コード例 #1
    def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
#        print type(self.args[0])
        ca = checked_assert.get()
        if ca:
            if ca != self.lineno:
                return ([],formula_to_clauses(self.args[0]),false_clauses())
        cl = formula_to_clauses(dual_formula(self.args[0]))
#        return ([],formula_to_clauses_tseitin(self.args[0]),cl)
        return ([],true_clauses(),cl)
コード例 #2
 def action_update(self, domain, pvars):
     type_check(domain, self.args[0])
     check_can_assert(self.args[0], self)
     #        print type(self.args[0])
     if iu.new_assert_impl.get():
         return assert_action(self.args[0])
         cl = formula_to_clauses(dual_formula(self.args[0]))
         return SemActionValue([], true_clauses(), cl)
コード例 #3
ファイル: ivy_module.py プロジェクト: odedp/ivy
 def conjs(self):
     # This returns the list of conjectures as Clauses, without labels
     res = []
     for c in self.labeled_conjs:
         fmla = c.formula
         clauses = lu.formula_to_clauses(fmla)
         clauses.lineno = c.lineno
     return res
コード例 #4
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: ZZHGit/ivy
    def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
#        print type(self.args[0])
        if iu.new_assert_impl.get():
            return assert_action(self.args[0])
            cl = formula_to_clauses(dual_formula(self.args[0]))
            return SemActionValue([],true_clauses(),cl)
コード例 #5
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: JJTRX/ivy
 def match(self, action):
     """ if action matches pattern, return the axioms, else None """
     ##        print "match: %s %s" % (self,action)
     subst = dict()
     if self.pattern.match(action, self.placeholders.args, subst):
         #            print "match: {}".format(subst)
         axioms_as_clause_sets = (formula_to_clauses(x) for x in (Not(self.precond), self.transrel))
         return (subst_both_clauses(x, subst) for x in axioms_as_clause_sets)
     return None
コード例 #6
ファイル: ivy_module.py プロジェクト: b1f6c1c4/cfg-enum
 def conjs(self):
     # This returns the list of conjectures as Clauses, without labels
     res = []
     for c in self.labeled_conjs:
         fmla = c.formula
         clauses = lu.formula_to_clauses(fmla)
         clauses.lineno = c.lineno
     return res
コード例 #7
    def match(self,action):
        """ if action matches pattern, return the axioms, else None """
##        print "match: %s %s" % (self,action)
        subst = dict()
        if self.pattern.match(action,self.placeholders.args,subst):
#            print "match: {}".format(subst)
            axioms_as_clause_sets = (formula_to_clauses(x) for x in (Not(self.precond),self.transrel))
            return (subst_both_clauses(x,subst) for x in axioms_as_clause_sets)
        return None
コード例 #8
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: JJTRX/ivy
 def get_instance(self, params, to_clauses=True):
     defn = self.defn
     if len(params) != len(defn.args[0].args):
         raise IndexError
     subst = dict((x.rep, y.rep) for x, y in zip(defn.args[0].args, params))
     ast = ivy_ast.ast_rewrite(defn.args[1], ivy_ast.AstRewriteSubstPrefix(subst, None))
     #        print "get_instance ast = {}".format(ast)
     fmla = ast.compile_with_sort_inference()
     #        print "get_instance fmla = {}".format(fmla)
     return formula_to_clauses(fmla) if to_clauses else fmla
コード例 #9
    def get_instance(self,params,to_clauses=True):
        defn = self.defn
        if len(params) != len(defn.args[0].args):
            raise IndexError
        subst = dict((x.rep,y.rep) for x,y in zip(defn.args[0].args,params))
        ast = ivy_ast.ast_rewrite(defn.args[1],ivy_ast.AstRewriteSubstPrefix(subst,None))
#        print "get_instance ast = {}".format(ast)
        fmla = ast.compile_with_sort_inference()
#        print "get_instance fmla = {}".format(fmla)
        return formula_to_clauses(fmla) if to_clauses else fmla
コード例 #10
ファイル: ivy_check.py プロジェクト: hannesm/ivy
    def __init__(self, conj, report_pass=True, invert=True):
        self.fc = lut.formula_to_clauses(conj)
        if invert:

            def witness(v):
                return lg.Symbol('@' + v.name, v.sort)

