コード例 #1
class Crawler(object):
    def __init__(self, url=URL):

        #API endpoint
        self.url = url

        # Helper for wiki access
        self.wh = Wikihandy(preload=True)

        # Get the QID for Spamhaus organization
        self.spamhaus_qid = self.wh.get_qid(
            create={  # Create it if it doesn't exist
                'add Spamhaus organization',  # Commit message
                'The Spamhaus Project is an international organisation to track email spammers and spam-related activity',  # Item description
                'The Spamhaus Project|the spamhaus project',
                'statements': [[
                    self.wh.get_pid('instance of'),

        # Get the QID for Spamhaus DROP project
        self.drop_qid = self.wh.get_qid(
            'Spamhaus DROP lists',
            create={  # Create it if it doesn't exist
                'summary': 'add Spamhaus block list',  # Commit message
                "The Spamhaus Don't Route Or Peer Lists",  # Item description
                [[self.wh.get_pid('managed by'), self.spamhaus_qid]]

        # Get the QID for Spamhaus DROP list
        self.drop_qid = self.wh.get_qid(
            'Spamhaus DROP list',
            create={  # Create it if it doesn't exist
                'add Spamhaus block list',  # Commit message
                'The DROP list only include netblocks allocated directly by an established RIR or NIR.',
                [[self.wh.get_pid('managed by'), self.spamhaus_qid],
                 [self.wh.get_pid('part of'), self.drop_qid]]

        # Added properties will have this additional information
        today = self.wh.today()
        self.reference = [(self.wh.get_pid('source'), self.spamhaus_qid),
                          (self.wh.get_pid('reference URL'), self.url),
                          (self.wh.get_pid('point in time'), today)]

    def run(self):
        """Fetch blocklist from Spamhaus and push to wikibase. """

        req = requests.get(self.url)
        if req.status_code != 200:
            sys.exit('Error while fetching the blocklist')

        for i, row in enumerate(req.text.splitlines()):
            # Skip the header
            if row.startswith(';'):

            sys.stderr.write(f'\rProcessed {i+1} prefixes')

    def update_net(self, one_line):
        """Add the prefix to wikibase if it's not already there and update its

        prefix, _, _ = one_line.partition(';')

        # Properties for this prefix
        statements = [
            [self.wh.get_pid('reported in'), self.drop_qid, self.reference],

        # Commit to wikibase
        # Get the prefix QID (create if prefix is not yet registered) and commit changes
        net_qid = self.wh.prefix2qid(prefix, create=True)
        self.wh.upsert_statements('update from Spamhaus DROP list', net_qid,
コード例 #2
class Crawler(object):
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize wikihandy and qualifiers for pushed data"""
        # Helper for wiki access
        self.wh = Wikihandy()

        # Added properties will have this additional information
        today = self.wh.today()
        self.org_qid = self.wh.get_qid('RIPE NCC')
        self.url = URL_API  # url will change for each country
        self.reference = [
                (self.wh.get_pid('source'), self.org_qid),
                (self.wh.get_pid('reference URL'), self.url),
                (self.wh.get_pid('point in time'), today)

    def get_last_line(self,line):
        """Keep the end of the last given line"""

        self.last_line = line.rpartition(' ')[2]

    def get_all_lines(self, line):
        """Keep the end of each given lines"""

        self.all_lines.append(line.rpartition(' ')[2])

    def run(self):
        """Fetch data from RIPE and push to wikibase. """

        now = date.today()
        today = f'{now.year}/{now.month:02d}/{now.day:02d}'

        logging.info('Connecting to the FTP server..')
        # Find latest roa files
        filepaths = []
        ftp = FTP(FTP_URL)

        self.all_lines = []
        self.last_line = ''
        ftp.retrlines('LIST', callback=self.get_all_lines)

