def try_property(self,prop=None): if prop == None: udc = false_properties() udc_text = [str(prop) for prop in udc] msg = "Choose a property to see counterexample:" cmd = lambda idx: self.try_property(udc[idx]) self.listbox_dialog(msg,udc_text,command=cmd) else: print "type(prop) = {}".format(type(prop)) if hasattr(prop,'lineno'): filename,lineno = prop.lineno self.browse(filename,lineno) dual = dual_clauses(formula_to_clauses(prop.formula)) ag = AnalysisGraph(initializer=top_alpha) oag = ag.bmc(ag.states[0],dual) self.add(oag)
def __init__(self, model): self.model = model # should be an IvyModel instance self.ivy_ag = model.ivy_ag self.ivy_interp = model.ivy_interp self.goal_stack = ProofGoalStack() self.conjectures = [] # initialise an AnalysisGraph for the crg self.crg = AnalysisGraph(self.ivy_ag.domain, self.ivy_ag.pvars) self.crg.actions = self.ivy_ag.actions
class AnalysisGraphWidget(Canvas): def __init__(self,tk,g,root=None): if root == None: root = tk menubar = Menu(root) filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) filemenu.add_command(label="Save", filemenu.add_command(label="Save abstraction",command=self.save_abstraction) filemenu.add_separator() filemenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=root.quit) menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=filemenu) modemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) self.mode = StringVar(root,default_mode.get()) modemenu.add("radiobutton",label="Concrete",variable=self.mode,value="concrete") modemenu.add("radiobutton",label="Abstract",variable=self.mode,value="abstract") modemenu.add("radiobutton",label="Bounded",variable=self.mode,value="bounded") menubar.add_cascade(label="Mode", menu=modemenu) actionmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) actionmenu.add_command(label="Recalculate all",command=self.recalculate_all) actionmenu.add_command(label="Show reachable states",command=self.show_reachable_states) menubar.add_cascade(label="Action", menu=actionmenu) root.config(menu=menubar) Canvas.__init__(self,root) self.g = g = tk self.root = root self.mark = None tk.eval('package require Tcldot') self.pack(fill=BOTH,expand=1) self.rebuild() def busy(self):"watch") self.config(cursor="watch") def ready(self):"") self.config(cursor="") def save(self): f = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfile(mode='w',filetypes = [('analysis files', '.a2g')],title='Save analysis state as...',parent=self) if f: pickle.dump(self.g,f, protocol=2) f.close() def save_abstraction(self): f = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfile(mode='w',filetypes = [('ivy files', '.ivy')],title='Save abstraction as...',parent=self) if f: for concept in self.g.domain.concept_spaces: f.write('concept ' + repr(concept[0]) + ' = ' + repr(concept[1]) + '\n') f.close() def node_color(self,node): return "green" if hasattr(node,'safe') and else "black" def rebuild(self): tk = g = self.g tk.eval('set graph [dotnew digraph forcelabels true]') handle_to_node = dict() self.node_to_handle = dict() for (s,i) in zip(g.states,range(len(g.states))): p = "%d" % i shape = "point" if (s.clauses != None and s.clauses.is_false()) else "circle" label = str( if s.clauses != None else '?' color = self.node_color(s) handle = tk.eval('$graph addnode "' + p + '" label "' + label + '" shape ' + shape + ' color ' + color + ' fontsize 10 width 0.5 penwidth 2.0') handle = 'node' + str(i+1) if handle.startswith('node0x') else handle self.node_to_handle[i] = handle handle_to_node[handle] = s i = 0 for transition in g.transitions: x,op,label,y = transition handle = tk.eval('$graph addedge "' + ("%d" % + '" "' + ("%d" % + '" label {' + label + '} fontsize 10 penwidth 2.0') handle = 'edge' + str(i+1) if handle.startswith('edge0x') else handle i += 1 if isinstance(op,AnalysisSubgraph): self.tag_bind("0" + handle, "<Button-1>", lambda y, op=op: op.display(tk)) self.tag_bind("1" + handle, "<Button-1>", lambda y, op=op: op.display(tk)) self.tag_bind("0" + handle, "<Button-3>", lambda ev, transition=transition: self.right_click_edge(ev,transition)) self.tag_bind("1" + handle, "<Button-3>", lambda ev, transition=transition: self.right_click_edge(ev,transition)) for (x,y) in g.covering: handle = tk.eval('$graph addedge "' + ("%d" % + '" "' + ("%d" % + '" style dashed') self.delete(ALL) # print tk.eval('$graph render ' + self._w + ' DOT') tk.eval('eval [$graph render ' + self._w + ' DOT]') self.config(scrollregion=self.bbox(ALL)) for x in handle_to_node: n = handle_to_node[x] # print "x = {}".format(x) # print "n = {}".format(n) self.tag_bind("0" + x, "<Button-1>", lambda y, n=n: self.left_click_node(y,n)) self.tag_bind("1" + x, "<Button-1>", lambda y, n=n: self.left_click_node(y,n)) self.tag_bind("0" + x, "<Button-3>", lambda y, n=n: self.right_click_node(y,n)) self.tag_bind("1" + x, "<Button-3>", lambda y, n=n: self.right_click_node(y,n)) self.show_mark(True) def update_node_color(self,node): for item in self.find_withtag("1"+self.node_to_handle[]): self.itemconfig(item,outline=self.node_color(node)) def show_mark(self,on=True): if self.mark in self.node_to_handle: for item in self.find_withtag("1"+self.node_to_handle[self.mark]): self.itemconfig(item,fill=('red' if on else 'white')) def view_state(self,n,clauses): print "state: {}".format(clauses) if hasattr(self,'current_concept_graph') and self.current_concept_graph.winfo_exists(): self.current_concept_graph.set_parent_state(n,clauses) return sg = self.g.concept_graph(n,clauses) self.current_concept_graph = ivy_graph_ui.show_graph(sg,,parent=self) def left_click_node(self,event,n): if n.clauses != None: self.view_state(n,n.clauses) def right_click_node(self,event,n): tk = g = self.g self.popup = Menu(tk, tearoff=0) self.popup.add_command(label="Execute action:") self.popup.add_separator() state_equations = g.state_actions(n) for a in sorted(state_equations, key=state_equation_label): self.popup.add_command(label=state_equation_label(a),command = lambda n=n,a=a: self.do_state_action(a)) self.popup.add_separator() self.popup.add_command(label='Check safety',command = lambda n=n: self.check_safety_node(n)) self.popup.add_command(label='Extend',command = lambda n=n: self.find_extension(n)) self.popup.add_command(label='Mark',command = lambda n=n: self.mark_node(n)) self.popup.add_command(label='Cover by marked',command = lambda n=n: self.cover_node(n)) self.popup.add_command(label='Join with marked',command = lambda n=n: self.join_node(n)) self.popup.add_command(label='Try conjecture',command = lambda n=n: self.try_conjecture(n)) self.popup.add_command(label='Try remembered goal',command = lambda n=n: self.try_remembered_graph(n)) self.popup.add_command(label='Delete',command = lambda n=n: self.delete_node(n)) self.popup.