コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: noutrela/jaikuenginepatch
def install_rootuser(request):
  # requires an admin
  user = users.get_current_user()
  if not user:
    return http.HttpResponseRedirect(users.create_login_url('/install'))
    if not users.is_current_user_admin():
      return http.HttpResponseRedirect('/')
    root_user = api.actor_get(api.ROOT, settings.ROOT_NICK)
    root_user = None

  if request.POST:
      logging.warning('Making root user: %s', settings.ROOT_NICK)
      validate.nonce(request, 'create_root')
      root_user = api.user_create_root(api.ROOT)
      return util.RedirectFlash('/install', 'Root user created')

  redirect_to = '/'

  c = template.RequestContext(request, locals())    
  t = loader.get_template('rootuser.html')
  return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))
コード例 #2
ファイル: validate.py プロジェクト: noutrela/jaikuenginepatch
    def test_good_nonces(self):
        fake_user = "******"
        action = "some_action"

        nonce = util.create_nonce(fake_user, action)
        params = {"_nonce": nonce}

        validate.nonce(test_util.FakeRequest(user=fake_user, post=params), action)

        validate.nonce(test_util.FakeRequest(user=fake_user, get=params), action)
コード例 #3
ファイル: validate.py プロジェクト: noutrela/jaikuenginepatch
    def test_slightly_old_nonces(self):
        fake_user = "******"
        action = "some_action"

        nonce = util.create_nonce(fake_user, action, offset=-1)

        validate.nonce(test_util.FakeRequest(user=fake_user, post={"_nonce": nonce}), action)

        old_nonce = util.create_nonce(fake_user, action, offset=-2)

        def _old_nonce():
            validate.nonce(test_util.FakeRequest(user=fake_user, post={"_nonce": old_nonce}), action)

        self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError, _old_nonce)
コード例 #4
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: noutrela/jaikuenginepatch
def join_welcome_contacts(request):

  if we have an access token for this user attempt to fetch the contacts
  else if we have a request token attempt to get an access token
  if we have neither
    if we are trying to authorize, grab a request token and redirect to authorize page
      show the page
    redirect_to = request.REQUEST.get("redirect_to", "/")
    next = "/welcome/done"

    # these are for the find more contacts bits
    start_index = int(request.REQUEST.get("index", 1))
    max = 100
    token = request.REQUEST.get("token")
    contacts_more = int(request.REQUEST.get("contacts_more", 0))
    # this won't be seen unless contacts_more is positive,
    # so no worries about the possible negative value
    contacts_so_far = contacts_more - 1

        if not settings.GOOGLE_CONTACTS_IMPORT_ENABLED:
            raise exception.FeatureDisabledError("Google Contacts import is currently disabled")

        if "lookup_remote_contacts" in request.POST:
            validate.nonce(request, "lookup_remote_contacts")

            next_url = util.qsa(
                    "redirect_to": redirect_to,
                    "upgrade_auth_token": "",
                    "_nonce": util.create_nonce(request.user, "upgrade_auth_token"),
            auth_url = google_contacts.auth_sub_url(next_url)
            return http.HttpResponseRedirect(auth_url)
        elif "actor_add_contacts" in request.POST:
            validate.nonce(request, "actor_add_contacts")

            targets = request.POST.getlist("targets")
            owner = request.POST.get("owner", "")

            rv = api.actor_add_contacts(request.user, owner, targets)

            next_url = util.qsa(
                {"redirect_to": redirect_to, "contacts_more": contacts_more, "index": start_index, "token": token},

            return util.RedirectFlash(next_url, "Contacts added.")

        elif "upgrade_auth_token" in request.GET:
            validate.nonce(request, "upgrade_auth_token")

            auth_token = google_contacts.auth_sub_token_from_request(request)
            session_token = google_contacts.upgrade_to_session_token(auth_token)

            next_url = util.qsa(
                    "redirect_to": redirect_to,
                    "fetch_contacts": "",
                    "token": session_token.get_token_string(),
                    "_nonce": util.create_nonce(request.user, "fetch_contacts"),

            return http.HttpResponseRedirect(next_url)

        elif "fetch_contacts" in request.REQUEST:
            validate.nonce(request, "fetch_contacts")