        logging.info('Listing directories...')
        for dir in self.all_lines:
            path = FTP_ROOT+'/'+dir
            self.last_line = ''
            while self.last_line not in ['roas.csv', 'repo.tar.gz']:
                path += self.last_line + '/'
                ftp.retrlines('LIST', callback=self.get_last_line)

            if self.last_line == 'roas.csv' and today in path:
                path += 'roas.csv'
                logging.info(f'Found ROA file: {path}')

        for filepath in filepaths:
            self.url = URL_API+filepath
            logging.info(f'Fetching ROA file: {self.url}')
            req = requests.get( self.url )
            if req.status_code != 200:
                sys.exit('Error while fetching data for '+filepath)
            # Aggregate data per prefix
            prefix_info = defaultdict(list)
            for line in req.text.splitlines():
                url, asn, prefix, max_length, start, end = line.split(',')
                # Skip header
                if url=='URI':

                    'url': url, 
                    'asn': asn, 
                    'max_length': max_length, 
                    'start': start, 
                    'end': end})

            for i, (prefix, attributes) in enumerate(prefix_info.items()):
                self.update(prefix, attributes)
                sys.stderr.write(f'\rProcessing {filepath}... {i+1} prefixes ({prefix})     ')

    def update(self, prefix, attributes):
        """Add the prefix to wikibase if it's not already there and update its

        statements = []
        for att in attributes:
            qualifiers = [
                    [self.wh.get_pid('start time'), self.wh.to_wbtime(att['start'])],
                    [self.wh.get_pid('end time'), self.wh.to_wbtime(att['end'])],
                #    [self.wh.get_pid('reference URL'), url ] 

            if att['max_length']:
                qualifiers.append( [self.wh.get_pid('maxLength'), {'amount': att['max_length']} ] )

            # Properties
            asn_qid = self.wh.asn2qid(att['asn'], create=True)
            if asn_qid is None:
                print('Error: ', line)

                        [ self.wh.get_pid('route origin authorization'), 

        # Commit to wikibase
        # Get the prefix QID (create if prefix is not yet registered) and commit changes
        prefix_qid = self.wh.prefix2qid(prefix, create=True) 
        self.wh.upsert_statements('update from RIPE RPKI data', prefix_qid, statements )
コード例 #3
class Crawler(object):
    def __init__(self):

        # Helper for wiki access
        self.wh = Wikihandy(preload=True)

        # Get the QID for Routeviews organization
        self.org_qid = self.wh.get_qid('Route Views')
        self.today = self.wh.today()

    def run(self):
        """Fetch BGP data from collectors and push to wikibase. """

        today = arrow.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0)
        start = today.shift(hours=-1)
        end = today.shift(hours=1)
        stream = pybgpstream.BGPStream(

        rtree = radix.Radix()

        sys.stderr.write(f'\nReading BGP data:\n')
        for i, elem in enumerate(stream):
            # Extract the prefix and origin ASN
            msg = elem.fields
            prefix = msg['prefix']
            origin_asn_str = msg['as-path'].split(' ')[-1]
            origin_asns = []
            if '{' in origin_asn_str:
                origin_asns = origin_asn_str[1:-1].split(',')
                origin_asns = [origin_asn_str]

            # Store origin ASN in radix tree
            rnode = rtree.search_exact(prefix)
            if rnode is None:
                rnode = rtree.add(prefix)
                rnode.data['origin'] = defaultdict(set)

            for asn in origin_asns:
                sys.stderr.write(f'\rProcessed {i+1} BGP messages')

        sys.stderr.write(f'\nPushing data to IYP...\n')

        # Push all prefixes data to IYP
        for i, rnode in enumerate(rtree):
            data = rnode.data['origin']
            self.update_entry(rnode.prefix, data)
            sys.stderr.write(f'\rProcessed {i+1} prefixes')

    def update_entry(self, prefix, originasn_collector):
        """Add the prefix to wikibase if it's not already there and update its properties."""

        statements = []

