def handle(self, *args, **options): now = if not options.get('full'): print print 'NOTE: Creating small test data set, use --full for MOAR DATA.' print reset = False if options.get('reset'): yn = raw_input( 'Are you sure you want to delete precious data? [y/N] ') if yn.strip().lower() == 'y': reset = True else: return create_all = not (options.get('users', False) or options.get( 'topics', False) or options.get('elections', False) or options.get('documents', False)) userlist = [('a', '*****@*****.**', 'Alpha'), ('b', '*****@*****.**', 'Beta'), ('c', '*****@*****.**', 'Foo'), ('d', '*****@*****.**', 'Baz')] userlist += [('user%s' % i, '*****@*****.**' % i, 'User %s' % i) for i in range(0, 1110)] serial_ssn = 0 if options.get('users') or create_all: if not options.get('full'): userlist = userlist[:20] print 'Generating %d users ...' % len(userlist) users = {} if reset: User.objects.all().delete() for u, email, name in userlist: try: if len(u) == 1: users[u] = User.objects.create_user(u, password=u) users[u].is_staff = True users[u].is_superuser = True print ' * Creating user "%s" with password "%s"' % ( u, u) else: users[u] = User.objects.create_user(u) users[u].email = email users[u].save() UserProfile( user=users[u], verified_ssn='%10.10d' % serial_ssn, joined_org=now - timedelta(hours=random.randint(0, 24 * 5))).save() serial_ssn += 1 except IntegrityError: # User already exists users[u] = User.objects.get(email=email) print 'Generating/updating 4 polities of varying sizes ...' pollist = [('d', 'The Big Polity', 'abc', 1000), ('c', 'The Medium Polity', 'abc', 100), ('b', 'The Small Polity', 'ab', 10), ('a', 'The Dinky Polity', 'a', 1)] if not options.get('full'): pollist = pollist[2:] topiclist = [] for t1 in ADJECTIVES: for t2 in THINGS: for t3 in ACTIONS: topiclist.append('%s %s %s' % (t1, t2, t3)) polities = {} documents = {} for u, name, members, size in pollist: print ' + %s (size=%d)' % (name, size) usr = User.objects.get(username=u) try: p = Polity.objects.get(name=name) new = False except: p = Polity(name=name, slug=name.lower().replace(' ', '-'), description='A polity with about %d things' % size) p.created = now - timedelta(hours=random.randint(0, 24 * 5)) p.created_by = usr p.modified_by = usr PolityRuleset(polity=p, name='Silly rules', issue_majority=50, issue_discussion_time=24 * 3600, issue_proposal_time=24 * 3600, issue_vote_time=24 * 3600).save() new = True polities[u] = (p, size) if new or options.get('topics') or create_all: n = 1 + min(size // 5, len(topiclist)) print ' - Creating %d topics' % n if reset: Topic.objects.filter(polity=p).delete() for topic in random.sample(topiclist, n): Topic(name=topic, polity=p, created_by=usr).save() if new or options.get('users') or create_all: print ' - Adding ~%d users' % size for m in set([m for m in members] + random.sample(users.keys(), size)): try: # User d is a member of no polities if m != 'd': p.members.add(users[m]) except: pass if options.get('elections') or create_all: # Create 3 elections per polity: # one soliciting candidates, one voting, one finished print ' - Creating 3 elections' if reset: Election.objects.filter(polity=p).delete() for dc, dv in ((1, 2), (-1, 1), (-2, -1)): e = Election(name="%s Manager" % random.choice(THINGS), polity=p, voting_system='schulze', deadline_candidacy=now + timedelta(days=dc), deadline_votes=now + timedelta(days=dv), deadline_joined_org=now + timedelta(days=dv)) if (dc < 0) or (dv < 0): candidatec = min(p.members.count(), 15) voterc = 0 else: candidatec = min(p.members.count(), 5) voterc = min(p.members.count(), 5) candidates = [] for cand in random.sample(p.members.all(), candidatec): c = Candidate(election=e, user=cand) candidates.append(c) for voter in random.sample(p.members.all(), voterc): random.shuffle(candidates) for rank, cand in enumerate(candidates): ElectionVote(election=e, user=voter, candidate=cand, value=rank).save() if (dv < 0) and