            self.fc = lut.dual_clauses(self.fc, witness)
        self.report_pass = report_pass
        self.failed = False
コード例 #11
 def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
     lit = self.args[0]
     n = lit.atom.relname
     new_n = new(n)
     args = lit.atom.args
     vs = sym_placeholders(n)
     eqs = [Atom(equals,[v,a]) for (v,a) in zip(vs,args) if not isinstance(a,Variable)]
     new_clauses = And(*([Or(sign(lit.polarity,Atom(new_n,vs)),sign(1-lit.polarity,Atom(n,vs))),
                          sign(lit.polarity,Atom(new_n,args))] +
                         [Or(*([sign(0,Atom(new_n,vs)),sign(1,Atom(n,vs))] + [eq])) for eq in eqs] +
                         [Or(*([sign(1,Atom(new_n,vs)),sign(0,Atom(n,vs))] + [eq])) for eq in eqs]))
     new_clauses = formula_to_clauses(new_clauses)
     return ([n], new_clauses, false_clauses())
コード例 #12
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: simudream/ivy
 def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
     lit = self.args[0]
     n = lit.atom.relname
     new_n = new(n)
     args = lit.atom.args
     vs = sym_placeholders(n)
     eqs = [Atom(equals,[v,a]) for (v,a) in zip(vs,args) if not isinstance(a,Variable)]
     new_clauses = And(*([Or(sign(lit.polarity,Atom(new_n,vs)),sign(1-lit.polarity,Atom(n,vs))),
                          sign(lit.polarity,Atom(new_n,args))] +
                         [Or(*([sign(0,Atom(new_n,vs)),sign(1,Atom(n,vs))] + [eq])) for eq in eqs] +
                         [Or(*([sign(1,Atom(new_n,vs)),sign(0,Atom(n,vs))] + [eq])) for eq in eqs]))
     new_clauses = formula_to_clauses(new_clauses)
     return ([n], new_clauses, false_clauses())
コード例 #13
 def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
     lhs = self.args[0]
     n = lhs.rep
     new_n = new(n)
     args = lhs.args
     vs = [Variable("X%d" % i,s) for i,s in enumerate(n.sort.dom)]
     eqs = [eq_atom(v,a) for (v,a) in zip(vs,args) if not isinstance(a,Variable)]
     if is_atom(lhs):
         clauses = And(*([Or(Not(Atom(new_n,vs)),Atom(n,vs),eq) for eq in eqs] +
                         [Or(Atom(new_n,vs),Not(Atom(n,vs)),eq) for eq in eqs]))
     elif is_individual_ast(lhs.rep):
         clauses = And(*[Or(eq_atom(type(lhs)(new_n,vs),type(lhs)(n,vs)),eq) for eq in eqs])
     else: # TODO: ???
         clauses = And()
     clauses = formula_to_clauses(clauses)
     return ([n], clauses, false_clauses())
コード例 #14
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: simudream/ivy
 def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
     lhs = type_ast(domain,self.args[0])
     n = lhs.rep
     new_n = new(n)
     args = lhs.args
     vs = [Variable("X%d" % i,s) for i,s in enumerate(n.sort.dom)]
     eqs = [eq_atom(v,a) for (v,a) in zip(vs,args) if not isinstance(a,Variable)]
     if is_atom(lhs):
         clauses = And(*([Or(Not(Atom(new_n,vs)),Atom(n,vs),eq) for eq in eqs] +
                         [Or(Atom(new_n,vs),Not(Atom(n,vs)),eq) for eq in eqs]))
     elif is_individual_ast(lhs.rep):
         clauses = And(*[Or(eq_atom(type(lhs)(new_n,vs),type(lhs)(n,vs)),eq) for eq in eqs])
     else: # TODO: ???
         clauses = And()
     clauses = formula_to_clauses(clauses)
     return ([n], clauses, false_clauses())
コード例 #15
ファイル: ivy_check.py プロジェクト: asyaf/ivy
def analyze_state_rec(ag,state):
    if hasattr(state,'id'):
        return # state already visited
    if hasattr(state,'pred') and state.pred:
    elif hasattr(state,'join_of'):
        for x in state.join_of: analyze_state_rec(ag,x)
        for x in state.join_of:
        if not isinstance(state.clauses,list):
            state.clauses = lut.formula_to_clauses(state.clauses)
コード例 #16
ファイル: ivy_check.py プロジェクト: odedp/ivy
def check_fcs_in_state(mod, ag, post, fcs):
    #    iu.dbg('"foo"')
    history = ag.get_history(post)
    #    iu.dbg('history.actions')
    gmc = lambda cls, final_cond: itr.small_model_clauses(
        cls, final_cond, shrink=diagnose.get())
    axioms = im.module.background_theory()
    if opt_trace.get() or diagnose.get():
        clauses = history.post
        clauses = lut.and_clauses(clauses, axioms)
        ffcs = filter_fcs(fcs)
        model = itr.small_model_clauses(clauses, ffcs, shrink=True)
        if model is not None:
            #            iu.dbg('history.actions')
            failed = [c for c in ffcs if c.failed]
            mclauses = lut.and_clauses(*([clauses] +
                                         [c.cond() for c in failed]))
            vocab = lut.used_symbols_clauses(mclauses)
            #            handler = MatchHandler(mclauses,model,vocab) if opt_trace.get() else ivy_trace.Trace(mclauses,model,vocab)
            handler = ivy_trace.Trace(mclauses, model, vocab)
            thing = failed[-1].get_annot()
            if thing is None:
                assert all(x is not None for x in history.actions)
                # work around a bug in ivy_interp
                actions = [
                    im.module.actions[a] if isinstance(a, str) else a
                    for a in history.actions
                action = act.Sequence(*actions)
                annot = clauses.annot
                action, annot = thing
            act.match_annotation(action, annot, handler)
            ff = failed[0]
            handler.is_cti = (lut.formula_to_clauses(ff.lf.formula)
