def interpolate_secondaries(input_folder, output_folder, factor, target_numprojs): sec_numprojs = len(glob.glob(f'./{input_folder}/secondary????.mha')) img0 = itk.imread(f'./{input_folder}/secondary0000.mha') img_origin = itk.origin(img0) img_spacing = itk.spacing(img0) image_ind = 0 for projnum in range(sec_numprojs - 1): # get image1 = f'./{input_folder}/secondary{projnum:04d}.mha' image2 = f'./{input_folder}/secondary{projnum+1:04d}.mha' img1_array = itk.GetArrayFromImage(itk.imread(image1)) img2_array = itk.GetArrayFromImage(itk.imread(image2)) # save the first image itk.imwrite(itk.imread(image1), f'./{output_folder}/secondary{image_ind:04d}.mha') # interpolate xfactor images between those 2 images image_interpolate_recurrence(img1_array, img2_array, image_ind, image_ind + factor, output_folder, img_origin, img_spacing) image_ind = image_ind + factor # read the last image and save it until the target_numprojs is reached lastimage = itk.imread( f'./{input_folder}/secondary{sec_numprojs-1:04d}.mha') while image_ind < target_numprojs: itk.imwrite(lastimage, f'./{output_folder}/secondary{image_ind:04d}.mha') image_ind = image_ind + 1
def balanced_dataset(subjects): positive_list = [] negative_list = [] for count, (x, y) in enumerate(subjects): x = itk.GetArrayFromImage(x) y = itk.GetArrayFromImage(y) x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) if y.max() == 1.0: # input = torch.from_numpy(x).type(torch.FloatTensor) positive_list.append((x, 1.0)) else: negative_list.append((x, 0.0)) positive_count = len(positive_list) negative_list_1 = random.sample(negative_list, positive_count) balanced_list = positive_list + negative_list_1 random.shuffle(balanced_list) return balanced_list
def makeHardClassificationPatches(self, DirPath, inputPath, maskPath, outputPath): imgInputPath = DirPath + "/" + inputPath #"/DATA/vascu_deepV2/maskWholeImage.nii" imgMaskPath = DirPath + "/" + maskPath imgROIPath = DirPath + "/" + outputPath imgInput = itk.imread(imgInputPath) imgMask = itk.imread(imgMaskPath) PixelType = itk.UC Dimension = 3 ImageType = itk.Image[PixelType, Dimension] radiusValue = 4 StructuringElementType = itk.FlatStructuringElement[Dimension] structuringElement = StructuringElementType.Ball(radiusValue) DilateFilterType = itk.BinaryDilateImageFilter[ImageType, ImageType, StructuringElementType] dilateFilter = DilateFilterType.New() dilateFilter.SetInput(imgMask) dilateFilter.SetKernel(structuringElement) dilateFilter.SetForegroundValue(255) imgMask = dilateFilter.GetOutput() imgInput = itk.GetArrayFromImage(imgInput) imgMask = itk.GetArrayFromImage(imgMask) imgROI = np.copy(imgInput) imgROI[imgMask > 0] = 0 itk.imwrite(itk.GetImageFromArray(imgROI.astype(np.uint8)), imgROIPath)
def get_intersection_volume(roilist,xvoxel=1.,yvoxel=1.): # There is probably a clever way to compute this by constructing # an "intersection contour" for each layer: for each contour, keep only # points that are inside all other contours in the list. But is tough to then # put those points in the right order. # Instead we'll just make a grid of points and get the volume of the combined mask. # With xvoxel and yvoxel the caller can tweak the voxel size of the mask in x and y. # In z the voxel size is given by the incoming ROIs. dz = min([ for r in roilist]) assert(dz>0) assert(xvoxel>0) assert(yvoxel>0) bb = bounding_box(bb=roilist[0].bb) for roi in roilist[1:]: bb.intersect( if bb.empty: # too bad return 0. spacing = np.array([xvoxel,yvoxel,dz],dtype=float) bb.add_margins(2*spacing) dimsize = np.array(np.round((bb.maxcorner-bb.mincorner)/spacing),dtype=int) #img = sitk.Image(dimsize,sitk.sitkUInt8) img = itk.GetImageFromArray(np.zeros(dimsize[::-2],dtype=np.uint8)) img.SetOrigin(bb.mincorner) img.SetSpacing(spacing) itkmask = itk.GetArrayFromImage(roilist[0].get_mask(img)) for roi in roilist[1:]: itkmask *= itk.GetArrayFromImage(roi.get_mask(img)) return np.sum(itkmask)*