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root, 0) def mark_node(self,n): self.show_mark(False) self.mark = self.show_mark(True) def get_mark(self): return self.g.states[self.mark] def cover_node(self,covered_node): g = self.g try: covering_node = self.get_mark() except: return print "Trying to cover %s by %s" % (, with RunContext(self): if not g.cover(covered_node,covering_node): raise IvyError(None,"Covering failed") self.rebuild() def join_node(self,node2): g = self.g try: node1 = self.get_mark() except: return with RunContext(self): g.join(node1,node2,self.get_alpha()) self.rebuild() def delete_node(self,deleted_node): g = self.g g.delete(deleted_node) self.rebuild() def right_click_edge(self,event,transition): tk = g = self.g self.popup = Menu(tk, tearoff=0) self.popup.add_command(label="Dismiss") self.popup.add_command(label="Recalculate",command = lambda transition=transition: self.recalculate_edge(transition)) self.popup.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root, 0) def set_state(self,state,clauses): state.clauses = clauses def get_alpha(self): return (None if self.mode.get() == "concrete" else ivy_alpha.alpha if self.mode.get() == "abstract" else top_alpha) def do_state_action(self,a): with RunContext(self): with EvalContext(check=False): print "action {" s = self.g.do_state_action(a,self.get_alpha()) print "state = {}".format(s) print "} action %s" % a.args[0] self.rebuild() def execute_action(self,n,a): with RunContext(self): print "action %s {" % a s = self.g.execute_action(a,n,self.get_alpha()) print "} action %s" % a self.rebuild() def show_reachable_states(self): ui_create(self.reachable_tree,,Toplevel( def recalculate_all(self): done = set() for transition in self.g.transitions: if transition[-1].id not in done: self.recalculate_edge(transition) done.add(transition[-1].id) def recalculate_edge(self,transition): with RunContext(self): self.g.recalculate(transition,self.get_alpha()) self.rebuild() def recalculate_state(self,state): with RunContext(self): self.g.recalculate_state(state,self.get_alpha()) self.rebuild() @property def reachable_tree(self): if not hasattr(self,'_reachable_tree'): self._reachable_tree = AnalysisGraph(self.g.domain,self.g.pvars) for s in self.g.domain.unders[0:1]: self._reachable_tree.add(s) return self._reachable_tree def one_step_reach(self,state,clauses): with RunContext(self): rs = reach_state_from_pred_no_abduction(state,clauses) if rs != None: self.reachable_tree.add(rs) t = self.g.transition_to(state) if t: pre,action,label,post = t self.reachable_tree.transitions.append((rs.pred,action,label,rs)) f = filter_conjectures(state,rs.clauses) if f: dlg = Toplevel(self) Label(dlg, text="The following conjectures have been eliminated:").pack() S = Scrollbar(dlg) T = Listbox(dlg, height=8, width=50, selectmode=SINGLE) S.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) T.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) S.config(command=T.yview) T.config(yscrollcommand=S.set) for conj in f: T.insert(END, repr(clauses_to_formula(conj))) b = Button(dlg, text="OK", command=dlg.destroy) b.pack(padx=5,side=TOP) uu.center_window_on_window(dlg,self.root) return rs def check_safety_node(self,node): = self.g.check_safety(node) self.update_node_color(node) if not if self.mode.get() != "bounded": uu.ok_cancel_dialog(,self.root,"The node is not proved safe: {}. View unsafe states?".format(, command=functools.partial(self.view_state,, else: # print "bounded check:{}".format( res = self.g.bmc(, if res == None: = True self.update_node_color(node) else: uu.ok_cancel_dialog(,self.root,"The node is unsafe: {}. View error trace?".format(, command=functools.partial(self.view_ag,res)) def view_ag(self,res): ui_create(res,,Toplevel( def find_extension(self,node): try: with RunContext(self): a = next(self.g.state_extensions(node)) self.do_state_action(a) except StopIteration: uu.ok_dialog(,self.root,"State {} is closed.".format( def try_conjecture(self,node): dlg = Toplevel(self) lbl = "Choose a conjecture to prove:" Label(dlg, text=lbl).pack() S = Scrollbar(dlg) T = Listbox(dlg, height=8, width=50, selectmode=SINGLE) S.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) T.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) S.config(command=T.yview) T.config(yscrollcommand=S.set) udc = undecided_conjectures(node) for conj in udc: T.insert(END, repr(clauses_to_formula(conj))) b = Button(dlg, text="Prove", command=functools.partial(self.do_try_conjecture,node,T,dlg,udc)) b.pack(padx=5,side=TOP) b = Button(dlg, text="Cancel", command=dlg.destroy) b.pack(padx=5,side=TOP) uu.center_window_on_window(dlg,self.root) def do_try_conjecture(self,node,T,dlg,udc): sel = map(int, T.curselection()) if sel: conj = udc[sel[0]] print "type(conj) = {}".format(type(conj)) dual = dual_clauses(conj) sg = self.g.concept_graph(node) sg.add_constraints(dual.clauses) ivy_graph_ui.show_graph(sg,,parent=self) dlg.destroy() def try_remembered_graph(self,node): dlg = Toplevel(self) lbl = "Choose a remembered goal:" Label(dlg, text=lbl).pack() S = Scrollbar(dlg) T = Listbox(dlg, height=8, width=50, selectmode=SINGLE) S.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) T.