コード例 #1
ファイル: cat_prob.py プロジェクト: dplepage/puztool
    def cons_sanity(self):
        '''Return sanity-check constraints.

        The returned list of constraints will require that for every three
        categories A, B, and C, AB[i,j] & BC[j,k] -> AC[i,k].

        For example, if your categories are first name, last name, and hair
        color, this will emit constraints ensuring that if the first name
        'Alice' goes with the last name 'Svetlana' and the last name 'Svetlana'
        goes with the hair color 'Teal', then the first name 'Alice' must go
        with the hair color 'Teal'.
        for f1, f2, f3 in combos(self.categories, 3):
            a2b = self.vgrids[f1][f2]
            b2c = self.vgrids[f2][f3]
            a2c = self.vgrids[f1][f3]
            for i in range(self.num_items):
                for j in range(self.num_items):
                    for k in range(self.num_items):
                        yield z3.Implies(
                            z3.And(a2b[i, j], b2c[j, k]), a2c[i, k])
        for cat in self.xcats:
            for f1, f2 in combos(self.categories, 2):
                a2b = self.vgrids[f1][f2]
                cat1 = self.vcats[cat][f1]
                cat2 = self.vcats[cat][f2]
                for i in range(self.num_items):
                    for j in range(self.num_items):
                        yield (a2b[i, j] == False) | (cat1[i] == cat2[j])
コード例 #2
ファイル: cat_prob.py プロジェクト: dplepage/puztool
 def grid(self) -> CatGrid:
     if self._grid is None:
         altrows = [dict(r) for r in self.rows]
         cats = list(altrows[0])
         # Deduplicate non-unique rows
         for cat in cats:
             vals = set()
             for row in altrows:
                 while row[cat] in vals:
                     row[cat] = '_{}'.format(row[cat])
         # Add xcat rows to grid, using only values that were actually used
         catmap = {cat: [i.val for i in v]
                   for (cat, v) in self.catprob.catmap.items()}
         for cat in set(cats) - set(catmap):
             catmap[cat] = [row[cat] for row in altrows]
         self._grid = CatGrid(catmap)
         for f1, f2 in combos(cats, 2):
             self._grid.grids[f1][f2][:, :] = False
         for row in altrows:
             for f1, f2 in combos(cats, 2):
                 ia = self._grid.get_info(row[f1], cat=f1)
                 ib = self._grid.get_info(row[f2], cat=f2)
                 self._grid.grids[f1][f2][ia.idx, ib.idx] = True
     return self._grid
コード例 #3
def geometric_voting_rel(boxes, wmax, wmin, rtol, intersect_mode, verb=False):
    global centers, w_max, w_min, radii, r_rel_tol, vote_db, relative_search, verbose
    relative_search = True
    vote_db = {}
    r_rel_tol = rtol
    w_max = wmax
    w_min = wmin
    n = boxes.shape[0]
    radii = np.zeros(n)
    center_points = np.zeros((n, 2))
    # approximate all radii in pixels
    for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
        radii[i] = util.calculate_radius(box)
        center_points[i] = util.calculate_center(box)
    centers = center_points
    # get sorting vector
    sort = radii.argsort()[::-1]
    # sort dat shit
    radii = radii[sort]
    tuple_generator = combos(np.arange(n), 2)
    for count, (ci, cj) in enumerate(tuple_generator):
        # get pair-database indices of pair candidates
        if intersect_mode:
            ci_candidates, cj_candidates = search_pair(ci, cj, True)
            add_votes_to_db(vote_db, ci, ci_candidates)
            add_votes_to_db(vote_db, cj, cj_candidates)
            ci_d, ci_r, cj_d, cj_r = search_pair(ci, cj, False)
            add_votes_to_db(vote_db, ci, ci_d)
            add_votes_to_db(vote_db, ci, ci_r)
            add_votes_to_db(vote_db, cj, cj_d)
            add_votes_to_db(vote_db, cj, cj_r)

    return do_final_validation(), vote_db
コード例 #4
def test_cache_ops():

    fsm = FileStorageManager()
    ops = [sub, add]
    tseries = []
    size_tot = 0

    ts = list(range(0, randint(0, 10000)))
    for i in range(5):
        vs = [randint(0, 1000000) for t in ts]
        ats = ArrayTimeSeries(ts, vs)
        fsm.store(i, ats)
        size_tot += getsizeof(ats)

    fsm = FileStorageManager(max_cache_size=10 * size_tot)
    for o in ops:
        for i, j in combos(range(5), 2):
            t1 = SMTimeSeries.from_db(i, fsm)
            t2 = SMTimeSeries.from_db(j, fsm)
            t3 = o(t1, t2)
            assert o(t1, t2) == fsm._cache[t3._ident]