def merge_pred(results_folder, ROI_list): # get the list of Task folders tasks_folders = glob.glob(f'{results_folder}/segm_results/Task*') if len(tasks_folders) != 3: print('Not all direction available, no merging was performed') sys.exit() # get the list of labels all_patients = glob.glob( f'{results_folder}/segm_results/{os.path.basename(tasks_folders[0])}/predicted_labels/*' ) merged_labels = f'{results_folder}/segm_results/merged_labels' merged_binaries = f'{results_folder}/segm_results/merged_binaries' maybe_mkdir_p(merged_labels) maybe_mkdir_p(merged_binaries) # loop through the patient for patient in all_patients: label_name = os.path.basename(patient) patient_name = label_name.replace('label_', '') merged_binaries_patient = f'{merged_binaries}/{os.path.splitext(patient_name)[0]}' maybe_mkdir_p(merged_binaries_patient) # load labels in each direction label_d1_img = itk.imread( f'{tasks_folders[0]}/predicted_labels/{label_name}') label_origin = label_d1_img.GetOrigin() label_spacing = label_d1_img.GetSpacing() label_direction = label_d1_img.GetDirection() label_d1 = itk.GetArrayFromImage(label_d1_img) label_d2 = itk.GetArrayFromImage( itk.imread(f'{tasks_folders[1]}/predicted_labels/{label_name}')) label_d3 = itk.GetArrayFromImage( itk.imread(f'{tasks_folders[2]}/predicted_labels/{label_name}')) # get the intersection of every 2 labels intersec1 = np.where(label_d1 == label_d2, label_d1, 0) intersec2 = np.where(label_d1 == label_d3, label_d1, 0) intersec3 = np.where(label_d2 == label_d3, label_d2, 0) # get where 2 labels agree merged_label = np.zeros(label_d1.shape) merged_label = np.where(intersec1 != 0, intersec1, merged_label) merged_label = np.where(intersec2 != 0, intersec2, merged_label) merged_label = np.where(intersec3 != 0, intersec3, merged_label) merged_label_img = itk.GetImageFromArray(merged_label) merged_label_img.SetOrigin(label_origin) merged_label_img.SetSpacing(label_spacing) merged_label_img.SetDirection(label_direction) itk.imwrite(merged_label_img, f'{merged_labels}/{label_name}') segmap_to_binaries(merged_label, merged_binaries_patient, label_origin, label_spacing, label_direction, ROI_list)
def isIslandWithinDistance(image, distanceImage, label, maxDistance ): values = itk.GetArrayFromImage(image) dist_values = itk.GetArrayFromImage(distanceImage) return np.any(dist_values[values == label] < maxDistance)
def MaskOriginal(OriginalImg, FinalSegm): OriginalImg_np = itk.GetArrayFromImage(OriginalImg) FinalSegm_np = itk.GetArrayFromImage(FinalSegm) OriginalImg_np[FinalSegm_np < 1] = 0. OriginalImg_masked = itk.GetImageFromArray(OriginalImg_np) OriginalImg_masked.SetOrigin(OriginalImg.GetOrigin()) OriginalImg_masked.SetSpacing(OriginalImg.GetSpacing()) OriginalImg_masked.SetDirection(OriginalImg.GetDirection()) return OriginalImg_masked
def LDMap(Input1, Input2, ImageType, spacing=True): distance_1 = itk.GetArrayFromImage( SignedMaurerDistanceMap(Input1, ImageType, spacing)) distance_2 = itk.GetArrayFromImage( SignedMaurerDistanceMap(Input2, ImageType, spacing)) A1 = (distance_1 > 1e-5).astype(np.float32) B1 = (distance_2 > 1e-5).astype(np.float32) LDMap_out = np.abs(A1 - B1) * np.maximum(distance_1, distance_2) return LDMap_out
def RefineSegmentation(islandImage, subIslandLabels, ROI): # assignIdsToPixels IslandsValues = itk.GetArrayFromImage(islandImage) _pixelIdImage = np.zeros(IslandsValues.shape) roi = itk.GetArrayFromImage(ROI) _pixelIdImage[roi==0] = -1 _totalPixelsInROI = np.sum(roi!=0) _pixelIdImage[roi!=0] = range(_totalPixelsInROI) # SheetnessBasedDataCost_compute for initializeDataCosts prep # 0 dataCostSink = np.zeros(IslandsValues.shape) cond = (IslandsValues == subIslandLabels[1]) & roi!=0 dataCostSink[cond] = 1000 # 1 dataCostSource = np.zeros(IslandsValues.shape) cond = (IslandsValues == subIslandLabels[0]) & roi!=0 dataCostSource[cond] = 1000 dataCostPixels = _pixelIdImage[roi!=0].flatten() flat_dataCostSink = dataCostSink[roi!=0].flatten() flat_dataCostSource = dataCostSource[roi!