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) S.config(command=T.yview) T.config(yscrollcommand=S.set) if not hasattr(self,'remembered_graphs'): self.remembered_graphs = {} names = [n for n in self.remembered_graphs] for name in names: T.insert(END, name) b = Button(dlg, text="Try", command=functools.partial(self.do_try_remembered_graph,node,T,dlg,names)) b.pack(padx=5,side=TOP) b = Button(dlg, text="Cancel", command=dlg.destroy) b.pack(padx=5,side=TOP) uu.center_window_on_window(dlg,self.root) def do_try_remembered_graph(self,node,T,dlg,names): sel = map(int, T.curselection()) dlg.destroy() if sel: sg = self.remembered_graphs[names[sel[0]]].copy() sg.parent_state = node sg.set_state(and_clauses(node.clauses,sg.constraints)) self.g.state_graphs.append(sg) ivy_graph_ui.show_graph(sg,,parent=self) def remember_graph(self,name,graph): if not hasattr(self,'remembered_graphs'): self.remembered_graphs = {} self.remembered_graphs[name] = graph def reverse_update_concrete_clauses(self,state, clauses): with RunContext(self): try: if state.pred != None: print "reverse from %s to %s: post_state = %s" % (,,clauses) next_state = state.pred clauses = reverse_update_concrete_clauses(state,clauses) return (clauses,state.pred) elif hasattr(state,'join_of') and state.join_of: next_state = state return reverse_join_concrete_clauses(state,state.join_of,clauses) return None except UnsatCoreWithInterpolant as ici: # print "core: %s" % ici.core # print "interp: %s" % ici.interp if ici.interp != None: used_names = used_symbols_clauses(Clauses([[Literal(0,a)] for a,d in self.g.domain.concept_spaces])) name = unused_name_with_base('itp',set( for s in used_names)) concept = clauses_to_concept(name,ici.interp) dlg = Toplevel(self) Label(dlg, text="The pre-state is vacuous. The following concept can be used to prove your goal in the post-state:").pack() S = Scrollbar(dlg) T = Text(dlg, height=4, width=100) S.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) T.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) S.config(command=T.yview) T.config(yscrollcommand=S.set) T.insert(END, 'concept ' + repr(concept[0]) + ' = ' + repr(concept[1])) b = Button(dlg, text="OK", command=dlg.destroy) b.pack(padx=5,side=TOP) b = Button(dlg, text="Refine", command=functools.partial(self.refine,concept,dlg)) b.pack(padx=5,side=TOP) uu.center_window_on_window(dlg,self.root) return (false_clauses(),next_state) raise IvyError(None,"UNSAT, but interpolant could not be computed") return ([[]],next_state) def conjecture(self,state,clauses): with RunContext(self): return case_conjecture(state,clauses) def refine(self,concept,dlg): print "concept: {}".format(concept) self.g.domain.concept_spaces.append((concept[0],concept[1])) # print "current concepts: {}".format(self.g.domain.concept_spaces) dlg.destroy() def state_label(self,state): return str( def add_state_graph(self,sg): self.g.state_graphs.append(sg) def remove_state_graph(self,sg): self.g.state_graphs.remove(sg) def bmc(self,state,err_cond): res = self.g.bmc(state,err_cond) if res == None: dlg = Toplevel(self) Label(dlg, text="The condition is unreachable along the given path").pack() b = Button(dlg, text="OK", command=dlg.destroy) b.pack(padx=5,side=TOP) uu.center_window_on_window(dlg,self.root) return ui_create(res,,Toplevel(
def reachable_tree(self): if not hasattr(self,'_reachable_tree'): self._reachable_tree = AnalysisGraph(self.g.domain,self.g.pvars) for s in self.g.domain.unders[0:1]: self._reachable_tree.add(s) return self._reachable_tree
def ui_main_loop(art, tk = None, frame = None): if tk == None: tk = Tk() tk.tk_setPalette(background='white') tk.wm_title("ivy") frame = tk elif frame == None: frame = Toplevel(tk) ui_create(art,tk,frame) tk.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': d = ShapeDomain(["x", "y", "t"], True) ag = AnalysisGraph(d) s = State(d, to_clauses("[[~n(V1,V2)],[~=(x,y)],[~r_x(y)],[~r_y(x)]]")) # start with empty next relation ag.add(s) ag.execute("alloc t") ag.execute("t.n := x") s1 = ag.execute("x := t") ag.execute("alloc t") ag.execute("t.n := x") ag.execute("x := t") ag.join(s1) ag.execute("alloc t") ag.execute("t.n := y") ag.execute("y := t") ag.display()
class AnalysisGraphUI(object): # This defines the menus items we provide. The actual menus might be # tool buttons or other such things. def menus(self): return [("menu","File", [("button","Save",, ("button","Save abstraction",self.save_abstraction), ("separator",), ("button","Remove tab",lambda self=self: self.ui_parent.remove(self)), ("button","Exit", lambda self=self: self.ui_parent.exit()),]), ("menu","Mode", [("radiobuttons","mode",default_mode.get(), [("Concrete","concrete"), ("Abstract","abstract"), ("Bounded","bounded"), ("Induction","induction")])]), ("menu","Action", [("button","Recalculate all",self.recalculate_all), ("button","Show reachable states",self.show_reachable_states),])] # get the mode variable @property def mode(self): return self.radiobutton('mode') # This is called on startup of the ui. We initialize by creating an intitial # node in the ART. Whether we abstract or not depends on the mode. For historical # reasons, abstract mode uses a concrete initial state. def start(self): if len(self.g.states) == 0: self.g.initialize(self.init_alpha()) self.rebuild() def init_alpha(self): if 'mode' in self.radios: return (None if (self.mode.get() == "concrete" or self.mode.get() == "abstract") else ivy_alpha.alpha if self.mode.get() == "induction" else top_alpha) return top_alpha # Save the current arg and maybe concept graph in a file def save(self): f = self.ui_parent.saveas_dialog('Save analysis state as...',[('analysis files', '.a2g')]) if f: pickle.dump(self.g,f, protocol=2) f.close() # Save the current abstract domain in a file def save_abstraction(self): f = self.ui_parent.saveas_dialog('Save abstraction as...',[('ivy files', '.ivy')]) if f: for concept in self.g.domain.concept_spaces: f.write('concept ' + repr(concept[0]) + ' = ' + repr(concept[1]) + '\n') f.close() # Get the display color of an ARG node. Used by UI. def node_color(self,node): return "green" if hasattr(node,'safe') and else "black" # Actions to perform on nodes def get_node_actions(self,node,click='left'): if click == 'left': return [("<>",self.view_state)] else: return ([("Execute