                              if isinstance(ff, ConjChecker) else None)
            if not opt_trace.get():
                print str(handler)
        res = history.satisfy(axioms, gmc, filter_fcs(fcs))
        if res is not None and diagnose.get():
            show_counterexample(ag, post, res)
    return not any(fc.failed for fc in fcs)
コード例 #17
ファイル: ivy_check.py プロジェクト: simudream/ivy
def analyze_state_rec(ag, state):
    if hasattr(state, 'id'):
        return  # state already visited
    if hasattr(state, 'pred') and state.pred:
        analyze_state_rec(ag, state.pred)
            (state.pred, state.action, state.action_name, state))
    elif hasattr(state, 'join_of'):
        for x in state.join_of:
            analyze_state_rec(ag, x)
        for x in state.join_of:
            ag.transitions.append((x, None, 'join', state))
        if not isinstance(state.clauses, list):
            state.clauses = lut.formula_to_clauses(state.clauses)
コード例 #18
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: simudream/ivy
 def action_update(self, domain, pvars):
     type_check(domain, self.args[0])
     #        print type(self.args[0])
     cl = formula_to_clauses(dual_formula(self.args[0]))
     return ([], true_clauses(), cl)
コード例 #19
ファイル: ivy_transrel.py プロジェクト: asyaf/ivy
def constrain_state(upd, fmla):
    assert isinstance(upd, SemStateValue)
    return SemStateValue(upd.modset,
                         and_clauses(upd.trans, formula_to_clauses(fmla)),
コード例 #20
def constrain_state(upd, fmla):
    return (upd[0], and_clauses(upd[1], formula_to_clauses(fmla)), upd[2])
コード例 #21
def clausify(f):
    return f if isinstance(f, Clauses) else formula_to_clauses(f)
コード例 #22
ファイル: ivy_isolate.py プロジェクト: xornand/ivy
def isolate_component(mod,isolate_name):
    if isolate_name not in mod.isolates:
        raise iu.IvyError(None,"undefined isolate: {}".format(isolate_name))
    isolate = mod.isolates[isolate_name]
    verified = set(a.relname for a in isolate.verified())
    present = set(a.relname for a in isolate.present())
    if not interpret_all_sorts:
        for type_name in list(ivy_logic.sig.interp):
            if not startswith_eq_some(type_name,present):
                del ivy_logic.sig.interp[type_name]
    delegates = set(s.delegated() for s in mod.delegates if not s.delegee())
    delegated_to = dict((s.delegated(),s.delegee()) for s in mod.delegates if s.delegee())
    derived = set(df.args[0].func.name for df in mod.concepts)
    for name in present:
        if (name not in mod.hierarchy
            and name not in ivy_logic.sig.sorts
            and name not in derived
            and name not in ivy_logic.sig.interp):
            raise iu.IvyError(None,"{} is not a module instance, sort, definition, or interpreted function".format(name))
    new_actions = {}
    use_mixin = lambda name: startswith_some(name,present)
    mod_mixin = lambda m: m if startswith_some(name,verified) else m.prefix_calls('ext:')
    all_mixins = lambda m: True
    no_mixins = lambda m: False
    after_mixins = lambda m: isinstance(m,ivy_ast.MixinAfterDef)
    before_mixins = lambda m: isinstance(m,ivy_ast.MixinBeforeDef)
    delegated_to_verified = lambda n: n in delegated_to and startswith_eq_some(delegated_to[n],verified)
    ext_assumes = lambda m: before_mixins(m) and not delegated_to_verified(m.mixer())
    for actname,action in mod.actions.iteritems():
        ver = startswith_some(actname,verified)
        pre = startswith_some(actname,present)
        if pre: 
            if not ver:
                assert hasattr(action,'lineno')
                assert hasattr(action,'formal_params'), action
                ext_action = action.assert_to_assume().prefix_calls('ext:')
                assert hasattr(ext_action,'lineno')
                assert hasattr(ext_action,'formal_params'), ext_action
                if actname in delegates:
                    int_action = action.prefix_calls('ext:')
                    assert hasattr(int_action,'lineno')
                    assert hasattr(int_action,'formal_params'), int_action
                    int_action = ext_action
                    assert hasattr(int_action,'lineno')
                    assert hasattr(int_action,'formal_params'), int_action
                int_action = ext_action = action
                assert hasattr(int_action,'lineno')
                assert hasattr(int_action,'formal_params'), int_action
            # internal version of the action has mixins checked
            new_actions[actname] = add_mixins(mod,actname,int_action,no_mixins,use_mixin,lambda m:m)
            # external version of the action assumes mixins are ok, unless they
            # are delegated to a currently verified object
            new_action = add_mixins(mod,actname,ext_action,ext_assumes,use_mixin,mod_mixin)
            new_actions['ext:'+actname] = new_action
            # TODO: external version is public if action public *or* called from opaque
            # public_actions.add('ext:'+actname)
            # TODO: here must check that summarized action does not
            # have a call dependency on the isolated module
            action = summarize_action(action)
            new_actions[actname] = add_mixins(mod,actname,action,after_mixins,use_mixin,mod_mixin)
            new_actions['ext:'+actname] = add_mixins(mod,actname,action,all_mixins,use_mixin,mod_mixin)