=0].flatten() # initializeNeighbours prep Xcenters, XFromCenter, XToCenter = SmoothnessCostFunction(pixelLeft = _pixelIdImage[:, :, :-1], pixelRight = _pixelIdImage[:, :, 1:]) Ycenters, YFromCenter, YToCenter = SmoothnessCostFunction(pixelLeft = _pixelIdImage[:, :-1, :], pixelRight = _pixelIdImage[:, 1:, :]) Zcenters, ZFromCenter, ZToCenter = SmoothnessCostFunction(pixelLeft = _pixelIdImage[:-1,:,:], pixelRight = _pixelIdImage[1:,:,:]) CentersPixels = np.concatenate([Zcenters[0], Ycenters[0], Xcenters[0] ]) NeighborsPixels = np.concatenate([Zcenters[1], Ycenters[1], Xcenters[1] ]) _totalNeighbors = len(NeighborsPixels) flat_smoothCostFromCenter = np.concatenate([ZFromCenter, YFromCenter, XFromCenter ]) flat_smoothCostToCenter = np.concatenate([ZToCenter, YToCenter, XToCenter ]) # Call Maxflow uint_gcresult = GraphCutSupport.RunGraphCut(_totalPixelsInROI, np.ascontiguousarray(dataCostPixels, dtype=np.uint32), np.ascontiguousarray(flat_dataCostSource, dtype=np.uint32), np.ascontiguousarray(flat_dataCostSink, dtype=np.uint32), _totalNeighbors, np.ascontiguousarray(CentersPixels, dtype=np.uint32), np.ascontiguousarray(NeighborsPixels, dtype=np.uint32), np.ascontiguousarray(flat_smoothCostFromCenter, dtype=np.uint32), np.ascontiguousarray(flat_smoothCostToCenter, dtype=np.uint32) ) _labelIdImage = _pixelIdImage _labelIdImage[roi!=0] = uint_gcresult _labelIdImage[roi==0] = 0 _labelIdImage = np.asarray(_labelIdImage, dtype=np.uint8) gcresult = itk.GetImageFromArray(_labelIdImage) gcresult.SetOrigin(islandImage.GetOrigin()) gcresult.SetSpacing(islandImage.GetSpacing()) gcresult.SetDirection(islandImage.GetDirection()) return gcresult
def load_image(root_dir, image_file, label_file, npoints=50000, threshold_min=1700, threshold_max=2700): # using "map" to repeat for each label # join root directory with filename(s) data_file = os.path.join(root_dir, image_file) label_file = os.path.join(root_dir, label_file) # load data using itk image = itk.imread(data_file) label = itk.imread(label_file) # first annotated voxel "DomainFirst" (offset) offsets = label.GetMetaDataDictionary()["DomainFirst"] # convert strings to integer arrays # flip array because annotation coordinates are in reversed order offsets = np.flip(np.array(offsets.split(" "),, 0) # transform itk data to numpy arrays volume = itk.GetArrayFromImage(image) # normalize to [0, 1] volume = (volume - threshold_min).astype( np.float) / float(threshold_max - threshold_min) label = itk.GetArrayFromImage(label) # apply threshold + transform voxelgrid to pointcloud points = np.argwhere((volume >= 0.0) & (volume <= 1.0)) # sample npoints out of all points idx = np.random.choice(points.shape[0], npoints, replace=False) sampled = points[idx, :].astype( target = np.zeros(npoints, xmin = offsets[0] ymin = offsets[1] zmin = offsets[2] xmax = offsets[0] + label.shape[0] ymax = offsets[1] + label.shape[1] zmax = offsets[2] + label.shape[2] # search corresponding points for i in range(npoints): s = sampled[i, :] # only consider points inside the bounding box if xmin <= s[0] < xmax and ymin <= s[1] < ymax and zmin <= s[2] < zmax: x, y, z = s - np.array([xmin, ymin, zmin]) target[i] = label[x, y, z] return sampled, target, volume, label
def split_predictions(modelresults_folder, task_id, task_name_3D, ROI_list, resultsdir_3Dimages, resultsdir_3Dlabels): # copy the 3D test images and their labels taskfolder_3D = f'{nnUNet_raw_data}/Task{task_id:03d}_{task_name_3D}' imagesTs_foldername_3D = f'{taskfolder_3D}/imagesTs/' labelsTs_foldername_3D = f'{taskfolder_3D}/labelsTs/' if not os.path.exists(resultsdir_3Dimages): shutil.copytree(imagesTs_foldername_3D, resultsdir_3Dimages) if not os.path.exists(resultsdir_3Dlabels): shutil.copytree(labelsTs_foldername_3D, resultsdir_3Dlabels) # split the predictions and the real labels into binaries binaries_folder = f'{modelresults_folder}/binaries' predictions_folder = f'{modelresults_folder}/OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_3D' maybe_mkdir_p(binaries_folder) reallabels_binaries_folder = f'{modelresults_folder}/real_labels_binaries' reallabels_folder = f'{modelresults_folder}/real_labels' maybe_mkdir_p(reallabels_binaries_folder) # get the list of predicted labels all_patients = sorted(glob.glob(f'{predictions_folder}/*.nii.gz')) # loop through the patient for patient in all_patients: label_name = os.path.basename(patient) binariesfolder_patient = f'{binaries_folder}/{os.path.splitext(label_name)[0]}' maybe_mkdir_p(binariesfolder_patient) reallabels_binariesfolder_patient = f'{reallabels_binaries_folder}/{os.path.splitext(label_name)[0]}' maybe_mkdir_p(reallabels_binariesfolder_patient) label_d1_img = itk.imread(patient) label_origin = label_d1_img.GetOrigin() label_spacing = label_d1_img.GetSpacing() label_direction = label_d1_img.GetDirection() #print(patient) segmap = itk.GetArrayFromImage(label_d1_img) merge_predictions.segmap_to_binaries(segmap, binariesfolder_patient, label_origin, label_spacing, label_direction, ROI_list) label_d1_img = itk.imread(f'{reallabels_folder}/{label_name}') label_origin = label_d1_img.GetOrigin() label_spacing = label_d1_img.GetSpacing() label_direction = label_d1_img.GetDirection() #print(patient) segmap = itk.GetArrayFromImage(label_d1_img) merge_predictions.segmap_to_binaries( segmap, reallabels_binariesfolder_patient, label_origin, label_spacing, label_direction, ROI_list)
def update(self, itkFixedImage, maskImage, current_settings=None): """Sets new fixed image and new mask image""" # Load Mahfouz current settings FixCannyThr1 = current_settings['CannyThresh1'] FixCannyThr2 = current_settings['CannyThresh2'] FixCannyAperture = 2 * current_settings['Aperture'] + 1 minImgContrast = current_settings['minImgContrast'] maxImgContrast = current_settings['maxImgContrast'] # Since the HipHop pipeline deals with itk images, itkFixedImage and maskImage # need to be converted to numpy arrays for the Mahfouz metric. # Get COPY OF numpy array of fixed image (not just GetArrayViewFromImage!) self.FixedImg = itk.GetArrayFromImage(itkFixedImage) # Get Mask self.MaskImg = itk.GetArrayFromImage(maskImage) # rescale 16bit into 8bit with contrast stretching img_for_canny = self._look_up_table(self.FixedImg, minImgContrast, maxImgContrast) # generate canny edge fixed image FixedEdgeImg = cv2.Canny(img_for_canny, FixCannyThr1, FixCannyThr2, L2gradient=False, apertureSize=FixCannyAperture) # Apply mask to edge image (eliminates edges outside of ROI) if self.useMask: FixedEdgeImg[self.MaskImg == 0.] = 0. # blurr edge image (rescaling to uint16 is necessary) self.FixedEdgeImg = cv2.GaussianBlur( FixedEdgeImg * ((np.power(2, 16) - 1) / (np.power(2, 8) - 1)), self.EdgeGaussSize, self.EdgeGaussSigma) # Apply mask to Fixed image if self.useMask: self.FixedImg[self.MaskImg == 0.] = 2.**16 - 1. if self.saveFixedImages: # Save fixed edge images cv2.imwrite('FixedEdgImg' + str(self.temp_counter_fix) + '.tif', self.FixedEdgeImg) cv2.imwrite('FixedImg' + str(self.temp_counter_fix) + '.tif', self._look_up_table(self.FixedImg, 0, 2**16 - 1)) self.temp_counter_fix = self.temp_counter_fix + 1
def testNormalCrop(self): ifrom = np.array([5, 6, 7]) ito = np.array([30, 40, 50]) cropped_image = _CropImageManuallyWithNumpy(self.orig_image, ifrom, ito) cropped_image2 = _CropAndPadImageManuallyWithNumpy( self.orig_image, ifrom, ito, -1024) itk_cropped_image = _CropImageWithITK(self.orig_image, ifrom, ito) # spacing self.assertTrue( np.allclose(np.array(cropped_image.GetSpacing()), self.orig_spacing)) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(np.array(cropped_image2.GetSpacing()), self.orig_spacing)) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(np.array(itk_cropped_image.GetSpacing()), self.orig_spacing)) # origin self.assertTrue( np.allclose(np.array(cropped_image.GetOrigin()), self.orig_origin + self.orig_spacing * ifrom)) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(np.array(cropped_image2.GetOrigin()), self.orig_origin + self.orig_spacing * ifrom)) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(np.array(itk_cropped_image.GetOrigin()), self.orig_origin + self.orig_spacing * ifrom)) # size new_size = np.array(cropped_image.GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()) new_size2 = np.array( cropped_image2.GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()) itk_new_size = np.array( itk_cropped_image.GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()) exp_size = ito - ifrom self.assertTrue((new_size == exp_size).all()) self.assertTrue((new_size2 == exp_size).all()) self.assertTrue((itk_new_size == exp_size).all()) # values new_array = itk.GetArrayFromImage(cropped_image) new_array2 = itk.GetArrayFromImage(cropped_image2) itk_array = itk.GetArrayFromImage(itk_cropped_image) self.assertTrue( (new_array == self.orig_array[ifrom[2]:ito[2], ifrom[1]:ito[1], ifrom[0]:ito[0]]).all()) self.assertTrue( (new_array2 == self.orig_array[ifrom[2]:ito[2], ifrom[1]:ito[1], ifrom[0]:ito[0]]).all()) self.assertTrue( (itk_array == self.orig_array[ifrom[2]:ito[2], ifrom[1]:ito[1], ifrom[0]:ito[0]]).all())
