def get_engine_from_eng( eng, wid, logfile, confdir, execdir: str, cromwell_url: Optional[str], cromwell_jar: Optional[str], ): engid = str(eng) if engid == EngineType.cromwell.value: url = cromwell_url or PreparedJob.instance().cromwell.url if url:"Found cromwell_url: " + url) return Cromwell( identifier=f"cromwell-{wid}", logfile=logfile, confdir=confdir, host=url, cromwelljar=cromwell_jar, execution_dir=execdir, ) return get_engine_type(eng)(logfile=logfile, execution_dir=execdir)
def abort_wids(sids: List[str], wait=True): cm = ConfigManager(db_path=None) for sid in sids: try: row = cm.get_row_for_submission_id_or_path(sid) WorkflowManager.mark_aborted(row.execution_dir, row.submission_id) except Exception as e: Logger.critical(f"Couldn't abort '{sid}': " + str(e)) raise e if wait: "Waiting until completely aborted. This can take up to a few minutes to complete." ) for sid in sids: try: wm = ConfigManager.get_from_path_or_submission_lazy( sid, readonly=True) check_attempts = 0 while not wm.database.get_uncached_status().is_in_final_state( ): time.sleep(1) check_attempts += 1 if check_attempts % 5 == 0: f"Still waiting for '{sid}' to move to final state" ) except Exception as e: Logger.critical( f"Couldn't watch '{sid}' until aborted: {str(e)}")"Jobs {' '.join(sids)} should be completely aborted now")
def resolve_tool( tool: Union[str, j.CommandTool, Type[j.CommandTool], j.Workflow, Type[j.Workflow]], name=None, from_toolshed=False, force=False, only_toolbox=False, ): if isinstance(tool, j.Tool): return tool elif isclass(tool) and issubclass(tool, (j.Workflow, j.Tool)): return tool() if not isinstance(tool, str): raise TypeError( f"Janis is not sure how to resolve a workflow of type: '{type(tool)}'" ) if not only_toolbox: fileschemewherelocated = FileScheme.get_type_by_prefix(tool.lower()) if fileschemewherelocated: f"Detected remote workflow to localise from '{fileschemewherelocated.__name__}'" ) # Get some unique name for the workflow import hashlib fn = hashlib.md5(tool.lower().encode()).hexdigest() + ".py" outdir = os.path.join(JanisConfiguration.manager().configdir, "cached") os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) dest = os.path.join(outdir, fn) Logger.log(f"Localising '{tool}' to '{dest}'") fileschemewherelocated("internal").cp_from( source=tool.lower(), dest=dest, report_progress=lambda progress: print( f"Download progress: {progress}"), force=force, ) tool = dest wf = get_janis_workflow_from_searchname(tool, ".", name=name, include_commandtools=True) if wf: return wf if from_toolshed: v = None if ":" in tool: ps = tool.split(":") workflow, v = ps[0], ps[1] wf = j.JanisShed.get_tool(tool, v) return wf
def remove_by_id(self, id_: str) -> None:"Removing '{id_}' from database") with self.with_cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(f"DELETE FROM {self.table_name} WHERE id = ?", (id_, )) self.commit()
def remove_by_id(self, wid: str) -> None:"Removing '{wid}' from database") with self.with_cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( f"DELETE FROM {TasksDbProvider.table_name} WHERE wid = ?", (wid, )) self.commit()
def remove_by_ids(self, ids: List[str]) -> None: if not isinstance(ids, list): ids = [ids]"Removing ids: " + ", ".join(ids)) seq = ", ".join(["?"] * len(ids)) with self.with_cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( f"DELETE FROM {self.table_name} WHERE id in ({seq})", ids) self.commit()
def abort_wids(wids: List[str]): for wid in wids: try: row = ConfigManager.manager().get_lazy_db_connection().get_by_wid( wid) if row: WorkflowManager.mark_aborted(row.outputdir, row.wid) else: WorkflowManager.mark_aborted(wid, None) except Exception as e: Logger.critical(f"Couldn't abort '{wid}': " + str(e)) raise e
def get_config(): """ This is here to lazily instantiate the config """ nonlocal cached_outd if not cached_outd: outd = JanisConfiguration.default() if templatename: tmpl = janistemplates.get_template(templatename) schema = janistemplates.get_schema_for_template(tmpl) mapped_schema_to_default = { s.identifier: s.default for s in schema if s.default is not None } # parse extra params description = dedent(tmpl.__doc__) if tmpl.__doc__ else None parser = InitArgParser(templatename, schema, description=description) parsed = parser.parse_args(unparsed_init_args) try: # "easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" keys_to_skip = set(tmpl.ignore_init_keys) except AttributeError: Logger.log( f"Template '{templatename}' didn't have 'ignore_init_keys'" ) keys_to_skip = set() outd[JanisConfiguration.Keys.Engine] = EngineType.cromwell outd[JanisConfiguration.Keys.Template] = { parsed.get(, mapped_schema_to_default.get( for s in schema if (s.identifier in parsed) or ( s.identifier in mapped_schema_to_default and s.identifier not in keys_to_skip) } outd[JanisConfiguration.Keys.Template][ JanisConfiguration.JanisConfigurationTemplate.Keys. Id] = templatename cached_outd = stringify_dict_keys_or_return_value(outd) return cached_outd