        # set origin AS
        for asn, collectors in originasn_collector.items():
            for collector in collectors:
                # Added properties will have this additional information
                url = URL_RV
                if 'rrc' in collector:
                    url = URL_RIS

                self.reference = [
                    (self.wh.get_pid('source'), self.org_qid),
                    (self.wh.get_pid('reference URL'), url.format(collector)),
                    (self.wh.get_pid('point in time'), self.today)

                as_qid = self.wh.asn2qid(asn, create=True)
                    [self.wh.get_pid('originated by'), as_qid, self.reference])

        # Commit to wikibase
        # Get the prefix QID (create if prefix is not yet registered) and commit changes
        prefix_qid = self.wh.prefix2qid(prefix, create=True)
        self.wh.upsert_statements('update from RIS/Routeviews RIBs',
                                  prefix_qid, statements)
コード例 #4
class Crawler(object):
    def __init__(self):
        """Create an item representing the PeeringDB exchange point ID class if 
        doesn't already exist. And fetch QIDs for exchange points already in the

        # Helper for wiki access
        self.wh = Wikihandy()

        # Get the QID of the item representing PeeringDB IX IDs
        ixid_qid = self.wh.get_qid(
            create={  # Create it if it doesn't exist
                'add PeeringDB ix IDs',  # Commit message
                'Identifier for an exchange point in the PeeringDB database'  # Description

        # Load the QIDs for ix already available in the wikibase
        self.ixid2qid = self.wh.extid2qid(qid=ixid_qid)
        # Load the QIDs for peeringDB organizations
        self.orgid2qid = self.wh.extid2qid(label=ORGID_LABEL)

        # Added properties will have this reference information
        self.today = self.wh.today()
        self.reference = [(self.wh.get_pid('source'),
                          (self.wh.get_pid('reference URL'), URL_PDB_IXS),
                          (self.wh.get_pid('point in time'), self.today)]

    def run(self):
        """Fetch ixs information from PeeringDB and push to wikibase. 
        Using multiple threads for better performances."""

        req = requests.get(URL_PDB_IXS)
        if req.status_code != 200:
            sys.exit('Error while fetching IXs data')
        ixs = json.loads(req.text)['data']

        self.wh.login()  # Login once for all threads

        for i, ix in enumerate(ixs):

            # Get more info for this IX
            req = requests.get(f'{URL_PDB_IXS}/{ix["id"]}')
            if req.status_code != 200:
                sys.exit('Error while fetching IXs data')
            ix_info = json.loads(req.text)['data'][0]

            # Update info in wiki

            sys.stderr.write(f'\rProcessing... {i+1}/{len(ixs)}')

    def update_ix(self, ix):
        """Add the ix to wikibase if it's not already there and update its

        # set property name
        statements = [[
            self.wh.get_pid('instance of'),
            self.wh.get_qid('Internet exchange point')
        ], [self.wh.get_pid('name'), ix['name'].strip(), self.reference]]

        # link to corresponding organization
        org_qid = self.orgid2qid.get(str(ix['org_id']))
        if org_qid is not None:
                [self.wh.get_pid('managed by'), org_qid, self.reference])
            print('Error this organization is not in wikibase: ', ix['org_id'])

        # set property country
        if ix['country']:
            country_qid = self.wh.country2qid(ix['country'])
            if country_qid is not None:
                    [self.wh.get_pid('country'), country_qid, self.reference])

        # set property website
        if ix['website']:
                [self.wh.get_pid('website'), ix['website'], self.reference])

        # set traffic webpage
        if ix['url_stats']:
                ix['url_stats'],  # statement
                self.reference,  # reference 
                    (self.wh.get_pid('instance of'),
                     self.wh.get_qid('traffic statistics')),
                ]  # qualifier

        ix_qid = self.ix_qid(ix)
        # Update name, website, and organization for this IX
        self.wh.upsert_statements('update peeringDB ixs', ix_qid, statements)