voterc and candidatec: try: e.process() except: traceback.print_exc() print 'Votes cast on %s: %s' % ( e, ElectionVote.objects.filter( election=e).count()) if new or options.get('documents') or create_all: # We create a list of authors biased towards the first # users created, so some users will have lots of documents # and others will have less. ul = [username for username, e, n in userlist] aw = [(m.username, max(20 - ul.index(m.username), 1)) for m in p.members.all()] authors = [a for a, w in aw for i in range(0, w)] # Get a list of topics... topics = Topic.objects.filter(polity=p) print ' - Creating %d documents' % size if reset: Document.objects.filter(polity=p).delete() for docn in range(0, size): topic = random.choice(topics) subject = '%s %s with %s' % (random.choice(ACTACTS),, random.choice(THINGS) + 's') author = User.objects.get(username=random.choice(authors)) doc = Document(name=subject, user=author, polity=p) doc.created = now - timedelta( hours=random.randint(0, 24 * 3)) documents[] = (topic, doc) text = subject for version in range(0, random.randint(1, 3)): text = '%s\n%s' % (text, text) docc = DocumentContent(document=doc, user=author, text=text) docc.status = 'proposed' docc.order = version if options.get('documents') or create_all: # Put max(3, 10%) of all the documents up for election howmany = min(max(3, len(documents) // 10), len(documents)) print 'Creating issues for %d documents.' % howmany j = 1 for dk in random.sample(documents.keys(), howmany): topic, doc = documents[dk] i = Issue(, polity=doc.polity, created_by=doc.user, issue_num=j, issue_year=2018, ruleset=PolityRuleset.objects.filter(polity=doc.polity)[0], majority_percentage=50, documentcontent=doc.preferred_version()) i.created = doc.created i.apply_ruleset(now=doc.created) i.topics.add(topic) j += 1
def issue_add_edit(request, polity_id, issue_id=None, documentcontent_id=None): polity = get_object_or_404(Polity, id=polity_id) # Make sure that user is allowed to do this. if polity.is_newissue_only_officers and request.user not in polity.officers.all(): raise PermissionDenied() if issue_id: issue = get_object_or_404(Issue, id=issue_id, polity_id=polity_id) current_content = issue.documentcontent # We don't want to edit anything that has already been processed. if issue.is_processed: raise PermissionDenied() else: issue = Issue(polity=polity) if documentcontent_id: try: current_content = DocumentContent.objects.select_related('document').get(id=documentcontent_id) except DocumentContent.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 else: current_content = None if request.method == 'POST': form = IssueForm(request.POST, instance=issue) if form.is_valid(): issue = issue.apply_ruleset() issue.documentcontent = current_content issue.special_process_set_by = request.user if issue.special_process else None issue.topics.clear() for topic in request.POST.getlist('topics'): issue.topics.add(topic) return redirect(reverse('issue', args=(polity_id, else: # Check if we need to inherit information from previous documentcontent. if not issue_id and current_content: name = selected_topics = [] # If this is a new issue, being made from existing content, we # want to inherit the previously selected topics, and add a # version number to the name. if current_content.order > 1: name += u', %s %d' % (_(u'version'), current_content.order) selected_topics = current_content.previous_topics() form = IssueForm(instance=issue, initial={ 'name': name, 'description': current_content.comments.replace("\n", "\\n"), 'topics': selected_topics, }) else: form = IssueForm(instance=issue) # Make only topics from this polity available. form.fields['topics'].queryset = Topic.objects.filter(polity=polity) ctx = { 'polity': polity, 'issue': issue, 'form': form, 'documentcontent': current_content, 'tab': 'diff' if current_content.order > 1 else '', } return render(request, 'issue/issue_form.html', ctx)