def FindReferenceImage(inDataList): """ This find the median file between all the input files """ x = y = z = 0 for i in range(len(inDataList)): dim = itk.GetArrayFromImage(itk.imread(inDataList[i])).shape if dim[0] > x: x = dim[0] if dim[1] > y: y = dim[1] if dim[2] > z: z = dim[2] COM = np.zeros((x, y, z)) for i in range(len(inDataList)): tmp = itk.GetArrayFromImage(itk.imread(inDataList[i])) COM += np.pad(tmp, (((x - tmp.shape[0]) // 2, (x - tmp.shape[0]) - (x - tmp.shape[0]) // 2), ((y - tmp.shape[1]) // 2, (y - tmp.shape[1]) - (y - tmp.shape[1]) // 2), ((z - tmp.shape[2]) // 2, (z - tmp.shape[2]) - (z - tmp.shape[2]) // 2))) COM /= len(inDataList) dist = np.inf idx = 0 for i in range(len(inDataList)): tmp = itk.GetArrayFromImage(itk.imread(inDataList[i])) tmp_dist = np.linalg.norm(COM - np.pad(tmp, (((x - tmp.shape[0]) // 2, (x - tmp.shape[0]) - (x - tmp.shape[0]) // 2), ((y - tmp.shape[1]) // 2, (y - tmp.shape[1]) - (y - tmp.shape[1]) // 2), ((z - tmp.shape[2]) // 2, (z - tmp.shape[2]) - (z - tmp.shape[2]) // 2)))) if tmp_dist < dist: idx = i dist = tmp_dist print(" ") print("############# Reference File #############") cprint(("The reference file for rigid alignment is found"), 'cyan') cprint(("Output Median Filename : ", inDataList[idx]), 'yellow') print("###########################################") print(" ") return inDataList[idx]
def itk_to_vtk_image(key, itk_image): dims = list(itk_image.GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()) extent = [] for v in dims: extent.append(0) extent.append(v - 1) values = itk.GetArrayFromImage(itk_image).flatten(order='C') return { 'vtkClass': 'vtkImageData', 'spacing': list(itk_image.GetSpacing()), 'origin': list(itk_image.GetOrigin()), 'extent': extent, 'direction': list( itk.GetArrayFromVnlMatrix(itk_image.GetDirection().GetVnlMatrix(). as_matrix()).flatten()), 'pointData': { 'values': values, 'dataType': _itk_image_to_type(itk_image), 'numberOfComponents': itk_image.GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel(), }, }
def RelabelComponents(inputImage, outputImageType = None): # relabel = itk.RelabelComponentImageFilter[input_type, output_type].New() # relabel.SetInput(inputImage) # relabel.Update() # return relabel.GetOutput() label_field = itk.GetArrayFromImage(inputImage) offset = 1 max_label = int(label_field.max()) # Ensure max_label is an integer labels, labels_counts= np.unique(label_field,return_counts=True) labels=labels[np.argsort(labels_counts)[::-1]] labels0 = labels[labels != 0] new_max_label = offset - 1 + len(labels0) new_labels0 = np.arange(offset, new_max_label + 1) output_type = label_field.dtype required_type = np.min_scalar_type(new_max_label) if np.dtype(required_type).itemsize > np.dtype(label_field.dtype).itemsize: output_type = required_type forward_map = np.zeros(max_label + 1, dtype=output_type) forward_map[labels0] = new_labels0 inverse_map = np.zeros(new_max_label + 1, dtype=output_type) inverse_map[offset:] = labels0 relabeled = forward_map[label_field] result = itk.GetImageFromArray(relabeled) result.SetOrigin(inputImage.GetOrigin()) result.SetSpacing(inputImage.GetSpacing()) result.SetDirection(inputImage.GetDirection()) if not outputImageType is None: s,d = itk.template(inputImage)[1] output_type = itk.Image[outputImageType,d] result = castImage(result, OutputType=output_type) return result
def binaryThresholding(inputImage, lowerThreshold, upperThreshold, outputImageType = None, insideValue = 1, outsideValue = 0): # Old version: # s,d = itk.template(inputImage)[1] # input_type = itk.Image[s,d] # output_type = input_type if outputImageType is None else itk.Image[outputImageType,d] # thresholder = itk.BinaryThresholdImageFilter[input_type, output_type].New() # thresholder.SetInput(inputImage) # thresholder.SetLowerThreshold( lowerThreshold ) # thresholder.SetUpperThreshold( upperThreshold ) # thresholder.SetInsideValue(insideValue) # thresholder.SetOutsideValue(outsideValue) # thresholder.Update() # return thresholder.GetOutput() values = itk.GetArrayFromImage(inputImage) cond = (values>=lowerThreshold) & (values<=upperThreshold) values[ cond ] = insideValue values[ np.logical_not(cond) ] = outsideValue result = itk.GetImageFromArray(values) result.SetOrigin(inputImage.GetOrigin()) result.SetSpacing(inputImage.GetSpacing()) result.SetDirection(inputImage.GetDirection()) if not outputImageType is None: s,d = itk.template(inputImage)[1] output_type = itk.Image[outputImageType,d] result = castImage(result, OutputType=output_type) return result