action:",None), ("---",None),] + self.node_execute_commands(node) + [("---",None),] + self.node_commands()) # When left-clicking a node, we view it def get_edge_actions(self,transition,click='right'): if click == 'left': return [] # nothing on right click yet else: return ([("Dismiss",lambda t: None), ("Recalculate",self.recalculate_edge), ("Decompose",self.decompose_edge), ("View Source",self.view_source_edge),]) # Show a state in the current concept graph, or create a concept graph def view_state(self,n,clauses = None, reset=False): clauses = clauses or n.clauses # print "state: {}".format(clauses) if hasattr(self,'current_concept_graph'): # and self.current_concept_graph.winfo_exists(): # print "current cg: {}".format(type(self.current_concept_graph)) self.current_concept_graph.set_parent_state(n,clauses,reset=reset) return sg = self.g.concept_graph(n,clauses) self.current_concept_graph = self.show_graph(sg) return self.current_concept_graph # TODO: unsure what this does def view_concrete_trace(self,n,conc): pass # self.ui_parent.add(self.g.make_concrete_trace(n,conc)) # Get the commands for the node context menu def node_commands(self): return [ ('Check safety',self.check_safety_node), ('Extend',self.find_extension), ('Mark',self.mark_node), ('Cover by marked',self.cover_node), ('Join with marked',self.join_node), ('Try conjecture',self.try_conjecture), ('Try remembered goal',self.try_remembered_graph), ('Delete',self.delete_node), ] # Get the commands for the node execute menu def node_execute_commands(self,n): state_equations = self.g.state_actions(n) return [(state_equation_label(a), functools.partial(self.do_state_action,a)) for a in sorted(state_equations, key=state_equation_label)] # Set the marked node def mark_node(self,n): self.show_mark(False) self.mark = n self.show_mark(True) # Get the marked node def get_mark(self): return self.mark # Try covering a node by the marked node def cover_node(self,covered_node): g = self.g covering_node = self.get_mark() if covering_node is not None: print "Trying to cover %s by %s" % (, with self.ui_parent.run_context(): if not g.cover(covered_node,covering_node): raise IvyError(None,"Covering failed") self.rebuild() # Join a node with the marked node def join_node(self,node2): g = self.g try: node1 = self.get_mark() except: return with self.ui_parent.run_context(): g.join(node1,node2,self.get_alpha()) self.rebuild() # Delete a node from the ARG def delete_node(self,deleted_node): g = self.g g.delete(deleted_node) self.rebuild() # Set the abstract value of a state def set_state(self,state,clauses): state.clauses = clauses # Get the abstraction operator def get_alpha(self): return (None if self.mode.get() == "concrete" else ivy_alpha.alpha if (self.mode.get() == "abstract" or self.mode.get() == "induction") else top_alpha) # Get the node with given id def node(self,id): return self.g.states[id] # Evaluate a state equation to generate a new node def do_state_action(self,a,node=None): with self.ui_parent.run_context(): with EvalContext(check=False): print "action {" s = self.g.do_state_action(a,self.get_alpha()) print "state = {}".format(s) print "} action %s" % a.args[0] self.rebuild() # Evaluate an action at a node def execute_action(self,n,a): with self.ui_parent.run_context(): print "action %s {" % a s = self.g.execute_action(a,n,self.get_alpha()) print "} action %s" % a self.rebuild() # Display the reached states tree def show_reachable_states(self): self.ui_parent.add(self.reachable_tree) # Reevaluate all the nodes in the ARG def recalculate_all(self): done = set() for transition in self.g.transitions: if transition[-1].id not in done: self.recalculate_edge(transition) done.add(transition[-1].id) # Reevaluate just one edges of the ARG # DEPRECATED: use recalculate_state def recalculate_edge(self,transition): with self.ui_parent.run_context(): self.g.recalculate(transition,self.get_alpha()) self.rebuild() # Decompose an edge into smaller actions def decompose_edge(self,transition): with self.ui_parent.run_context(): art = self.g.decompose_edge(transition) if art == None: raise IvyError(None,'Cannot decompose action') return self.ui_parent.add(art,ui_class=AnalysisGraphUI) # Decompose incoming edge of a node into smaller actions def decompose_node(self,node): with self.ui_parent.run_context(): art = self.g.decompose_state(node) if art == None: raise IvyError(None,'Cannot decompose action') return self.ui_parent.add(art,ui_class=AnalysisGraphUI) # Browse the source of an edge def view_source_edge(self,transition): with self.ui_parent.run_context(): act = transition[1] assert isinstance(act,Action) if hasattr(act,'lineno'): filename,lineno = act.lineno.filename,act.lineno.line self.ui_parent.browse(filename,lineno) # Recalculate a state based on its equation def recalculate_state(self,state): with self.ui_parent.run_context(): self.g.recalculate_state(state,self.get_alpha()) self.rebuild() # Return a concrete reachability graph with all the known # reachable states @property def reachable_tree(self): if not hasattr(self,'_reachable_tree'): self._reachable_tree = AnalysisGraph(self.g.domain,self.g.pvars) for s in self.g.domain.unders[0:1]: self._reachable_tree.add(s) return self._reachable_tree # Try to reach a state in one step from known reached states under # a constraint. TODO: the computation part should be moved to # AnalysisGraph def one_step_reach(self,state,clauses): with self.ui_parent.run_context(): rs = reach_state_from_pred_no_abduction(state,clauses) if rs != None: self.reachable_tree.add(rs) t = self.g.transition_to(state) if t: pre,action,label,post = t self.reachable_tree.transitions.append((rs.pred,action,label,rs)) f = filter_conjectures(state,rs.clauses) if f: msg = "The following conjectures have been eliminated:" items = [repr(clauses_to_formula(conj)) for conj in f] self.ui_parent.listbox_dialog(msg,items,on_cancel=None) return rs # Check the safety of a state on a path from the initial # state. This is not really BMC checking since only the last state # is checked. To be marked safe, the node must satsify any # specified safety condition, and the incoming transition