    # figure out what is exported:
    exported = set()
    for e in mod.exports:
        if not e.scope() and startswith_some(e.exported(),present): # global scope
            exported.add('ext:' + e.exported())
    for actname,action in mod.actions.iteritems():
        if not startswith_some(actname,present):
            for c in action.iter_calls():
                if startswith_some(c,present):
                    exported.add('ext:' + c)
#    print "exported: {}".format(exported)

    # We allow objects to reference any symbols in global scope, and
    # we keep axioms declared in global scope. Because of the way
    # thigs are named, this gives a different condition for keeping
    # symbols and axioms (in particular, axioms in global scope have
    # label None). Maybe this needs to be cleaned up.

    keep_sym = lambda name: (iu.ivy_compose_character not in name
                            or startswith_eq_some(name,present))
    keep_ax = lambda name: (name is None or startswith_eq_some(name.rep,present))

    # filter the conjectures

    new_conjs = [c for c in mod.labeled_conjs if keep_ax(c.label)]
    del mod.labeled_conjs[:]

    # filter the signature

    # TODO: need a better way to filter signature
    # new_syms = set(s for s in mod.sig.symbols if keep_sym(s))
    # for s in list(mod.sig.symbols):
    #     if s not in new_syms:
    #         del mod.sig.symbols[s]

    # filter the inits

    new_inits = [c for c in mod.labeled_inits if keep_ax(c.label)]
    del mod.labeled_inits[:]
    init_cond = ivy_logic.And(*(lf.formula for lf in new_inits))
    im.module.init_cond = lu.formula_to_clauses(init_cond)