        # update LAN corresponding to this IX
        if 'ixlan_set' in ix:
            for ixlan in ix['ixlan_set']:
                pfx_url = f'{URL_PDB_LAN}/{ixlan["id"]}'
                pfx_ref = [(self.wh.get_pid('source'),
                           (self.wh.get_pid('reference URL'), pfx_url),
                           (self.wh.get_pid('point in time'), self.today)]

                req = requests.get(pfx_url)
                if req.status_code != 200:
                    sys.exit('Error while fetching IXs data')
                lans = json.loads(req.text)['data']

                for lan in lans:
                    for prefix in lan['ixpfx_set']:
                        pfx_qid = self.wh.prefix2qid(prefix['prefix'],

                        pfx_stmts = [[
                            self.wh.get_pid('instance of'),
                            self.wh.get_qid('peering LAN'), pfx_ref
                        ], [self.wh.get_pid('managed by'), ix_qid, pfx_ref]]

                        self.wh.upsert_statements('update peeringDB ixlan',
                                                  pfx_qid, pfx_stmts)

        return ix_qid

    def ix_qid(self, ix):
        """Find the ix QID for the given ix.
        If this ix is not yet registered in the wikibase then add it.

        Return the ix QID."""

        # Check if the IX is in the wikibase
        if str(ix['id']) not in self.ixid2qid:
            # Set properties for this new ix
            ix_qualifiers = [
                (self.wh.get_pid('instance of'), self.wh.get_qid(IXID_LABEL)),
            statements = [(self.wh.get_pid('instance of'),
                           self.wh.get_qid('Internet exchange point')),
                          (self.wh.get_pid('external ID'), str(ix['id']), [],

            # Add this ix to the wikibase
            ix_qid = self.wh.add_item('add new peeringDB IX',
            # keep track of this QID
            self.ixid2qid[str(ix['id'])] = ix_qid

        return self.ixid2qid[str(ix['id'])]
コード例 #5
class Crawler(object):
    def __init__(self):

        # Helper for wiki access
        self.wh = Wikihandy(preload=True)

        # Get the QID for RIPE Atlas
        self.atlas_qid = self.wh.get_qid(
            'RIPE Atlas',
            create={  # Create it if it doesn't exist
                'add RIPE Atlas',  # Commit message
                'RIPE Atlas is a global, open, distributed Internet measurement platform, consisting of thousands of measurement devices that measure Internet connectivity in real time.',  # Item description
                [[self.wh.get_pid('managed by'),
                  self.wh.get_qid('RIPE NCC')]]

        # Get the QID for Atlas Probe
        self.atlas_probe_qid = self.wh.get_qid(
            'Atlas probe',
            create={  # Create it if it doesn't exist
                'summary': 'add RIPE Atlas',  # Commit message
                'RIPE Atlas probes form the backbone of the RIPE Atlas infrastructure.',  # Item description
                'aliases': 'RIPE Atlas probe|atlas probe|RIPE atlas probe',
                'statements': [[self.wh.get_pid('part of'), self.atlas_qid]]

        # Get the QID for Atlas Anchor
        self.atlas_anchor_qid = self.wh.get_qid(
            'Atlas anchor',
            create={  # Create it if it doesn't exist
                'summary': 'add RIPE Atlas',  # Commit message
                'RIPE Atlas Anchors are located at hosts that can provide sufficient bandwidth to support a large number of incoming and outgoing measurements.',  # Item description
                'aliases': 'RIPE Atlas anchor|atlas anchor|RIPE atlas anchor',
                'statements': [[self.wh.get_pid('part of'), self.atlas_qid]]

        # Get the QID of the item representing PeeringDB IX IDs
        self.probeid_qid = self.wh.get_qid(
            create={  # Create it if it doesn't exist
                'add RIPE Atlas probes',  # Commit message
                'Identifier for a probe in the RIPE Atlas measurement platform'  # Description