    t = -SMTimeSeries.from_db(0)
    assert -tseries[0] == fsm._cache[t._ident]
コード例 #5
def exclusion_by_intersection_rel(boxes, wmax, wmin, rtol, verb=False):
    global centers, w_max, w_min, radii, r_rel_tol, intersect_db, relative_search, verbose
    relative_search = True
    verbose = verb
    intersect_db = {}
    r_rel_tol = rtol
    w_max = wmax
    w_min = wmin
    n = boxes.shape[0]
    radii = np.zeros(n)
    center_points = np.zeros((n, 2))
    # approximate all radii in pixels
    for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
        radii[i] = util.calculate_radius(box)
        center_points[i] = util.calculate_center(box)
    centers = center_points
    # get sorting vector
    sort = radii.argsort()[::-1]
    # sort dat shit
    radii = radii[sort]
    tuple_generator = combos(np.arange(n), 2)
    for ci, cj in tuple_generator:
        # get pair-database indices of pair candidates
        ci_candidates, cj_candidates = search_pair(ci, cj, True)
        add_ids_to_db(intersect_db, ci, ci_candidates)
        add_ids_to_db(intersect_db, cj, cj_candidates)
    return do_final_validation()
コード例 #6
def reduceByCheckCount(check_count, top_layer, bot_layer, top_reachable_idxs):
    fraction_reachable_top = (len(top_reachable_idxs) - 0.1) / len(top_layer)
    lowest = 10**6
    result = []
    for top_subset_idxs in combos(top_reachable_idxs, check_count):
        top_remaining = [
            top_layer[idx] for idx in top_reachable_idxs
            if idx not in top_subset_idxs

        reachable_bot = [
            v for v in bot_layer if any(
                manhatDist(u, v) == 1 for u in top_remaining)

        # print(top_subset_idxs, reachable_bot)

        fraction_reachable_bot = len(reachable_bot) - 0.1
        fraction_reachable_bot /= len(bot_layer)

        isDecreasing = (fraction_reachable_bot < fraction_reachable_top)
        isMonotonic = (fraction_reachable_bot <= fraction_reachable_top)
        evenCond = EVEN and isDecreasing
        oddCond = not EVEN and isMonotonic
        if evenCond or oddCond:
            if fraction_reachable_bot < lowest:
                result = []
                lowest = fraction_reachable_bot
            bot_reachable_idxs = [bot_layer.index(v) for v in reachable_bot]
            result.append((check_count, sorted(bot_reachable_idxs)))
    return result
コード例 #7
def write_all_compare_results(dds, treats, r, shrink=False, quiet=True, remove_pvals=False):
    writer = pd.ExcelWriter(

    for i, j in combos(treats, 2):
        if not quiet:
            print("Working on {0} | {1}".format(i, j))
        if shrink:
            r_res = r.lfcShrink(dds, contrast=ro.StrVector(
                ["treatmentID", i, j]))
            r_res = r.results(dds, contrast=ro.StrVector(
                ["treatmentID", i, j]))

        r_res = r['as.data.frame'](r_res)
        df = R_to_pandas(r_res, r)
        df = df.sort_values(by=['padj'])
        if remove_pvals:
            df = df[df['padj'] < 0.01]
        conv = {k: str(k) for k in list(df.columns)}
        df = df.rename(index=str, columns=conv)
        df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="{0} | {1}".format(i, j))

コード例 #8
def sum_not_ab():

    ab = (n for n in range(12, 28123) if abun(n))
    sum_ab = set(a + b for a, b in combos(ab, 2))
    not_ab = (x for x in range(28123) if x not in sum_ab)

    return (sum(not_ab))
コード例 #9
def calc_similarities(R, sim_func=pearson):
    """Compute the pairwise similarities between each user based on their

    R : pandas.DataFrame
        Movie ratings for each user.
    sim_func : function, optional
        Function of the form ``sim_func(R, u, v)`` that computes the similarity
        between users ``u`` and ``v`` from the ratings dataframe ``R``.

    S : pandas.Dataframe
        Dataframe containing the pairwise similarities between users.


    # Initialise an empty dataframe of similarities.
    S = pandas.DataFrame(index=R.index, columns=R.index)
    S.fillna(0.0, inplace=True)

    # Assign the pairwise similarities.
    for (u, _), (v, _) in combos(R.iterrows(), 2):
        S.ix[u, v] = S.ix[v, u] = sim_func(R, u, v)

    return S
コード例 #10
ファイル: Driver.py プロジェクト: taoyiliang/unc-quant
 def addHDMRLevel(self,varnames,lvl):
   nameset = combos(varnames,lvl)
   for entry in nameset:
     for e,ent in enumerate(entry):
   return todo
コード例 #11
ファイル: neural net.py プロジェクト: llpk79/DNNTenThousand
def make_some_features(numbers, clip):
    features = set()
    combinations = (combo for combo in combos(numbers, 6))
    for i, comb in enumerate(combinations):
        if i % clip == 0:  # Keeping size reasonable
            for perm in perms(comb):
    return features
コード例 #12
 def addHDMRLevel(self, varnames, lvl):
     todo = {}
     nameset = combos(varnames, lvl)
     for entry in nameset:
         todo[entry] = []
         for e, ent in enumerate(entry):
     return todo
コード例 #13
def get_combos(pos_avail, num, limit_cost):
    all = list(combos(pos_avail, num))
    bos = [ComboPlayerSet(x) for x in all]
    get = []
    for x in bos:
        if x.total_cost / num < limit_cost:
    return get
コード例 #14
def get_combos(pos_avail, num, limit_cost):
    all = list(combos(pos_avail, num))
    bos = [ComboPlayerSet(x) for x in all]
    get = []
    for x in bos:
        if x.total_cost / num < limit_cost:
    return get
コード例 #15
 def next(self, n=1):
     while n:
         res = defaultdict(int)
         for i, j in combos(self.seq, 2):
             res[i + j] += 1
         ans = min([k for k in res.keys() if res[k] == 1 and k > max(self.seq)])
         n -= 1
     return ans
コード例 #16
 def __init__(self, categories):
     self.pairs = list(combos(self.categories, 2))  # this comes up a lot
     self.grids = {n: {} for n in self.categories}
     for f1, f2 in self.pairs:
         g = np.empty((self.num_items, self.num_items), dtype='object')
         # Both entries point to different views of the same matrix
         self.grids[f1][f2] = g
         self.grids[f2][f1] = g.T
コード例 #17
ファイル: svm.py プロジェクト: majidaldo/ml
def listijs(n): return np.array(#indexing
         list(combos(xrange(n),2)) #first ninej are the combos
        +list(izip(  xrange(n),xrange(n)  ))