    # filter the axioms
    mod.labeled_axioms = [a for a in mod.labeled_axioms if keep_ax(a.label)]

    # filter definitions
    mod.concepts = [c for c in mod.concepts if startswith_eq_some(c.args[0].func.name,present)]

コード例 #23
def clauses_imply_formula_cex(clauses, fmla):
    if clauses_imply_formula(clauses, fmla):
        return True
    return CounterExample(
        conjoin(clauses, negate_clauses(formula_to_clauses(fmla))))
コード例 #24
ファイル: ivy_transrel.py プロジェクト: ZZHGit/ivy
def constrain_state(upd,fmla):
    assert isinstance(upd,SemStateValue)
    return SemStateValue(upd.modset,and_clauses(upd.trans,formula_to_clauses(fmla)),upd.fail)
コード例 #25
ファイル: ivy_transrel.py プロジェクト: odedp/ivy
def constrain_state(upd,fmla):
    return (upd[0],and_clauses(upd[1],formula_to_clauses(fmla)),upd[2])
コード例 #26
ファイル: ivy_transrel.py プロジェクト: odedp/ivy
def clausify(f):
    return f if isinstance(f,Clauses) else formula_to_clauses(f)
コード例 #27
ファイル: ivy_check.py プロジェクト: shubhambhattar/ivy
 def __init__(self,conj,report_pass=True,invert=True):
     self.fc = lut.formula_to_clauses(conj)
     if invert:
         self.fc = lut.dual_clauses(self.fc)
     self.report_pass = report_pass
     self.failed = False
コード例 #28
ファイル: ivy_isolate.py プロジェクト: kleopatra999/ivy
def isolate_component(mod, isolate_name, extra_with=[], extra_strip=None):
    if isolate_name not in mod.isolates:
        raise iu.IvyError(None, "undefined isolate: {}".format(isolate_name))
    isolate = mod.isolates[isolate_name]
    verified = set(a.relname for a in (isolate.verified() + tuple(extra_with)))
    present = set(a.relname for a in isolate.present())
    if not interpret_all_sorts:
        for type_name in list(ivy_logic.sig.interp):
            if not (type_name in present or any(
                    startswith_eq_some(itp.label.rep, present, mod)
                    for itp in mod.interps[type_name] if itp.label)):
                del ivy_logic.sig.interp[type_name]
    delegates = set(s.delegated() for s in mod.delegates if not s.delegee())
    delegated_to = dict(
        (s.delegated(), s.delegee()) for s in mod.delegates if s.delegee())
    derived = set(df.args[0].func.name for df in mod.concepts)
    for name in present:
        if (name not in mod.hierarchy and name not in ivy_logic.sig.sorts
                and name not in derived and name not in ivy_logic.sig.interp
                and name not in mod.actions
                and name not in ivy_logic.sig.symbols):
            raise iu.IvyError(
                "{} is not an object, action, sort, definition, or interpreted function"

    impl_mixins = defaultdict(list)
    # delegate all the stub actions to their implementations
    global implementation_map
    implementation_map = {}
    for actname, ms in mod.mixins.iteritems():
        implements = [
            m for m in ms if isinstance(m, ivy_ast.MixinImplementDef)
        before_after = [
            m for m in ms if not isinstance(m, ivy_ast.MixinImplementDef)
        del ms[:]
        for m in implements:
            for foo in (m.mixee(), m.mixer()):
                if foo not in mod.actions:
                    raise IvyError(m, 'action {} not defined'.format(foo))
            action = mod.actions[m.mixee()]
            if not (isinstance(action, ia.Sequence) and len(action.args) == 0):
                raise IvyError(
                    'multiple implementations of action {}'.format(m.mixee()))
            action = ia.apply_mixin(m, mod.actions[m.mixer()], action)
            mod.actions[m.mixee()] = action
            implementation_map[m.mixee()] = m.mixer()