def get_engine_from_eng(eng, wid, logfile, confdir, execdir: str, **kwargs): if eng == "cromwell": url = kwargs.get( "cromwell_url") or JanisConfiguration.manager().cromwell.url if url:"Found cromwell_url: " + url) return Cromwell( identifier=f"cromwell-{wid}", logfile=logfile, confdir=confdir, host=url, cromwelljar=kwargs.get("cromwell_jar"), execution_dir=execdir, ) return get_engine_type(eng)(logfile=logfile, execution_dir=execdir)
def generate_inputs( jc: JanisConfiguration, tool: Union[str, j.CommandTool, j.Workflow], all=False, name=None, force=False, additional_inputs=None, with_resources=False, quality_type: List[InputQualityType] = None, recipes: List[str] = None, hints: dict = None, ): toolref, _ = resolve_tool(tool, name, from_toolshed=True, force=force) inputsdict = None if additional_inputs: inputsfile = get_file_from_searchname(additional_inputs, ".") inputsdict = parse_dict(inputsfile) values_to_ignore = set() if recipes: if not jc: Logger.warn( "An internal error occurred when getting recipes from your config, please raise an issue on GitHub." ) else: for k in values_to_ignore.add(k) if not toolref: raise Exception("Couldn't find workflow with name: " + str(tool)) d = toolref.generate_inputs_override( additional_inputs=inputsdict, with_resource_overrides=with_resources, include_defaults=all, values_to_ignore=values_to_ignore, quality_type=quality_type, hints=hints, ) return d
def run_with_outputs( tool: Union[j.CommandTool, j.Workflow], inputs: Dict[str, any], output_dir: str, config: JanisConfiguration = None, engine: Optional[str] = None, workflow_reference: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Run and WAIT for a Janis workflow to complete. This helper method runs a workflow, and returns a dictionary of output values to their output tag. This method MAY throw, so ensure it's try-catch wrapped. :param tool: An INSTANTIATED tool definition. Seek this from the 'get_janis_workflow_from_searchname' earlier :param inputs: A dictionary of pure input values, not file paths. :param output_dir: Where to run the execution :param config: Optional config, else choose the default at $HOME/.janis/janis.conf :param workflow_reference: A reference to the workflow being run, this gets used to write a file :return: A dictionary of output values by the output tag """ job = prepare_job( tool=tool, output_dir=output_dir, required_inputs=inputs, jc=config or JanisConfiguration.initial_configuration(None), # params to be automatically evaluated execution_dir=None, inputs={}, allow_empty_container=False, check_files=True, container_override={}, skip_digest_cache=False, skip_digest_lookup=False, batchrun_reqs=None, validation_reqs=None, engine=engine, hints={}, keep_intermediate_files=False, max_cores=None, max_memory=None, max_duration=None, no_store=True, recipes=[], run_in_background=None, run_in_foreground=None, strict_inputs=False, watch=False, workflow_reference=workflow_reference, # don't do extra preprocessing steps run_prepare_processing=False, localise_all_files=True, ) wm = run_from_jobfile(tool, jobfile=job, wait=True) if not wm: Logger.critical(f"An error occurred when running workflow {}") return None if not wm.database: Logger.critical( f"An error occurred when getting the outputs for workflow {}" ) return None status = wm.database.get_uncached_status() if status != TaskStatus.COMPLETED: error = "" if wm.database.submission_metadata and wm.database.submission_metadata.metadata: error = wm.database.submission_metadata.metadata.error or "" Logger.critical( f"The workflow {} ended with status {status}, and hence won't return outputs. Error: {error}" ) return None outs = wm.database.outputsDB.get() return { o.id_: o.value or o.new_path for o in outs if o.value or o.new_path }