コード例 #18
    def exclude(self, *vals):
        '''Indicate that these values are mutually exclusive.

        This marks all intersections of values in vals as False.
        infos = map(self.get_info, vals)
        for i1, i2 in combos(infos, 2):
            if i1.cat == i2.cat:
            self.grids[i1.cat][i2.cat][i1.idx, i2.idx] = False
コード例 #19
ファイル: D.py プロジェクト: sbogdan/codejam
def solvable(fractals, s):
    for combo in combos(range(len(fractals[0])), s):
        isSolution = True
        for f in fractals:
            if all(f[c] == "L" for c in combo):
                isSolution = False

        if isSolution:
            return combo
コード例 #20
ファイル: Statistics.py プロジェクト: KarchinLab/MOCA
def combine_features(Features, Min, Max):
    For a list of features return every possible combination of those features from "Min" to Max".
    So, if the list is [a,b,c,d], and you provide Min=1 and Max=3, this function would return:
    a, b, c, d, ab, ac, ad, bc, bd, cd, abc, abd, acd, bcd.

    Combinations = []
    [Combinations.extend(combos(Features, Feature)) for Feature in range(Min, Max + 1)]
    return sorted(Combinations)
コード例 #21
ファイル: kmer.py プロジェクト: matt-black/rosalind
def build_dict(num):
    from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as combos
    from itertools import permutations
    L = ['A','C','G','T']
    dkeys = list(combos(L,num))
    for key in dkeys:
        perms_k = permutations(key)
        for perm in perms_k:
            if perm not in dkeys:
    d = {''.join(dkeys[i]): 0 for i in range(len(dkeys))}
    return d
コード例 #22
ファイル: cat_prob.py プロジェクト: dplepage/puztool
 def mk_exclude(self, *vals, **cats):
     keys = [self.get_info(k) for k in vals]
     x = []
     for a, b in combos(keys, 2):
         if a.cat == b.cat:
         x.append(~self.vars[a.fullname, b.fullname])
     for xcat, vals in cats.items():
         for val in vals:
             for k in keys:
                 x.append(self.vars[k, xcat] != val)
     return z3.And(x)
コード例 #23
    def require(self, *vals):
        '''Indicate that these values must go together

        This marks all intersections of values in vals as True.

        It will complain if two values are from the same category, as requiring
        both would mean there are no solutions to the grid.
        infos = map(self.get_info, vals)
        for i1, i2 in combos(infos, 2):
            if i1.cat == i2.cat:
                raise ValueError("Cannot require both {} and {}".format(
                    i1, i2))
            self.grids[i1.cat][i2.cat][i1.idx, i2.idx] = True
コード例 #24
ファイル: Statistics.py プロジェクト: stick-figure/MOCA
def combine_features(Features, Min, Max):
    For a list of features return every possible combination of those features from "Min" to Max".
    So, if the list is [a,b,c,d], and you provide Min=1 and Max=3, this function would return:
    a, b, c, d, ab, ac, ad, bc, bd, cd, abc, abd, acd, bcd.

    Combinations = []
        Combinations.extend(combos(Features, Feature))
        for Feature in range(Min, Max + 1)

    return sorted(Combinations)
コード例 #25
def do_final_validation():
    n = len(vote_db)
    indices = sort_indices_by_votes(vote_db)
    tuples = list(combos(np.arange(n), 2))
    final_votes = np.zeros(n)
    for ci, cj in tuples[::-1]:
        final_votes = validate_pair(0, final_votes, indices, ci, cj)
    sort = np.argsort(final_votes)[::-1]
    top_scorers = {}

    top20_first_round = []
    for k in range(n):
        top = []
        for l in range(20):
            c_id = indices[k][l]
            coords = pdb.get_lunar_coordinates(c_id)
            radius = pdb.get_real_radius(c_id)
            votes = vote_db[k][c_id]
            top.append({'coords': coords, 'radius': radius, 'votes': votes})

    clustering_candidates = np.zeros((n, 2))
    for e, i in enumerate(sort):
        crater_id = indices[i][0]
        coords = pdb.get_lunar_coordinates(indices[i][0])
        radius = pdb.get_real_radius(indices[i][0])
        votes = final_votes[i]
        clustering_candidates[e] = coords
        top_scorers[crater_id] = {
            'coords': coords,
            'radius': radius,
            'votes': votes
        print("crater ", i, ": ", coords, ' with ', votes, ' votes!')