    new_actions = {}
    use_mixin = lambda name: startswith_some(name, present, mod)
    mod_mixin = lambda m: m if startswith_some(name, verified, mod
                                               ) else m.prefix_calls('ext:')
    all_mixins = lambda m: True
    no_mixins = lambda m: False
    after_mixins = lambda m: isinstance(m, ivy_ast.MixinAfterDef)
    before_mixins = lambda m: isinstance(m, ivy_ast.MixinBeforeDef)
    delegated_to_verified = lambda n: n in delegated_to and startswith_eq_some(
        delegated_to[n], verified, mod)
    ext_assumes = lambda m: before_mixins(m) and not delegated_to_verified(
    int_assumes = lambda m: after_mixins(m) and not delegated_to_verified(
    ext_assumes_no_ver = lambda m: not delegated_to_verified(m.mixer())
    summarized_actions = set()
    for actname, action in mod.actions.iteritems():
        ver = startswith_eq_some(actname, verified, mod)
        pre = startswith_eq_some(actname, present, mod)
        if pre:
            if not ver:
                assert hasattr(action, 'lineno')
                assert hasattr(action, 'formal_params'), action
                ext_action = action.assert_to_assume().prefix_calls('ext:')
                assert hasattr(ext_action, 'lineno')
                assert hasattr(ext_action, 'formal_params'), ext_action
                if actname in delegates:
                    int_action = action.prefix_calls('ext:')
                    assert hasattr(int_action, 'lineno')
                    assert hasattr(int_action, 'formal_params'), int_action
                    int_action = ext_action
                    assert hasattr(int_action, 'lineno')
                    assert hasattr(int_action, 'formal_params'), int_action
                int_action = ext_action = action
                assert hasattr(int_action, 'lineno')
                assert hasattr(int_action, 'formal_params'), int_action
            # internal version of the action has mixins checked
            ea = no_mixins if ver else int_assumes
            new_actions[actname] = add_mixins(mod, actname, int_action, ea,
                                              use_mixin, lambda m: m)
            # external version of the action assumes mixins are ok, unless they
            # are delegated to a currently verified object
            ea = ext_assumes if ver else ext_assumes_no_ver
            new_action = add_mixins(mod, actname, ext_action, ea, use_mixin,
            new_actions['ext:' + actname] = new_action
            # TODO: external version is public if action public *or* called from opaque
            # public_actions.add('ext:'+actname)
            # TODO: here must check that summarized action does not
            # have a call dependency on the isolated module
            action = summarize_action(action)
            new_actions[actname] = add_mixins(mod, actname, action,
                                              after_mixins, use_mixin,
            new_actions['ext:' + actname] = add_mixins(mod, actname, action,
                                                       all_mixins, use_mixin,

    # figure out what is exported:
    exported = set()
    for e in mod.exports:
        if not e.scope() and startswith_eq_some(e.exported(), present,
                                                mod):  # global scope
            exported.add('ext:' + e.exported())
    for actname, action in mod.actions.iteritems():
        if not startswith_some(actname, present, mod):
            for c in action.iter_calls():
                if (startswith_some(c, present, mod) or any(
                        startswith_some(m.mixer(), present, mod)
                        for m in mod.mixins[c])):
                    exported.add('ext:' + c)
#    print "exported: {}".format(exported)

# We allow objects to reference any symbols in global scope, and
# we keep axioms declared in global scope. Because of the way
# thigs are named, this gives a different condition for keeping
# symbols and axioms (in particular, axioms in global scope have
# label None). Maybe this needs to be cleaned up.

    keep_sym = lambda name: (iu.ivy_compose_character not in name or
                             startswith_eq_some(name, present))

    keep_ax = lambda name: (name is None or startswith_eq_some(
        name.rep, present, mod))
    check_pr = lambda name: (name is None or startswith_eq_some(
        name.rep, verified, mod))

    prop_deps = get_prop_dependencies(mod)

    # filter the conjectures

    new_conjs = [c for c in mod.labeled_conjs if keep_ax(c.label)]
    del mod.labeled_conjs[:]

    # filter the inits

    new_inits = [c for c in mod.labeled_inits if keep_ax(c.label)]
    del mod.labeled_inits[:]

    # filter the axioms
    dropped_axioms = [a for a in mod.labeled_axioms if not keep_ax(a.label)]
    mod.labeled_axioms = [a for a in mod.labeled_axioms if keep_ax(a.label)]
    mod.labeled_props = [a for a in mod.labeled_props if keep_ax(a.label)]

    # convert the properties not being verified to axioms
        [a for a in mod.labeled_props if not check_pr(a.label)])
    mod.labeled_props = [a for a in mod.labeled_props if check_pr(a.label)]

    # filter definitions
    mod.concepts = [
        c for c in mod.concepts
        if startswith_eq_some(c.args[0].func.name, present, mod)