def multiscaleSheetness(multiScaleInput, scales, SmoothingImageType, roi = None, alpha = 0.5, beta = 0.5, gamma = 0.5): if not roi is None: roi = itk.GetArrayFromImage(roi) multiscaleSheetness = singlescaleSheetness(singleScaleInput = multiScaleInput, scale = scales[0], SmoothingImageType = SmoothingImageType, roi = roi, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, gamma = gamma) if len(scales) > 1: for scale in scales[1:]: singleScaleSheetness = singlescaleSheetness(multiScaleInput, scale = scale, SmoothingImageType = SmoothingImageType, roi = roi, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, gamma = gamma) refinement = abs(singleScaleSheetness) > abs(multiscaleSheetness) multiscaleSheetness[refinement] = singleScaleSheetness[refinement] multiscaleSheetness = itk.GetImageFromArray(multiscaleSheetness.astype(np.float32)) multiscaleSheetness.SetOrigin(multiScaleInput.GetOrigin()) multiscaleSheetness.SetSpacing(multiScaleInput.GetSpacing()) multiscaleSheetness.SetDirection(multiScaleInput.GetDirection()) return multiscaleSheetness
def computeSheetnessMeasure(SheetMeasInput, roi = None, alpha = 0.5, beta = 0.5, gamma = 0.5): if isinstance(SheetMeasInput, np.ndarray): sortedEigs = SheetMeasInput RsImg, EigsImg, NoNullEigs = computeRs(RsInputImg = SheetMeasInput, roi=roi) else: sortedEigs = itk.GetArrayFromImage(SheetMeasInput) # Sort them by abs (already done) # l1, l2, l3 = sortedEigs[:,:,:,0], sortedEigs[:,:,:,1], sortedEigs[:,:,:,2] # condA = np.abs(l1) > np.abs(l2) # l1[condA], l2[condA] = l2[condA], l1[condA] # condB = np.abs(l2) > np.abs(l3) # l2[condB], l3[condB] = l3[condB], l2[condB] # condC = np.abs(l1) > np.abs(l2) # l1[condC], l2[condC] = l2[condC], l1[condC] # sortedEigs[:,:,:,0], sortedEigs[:,:,:,1], sortedEigs[:,:,:,2] = l1, l2, l3 RsImg, EigsImg, NoNullEigs = computeRs(RsInputImg = sortedEigs, roi=roi) SheetnessImage = np.empty(EigsImg.shape[:-1], dtype=float) SheetnessImage[NoNullEigs] = - np.sign( sortedEigs[NoNullEigs,2] ) tmp = 1. / (beta*beta) SheetnessImage[NoNullEigs] *= np.exp(-RsImg[NoNullEigs,0] * RsImg[NoNullEigs,0] * tmp) tmp = 1. / (alpha*alpha) SheetnessImage[NoNullEigs] *= np.exp(-RsImg[NoNullEigs,1] * RsImg[NoNullEigs,1] * tmp) tmp = 1. / (gamma*gamma) SheetnessImage[NoNullEigs] *= np.exp(-RsImg[NoNullEigs,2] * RsImg[NoNullEigs,2] * tmp) # SheetnessImage *= EigsImg[:,:,:,2] ScaleObjectnessMeasureOff SheetnessImage[NoNullEigs] *= ( 1 - np.exp(-RsImg[NoNullEigs,3] * RsImg[NoNullEigs,3] * 4) ) # SheetnessImage = itk.GetImageFromArray(SheetnessImage) return SheetnessImage
def noisyImage(self, inputPath, outputName, noiseType): for id, i in enumerate(self.noiseLevels): img = itk.imread(inputPath) dat = itk.GetArrayFromImage(img) dat = dat.astype(np.float32) # simulated CT noise poisson + gaussian noise if (noiseType == "poisson"): datNoisy = 0.5 * np.random.poisson( dat, None) + 0.5 * np.random.normal(dat, i, None) elif (noiseType == "rician"): datNoisy = rice.rvs(dat / i, scale=i) else: print("error noise type not supported") datNoisy[datNoisy < 0] = 0 datNoisy[datNoisy > 255] = 255 # writing image on disk noisyImg = itk.GetImageFromArray(datNoisy.astype(np.uint8)) print(i) outputPath = outputName + "_" + str(i) + ".nii" itk.imwrite(noisyImg, outputPath) print(outputPath)
def get_labelmap(self, tube): if self.input_image is None: raise Exception('No input image?????') f = itk.SpatialObjectToImageFilter[itk.SpatialObject[3], itk.Image[itk.UC, 3]].New() # same origin and spacing and dir as input_image f.SetOrigin(self.input_image.GetOrigin()) f.SetSpacing(self.input_image.GetSpacing()) f.SetDirection(self.input_image.GetDirection()) f.SetSize(self.input_image.GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()) f.SetUseObjectValue(False) f.SetOutsideValue(0) f.SetInsideValue(1) f.SetInput(tube) f.Update() mask = f.GetOutput() voxels = itk.GetArrayFromImage(mask) padded = np.concatenate(([0], voxels.flatten(), [0])) run_edges = np.diff(padded) run_starts, = np.where(run_edges > 0) run_stops, = np.where(run_edges < 0) run_lengths = run_stops - run_starts return np.array(list(zip(run_starts, run_lengths)), dtype='uint32').flatten()