    if verbose: pdb.check_vote_db(vote_db)
    if not relative_search and n != 0:
        # try to find clusters
        eps = 1.2 * kmpp * w_max / 1737.5
        dbscan_results, cls = cluster.perform_clustering(
            clustering_candidates, eps)
        clusters = []
        for i in mode(dbscan_results.labels_[np.where(
                dbscan_results.labels_ != -1)]):
            clusters.append(np.where(dbscan_results.labels_ == i))
        for i in clusters:

    return top_scorers, top20_first_round
コード例 #26
def calcEdges(top, bot, top_label, bot_label, isomorphic=False):
    start = time.time()
    edges = []
    top_idxs = list(range(len(top)))
    check_range = range(1, len(top) + 1)
    for checkCount in check_range:
        for checkIdxs in combos(top_idxs, checkCount):
            checks_idxs_pairs = findReducingSet(checkIdxs, top, bot,
            edges += createEdges(checks_idxs_pairs, top_label, bot_label,
    if isomorphic:
        edges += switchPartLabels(edges)
    end = time.time()
    print(f'calcEdges time: {end-start:.5}')
    return edges
コード例 #27
def construct_mp_graph(filename, eventNames, minSamplingFreq, maxPWeight):
    tables = []
    geneSets, freqs = [], []
    N = 0
    count = 0
    maxRWeight = 0
    passPoint = 0
    with open(filename) as f:
        for l in f:
            if l.startswith("#") or float(l.split("\t")[1]) < maxPWeight:
            if float(l.split("\t")[1]) > maxRWeight:
                maxRWeight = float(l.split("\t")[1])
                passPoint = sum([
                    nCr(len(G.split(", ")), 2)
                    for G in l.rstrip().split("\t")[3::3]

            count += 1
            arr = l.rstrip().split("\t")
            freq = float(arr[0])

            geneSets.append([G.split(", ") for G in arr[3::3]])


            if freq >= minSamplingFreq:
                tables.append(create_table_row(arr, eventNames))

    # After loading the sets that will go into the graph,
    # compute edges between each pair of genes.
    edges = defaultdict(float)
    N = sum(freqs)
    for Gs, freq in zip(geneSets, freqs):
        for G in Gs:
            for g1, g2 in combos(G, 2):
                if g1 in eventNames and g2 in eventNames:
                    edges[frozenset([g1, g2])] += freq / N

    # Create a graph from the edge list
    mpgEdges = [(list(S)[0], list(S)[1], dict(weight=w))
                for S, w in edges.iteritems()]
    MPG = nx.Graph()

    return MPG, tables, passPoint
コード例 #28
def construct_mp_graph(resultsTable, eventNames, minSamplingFreq, maxPWeight):
    """ Construct marginal prob. graph from collections with weight larger than permuted data (maxPWeight) """
    """ Using genesets with the maximum weight to generate expected number of nodes in the graph for delta selection """
    tables = []
    geneSets, freqs = [], []
    N = 0

    maxRWeight = 0
    expectedPoint = 0

    for l in resultsTable:
        if l.startswith("#") or float(l.split("\t")[1]) < maxPWeight: continue
        if float(l.split("\t")[1]) > maxRWeight:
            maxRWeight = float(l.split("\t")[1])
            expectedPoint = sum([
                nCr(len(G.split(", ")), 2)
                for G in l.rstrip().split("\t")[3::3]

        arr = l.rstrip().split("\t")
        freq = float(arr[0])

        geneSets.append([G.split(", ") for G in arr[3::3]])


        if freq >= minSamplingFreq:
            tables.append(create_table_row(arr, eventNames))

    # After loading the sets that will go into the graph,
    # compute edges between each pair of genes.
    edges = defaultdict(float)
    N = sum(freqs)
    for Gs, freq in zip(geneSets, freqs):
        for G in Gs:
            for g1, g2 in combos(G, 2):
                if g1 in eventNames and g2 in eventNames:
                    edges[frozenset([g1, g2])] += freq / N

    # Create a graph from the edge list
    mpgEdges = [(list(S)[0], list(S)[1], dict(weight=w))
                for S, w in edges.iteritems()]
    MPG = nx.Graph()

    return MPG, tables, expectedPoint
コード例 #29
def construct_mp_graph(filename, eventNames, minSamplingFreq, maxPWeight):
	""" Construct marginal prob. graph from collections with weight larger than permuted data (maxPWeight) """
	""" Using genesets with the maximum weight to generate expected number of nodes in the graph for delta selection """
	tables = []
	geneSets, freqs = [], []
	N = 0
	maxRWeight = 0
	expectedPoint = 0
	with open(filename) as f:
		for l in f:
			if l.startswith("#") or float(l.split("\t")[1]) < maxPWeight: continue
			if float(l.split("\t")[1]) > maxRWeight:
				maxRWeight = float(l.split("\t")[1])
				expectedPoint = sum([nCr(len(G.split(", ")),2) for G in l.rstrip().split("\t")[3::3] ])

			arr = l.rstrip().split("\t")
			freq = float(arr[0])

			geneSets.append([G.split(", ") for G in arr[3::3] ])


			if freq >= minSamplingFreq:
				tables.append(create_table_row(arr, eventNames))