        # Load the QIDs for probes already available in the wikibase
        self.probeid2qid = self.wh.extid2qid(qid=self.probeid_qid)

        # Added properties will have this additional information
        today = self.wh.today()
        self.reference = [(self.wh.get_pid('source'),
                           self.wh.get_qid('RIPE NCC')),
                          (self.wh.get_pid('reference URL'), URL),
                          (self.wh.get_pid('point in time'), today)]

        self.v4_qualifiers = [(self.wh.get_pid('IP version'),

        self.v6_qualifiers = [(self.wh.get_pid('IP version'),

    def run(self):
        """Fetch probe information from Atlas API and push to wikibase. """

        next_page = URL

        while next_page is not None:
            req = requests.get(next_page)
            if req.status_code != 200:
                sys.exit('Error while fetching the blocklist')

            info = json.loads(req.text)
            next_page = info['next']

            for i, probe in enumerate(info['results']):

                sys.stderr.write(f'\rProcessed {i+1} probes')

    def update_probe(self, probe):
        """Add the probe to wikibase if it's not already there and update its

        # TODO add status, geometry (geo-location) and IPs?

        # Properties for this probe
        statements = []

        if probe['is_anchor']:
                [self.wh.get_pid('instance of'), self.atlas_probe_qid])
                [self.wh.get_pid('instance of'), self.atlas_anchor_qid])
        if probe['asn_v4']:
            as_qid = self.wh.asn2qid(probe['asn_v4'])
            if as_qid:
                    self.wh.get_pid('part of'), as_qid, self.reference,
        if probe['asn_v6']:
            as_qid = self.wh.asn2qid(probe['asn_v6'])
            if as_qid:
                    self.wh.get_pid('part of'), as_qid, self.reference,
        if probe['prefix_v4']:
            prefix_qid = self.wh.prefix2qid(probe['prefix_v4'])
            if prefix_qid:
                    [self.wh.get_pid('part of'), prefix_qid, self.reference])
        if probe['prefix_v6']:
            prefix_qid = self.wh.prefix2qid(probe['prefix_v6'])
            if prefix_qid:
                    [self.wh.get_pid('part of'), prefix_qid, self.reference])
        if probe['country_code']:
                self.wh.country2qid(probe['country_code']), self.reference
        if probe['first_connected']:
                self.wh.get_pid('start time'),
                self.wh.to_wbtime(probe['first_connected']), self.reference

        if 'name' in probe['status']:
            # Get the QIDs for probes status
            status_qid = self.wh.get_qid(
                f'RIPE Atlas probe status: {probe["status"]["name"]}',
                create={  # Create it if it doesn't exist
                    'summary': 'add RIPE Atlas probe status',  # Commit message

            if probe['status_since']:
                    self.wh.get_pid('status'), status_qid, self.reference,
                    [(self.wh.get_pid('start time'),

            # set end time if the probe is abandonned
            if probe['status']['name'] == 'Abandoned' and probe['status_since']:
                    self.wh.get_pid('end time'),

        # Add probe tags
        for tag in probe['tags']:
                                    'summary': 'Add RIPE Atlas tag',

        # Commit to wikibase
        # Get the probe QID (create if probe is not yet registered) and commit changes
        probe_qid = self.probe_qid(probe)
        self.wh.upsert_statements('update from RIPE Atlas probes', probe_qid,

    def probe_qid(self, probe):
        """Find the ix QID for the given probe ID.
        If this probe is not yet registered in the wikibase then add it.