must not # have any failures. def check_bounded_safety(self,node): res = self.g.check_bounded_safety(node) if res == None: = True self.update_node_color(node) else: = False msg = "The node is unsafe: View error trace?" cmd = functools.partial(self.view_ag,res) self.ui_parent.ok_cancel_dialog(msg,cmd) # Check local safety of a node. A node is locally safe if its # abstract state implies any safety conditions and if if its # predecessor's abstrafct state implies the weakest precondition # of its incoming action. def check_local_safety(self,node): = self.g.check_safety(node) self.update_node_color(node) if not bcs = [] if != None: bcs.append(("View unsafe states",functools.partial(self.view_state,, if != None: bcs.append(("View concrete trace",functools.partial(self.view_concrete_trace,, msg = "The node is not proved safe: {}".format( self.ui_parent.buttons_dialog_cancel(msg,bcs) # Check safety of a node using the current mode. def check_safety_node(self,node): if self.mode.get() != "bounded" and self.mode.get() != "induction": self.check_local_safety(node) else: self.check_bounded_safety(node) # Add an ARG to the UI def view_ag(self,res): self.ui_parent.add(res) # Find an action that can extend the ARG at the given node, # without being covered. This is a useful operation for lazy # abstraction. def find_extension(self,node): try: with self.ui_parent.run_context(): a = next(self.g.state_extensions(node)) self.do_state_action(a) except StopIteration: self.ui_parent.ok_dialog("State {} is closed.".format( # Set up to prove a conjecture at the given node. If no conjecture # is given, display a list of not-yet-proven conjectures for the # user to choose from. Also browses the source code of the # conjecture. The proof method depends on the current mode. def try_conjecture(self,node,conj=None,msg=None,bound=None): if conj == None: udc = undecided_conjectures(node) udc_text = [repr(clauses_to_formula(conj)) for conj in udc] msg = msg or "Choose a conjecture to prove:" cmd = lambda idx: self.try_conjecture(node,udc[idx],bound=bound) self.ui_parent.listbox_dialog(msg,udc_text,command=cmd) else: if hasattr(conj,'lineno'): filename,lineno = conj.lineno self.ui_parent.browse(filename,lineno) dual = dual_clauses(conj) if self.mode.get() == "induction": iu.dbg('node.clauses') iu.dbg('dual') self.bmc(node,dual,bound=bound) else: sg = self.g.concept_graph(node) sg.current.add_constraints(dual.conjuncts) self.show_graph(sg) # Set up to prove a remembered subgoal. If no goal is given, display a list # of remembered subgoals for the user. def try_remembered_graph(self,node, goal=None): if not hasattr(self,'remembered_graphs'): self.remembered_graphs = {} if goal == None: msg = "Choose a remembered goal:" names = [n for n in self.remembered_graphs] cmd = lambda idx: self.try_remembered_graph(node,names[idx]) self.ui_parent.listbox_dialog(msg,names,command=cmd) else: sg = self.remembered_graphs[goal].copy() sg.parent_state = node sg.set_state(and_clauses(node.clauses,sg.constraints)) self.g.state_graphs.append(sg) self.show_graph(sg) # Save a proof goal under a given name. def remember_graph(self,name,graph): if not hasattr(self,'remembered_graphs'): self.remembered_graphs = {} self.remembered_graphs[name] = graph # This is the "reverse" step from lazy annotation or IC3, with # refinement. It tries to push back the proof goal "clauses" at # node "state" to the predecessor state. If this feasible, the new # proof goal is returned as a pair (clauses,state). If infeasible, # an interpolant is computed that can be used as a refinement for # the current node. In this case, the returned goal is "false". If # here is no predecessor node, None is returned. def reverse_update_concrete_clauses(self,state, clauses): with self.ui_parent.run_context(): try: return self.reverse_goal(state, clauses) except UnsatCoreWithInterpolant as ici: # print "core: %s" % ici.core # print "interp: %s" % ici.interp if ici.interp != None: self.refine_with_interpolant(ici.interp) return (false_clauses(),state.pred) raise IvyError(None,"UNSAT, but interpolant could not be computed") # This is the "reverse" step from lazy annotation or IC3. # It tries to push back the proof goal "clauses" at node "state" # to the predecessor state. If this feasible, the new proof goal # is returned as a pair (clauses,state). If infeasible, an # UnsatCoreWithInterpolant exception is raised. If # here is no predecessor node, None is returned. # TODO: this should really move to ARG, since there are not UI actions def reverse_goal(self, state, clauses): if state.pred != None: print "reverse from %s to %s: post_state = %s" % (,,clauses) next_state = state.pred clauses = reverse_update_concrete_clauses(state,clauses) return (clauses,state.pred) elif hasattr(state,'join_of') and state.join_of: next_state = state return reverse_join_concrete_clauses(state,state.join_of,clauses) return None # Refine the abstract domain with an interpolant (as a Clauses) # Displays the refinement and gives the user the option to apply # it. def refine_with_interpolant(self,interp): concept = self.interp_to_refinement(interp) msg = "The pre-state is vacuous. The following concept can be used to prove your goal in the post-state:" text = 'concept ' + repr(concept[0]) + ' = ' + repr(concept[1]) cmd = functools.partial(self.refine,concept) self.ui_parent.text_dialog(msg,text,command=cmd,command_label="Refine") # Refine the abstract domain with an interpolant (as a Clauses) # Displays the refinement and gives the user the option to apply # it. TODO: move to ARG. def interp_to_refinement(self,interp): used_names = used_symbols_clauses(Clauses([[Literal(0,a)] for a,d in self.g.domain.concept_spaces])) name = unused_name_with_base('itp',set( for s in used_names)) return clauses_to_concept(name,interp) # Conjecture a separator between state underapprox and clauses. # The separator must be true of all models of the underapprox and # false in at least one model of clauses. def conjecture(self,state,clauses): with self.ui_parent.run_context(): return case_conjecture(state,clauses) # Refines the abstract domain by adding a new concept space. def refine(self,concept): self.g.domain.concept_spaces.append((concept[0],concept[1])) # Get a label for an ARG node def state_label(self,state): return str( # DEPRECATED: add a concept graph to the ARG's list def add_state_graph(self,sg): pass # DEPRECATED: remove a concept graph to the ARG's list def remove_state_graph(self,sg): pass # Bounded reachability: find a concrete path from initial node to # a given state satisfying err_cond in state. def bmc(self,state,err_cond,bound=None): res = self.g.bmc(state,err_cond,bound=bound) if res == None: msg = "The condition is unreachable along the given path" self.ui_parent.ok_dialog(msg) return None return self.ui_parent.add(res) def CGUI(self): # This returns the default Concept Graph UI class return GraphWidget