	# After loading the sets that will go into the graph,
	# compute edges between each pair of genes.
	edges = defaultdict(float)
	N = sum(freqs)
	for Gs, freq in zip(geneSets, freqs):
		for G in Gs:
			for g1, g2 in combos(G, 2):
				if g1 in eventNames and g2 in eventNames:
					edges[frozenset([g1, g2])] += freq/N

	# Create a graph from the edge list
	mpgEdges = [ (list(S)[0], list(S)[1], dict(weight=w)) for S, w in edges.iteritems()  ]
	MPG = nx.Graph()

	return MPG, tables, expectedPoint
コード例 #30
ファイル: compute_significance.py プロジェクト: xtmgah/comet
def construct_mp_graph(filename, eventNames, minSamplingFreq, maxPWeight):
	tables = []
	geneSets, freqs = [], []
	N = 0
	count = 0
	maxRWeight = 0
	passPoint = 0
	with open(filename) as f:
		for l in f:
			if l.startswith("#") or float(l.split("\t")[1]) < maxPWeight: continue
			if float(l.split("\t")[1]) > maxRWeight:
				maxRWeight = float(l.split("\t")[1])
				passPoint = sum([nCr(len(G.split(", ")),2) for G in l.rstrip().split("\t")[3::3] ])

			arr = l.rstrip().split("\t")
			freq = float(arr[0])

			geneSets.append([G.split(", ") for G in arr[3::3] ])


			if freq >= minSamplingFreq:
				tables.append(create_table_row(arr, eventNames))

	# After loading the sets that will go into the graph,
	# compute edges between each pair of genes.
	edges = defaultdict(float)
	N = sum(freqs)
	for Gs, freq in zip(geneSets, freqs):
		for G in Gs:
			for g1, g2 in combos(G, 2):
				if g1 in eventNames and g2 in eventNames:
					edges[frozenset([g1, g2])] += freq/N

	# Create a graph from the edge list
	mpgEdges = [ (list(S)[0], list(S)[1], dict(weight=w)) for S, w in edges.iteritems()  ]
	MPG = nx.Graph()

	return MPG, tables, passPoint
コード例 #31
def geometric_voting_abs(boxes, km_pp, r_tol, d_tol, wmax, verb=False):
    global radius_candidates, rtol, dtol, centers, vote_db, kmpp, w_max, relative_search, verbose
    relative_search = False
    vote_db = {}
    radius_candidates = {}
    dtol = d_tol
    rtol = r_tol
    w_max = wmax
    kmpp = km_pp
    n = boxes.shape[0]
    radii = np.zeros(n)
    center_points = np.zeros((n, 2))

    # calculate all radii and center points
    for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
        radii[i] = util.calculate_radius(box) * kmpp
        center_points[i] = util.calculate_center(box)
    # get sorting vector
    sort = radii.argsort()[::-1]
    # sort dat shit
    radii = radii[sort]
    center_points = center_points[sort]
    center_points *= kmpp
    centers = center_points
    # get the radius candidates
    for c, r in enumerate(radii):
        radius_candidates[c] = pdb.get_craters_by_real_radius(r, r_tol)
    tuples = list(combos(np.arange(n), 2))
    t = len(tuples)
    intersect = False
    for count, (ci, cj) in enumerate(tuples):
        util.print_progress(count, t, 'Pairs loop', 'complete')
        ci_candidates, cj_candidates = search_pair(ci, cj, False)
        vote_db = add_votes_to_db(vote_db, ci, ci_candidates)
        vote_db = add_votes_to_db(vote_db, cj, cj_candidates)
        if not intersect:
            vote_db = add_votes_to_db(vote_db, ci, radius_candidates[ci])
            vote_db = add_votes_to_db(vote_db, cj, radius_candidates[cj])
    # check_db()
    return do_final_validation()
コード例 #32
ファイル: PageRank.py プロジェクト: jbwilkes/Projects1
def rank_actors(filename="top250movies.txt", epsilon=0.85):
    """Read the specified file and construct a graph where node a points to
        node b with weight w if actor a and actor b were in w movies together but
        actor b was listed first. Use NetworkX to compute the PageRank values of
        the actors, then rank them with get_ranks().

        Each line of the file has the format
        meaning actor2 and actor3 should each have an edge pointing to actor1,
        and actor3 should have an edge pointing to actor2.
    movies = nx.DiGraph()
    data = []
    actors = set()
    with open(filename,"r",encoding = "utf-8") as file:
        for line in file.readlines():
            #format the data into a list of lists, where each list is a movie
            line = line.strip().split('/')
            #delete the movie titles. Irrelevant info.
            delete = line.pop(0)
        #get a comprehensive list of actors
        for line in data:
            for actor in line:
                #comprehensive lists is a set to avoid repeats
        actors = list(actors) #there are almost 15k actors
        # n = len(actors)
        #construct graph with edges
        for line in data:
            #combos is an iterator object so must be accessed in this way
            for i in combos(line,2):
                high_paid, low_paid = i
                #edges point to higher-billed actors
                if movies.has_edge(low_paid,high_paid) is True:
                    movies[low_paid][high_paid]["weight"] += 1
                    movies.add_edge(low_paid,high_paid,weight = 1)
    return get_ranks(nx.pagerank(movies,alpha = epsilon))
コード例 #33
ファイル: filter_mcmc.py プロジェクト: MarkeyBBSRF/MEScan
def get_validated_genesets(large_set,small_set):
    Using size n gs to validate n+1 gs.
    1. get all combination in large gs
    2. if all combinations in size_n, keep it, otherwise through this size_n+1
    3. cb contains all combinations, if keep size_n+1, cb will be saved otherwise not.
    start = time.time()
    ssize = len (next(iter(small_set.values()))['genes'])
    keep = []
    keep_cb = set()
    for ls in large_set:

        cb = combos(large_set[ls]['genes'], ssize)
        cb = list(cb)
        save = True
        for i in cb:
            i = ' '.join(i)
            if i not in small_set:
                save = False

        if save:
            # save all the possible combination to a set
            keep_cb |= set([' '.join(x) for x in cb]) 
    end = time.time()
    print("[valid size = %d] get_validated_genesets time = %d"%(ssize+1,(end-start)/60))
    if len(keep)==0:
        print ("[valid size = %d] nothing left!"%(ssize+1))
        return None
        out = MyDict()
        print ("[valid size = %d] %d pass validation !"%(ssize+1,len(keep)))
        for i in keep:
            out[i] = {"tg":large_set[i]['tg'],'genes':large_set[i]['genes']}
            #sorted(out.keys(), key=lambda S: out[S]["tg"], reverse=True)
        return {"comb": keep_cb,"valid":out}
コード例 #34
ファイル: crater_search_eval.py プロジェクト: tditt/ba_final
def measure(anns, kmpp):
    hdf = pd.HDFStore('crater_database/crater_db.h5', 'r')
    crater_db = hdf.get('/db')
    g = len(anns)
    tuples = combos(np.arange(g), 2)
    u = 0
    v = 0
    diff_dist = 0
    diff_rad = 0
    for a in range(g):
        box_a = [anns[a]['x1'], anns[a]['y1'], anns[a]['x2'], anns[a]['y2']]
        pixel_derived_radius = calculate_radius(box_a) * kmpp
        real_radius = crater_db.loc[crater_db.index[(anns[a]['crater_id'])], 'radius']
        d = real_radius / pixel_derived_radius
        diff_rad += d
        print('RADIUS DIFF: ', d)
        v += 1
    diff_rad /= v
    print('########################### RADIUS AVG DIFF: ', diff_rad)
    for a, b in tuples:
        u += 1
        print('distances between ', anns[a]['crater_id'], ' with ', anns[a]['lat'], anns[a]['lon'], 'and',
              anns[b]['crater_id'], ' with ', anns[b]['lat'], anns[b]['lon'])
        hav = calculate_haversine_distance([anns[a]['lat'], anns[a]['lon']], [anns[b]['lat'], anns[b]['lon']])
        appr_real = approximate_visual_distance(hav)
        print('haversine: ', hav)
        print('approx: ', appr_real)
        box_a = [anns[a]['x1'], anns[a]['y1'], anns[a]['x2'], anns[a]['y2']]
        box_b = [anns[b]['x1'], anns[b]['y1'], anns[b]['x2'], anns[b]['y2']]
        approx_dist_pixels = \
            cdist(np.array([calculate_center(box_a)]), np.array([calculate_center(box_b)]))[0][0]
        appr_img = approx_dist_pixels * kmpp
        print('approx pixel dist from bounding box: ', approx_dist_pixels, 'approx km dist from bounding box: ',
        print('difference factor: ', appr_img / appr_real)
        diff_dist += appr_img / appr_real
    print('#####################', 'DIFF_AVG:', diff_dist / u, '####################')
コード例 #35
def exclusion_by_intersection_abs(boxes,
    global radius_candidates, rtol, dtol, centers, intersect_db, kmpp, w_max, relative_search, verbose
    relative_search = False
    intersect_db = {}
    radius_candidates = {}
    dtol = d_tol
    rtol = r_tol
    w_max = wmax
    kmpp = km_pp
    n = boxes.shape[0]
    radii = np.zeros(n)
    center_points = np.zeros((n, 2))
    # calculate all radii and center points
    for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
        radii[i] = util.calculate_radius(box) * kmpp
        center_points[i] = util.calculate_center(box)
    # get sorting vector
    sort = radii.argsort()[::-1]
    # sort dat shit
    radii = radii[sort]
    center_points = center_points[sort]
    center_points *= kmpp
    centers = center_points
    # get the radius candidates
    for c, r in enumerate(radii):
        radius_candidates[c] = pdb.get_craters_by_real_radius(r, r_tol)
    tuples = list(combos(np.arange(n), 2))
    for ci, cj in tuples:
        ci_candidates, cj_candidates = search_pair(ci, cj, True)
        add_ids_to_db(intersect_db, ci, ci_candidates)
        add_ids_to_db(intersect_db, cj, cj_candidates)
    return do_final_validation()
コード例 #36
ファイル: p044.py プロジェクト: ngoldsworth/Proj-Euler
from itertools import combinations as combos
import numpy as np

def pentagonal(n):
    return (n * ((3 * n) - 1) / 2)

