoding_step_1 = limits1
    limits_rep = ismrmrd.xsd.limitType()
    limits_rep.minimum = 0
    limits_rep.center = repetitions / 2
    limits_rep.maximum = repetitions - 1
    limits.repetition = limits_rep
    limits_rest = ismrmrd.xsd.limitType()
    limits_rest.minimum = 0
    limits_rest.center = 0
    limits_rest.maximum = 0
    limits.kspace_encoding_step_0 = limits_rest
    limits.slice = limits_rest    
    limits.average = limits_rest
    limits.contrast = limits_rest
    limits.kspaceEncodingStep2 = limits_rest
    limits.phase = limits_rest
    limits.segment = limits_rest
    limits.set = limits_rest
    encoding.encodingLimits = limits


    # Synthesize the k-space data
    Ktrue = transform.transform_image_to_kspace(coil_images,(1,2))

    # Create an acquistion and reuse it
    acq = ismrmrd.Acquisition()
    acq.resize(nkx, coils)
    acq.version = 1
    acq.available_channels = coils
    acq.center_sample = nkx/2
    acq.read_dir[0] = 1.0
    acq.phase_dir[1] = 1.0
    acq.slice_dir[2] = 1.0

    # Initialize an acquisition counter
    counter = 0
    # Write out a few noise scans
    for n in range(32):
        noise = noise_level * (np.random.randn(coils, nkx) + 1j * np.random.randn(coils, nkx))
        # here's where we would make the noise correlated
        acq.scan_counter = counter
        acq.data[:] = noise
        counter += 1 # increment the scan counter
    # Loop over the repetitions, add noise and write to disk
    # simulating a T-SENSE type scan
    for rep in range(repetitions):
        noise = noise_level * (np.random.randn(coils, nky, nkx) + 1j * np.random.randn(coils, nky, nkx))
        # here's where we would make the noise correlated
        K = Ktrue + noise
        acq.idx.repetition = rep
        for acc in range(acceleration):
            for line in np.arange(acc,nky,acceleration):
                # set some fields in the header
                acq.scan_counter = counter
                acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1 = line
                if line == 0:
                elif line == nky - 1:
                # set the data and append
                acq.data[:] = K[:,line,:]
                counter += 1

    # Clean up
コード例 #16
    def compute(self):

        do_squeeze = self.getVal('Squeeze')
        do_remos = self.getVal('Remove Oversampling')
        do_zeropad = self.getVal('Zeropad')
        do_noiseadj = self.getVal('Noise Adjust')
        receiver_noise_bw = self.getVal('Receiver Noise BW Ratio')

        #Get the file name use the file browser widget
        fname = gpi.TranslateFileURI(self.getVal('File Browser'))

        #Check if the file exists
        if not os.path.exists(fname):
            self.log.node("Path does not exist: "+str(fname))
            return 0
        dset = ismrmrd.Dataset(fname, 'dataset', create_if_needed=False)

        xml_header = dset.read_xml_header()
        header = ismrmrd.xsd.CreateFromDocument(xml_header)
        self.setData('ISMRMRDHeader', str(xml_header))

        enc = header.encoding[0]

        # Matrix size
        eNx = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
        eNy = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
        eNz = enc.encodedSpace.matrixSize.z
        rNx = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.x
        rNy = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.y
        rNz = enc.reconSpace.matrixSize.z

        # Field of View
        eFOVx = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x
        eFOVy = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y
        eFOVz = enc.encodedSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z
        rFOVx = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.x
        rFOVy = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.y
        rFOVz = enc.reconSpace.fieldOfView_mm.z

        # Number of Slices, Reps, Contrasts, etc.
        ncoils = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.receiverChannels
        if enc.encodingLimits.slice != None:
            nslices = enc.encodingLimits.slice.maximum + 1
            nslices = 1
        if enc.encodingLimits.repetition != None:
            nreps = enc.encodingLimits.repetition.maximum + 1
            nreps = 1
        if enc.encodingLimits.contrast != None:
            ncontrasts = enc.encodingLimits.contrast.maximum + 1
            ncontrasts = 1

        # In case there are noise scans in the actual dataset, we will skip them.
        noise_data = list()
        noise_dmtx = None
        for acqnum in range(dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
            acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)
            if acq.isFlagSet(ismrmrd.ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT):
                firstacq = acqnum

        if len(noise_data):
            profiles = len(noise_data)
            channels = noise_data[0][1].shape[0]
            samples_per_profile = noise_data[0][1].shape[1]
            noise = np.zeros((channels,profiles*samples_per_profile),dtype=np.complex64)
            counter = 0
            for p in noise_data:
                noise[:,counter*samples_per_profile:(counter*samples_per_profile+samples_per_profile)] = p[1]
                counter = counter + 1
            scale = (acq.sample_time_us/noise_data[0][0].sample_time_us)*receiver_noise_bw
            noise_dmtx = coils.calculate_prewhitening(noise,scale_factor=scale)
            noise_data = list()
        # Empty array for the output data
        acq = dset.read_acquisition(firstacq)
        ro_length = acq.number_of_samples
        padded_ro_length = (acq.number_of_samples-acq.center_sample)*2

        size_nx = 0
        if do_remos:
            size_nx = rNx
            do_zeropad = True
        elif do_zeropad:
            size_nx = padded_ro_length
            size_nx = ro_length
        all_data = np.zeros((nreps, ncontrasts, nslices, ncoils, eNz, eNy, size_nx), dtype=np.complex64)

        # Loop through the rest of the acquisitions and stuff
        for acqnum in range(firstacq,dset.number_of_acquisitions()):
            acq = dset.read_acquisition(acqnum)

            acq_data_prw = np.zeros(acq.data.shape,dtype=np.complex64)
            acq_data_prw[:] = acq.data[:]
            if do_noiseadj and (noise_dmtx is not None):
                acq_data_prw = coils.apply_prewhitening(acq_data_prw, noise_dmtx)
            data2 = None
            if (padded_ro_length != ro_length) and do_zeropad: #partial fourier
                data2 = np.zeros((acq_data_prw.shape[0], padded_ro_length),dtype=np.complex64)
                offset = (padded_ro_length>>1)  - acq.center_sample
                data2[:,0+offset:offset+ro_length] = acq_data_prw
                data2 = acq_data_prw

            if do_remos:
                data2=transform.transform_image_to_kspace(data2,dim=(1,)) * np.sqrt(float(padded_ro_length)/ro_length)
            # Stuff into the buffer
            rep = acq.idx.repetition
            contrast = acq.idx.contrast
            slice = acq.idx.slice
            y = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_1
            z = acq.idx.kspace_encode_step_2
            all_data[rep, contrast, slice, :, z, y, :] = data2
        all_data = all_data.astype('complex64')

        if do_squeeze:
            all_data = np.squeeze(all_data)

        return 0