コード例 #1
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: billy3321/ivod-download
    def change(self, *args, **argd):
        key = argd.get('key')
        date, url = json.loads(key)
        state = argd.get('state')
        info = argd.get('info')
        name = argd.get('name')
        token = argd.get('token')
        db = DB()
        if db.get_user_token(name) != token:
            return 'invalid token'
        if state == 'downloaded' and not info:
            return 'invalid'

        assert state in ('404', 'downloaded', 'failed')
        with db.conn:
            db.change_job_state(url, name, state)
            if info:
                db.add_video_info(url, name, info)
            if state == '404':
                result = db.query('''
                SELECT count(*)
                FROM download_state_history
                WHERE key = %s AND state = '404'
                ''', url)
                if int(result[0][0]) >= 10:
                    db.change_job_state(url, name, '404skip')
        return 'ok'
コード例 #2
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: billy3321/ivod-download
    def next(self, *args, **argd):
        bw = argd.get('bw')
        name = argd.get('name')
        token = argd.get('token')
        if not name or not token:
            return 'Empty name or token'
        db = DB()
        if db.get_user_token(name) != token:
            return json.dumps('invalid token')

        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        if 0 <= now.weekday() <= 4 and 6 <= now.hour <= 19:
            result = db.query('''
            SELECT count(*)
            FROM download_state
            WHERE state = 'downloading' AND last_modified > now() - interval '24 hours'
            if result and int(result[0][0]) > 10:
                return 'wait'

        # bw, clip
        # 0, 0  200KB/s
        # 0, 1  500KB/s
        # 1, 0  70KB/s
        # 1, 1  70KB/s
        if bw == 'high':
            bw_cond = 'true'
        elif bw == 'mid':
            # bw, clip != 0, 1
            bw_cond = '(bw = 1 OR clip = 0)'
        elif bw == 'low':
            # bw = 1
            bw_cond = '(bw = 1)'
            bw_cond = 'true'

        while True:
            t0 = time.time()
            result = db.query('''
                    SELECT key, videodate, last_modified, state
                    FROM download_state 
                    WHERE (
                        (state = 'no')
                        OR (state = 'downloading' AND clip = 1 AND last_modified < now() - interval '12 hours')
                        OR (state = 'downloading' AND clip = 0 AND last_modified < now() - interval '24 hours')
                        OR (state = 'failed' AND last_modified < now() - interval '10 minutes')
                        OR (state = '404' AND last_modified < now() - interval '10 minutes')
                        ) AND state != '404skip' AND %s

                    ORDER BY last_modified
                    LIMIT 1
                    FOR UPDATE
                    ''' % bw_cond,
            print 't', time.time() - t0

            if not result or not result[0][0]:
                return 'done'

            row = result[0]
            key, videodate, last_modified, state = row

            if state == '404':
                result = db.query('''
                SELECT count(*)
                FROM download_state_history
                WHERE key = %s AND state = '404'
                ''', key)
                if int(result[0][0]) >= 10:
                    with db.conn:
                        db.change_job_state(key, name, '404skip')

            with db.conn:
                db.change_job_state(key, name, 'downloading')
            return json.dumps((str(videodate).replace('-','/'), key))