# def pentagonal_list(num):
#     return [pentagonal(j) for j in range(1, num+1)]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    upper_index_bound = 2000
    indices_list = []
    for pair in combos(range(1, upper_index_bound), 2):
        indices_list.append((pair[0], pair[1], abs(pair[0] - pair[1])))
    numpairs = len(indices_list)

    pentaglist = [pentagonal(j) for j in range(1, upper_index_bound)]
    refined_pentagonals = [
    ]  # List that will contain pairs of pentagonal numbers that satisfy said criteria

    pentarr = np.zeros((3, numpairs), dtype=int)
    for j in range(numpairs):
        tup = indices_list[j]
        pentarr[0, j] = tup[0]
        pentarr[1, j] = tup[1]
        pentarr[2, j] = tup[2]

    # sort by the pentagonal number index difference
    pentarr = pentarr[:, pentarr[2].argsort()]
コード例 #37
    def __init__(self, n, k, d, r, FF):
        self.rref = True
        self.r = r
        self.n = n
        self.k = k
        self.FF = FF
        self.q = FF.q
        self.m = FF.m
        self.p = FF.p

        # Initialize matrix
        matrix = Matrix()
        F_basis = []
        # Will continue until the number of independent elements are equal to d
        while len(F_basis) < d:
            # Create a copy of the matrix
            matrix_temp = matrix.copy()
            # Create a random element in F_q^m
            rndElem = rndElem = random.randint(0, self.p - 1)
            # Insert the random element in extension field format as a column
            matrix_temp = matrix_temp.col_insert(
                len(matrix_temp), Matrix(self.FF.ext([rndElem], True)))
            # If the rank has increased add the element to the F_basis list
            if matrix_temp.rank() > len(F_basis):

                # Keep the matrix until the next iteration
                matrix = matrix_temp.copy()
        # Define the F basis as a class variable to be used later
        self.F_basis = F_basis
        # Transpose basis matrix for future matrix multiplication
        matrix = matrix.T
        # Generate a parity check matrix with random elements from all_elements
        # This matrix is completely randomized
        self.H = []
        self.H_d = []
        self.G = []
        # p is a static integer representing the dimension of parity-check columns
        p = self.n - (self.n - self.k)
        for i in range(p):
            col_d = []
            col = []
            for j in range(self.n - self.k):
                # Generate random element
                rndCoeffs, rndElem = self.rndElem(matrix, d)
                # Add coefficients of random element to column
                # Add random element to column
        # Create an identity matrix using rnd_diag element (rnd_diag representing 1)
        for i in range(self.n - self.k):
            rnd_diag = []
            while rnd_diag == []:
                # Create random element to be used as diagonal in H matrix
                rnd_diag_d, rnd_diag = self.rndElem(matrix, d)
            empty_col = [[] for j in range(self.n - self.k)]
            empty_col[i] = rnd_diag.copy()
            empty_col_d = [[0 for i in range(d)]
                           for j in range(self.n - self.k)]
            empty_col_d[i] = rnd_diag_d.copy()
        # Transpose to the correct format
        self.H_d = self.FF.transpose(self.H_d)

        # Start making the generator matrix
        # The n-k last columns of G are the negated transposed first k columns of H
        for i in range(len(self.G)):
            for j in range(len(self.G[0])):
                # Multiply by the inverse of diagonal element in H
                if len(self.G[i][j]):
                    coeff = [(self.G[i][j][0] - self.H[p + j][j][0]) % self.p]
                    coeff = []
                self.G[i][j] = self.FF.add([], coeff, "-")
        # Fill in the first k columns with the identity matrix of size k x k
        for i in range(self.k):
            for j in range(self.k):
                if i == self.k - j - 1:
                    self.G[i].insert(0, [0])
                    self.G[i].insert(0, [])

        # Initialize empty d*r*(n-k) x nr matrix
        self.H_Fq = [[0] * self.n * r
                     for i in range(d * r * (self.n - self.k))]
        # Iterate through rows of H keeping row iterator variable row_i
        for row_i in range(len(self.H_d)):
            # Iterate through the row keeping column iterator variable col_i
            for col_i in range(len(self.H_d[0])):
                F_element = self.H_d[row_i][col_i].copy()
                for i in range(d):
                    # Skip d rows for each new H element, skip r rows for each coefficient
                    # of F basis representation of F_element
                    row_index = i * r + row_i * r * d
                    for j in range(r):
                        # Skip r columns for each new element while itertively moving one
                        # step along columns
                        col_index = col_i * r + j
                        self.H_Fq[row_index + j][col_index] = F_element[i]

        # Find rd x rd invertible submatrix
        if not self.rref:
            tot_len = r * d * (self.n - self.k)
            combinations = combos([i for i in range(tot_len)], n * r)
            for combination in combinations:
                H_Fq_i = []
                for row_i in combination:
                matrix = Matrix(H_Fq_i)
                if matrix.rank() == n * r:
                    self.H_inv = self.FF.inv_q(H_Fq_i)
                    self.H_inv = Matrix(self.H_inv)
                    self.s_is = combination
コード例 #38
ファイル: 034.py プロジェクト: seanpont/project-euler
Project Euler Problem #34

145 is a curious number, as 1! + 4! + 5! = 1 + 24 + 120 = 145.

Find the sum of all numbers which are equal to the sum of the factorial of
their digits.