        Return the probe QID."""

        id = str(probe['id'])

        # Check if the IX is in the wikibase
        if id not in self.probeid2qid:
            # Set properties for this new probe
            probeid_qualifiers = [
                (self.wh.get_pid('instance of'), self.probeid_qid),
            statements = [
                (self.wh.get_pid('instance of'), self.atlas_probe_qid),
                (self.wh.get_pid('external ID'), id, [], probeid_qualifiers)

            # Add this probe to the wikibase
            probe_qid = self.wh.add_item('add new RIPE Atlas probe',
                                         label=f'RIPE Atlas probe #{id}',
            # keep track of this QID
            self.probeid2qid[id] = probe_qid

        return self.probeid2qid[id]
コード例 #6
class Crawler(object):
    def __init__(self, fdns_url=URL):
        """Fetch QID for Rapid7 and initialize wikihandy."""

        self.fdns_url = fdns_url
        # Helper for wiki access
        self.wh = Wikihandy()

        self.org_qid = self.wh.get_qid(
            create={  # Create it if it doesn't exist
                'add Rapid7 forward DNS data',  # Commit message
                'Rapid7, a security company that provides unified vulnerability management solutions',  # Item description
                'statements': [
                        self.wh.get_pid('instance of'),
                    [self.wh.get_pid('website'), 'https://www.rapid7.com/'],

        # Added properties will have this additional information
        today = self.wh.today()
        self.reference = [(self.wh.get_pid('source'), self.org_qid),
                          (self.wh.get_pid('reference URL'), fdns_url),
                          (self.wh.get_pid('point in time'), today)]

        self.ia = ip2asn(wikihandy=self.wh)

        # keep track of all resolved prefixes so we just make one push per
        # domain
        self.tld_pfx = defaultdict(set)

    def match_domain_prefix(self, line):
        """Parse a line from the rapid7 dataset, extract the domain and ip, and
        find the corresponding IP prefix. 

        return: (domain name, prefix) or None, None if the domain is not in the wiki

        tld = None
        prefix = None

        datapoint = json.loads(line)
        if (datapoint['type'] in ['a', 'aaaa'] and 'value' in datapoint
                and 'name' in datapoint):

            ext = tldextract.extract(datapoint['name'])
            tld = ext[-2] + '.' + ext[-1]

            # skip domains not in the wiki
            if self.wh.domain2qid(tld) is None:
                return tld, None

            ip_info = self.ia.lookup(datapoint['value'])
            if ip_info is None:
                return tld, None

            prefix = ip_info['prefix']

        return tld, prefix

    def run(self):
        """Fetch Rapid7 DNS forward data, find corresponding BGP prefixes 
        and push resolution for domains already in the wikibase. """

        # download rapid7 data and find corresponding prefixes
        sys.stderr.write('Downloading Rapid7 dataset...\n')
        fname = self.fdns_url.split('/')[-1]
        if not os.path.exists(fname):
            fname = download_file(self.fdns_url, fname)

        sys.stderr.write('Processing dataset...\n')
        if os.path.exists(fname + '.pickle'):
            sys.stderr.write('Load data from cache!')
            self.tld_pfx = pickle.load(open(fname + '.pickle', 'rb'))
            with gzip.open(fname, 'rt') as finput:
                for line in finput:

            pickle.dump(self.tld_pfx, open(fname + '.pickle', 'wb'))

            f'Found {len(self.tld_pfx)} domain names in Rapid7 dataset out of the {len(self.wh._domain2qid)} domain names in wiki\n'
        # push data to wiki
        for i, (tld, pfxs) in enumerate(self.tld_pfx.items()):
                f'\33[2K\rUpdating iyp... {i+1}/{len(self.tld_pfx)}\t{tld} {len(pfxs)} prefixes'
            self.update(tld, pfxs)


    def update(self, tld, pfxs):
        """Update statements for the given domain name."""

        # make all statements
        statements = []
        for pfx in pfxs:
            pfx_qid = self.wh.prefix2qid(pfx, create=True)
                [self.wh.get_pid('forward DNS'), pfx_qid, self.reference])

        # Commit to wikibase
        # Get the domain name QID  and commit changes
        dn_qid = self.wh.domain2qid(tld)
            # TODO remove old data with URL regex
            self.wh.upsert_statements('update from Rapid7 forward DNS data',
                                      dn_qid, statements)
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"Could not update domain {dn_qid}")