    # filter the signature
    # keep only the symbols referenced in the remaining
    # formulas

    asts = []
    for x in [
            mod.labeled_axioms, mod.labeled_props, mod.labeled_inits,
        asts += [y.formula for y in x]
    asts += mod.concepts
    asts += [action for action in new_actions.values()]
    sym_names = set(x.name for x in lu.used_symbols_asts(asts))

    if filter_symbols.get() or cone_of_influence.get():
        old_syms = list(mod.sig.symbols)
        for sym in old_syms:
            if sym not in sym_names:
                del mod.sig.symbols[sym]

    # check that any dropped axioms do not refer to the isolate's signature
    # and any properties have dependencies present

    def pname(s):
        return s.label if s.label else ""

    if enforce_axioms.get():
        for a in dropped_axioms:
            for x in lu.used_symbols_ast(a.formula):
                if x.name in sym_names:
                    raise iu.IvyError(
                        a, "relevant axiom {} not enforced".format(pname(a)))
        for actname, action in mod.actions.iteritems():
            if startswith_eq_some(actname, present, mod):
                for c in action.iter_calls():
                    called = mod.actions[c]
                    if not startswith_eq_some(c, present, mod):
                        if not (type(called) == ia.Sequence
                                and not called.args):
                            raise iu.IvyError(
                                "No implementation for action {}".format(c))
        for p, ds in prop_deps:
            for d in ds:
                if not startswith_eq_some(d, present, mod):
                    raise iu.IvyError(
                        "property {} depends on abstracted object {}".format(
                            pname(p), d))

#    for x,y in new_actions.iteritems():
#        print iu.pretty(ia.action_def_to_str(x,y))

# check for interference

#    iu.dbg('list(summarized_actions)')
    check_interference(mod, new_actions, summarized_actions)

    # After checking, we can put in place the new action definitions


    # TODO: need a better way to filter signature
    # new_syms = set(s for s in mod.sig.symbols if keep_sym(s))
    # for s in list(mod.sig.symbols):
    #     if s not in new_syms:
    #         del mod.sig.symbols[s]

    # strip the isolate parameters

    strip_isolate(mod, isolate, impl_mixins, extra_strip)