return sys.modules[__name__] return __import__('ivy.ivy_ui_' + defui).__dict__['ivy_ui_' + defui] def get_default_ui_class(): mod = get_default_ui_module() return mod.IvyUI def get_default_ui_compile_kwargs(): mod = get_default_ui_module() return mod.compile_kwargs if __name__ == '__main__': d = ShapeDomain(["x", "y", "t"], True) ag = AnalysisGraph(d) s = State(d, to_clauses("[[~n(V1,V2)],[~=(x,y)],[~r_x(y)],[~r_y(x)]]")) # start with empty next relation ag.add(s) ag.execute("alloc t") ag.execute("t.n := x") s1 = ag.execute("x := t") ag.execute("alloc t") ag.execute("t.n := x") ag.execute("x := t") ag.join(s1) ag.execute("alloc t") ag.execute("t.n := y") ag.execute("y := t") ag.display()
def new_ag(self): from ivy_art import AnalysisGraph ag = AnalysisGraph() return ag
class AnalysisGraphWidget(Canvas): def __init__(self, tk, g, root=None, toplevel=None): if root == None: root = tk if toplevel == None: toplevel = root # menubar = Menu(toplevel) menubar = uu.MenuBar(root) menubar.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) # filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) filemenu = menubar.add("File") filemenu.add_command(label="Save", filemenu.add_command(label="Save abstraction", command=self.save_abstraction) filemenu.add_separator() filemenu.add_command( label="Remove tab", command=lambda self=self: self.ui_parent.remove(self)) filemenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=tk.quit) # menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=filemenu) # modemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) modemenu = menubar.add("Mode") self.mode = StringVar(root, default_mode.get()) modemenu.add("radiobutton", label="Concrete", variable=self.mode, value="concrete") modemenu.add("radiobutton", label="Abstract", variable=self.mode, value="abstract") modemenu.add("radiobutton", label="Bounded", variable=self.mode, value="bounded") # menubar.add_cascade(label="Mode", menu=modemenu) # actionmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) actionmenu = menubar.add("Action") actionmenu.add_command(label="Recalculate all", command=self.recalculate_all) actionmenu.add_command(label="Show reachable states", command=self.show_reachable_states) # menubar.add_cascade(label="Action", menu=actionmenu) # toplevel.config(menu=menubar) # sw= Tix.ScrolledWindow(root, scrollbar=BOTH) # just the vertical scrollbar # sw.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) Canvas.__init__(self, root) self.g = g = tk self.root = root self.mark = None tk.eval('package require Tcldot') self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.rebuild() def busy(self):"watch") self.config(cursor="watch") def ready(self):"") self.config(cursor="") def save(self): f = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfile(mode='w', filetypes=[('analysis files', '.a2g')], title='Save analysis state as...', parent=self) if f: pickle.dump(self.g, f, protocol=2) f.close() def save_abstraction(self): f = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfile(mode='w', filetypes=[('ivy files', '.ivy')], title='Save abstraction as...', parent=self) if f: for concept in self.g.domain.concept_spaces: f.write('concept ' + repr(concept[0]) + ' = ' + repr(concept[1]) + '\n') f.close() def node_color(self, node): return "green" if hasattr(node, 'safe') and else "black" def rebuild(self): tk = g = self.g tk.eval('set graph [dotnew digraph forcelabels true]') handle_to_node = dict() self.node_to_handle = dict() for (s, i) in zip(g.states, range(len(g.states))): p = "%d" % i shape = "point" if (s.clauses != None and s.clauses.is_false()) else "circle" label = str( if s.clauses != None else '?' color = self.node_color(s) handle = tk.eval('$graph addnode "' + p + '" label "' + label + '" shape ' + shape + ' color ' + color + ' fontsize 10 width 0.5 penwidth 2.0') handle = 'node' + str(i + 1) if handle.startswith('node0x') else handle self.node_to_handle[i] = handle handle_to_node[handle] = s i = 0 edge_handles = [] for transition in g.transitions: x, op, label, y = transition # Curly braces don't survive tcldot (even if they balance). We work around this by replacing them with digraphs # and then fixing it below by modding the text of the canvas items. Also, we want our code labels to be left # justified, so we end the lines with \l, which dot recognizes. Note the backslashes are escaped, since this # is *not* a special character, it is a two-character sequence. label = label.replace('}', ']-').replace('{', '-[') label = label.replace('\n', '\\l') + '\\l' handle = tk.eval('$graph addedge "' + ("%d" % + '" "' + ("%d" % + '" label {' + label + '} fontsize 10 penwidth 2.0') handle = 'edge' + str(i + 1) if handle.startswith('edge0x') else handle edge_handles.append(handle) i += 1 if isinstance(op, AnalysisSubgraph): self.tag_bind("0" + handle, "<Button-1>", lambda y, op=op: op.display(tk)) self.tag_bind("1" + handle, "<Button-1>", lambda y, op=op: op.display(tk)) self.tag_bind("0" + handle, "<Button-3>", lambda ev, transition=transition: self. right_click_edge(ev, transition)) self.tag_bind("1" + handle, "<Button-3>", lambda ev, transition=transition: self. right_click_edge(ev, transition)) for (x, y) in g.covering: handle = tk.eval('$graph addedge "' + ("%d" % + '" "' + ("%d" % + '" style