            # start_index and max are gathered above
            session_token = google_contacts.auth_sub_token_from_request(request)

            # check for the "My Contacts" group, otherwise, fetch it
            my_contacts = memcache.client.get("%s/my_contacts" % token)
            if not my_contacts:
                my_contacts = google_contacts.get_system_group(session_token, "Contacts")
                memcache.client.set("%s/my_contacts" % token, my_contacts)

            rv, more = google_contacts.get_contacts_emails(session_token, group=my_contacts, index=start_index, max=max)

            contacts = []

            for name, email in rv:
                logging.info('looking up "%s" %s', name, email)
                contacts.append(api.actor_lookup_email(request.user, email))

            contacts = [x for x in contacts if x]

            # for the template
            contacts_found = True
            contacts_more = more
            contacts_so_far = contacts_more - 1
            token = session_token.get_token_string()
            contacts_emails = rv

            # if no contacts were found and more are available, try some more
            if not contacts and contacts_more:
                next_url = util.qsa(
                        "fetch_contacts": "",
                        "contacts_more": contacts_more,
                        "index": contacts_more,
                        "token": token,
                        "_nonce": util.create_nonce(request.user, "fetch_contacts"),
                        "redirect_to": redirect_to,
                # TODO(termie): this can take a really long time, probably not really
                #               viable until we can do it with javascript
                # return util.MetaRefresh(next_url, message='Still working...', second=1)
                # return http.HttpResponseRedirect(next_url)


    # set the progress
    welcome_photo = True
    welcome_mobile = True

    view = request.user
    page = "contacts"

    area = "welcome"
    c = template.RequestContext(request, locals())

    t = loader.get_template("welcome_%s.html" % page)
    return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))
コード例 #5
ファイル: validate.py プロジェクト: noutrela/jaikuenginepatch
 def _old_nonce():
     validate.nonce(test_util.FakeRequest(user=fake_user, post={"_nonce": old_nonce}), action)
コード例 #6
ファイル: validate.py プロジェクト: noutrela/jaikuenginepatch
 def _notany_nonce():
     validate.nonce(test_util.FakeRequest(user=None, post={"_nonce": notany_nonce}), action)
コード例 #7
ファイル: validate.py プロジェクト: noutrela/jaikuenginepatch
 def _notme_nonce():
     validate.nonce(test_util.FakeRequest(user="******", post={"_nonce": notme_nonce}), action)
コード例 #8
ファイル: validate.py プロジェクト: noutrela/jaikuenginepatch
 def _madeup_nonce():
     validate.nonce(test_util.FakeRequest(user=fake_user, post={"_nonce": "TEST"}), action)
コード例 #9
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: noutrela/jaikuenginepatch
def actor_settings(request, nick, page='index'):
  """ just a static page that links to the rest"""
  nick = clean.nick(nick)

  view = api.actor_lookup_nick(api.ROOT, nick)

  handled = common_views.handle_view_action(
        'activation_activate_mobile': view.url('/settings/mobile'),
        'activation_request_email': view.url('/settings/email'),
        'activation_request_mobile': view.url('/settings/mobile'),
        'settings_change_notify': view.url('/settings/notifications'),
        'settings_change_privacy': request.path,
        'settings_update_account': view.url('/settings/profile'),
        'actor_remove': '/logout',
        #'oauth_remove_consumer': request.path,
        #'oauth_remove_access_token': request.path
  if handled:
    return handled

  # TODO(tyler/termie):  This conflicts with the global settings import.
  # Also, this seems fishy.  Do none of the settings.* items work in templates?
  import settings