Note: as 1! = 1 and 2! = 2 are not sums they are not included.

from utils import *
from math import factorial
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as combos

factorials = [factorial(i) for i in xrange(10)]

good = []

for n in xrange(2, 7):
    for combo in combos(range(10), n):
        s = sum((factorials[i] for i in combo))
        digits = to_digits(s)
        if len(digits) != n: continue
        if combo == tuple(sorted(digits)):

print sum(good)

コード例 #39
ファイル: e350.py プロジェクト: gtmanfred/Euler
def f(g,l,n):
    count = 0
    for combo in combos(range(1,l+1),n):
        if g<=gcd(combo) and l>=lcm(combo):
            count +=1
    return count
コード例 #40
ファイル: problem74.py プロジェクト: MarkDunne/project-euler
    while n:
        s += fact[n%10]
        n /= 10
    return s
def appearences(n):
    s = list(set(n))
    x = fact[len(n)]
    for c in s:
        x /= fact[n.count(c)]
    return x

t = clock()
count = 0
chains = defaultdict(int)
for n in combos('0123456789', 6):
    o = n = int(''.join(n))
    chain, chain_len = [], 0
    while True:
        if chains[n] == 0:
            chains[n] = None
            chain_len += 1
            if chains[n]:
                chain_len += chains[n]
        n = fact_sum(n)
    if chain_len == target:
        o = str(o)
コード例 #41
ファイル: problem30.py プロジェクト: MarkDunne/project-euler
from time import clock
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as combos

e = 5
t = clock()
total = -1
table = dict([(str(x), x ** e) for x in range(10)])
for combo in combos('0123456789', e + 1):
    squareSum = sum(table[n] for n in combo)
    if sorted(str(squareSum).zfill(e + 1)) == list(combo):
        total += squareSum
print(total, clock() - t)
コード例 #42
ファイル: DiceMap.py プロジェクト: tdub-man/python-algorithms
    return 6 if sum(roll)%6 == 0 else sum(roll)%6
def toTwoDice(roll):

roll = list(diceRoll())
# print("Roll: {0} | Sum: {1}".format(roll,sum(roll)))
# print("One Dice Map: {0}".format(toOneDice(roll)))

numDice = 2
# print("Sum Range: {0}".format(sumRange(numDice)))

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Probabilities stuff
# -------------------------------------------------------

perm = list(combos(range(1,7),3))
def findTotalCombos():
    # for SUM in range(3,19):
    #     print(sum([len(set(permutations(s))) for s in filter((lambda x: sum(x)==SUM),perm)]))
    a = [sum([len(set(permutations(s))) for s in filter((lambda x: sum(x)==SUM),perm)]) for SUM in range(3,19)]
    return a
stat = findTotalCombos()
# statM = map((lambda x: 6 if x%6 == 0 else x%6),stat)
# dist = list(reduce((lambda x,y: (x[0],x[1]+y[1])),zip(statM,stat)))
sumMod11 = [x%11+2 for x in range(3,19)]

def listToDict(list):
    # Takes list of tuples of size 2
    # Uses first element of each tuple as key
    # Adds the other elements to the value
    # Accounts for "duplicate keys" unlike dict(list)
コード例 #43
ファイル: 023.py プロジェクト: shaunduncan/euler
A perfect number is a number for which the sum of its proper divisors is exactly equal
to the number. For example, the sum of the proper divisors of 28 would be 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28,
which means that 28 is a perfect number.

A number n is called deficient if the sum of its proper divisors is less than n and it is
called abundant if this sum exceeds n.

As 12 is the smallest abundant number, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16, the smallest number that can
be written as the sum of two abundant numbers is 24. By mathematical analysis, it can be shown
that all integers greater than 28123 can be written as the sum of two abundant numbers. However,
this upper limit cannot be reduced any further by analysis even though it is known that the greatest
number that cannot be expressed as the sum of two abundant numbers is less than this limit.

Find the sum of all the positive integers which cannot be written as the sum of two abundant numbers.
from itertools import (combinations_with_replacement as combos,
from operator import add
from util import sum_of_divisors

min, max = 1, 28123  # Exclude 0, specify upper bounds per problem
all = set(xrange(min, max))  # Set of all numbers [min, max)

# Find all abundant numbers <= max
abundant_nums = list(ifilter(lambda n: sum_of_divisors(n) > n, xrange(min, max)))

# Find the set of all unique sums of abundant numbers where sum(n) <= max. Exclude from all nums
print sum(all - set(ifilter(lambda n: n <= max, set(starmap(add, combos(abundant_nums, 2))))))
コード例 #44
from itertools import permutations as combos
with open('./Gonduls/17/input.txt', 'r') as inputf:
    lista = inputf.read().split('\n')

close_points = list(set(combos([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1], 3)))
close_points.remove((0, 0, 0))

def return_close(position):
    answer = []
    for point in close_points:
        answer.append((position[0] + point[0], position[1] + point[1],
                       position[2] + point[2]))
    return answer

def new_diz(old):
    #have to add outer layer of points close to old points to not repeat operation of creating new list twice
    momentary = []
    for el in old:
        momentary += return_close(el)
    for point in set(momentary):
        if (point not in old.keys()):
            old[point] = '.'
    #creating new list of points
    new = {}
    for el in old:
        close = return_close(el)
        active = 0
        for point in close:
            if (point in old.keys() and old[point] == '#'):