def FindReferenceImage(inDataList): """ This find the median file between all the input files """ IMG = [] DIM = [] for i in range(len(inDataList)): tmp = itk.GetArrayFromImage(itk.imread(inDataList[i])) IMG.append(tmp) DIM.append(tmp.shape) ref_dim = np.max(DIM, axis=0) for i in range(len(inDataList)): IMG[i] = np.pad(IMG[i], ((0, ref_dim[0] - DIM[i][0]), (0, ref_dim[1] - DIM[i][1]), (0, ref_dim[2] - DIM[i][2])), mode='constant', constant_values=0) COM = np.sum(np.asarray(IMG), axis=0) / len(inDataList) idx = np.argmin(np.sqrt(np.sum((np.asarray(IMG) - COM)**2, axis=(1, 2, 3)))) print(" ") print("############# Reference File #############") cprint(("The reference file for rigid alignment is found"), 'green') cprint(("Output Median Filename : ", inDataList[idx]), 'yellow') print("###########################################") print(" ") return inDataList[idx]
def getImages(loader_dir, image_list, down_sample): # get all images all_images = [] for image_path in image_list: if down_sample: img = downSample(image_path) else: image = itk.imread(image_path, itk.F) img = itk.GetArrayFromImage(image) all_images.append(img) all_images = np.array(all_images) # get mean and std mean_path = loader_dir + 'mean_img.npy' std_path = loader_dir + 'std_img.npy' if not os.path.exists(mean_path) or not os.path.exists(std_path): mean_image = np.mean(all_images) std_image = np.std(all_images), mean_image), std_image) else: mean_image = np.load(mean_path) std_image = np.load(std_path) # normlaize norm_images = [] for image in all_images: norm_images.append([(image - mean_image) / std_image]) return norm_images
def main(): featureFiles = glob.glob( '/home/samuel/Projects/Ultrasound/Spectroscopy/Data/LinearProbe1/Chicken2/SpectraIteration1Features/*Spectra.npy' ) labelFile = '/home/samuel/Projects/Ultrasound/Spectroscopy/Data/LinearProbe1/Chicken2/ManualLabels/rf_voltage_15_freq_0007500000_2017-5-31_12-50-44_ManualLabel.mha' features = [] for ff in featureFiles: features.append(np.load(ff)) imageType = itk.Image[itk.UC, 3] reader = itk.ImageFileReader[imageType].New() reader.SetFileName(labelFile) reader.Update() labelImage = itk.GetArrayFromImage(reader.GetOutput()).squeeze() print(ff) for i in range(0, 256, 10): fig = plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(211) plt.imshow(labelImage) plt.plot([i * 8 - 56, i * 8 + 56], [55, 55], color="red") plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(features[0][55, i, :], color="C0") plt.plot(features[1][55, i, :], color="C1") plt.plot(features[2][55, i, :], color="C2") plt.plot(features[3][55, i, :], color="C3") plt.plot(features[4][55, i, :], color="C4") plt.plot(features[5][55, i, :], color="C5") fig.savefig("fig-" + str(i) + ".png")
def get_bounding_box(image_3d_ref, depth, xy_padding=15, z_padding=8): image_3d_ref = image_threshold_binaray_3d(image_3d_ref, 127) PixelType = itk.ctype("unsigned char") ImageType = itk.Image[PixelType, 3] itkimage = itk.GetImageFromArray(image_3d_ref.astype(np.uint8)) filter = itk.BinaryShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilter[ImageType].New() filter.SetAttribute('NumberOfPixels') filter.SetForegroundValue(255) filter.SetBackgroundValue(0) filter.SetNumberOfObjects(1) filter.SetInput(itkimage) filter.Update() output = filter.GetOutput() result_label_volume = itk.GetArrayFromImage(output) z, y, x = result_label_volume.nonzero() z_min = max(0, min(z) - z_padding) z_max = min(image_3d_ref.shape[0] - 1, z_min + depth) y_min = min(y) y_max = max(y) x_min = min(x) x_max = max(x) width = x_max - x_min height = y_max - y_min length = max(width, height) start_z = z_min end_z = z_max start_y = max(y_min - xy_padding, 0) end_y = min(start_y + length + 2 * xy_padding, image_3d_ref.shape[1] - 1) start_x = max(x_min - xy_padding, 0) end_x = min(start_x + length + 2 * xy_padding, image_3d_ref.shape[2] - 1) bbox_size = [start_z, end_z, start_y, end_y, start_x, end_x] return bbox_size