  # TODO(tyler): Merge this into handle_view_action, if possible
  if 'password' in request.POST:
      validate.nonce(request, 'change_password')

      password = request.POST.get('password', '')
      confirm = request.POST.get('confirm', '')

      validate.password_and_confirm(password, confirm, field = 'password')

      api.settings_change_password(request.user, nick, password)
      response = util.RedirectFlash(view.url() + '/settings/password',
                                    'password updated')
      request.user.password = password
      # TODO(mikie): change when cookie-auth is changed
      user.set_user_cookie(response, request.user)
      return response

  if page == 'feeds':
      if not settings.FEEDS_ENABLED:
        raise exception.DisabledFeatureError('Feeds are currently disabled')

  if page == 'photo':
    redirect_to = view.url() + '/settings/photo'
    handled = common_views.common_photo_upload(request, redirect_to)
    if handled:
      return handled

  area = 'settings'
  full_page = page.capitalize()

  if page == 'mobile':
    full_page = 'Mobile Number'

    mobile = api.mobile_get_actor(request.user, request.user.nick)
    sms_notify = view.extra.get('sms_notify', False)
  elif page == 'im':
    full_page = 'IM Address'
    im_address = api.im_get_actor(request.user, view.nick)
    im_notify = view.extra.get('im_notify', False)
  elif page == 'index':
    email = api.email_get_actor(request.user, view.nick)
    email_notify = view.extra.get('email_notify', False)
    im_address = api.im_get_actor(request.user, view.nick)
    im_notify = view.extra.get('im_notify', False)
  elif page == 'feeds':
    full_page = 'Web Feeds'
  elif page == 'email':
    full_page = 'Email Address'
    email_notify = view.extra.get('email_notify', False)

    # check if we already have an email
    email = api.email_get_actor(request.user, view.nick) 

    # otherwise look for an unconfirmed one
    if not email:
      unconfirmeds = api.activation_get_actor_email(api.ROOT, view.nick)
      if unconfirmeds:
        unconfirmed_email = unconfirmeds[0].content

  elif page == 'design':
    handled = common_views.common_design_update(request, nick)
    if handled:
      return handled
    full_page = 'Look and Feel'

  elif page == 'notifications':
    email = api.email_get_actor(request.user, view.nick)
    email_notify = view.extra.get('email_notify', False)
    im_address = api.im_get_actor(request.user, view.nick)
    im_notify = view.extra.get('im_notify', False)
    mobile = api.mobile_get_actor(request.user, request.user.nick)
    sms_notify = view.extra.get('sms_notify', False)

    sms_confirm = sms_notify and not view.extra.get('sms_confirmed', False)
    # TODO(termie): remove this once we can actually receive sms
    sms_confirm = False
  elif page == 'profile':
    # check if we already have an email
    email = api.email_get_actor(request.user, view.nick) 

    # otherwise look for an unconfirmed one
    if not email:
      unconfirmeds = api.activation_get_actor_email(api.ROOT, view.nick)
      if unconfirmeds:
        unconfirmed_email = unconfirmeds[0].content

  elif page == 'photo':
    avatars = display.DEFAULT_AVATARS
    small_photos = api.image_get_all_keys(request.user, view.nick, size='f')

    # TODO(tyler): Fix this avatar nonsense!
    own_photos = [{
        'path' : small_photo.key().name(),
        'name' : small_photo.key().name()[len('image/'):-len('_f.jpg')],
      } for small_photo in small_photos

  elif page == 'privacy':
  elif page == 'jsbadge':
    full_page = 'Javascript Badges'
  elif page == 'badge':
    badges = [{'id': 'badge-stream',
               'width': '200',
               'height': '300',
               'src': '%sglobal/themes/%s/badge.swf' % (settings.MEDIA_URL, settings.DEFAULT_THEME),
               'title': 'Stream',
              {'id': 'badge-map',
               'width': '200',
               'height': '255',
               'src': '%sglobal/themes/%s/badge-map.swf' % (settings.MEDIA_URL, settings.DEFAULT_THEME),
               'title': 'Map',
              {'id': 'badge-simple',
               'width': '200',
               'height': '200',
               'src': '%sglobal/themes/%s/badge-simple.swf' % (settings.MEDIA_URL, settings.DEFAULT_THEME),
               'title': 'Simple',

  elif page in ['password', 'delete']:
    # Catch for remaining pages before we generate a 404.

    return common_views.common_404(request)

  # rendering
  c = template.RequestContext(request, locals())
  t = loader.get_template('settings_%s.html' % page)
  return http.HttpResponse(t.render(c))