dashed') self.delete(ALL) # print tk.eval('$graph render ' + self._w + ' DOT') tk.eval('eval [$graph render ' + self._w + ' DOT]') self.config(scrollregion=self.bbox(ALL)) for x in handle_to_node: n = handle_to_node[x] # print "x = {}".format(x) # print "n = {}".format(n) self.tag_bind("0" + x, "<Button-1>", lambda y, n=n: self.left_click_node(y, n)) self.tag_bind("1" + x, "<Button-1>", lambda y, n=n: self.left_click_node(y, n)) self.tag_bind("0" + x, "<Button-3>", lambda y, n=n: self.right_click_node(y, n)) self.tag_bind("1" + x, "<Button-3>", lambda y, n=n: self.right_click_node(y, n)) for x in edge_handles: items = self.find_withtag("0" + x) # print 'items:{}'.format(items) for item in items: text = self.itemcget(item, 'text') text = text.replace('-[', '{').replace(']-', '}') self.itemconfig(item, text=text) self.show_mark(True) def update_node_color(self, node): for item in self.find_withtag("1" + self.node_to_handle[]): self.itemconfig(item, outline=self.node_color(node)) def show_mark(self, on=True): if self.mark in self.node_to_handle: for item in self.find_withtag("1" + self.node_to_handle[self.mark]): self.itemconfig(item, fill=('red' if on else 'white')) def view_state(self, n, clauses): print "state: {}".format(clauses) if hasattr(self, 'current_concept_graph' ) and self.current_concept_graph.winfo_exists(): self.current_concept_graph.set_parent_state(n, clauses) return sg = self.g.concept_graph(n, clauses) self.current_concept_graph = ivy_graph_ui.show_graph( sg,, parent=self, frame=self.state_frame) def view_concrete_trace(self, n, conc): pass # ui_create(self.g.make_concrete_trace(n,conc)) def left_click_node(self, event, n): if n.clauses != None: self.view_state(n, n.clauses) def right_click_node(self, event, n): tk = g = self.g self.popup = Menu(tk, tearoff=0) self.popup.add_command(label="Execute action:") self.popup.add_separator() state_equations = g.state_actions(n) for a in sorted(state_equations, key=state_equation_label): self.popup.add_command( label=state_equation_label(a), command=lambda n=n, a=a: self.do_state_action(a)) self.popup.add_separator() self.popup.add_command(label='Check safety', command=lambda n=n: self.check_safety_node(n)) self.popup.add_command(label='Extend', command=lambda n=n: self.find_extension(n)) self.popup.add_command(label='Mark', command=lambda n=n: self.mark_node(n)) self.popup.add_command(label='Cover by marked', command=lambda n=n: self.cover_node(n)) self.popup.add_command(label='Join with marked', command=lambda n=n: self.join_node(n)) self.popup.add_command(label='Try conjecture', command=lambda n=n: self.try_conjecture(n)) self.popup.add_command( label='Try remembered goal', command=lambda n=n: self.try_remembered_graph(n)) self.popup.add_command(label='Delete', command=lambda n=n: self.delete_node(n)) self.popup.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root, 0) def mark_node(self, n): self.show_mark(False) self.mark = self.show_mark(True) def get_mark(self): return self.g.states[self.mark] def cover_node(self, covered_node): g = self.g try: covering_node = self.get_mark() except: return print "Trying to cover %s by %s" % (, with RunContext(self): if not g.cover(covered_node, covering_node): raise IvyError(None, "Covering failed") self.rebuild() def join_node(self, node2): g = self.g try: node1 = self.get_mark() except: return with RunContext(self): g.join(node1, node2, self.get_alpha()) self.rebuild() def delete_node(self, deleted_node): g = self.g g.delete(deleted_node) self.rebuild() def right_click_edge(self, event, transition): tk = g = self.g self.popup = Menu(tk, tearoff=0) self.popup.add_command(label="Dismiss") self.popup.add_command(label="Recalculate", command=lambda transition=transition: self. recalculate_edge(transition)) self.popup.add_command(label="Decompose", command=lambda transition=transition: self. decompose_edge(transition)) self.popup.add_command(label="View Source", command=lambda transition=transition: self. view_source_edge(transition)) self.popup.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root, 0) def set_state(self, state, clauses): state.clauses = clauses def get_alpha(self): return (None if self.mode.get() == "concrete" else ivy_alpha.alpha if self.mode.get() == "abstract" else top_alpha) def do_state_action(self, a): with RunContext(self): with EvalContext(check=False): print "action {" s = self.g.do_state_action(a, self.get_alpha()) print "state = {}".format(s) print "} action %s" % a.args[0] self.rebuild() def execute_action(self, n, a): with RunContext(self): print "action %s {" % a s = self.g.execute_action(a, n, self.get_alpha()) print "} action %s" % a self.rebuild() def show_reachable_states(self): ui_create(self.reachable_tree) def recalculate_all(self): done = set() for transition in self.g.transitions: if transition[-1].id not in done: self.recalculate_edge(transition) done.add(transition[-1].id) def recalculate_edge(self, transition): with RunContext(self): self.g.recalculate(transition, self.get_alpha()) self.rebuild() def decompose_edge(self, transition): with RunContext(self): art = self.g.decompose_edge(transition) if art == None: raise IvyError(None, 'Cannot decompose action') ui_create(art) def view_source_edge(self, transition): with RunContext(self): act = transition[1] assert isinstance(act, Action) if hasattr(act, 'lineno'): filename, lineno = act.lineno self.ui_parent.browse(filename, lineno) def recalculate_state(self, state): with RunContext(self): self.g.recalculate_state(state, self.get_alpha()) self.rebuild() @property def reachable_tree(self): if not hasattr(self, '_reachable_tree'): self._reachable_tree = AnalysisGraph(self.g.domain, self.g.pvars) for s in self.g.domain.unders[0:1]: self._reachable_tree.add(s) return self._reachable_tree def one_step_reach(self, state, clauses): with RunContext(self): rs = reach_state_from_pred_no_abduction(state, clauses) if rs != None: self.reachable_tree.add(rs) t = self.g.transition_to(state) if t: pre, action, label, post = t self.reachable_tree.transitions.append( (rs.pred, action, label, rs)) f = filter_conjectures(state, rs.clauses) if f: dlg = Toplevel(self) Label( dlg, text="The following conjectures have been eliminated:" ).pack() S = Scrollbar(dlg) T = Listbox(dlg, height=8, width=50, selectmode=SINGLE) S.