def itk_to_vtk(itkImage): resample_factor = 10 array = itk.GetArrayFromImage(itkImage) #Downsample test spacing = itkImage.GetSpacing() spacing[2] *= resample_factor array = array[::resample_factor, :, :] dims = (array.shape[1], array.shape[2], array.shape[0]) downsampled_image = itk.GetImageFromArray(array) print(downsampled_image) vtk_array = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(num_array=array.ravel(), deep=True, array_type=vtk.VTK_FLOAT) print(dims, spacing) #MN vtkImage = vtk.vtkImageData() vtkImage.SetDimensions(dims) vtkImage.SetSpacing(spacing) vtkImage.GetPointData().SetScalars(vtk_array) return vtkImage
def readNII(dcm_path): ImageType = itk.Image[itk.F, 3] reader = itk.ImageSeriesReader[ImageType].New() reader.SetFileName(dcm_path) reader.Update() image3d = reader.GetOutput() return itk.GetArrayFromImage(image3d)
def image_keep_max_region(label_volume_data): label_volume = image_threshold_binaray_3d(label_volume_data, 127) # labels = measure.label(image_3d_ref, connectivity=2) # props = measure.regionprops(labels) # max_area = 0 # max_area_index = 0 # for i in range(len(props)): # area = props[i].area # if area > max_area: # max_area_index = i # max_area = area # box = props[max_area_index].bbox # label_volume_with_max_region = np.zeros(image_3d_ref.shape, np.uint8) # label_volume_with_max_region[box[0]:box[3], box[1]:box[4], box[2]:box[5]] = \ # image_3d_ref[box[0]:box[3], box[1]:box[4], box[2]:box[5]] # assert box[3] - box[0] < depth + 1 # for i in range(label_volume_with_max_region.shape[0]): # cv.imwrite('D:\\tmp\\MIS\\other\\%d.jpg' % (i), label_volume_with_max_region[i]) PixelType = itk.ctype("unsigned char") ImageType = itk.Image[PixelType, 3] itkimage = itk.GetImageFromArray(label_volume.astype(np.uint8)) filter = itk.BinaryShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilter[ImageType].New() filter.SetAttribute('NumberOfPixels') filter.SetForegroundValue(255) filter.SetBackgroundValue(0) filter.SetNumberOfObjects(1) filter.SetInput(itkimage) filter.Update() output = filter.GetOutput() result_label_volume = itk.GetArrayFromImage(output) return result_label_volume
def distanceMapByFastMarcher(image, objectLabel, stoppingValue, ImageType ): FastMarchingImageFilter = itk.FastMarchingImageFilter[ImageType, ImageType] fastMarcher = FastMarchingImageFilter.New() fastMarcher.SetOutputSize(image.GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()) fastMarcher.SetOutputOrigin(image.GetOrigin() ) fastMarcher.SetOutputSpacing(image.GetSpacing() ) fastMarcher.SetOutputDirection(image.GetDirection() ) fastMarcher.SetSpeedConstant(1.0) if (stoppingValue > 0): fastMarcher.SetStoppingValue(stoppingValue) NodeType = itk.LevelSetNode.F3 FastMarchingNodeContainer = itk.VectorContainer[itk.UI, NodeType] TrialIndexes = np.array(np.where(itk.GetArrayFromImage(image) == objectLabel)).T seeds = FastMarchingNodeContainer.New() seeds.Initialize() for Idx in TrialIndexes: node = seeds.CreateElementAt(seeds.Size()) node.SetValue(0.) node.SetIndex(Idx[::-1].tolist()) fastMarcher.SetTrialPoints(seeds) fastMarcher.Update() return fastMarcher.GetOutput()
def VisualizeReferenceSpectrum(rf_files, freq_sampling): plt.figure(1, figsize=(5, 4)) handles = [] labels = [] for rf_file in rf_files: ComponentType = itk.ctype('float') Dimension = 2 ImageType = itk.VectorImage[ComponentType, Dimension] reader = itk.ImageFileReader[ImageType].New(FileName=rf_file) reader.Update() image = reader.GetOutput() arr = itk.GetArrayFromImage(image) arr /= arr[:, :, arr.shape[2] / 3 - arr.shape[2] / 5:arr.shape[2] / 2 + arr.shape[2] / 5].max() freq = np.linspace(freq_sampling / 2 / arr.shape[2], freq_sampling / 2, arr.shape[2]) ax = plt.plot(freq, arr[0, 0, :].ravel(), label=rf_file) handles.append(ax[0]) labels.append(rf_file) plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') plt.ylabel('Power spectrum [V]') plt.figlegend(handles, labels, 'upper right') plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) dirname = os.path.dirname(rf_files[0]) plt.savefig(os.path.join(dirname, 'ReferenceSpectrum.png'), dpi=300)