    # collect the initial condition

    init_cond = ivy_logic.And(*(lf.formula for lf in mod.labeled_inits))
    mod.init_cond = lu.formula_to_clauses(init_cond)
コード例 #29
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: JJTRX/ivy
 def action_update(self, domain, pvars):
     type_check(domain, self.args[0])
     #        print type(self.args[0])
     cl = formula_to_clauses(dual_formula(self.args[0]))
     return ([], true_clauses(), cl)
コード例 #30
ファイル: ivy_transrel.py プロジェクト: odedp/ivy
def clauses_imply_formula_cex(clauses,fmla):
    if clauses_imply_formula(clauses,fmla):
        return True
    return CounterExample(conjoin(clauses,negate_clauses(formula_to_clauses(fmla))))
コード例 #31
ファイル: ivy_isolate.py プロジェクト: juanmaneo/ivy
def isolate_component(mod,isolate_name):
    if isolate_name not in mod.isolates:
        raise iu.IvyError(None,"undefined isolate: {}".format(isolate_name))
    isolate = mod.isolates[isolate_name]
    verified = set(a.relname for a in isolate.verified())
    present = set(a.relname for a in isolate.present())
    if not interpret_all_sorts:
        for type_name in list(ivy_logic.sig.interp):
            if not startswith_eq_some(type_name,present):
                del ivy_logic.sig.interp[type_name]
    delegates = set(s.delegated() for s in mod.delegates if not s.delegee())
    delegated_to = dict((s.delegated(),s.delegee()) for s in mod.delegates if s.delegee())
    derived = set(df.args[0].func.name for df in mod.concepts)
    for name in present:
        if (name not in mod.hierarchy
            and name not in ivy_logic.sig.sorts
            and name not in derived
            and name not in ivy_logic.sig.interp):
            raise iu.IvyError(None,"{} is not a module instance, sort, definition, or interpreted function".format(name))
    new_actions = {}
    use_mixin = lambda name: startswith_some(name,present)
    mod_mixin = lambda m: m if startswith_some(name,verified) else m.prefix_calls('ext:')
    all_mixins = lambda m: True
    no_mixins = lambda m: False
    after_mixins = lambda m: isinstance(m,ivy_ast.MixinAfterDef)
    before_mixins = lambda m: isinstance(m,ivy_ast.MixinBeforeDef)
    delegated_to_verified = lambda n: n in delegated_to and startswith_eq_some(delegated_to[n],verified)
    ext_assumes = lambda m: before_mixins(m) and not delegated_to_verified(m.mixer())
    for actname,action in mod.actions.iteritems():
        ver = startswith_some(actname,verified)
        pre = startswith_some(actname,present)
        if pre: 
            if not ver:
                assert hasattr(action,'lineno')
                assert hasattr(action,'formal_params'), action
                ext_action = action.assert_to_assume().prefix_calls('ext:')
                assert hasattr(ext_action,'lineno')
                assert hasattr(ext_action,'formal_params'), ext_action
                if actname in delegates:
                    int_action = action.prefix_calls('ext:')
                    assert hasattr(int_action,'lineno')
                    assert hasattr(int_action,'formal_params'), int_action
                    int_action = ext_action
                    assert hasattr(int_action,'lineno')
                    assert hasattr(int_action,'formal_params'), int_action
                int_action = ext_action = action
                assert hasattr(int_action,'lineno')
                assert hasattr(int_action,'formal_params'), int_action
            # internal version of the action has mixins checked
            new_actions[actname] = add_mixins(mod,actname,int_action,no_mixins,use_mixin,lambda m:m)
            # external version of the action assumes mixins are ok, unless they
            # are delegated to a currently verified object
            new_action = add_mixins(mod,actname,ext_action,ext_assumes,use_mixin,mod_mixin)
            new_actions['ext:'+actname] = new_action
            # TODO: external version is public if action public *or* called from opaque
            # public_actions.add('ext:'+actname)
            # TODO: here must check that summarized action does not
            # have a call dependency on the isolated module
            action = summarize_action(action)
            new_actions[actname] = add_mixins(mod,actname,action,after_mixins,use_mixin,mod_mixin)
            new_actions['ext:'+actname] = add_mixins(mod,actname,action,all_mixins,use_mixin,mod_mixin)

    # figure out what is exported:
    exported = set()
    for e in mod.exports:
        if not e.scope() and startswith_some(e.exported(),present): # global scope
            exported.add('ext:' + e.exported())
    for actname,action in mod.actions.iteritems():
        if not startswith_some(actname,present):
            for c in action.iter_calls():
                if startswith_some(c,present):
                    exported.add('ext:' + c)
#    print "exported: {}".format(exported)

    # We allow objects to reference any symbols in global scope, and
    # we keep axioms declared in global scope. Because of the way
    # thigs are named, this gives a different condition for keeping
    # symbols and axioms (in particular, axioms in global scope have
    # label None). Maybe this needs to be cleaned up.

    keep_sym = lambda name: (iu.ivy_compose_character not in name
                            or startswith_eq_some(name,present))
    keep_ax = lambda name: (name is None or startswith_eq_some(name.rep,present))

    # filter the conjectures

    new_conjs = [c for c in mod.labeled_conjs if keep_ax(c.label)]
    del mod.labeled_conjs[:]

    # filter the signature

    # TODO: need a better way to filter signature
    # new_syms = set(s for s in mod.sig.symbols if keep_sym(s))
    # for s in list(mod.sig.symbols):
    #     if s not in new_syms:
    #         del mod.sig.symbols[s]

    # filter the inits

    new_inits = [c for c in mod.labeled_inits if keep_ax(c.label)]
    del mod.labeled_inits[:]
    init_cond = ivy_logic.And(*(lf.formula for lf in new_inits))
    im.module.init_cond = lu.formula_to_clauses(init_cond)

    # filter the axioms
    mod.labeled_axioms = [a for a in mod.labeled_axioms if keep_ax(a.label)]

    # filter definitions
    mod.concepts = [c for c in mod.concepts if keep_ax(c.args[0].func.name)]

コード例 #32
ファイル: ivy_check.py プロジェクト: JpHolmen/ivy
 def __init__(self,conj,report_pass=True):
     self.fc = lut.dual_clauses(lut.formula_to_clauses(conj))
     self.report_pass = report_pass