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) T.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) S.config(command=T.yview) T.config(yscrollcommand=S.set) for conj in f: T.insert(END, repr(clauses_to_formula(conj))) b = Button(dlg, text="OK", command=dlg.destroy) b.pack(padx=5, side=TOP) uu.center_window_on_window(dlg, self.root) return rs def check_safety_node(self, node): if self.mode.get() != "bounded": = self.g.check_safety(node) self.update_node_color(node) if not bcs = [] if != None: bcs.append( ("View unsafe states", functools.partial(self.view_state,, if != None: bcs.append( ("View concrete trace", functools.partial(self.view_concrete_trace,, uu.buttons_dialog_cancel(, self.root, "The node is not proved safe: {}".format(, bcs) else: # print "bounded check:{}".format( res = self.g.check_bounded_safety(node) if res == None: = True self.update_node_color(node) else: = False uu.ok_cancel_dialog(, self.root, "The node is unsafe: View error trace?", command=functools.partial( self.view_ag, res)) def view_ag(self, res): ui_create(res) def find_extension(self, node): try: with RunContext(self): a = next(self.g.state_extensions(node)) self.do_state_action(a) except StopIteration: uu.ok_dialog(, self.root, "State {} is closed.".format( def try_conjecture(self, node): dlg = Toplevel(self) lbl = "Choose a conjecture to prove:" Label(dlg, text=lbl).pack() S = Scrollbar(dlg) T = Listbox(dlg, height=8, width=50, selectmode=SINGLE) S.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) T.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) S.config(command=T.yview) T.config(yscrollcommand=S.set) udc = undecided_conjectures(node) for conj in udc: T.insert(END, repr(clauses_to_formula(conj))) b = Button(dlg, text="Prove", command=functools.partial(self.do_try_conjecture, node, T, dlg, udc)) b.pack(padx=5, side=TOP) b = Button(dlg, text="Cancel", command=dlg.destroy) b.pack(padx=5, side=TOP) uu.center_window_on_window(dlg, self.root) def do_try_conjecture(self, node, T, dlg, udc): sel = map(int, T.curselection()) if sel: conj = udc[sel[0]] print "type(conj) = {}".format(type(conj)) dual = dual_clauses(conj) sg = self.g.concept_graph(node) sg.add_constraints(dual.clauses) ivy_graph_ui.show_graph(sg,, parent=self) dlg.destroy() def try_remembered_graph(self, node): dlg = Toplevel(self) lbl = "Choose a remembered goal:" Label(dlg, text=lbl).pack() S = Scrollbar(dlg) T = Listbox(dlg, height=8, width=50, selectmode=SINGLE) S.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) T.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) S.config(command=T.yview) T.config(yscrollcommand=S.set) if not hasattr(self, 'remembered_graphs'): self.remembered_graphs = {} names = [n for n in self.remembered_graphs] for name in names: T.insert(END, name) b = Button(dlg, text="Try", command=functools.partial(self.do_try_remembered_graph, node, T, dlg, names)) b.pack(padx=5, side=TOP) b = Button(dlg, text="Cancel", command=dlg.destroy) b.pack(padx=5, side=TOP) uu.center_window_on_window(dlg, self.root) def do_try_remembered_graph(self, node, T, dlg, names): sel = map(int, T.curselection()) dlg.destroy() if sel: sg = self.remembered_graphs[names[sel[0]]].copy() sg.parent_state = node sg.set_state(and_clauses(node.clauses, sg.constraints)) self.g.state_graphs.append(sg) ivy_graph_ui.show_graph(sg,, parent=self) def remember_graph(self, name, graph): if not hasattr(self, 'remembered_graphs'): self.remembered_graphs = {} self.remembered_graphs[name] = graph def reverse_update_concrete_clauses(self, state, clauses): with RunContext(self): try: if state.pred != None: print "reverse from %s to %s: post_state = %s" % (,, clauses) next_state = state.pred clauses = reverse_update_concrete_clauses(state, clauses) return (clauses, state.pred) elif hasattr(state, 'join_of') and state.join_of: next_state = state return reverse_join_concrete_clauses( state, state.join_of, clauses) return None except UnsatCoreWithInterpolant as ici: # print "core: %s" % ici.core # print "interp: %s" % ici.interp if ici.interp != None: used_names = used_symbols_clauses( Clauses([[Literal(0, a)] for a, d in self.g.domain.concept_spaces])) name = unused_name_with_base( 'itp', set( for s in used_names)) concept = clauses_to_concept(name, ici.interp) dlg = Toplevel(self) Label( dlg, text= "The pre-state is vacuous. The following concept can be used to prove your goal in the post-state:" ).pack() S = Scrollbar(dlg) T = Text(dlg, height=4, width=100) S.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) T.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) S.config(command=T.yview) T.config(yscrollcommand=S.set) T.insert( END, 'concept ' + repr(concept[0]) + ' = ' + repr(concept[1])) b = Button(dlg, text="OK", command=dlg.destroy) b.pack(padx=5, side=TOP) b = Button(dlg, text="Refine", command=functools.partial( self.refine, concept, dlg)) b.pack(padx=5, side=TOP) uu.center_window_on_window(dlg, self.root) return (false_clauses(), next_state) raise IvyError(None, "UNSAT, but interpolant could not be computed") return ([[]], next_state) def conjecture(self, state, clauses): with RunContext(self): return case_conjecture(state, clauses) def refine(self, concept, dlg): print "concept: {}".format(concept) self.g.domain.concept_spaces.append((concept[0], concept[1])) # print "current concepts: {}".format(self.g.domain.concept_spaces) dlg.destroy() def state_label(self, state): return str( def add_state_graph(self, sg): self.g.state_graphs.append(sg) def remove_state_graph(self, sg): self.g.state_graphs.remove(sg) def bmc(self, state, err_cond): res = self.g.bmc(state, err_cond) if res == None: dlg = Toplevel(self) Label(dlg, text="The condition is unreachable along the given path" ).pack() b = Button(dlg, text="OK", command=dlg.destroy) b.pack(padx=5, side=TOP) uu.center_window_on_window(dlg, self.root) return ui_create(res)