def main(): rs = RangeSearch() arg = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[rs.argparser], conflict_handler='resolve') arg.add_argument('-c', '--count', help="Only show the number of results", action="store_true") arg.add_argument('-a', '--add', help="Add a new range", action="store_true") arguments = arg.parse_args() if arguments.add: print_notification("Adding new range") range_str = input("What range do you want to add? ") r = rs.id_to_object(range_str) print_success("Added a new range:") print_json(r.to_dict(include_meta=True)) elif arguments.count: print_line("Number of ranges: {}".format(rs.argument_count())) else: response = rs.get_ranges() for hit in response: print_json(hit.to_dict(include_meta=True))
def overview(): """ Creates a overview of the hosts per range. """ range_search = RangeSearch() ranges = range_search.get_ranges() if ranges: formatted_ranges = [] tags_lookup = {} for r in ranges: formatted_ranges.append({'mask': r.range}) tags_lookup[r.range] = r.tags search = search = search.filter('term', status='up') search.aggs.bucket('hosts', 'ip_range', field='address', ranges=formatted_ranges) response = search.execute() print_line("{0:<18} {1:<6} {2}".format("Range", "Count", "Tags")) print_line("-" * 60) for entry in response.aggregations.hosts.buckets: print_line("{0:<18} {1:<6} {2}".format(entry.key, entry.doc_count, tags_lookup[entry.key])) else: print_error("No ranges defined.")
def nmap_discover(): """ This function retrieves ranges from jackal Uses two functions of nmap to find hosts: ping: icmp / arp pinging of targets lookup: reverse dns lookup """ rs = RangeSearch() rs_parser = rs.argparser arg = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[rs_parser], conflict_handler='resolve') arg.add_argument('type', metavar='type', \ help='The type of nmap scan to do, choose from ping or lookup', \ type=str, choices=['ping', 'lookup']) arguments, nmap_args = arg.parse_known_args() tag = None if arguments.type == 'ping': tag = 'nmap_ping' nmap_args.append('-sn') nmap_args.append('-n') check_function = include_up_hosts elif arguments.type == 'lookup': tag = 'nmap_lookup' nmap_args.append('-sL') check_function = include_hostnames ranges = rs.get_ranges(tags=['!{}'.format(tag)]) ranges = [r for r in ranges] ips = [] for r in ranges: ips.append(r.range) print_notification("Running nmap with args: {} on {} range(s)".format( nmap_args, len(ips))) result = nmap(nmap_args, ips) stats = import_nmap(result, tag, check_function) stats['scanned_ranges'] = len(ips) Logger().log( 'nmap_discover', "Nmap discover with args: {} on {} range(s)".format( nmap_args, len(ips)), stats) for r in ranges: r.add_tag(tag)
def main(): ranges = RangeSearch() arguments = ranges.argparser.parse_args() if arguments.tags or ranges.is_pipe: ranges = ranges.get_ranges() else: ranges =['!netdiscover']) results = 0 for r in ranges: discover = NetDiscover(r) results += discover.execute() Logger().log('netdiscover', "Netdiscover on {} ranges".format(len(ranges)), stats={ 'scanned_ranges': len(ranges), 'hosts': results })