def prepare_job( tool: Union[str, j.Tool, Type[j.Tool]], # workflow search options workflow_reference: Optional[ str], # if this is None, no jobfile will be written jc: JanisConfiguration, engine: Optional[str], batchrun_reqs: Optional[BatchRunRequirements], validation_reqs: Optional[ValidationRequirements], hints: Optional[Dict[str, str]], output_dir: Optional[str], execution_dir: Optional[str], inputs: Union[str, dict], required_inputs: dict, watch, max_cores, max_memory, max_duration, keep_intermediate_files, recipes, run_in_background, run_in_foreground, no_store, allow_empty_container, check_files, container_override: dict, strict_inputs, skip_digest_lookup, skip_digest_cache, run_prepare_processing, db_type: DatabaseTypeToUse = None, source_hints: List[str] = None, post_run_script: str = None, localise_all_files: bool = False, ): # organise inputs inputsdict = {} if recipes: valuesfromrecipe = inputsdict.update(valuesfromrecipe) inputsdict.update( cascade_inputs( wf=tool, inputs=inputs, required_inputs=required_inputs, batchrun_options=batchrun_reqs, strict_inputs=strict_inputs, )) output_dir = generate_output_dir_from(, output_dir, jc.output_dir) if isinstance(tool, DynamicWorkflow): tool.constructor(inputsdict, hints) inputsdict = tool.modify_inputs(inputsdict, hints) should_run_in_background = ( run_in_background is True or jc.run_in_background is True) and not (run_in_foreground is True) if post_run_script: intermediate_prs = get_file_from_searchname(post_run_script, cwd=".") if not intermediate_prs or not os.path.exists(intermediate_prs): raise Exception( f"Couldn't find file for post_run_script '{post_run_script}'") post_run_script = intermediate_prs # Download remote files to cache directory if localise_all_files: cache_dir = os.path.join(jc.config_dir, "remote_file_cache") m = RemoteFileLocatorModifier(cache_dir=cache_dir) inputsdict = m.inputs_modifier(tool, inputsdict, hints) if run_prepare_processing: cache_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "janis/prepare") Logger.debug(f"Running janis prepare steps at {cache_dir}") os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True) processors = [ CwlInputObjectUnwrapperModifier(), FileFinderLocatorModifier(cache_dir=cache_dir, source_hints=source_hints), InputFileQualifierModifier(), InputTransformerModifier(cache_dir=cache_dir), InputChecker(check_file_existence=True), ContigChecker(), ] tool_to_evaluate, new_inputs = PipelineModifierBase.apply_many( processors, tool, inputsdict, hints=hints) inputsdict = new_inputs submission = PreparedJob( # job stuff workflow_reference=workflow_reference, config_dir=jc.config_dir, db_path=jc.db_path, execution_dir=execution_dir, engine=engine or jc.engine, cromwell=jc.cromwell, template=jc.template, notifications=jc.notifications, environment=JanisConfigurationEnvironment( max_cores=max_cores or jc.environment.max_cores, max_memory=max_memory or jc.environment.max_memory, max_duration=max_duration or jc.environment.max_duration, ), run_in_background=should_run_in_background, digest_cache_location=jc.digest_cache_location, # job information inputs=inputsdict, output_dir=output_dir, keep_intermediate_files=keep_intermediate_files, recipes=recipes, hints=hints, allow_empty_container=allow_empty_container, container_override=container_override, skip_digest_lookup=skip_digest_lookup, skip_digest_cache=skip_digest_cache, batchrun=batchrun_reqs, store_in_central_db=not no_store, skip_file_check=not check_files, strict_inputs=strict_inputs, validation=validation_reqs, # config stuff should_watch_if_background=watch, call_caching_enabled=jc.call_caching_enabled, container_type=jc.container.get_container_type(), post_run_script=post_run_script, ) if db_type: submission.cromwell = submission.cromwell or JanisConfigurationCromwell( ) submission.cromwell.db_type = db_type return submission
def run_from_jobfile( workflow: Union[str, j.Tool, Type[j.Tool]], jobfile: PreparedJob, engine: Union[str, Engine, None] = None, wait: bool = False, # specific engine args cromwell_jar: Optional[str] = None, cromwell_url: Optional[str] = None, ): cm = ConfigManager(db_path=jobfile.db_path) if not workflow: raise Exception("Couldn't find workflow with name: " + str(workflow)) row = cm.create_task_base( wf=workflow, job=jobfile, ) jobfile.execution_dir = row.execution_dir jobfile.output_dir = row.output_dir # set logger for submit Logger.set_write_level(Logger.CONSOLE_LEVEL) logpath = os.path.join( WorkflowManager.get_path_for_component_and_dir( row.execution_dir, WorkflowManager.WorkflowManagerPath.logs), "janis-submit.log", ) Logger.WRITE_LEVELS = {Logger.CONSOLE_LEVEL: (logpath, open(logpath, "a"))} Logger.debug(f"Set submission logging to '{logpath}'") print(row.submission_id, file=sys.stdout) eng = get_engine_from_eng( engine or jobfile.engine, wid=row.submission_id, execdir=WorkflowManager.get_path_for_component_and_dir( row.execution_dir, WorkflowManager.WorkflowManagerPath.execution), confdir=WorkflowManager.get_path_for_component_and_dir( row.execution_dir, WorkflowManager.WorkflowManagerPath.configuration), logfile=os.path.join( WorkflowManager.get_path_for_component_and_dir( row.execution_dir, WorkflowManager.WorkflowManagerPath.logs), "engine.log", ), cromwell_jar=cromwell_jar, cromwell_url=cromwell_url, ) try: wm = WorkflowManager.from_janis( submission_id=row.submission_id, tool=workflow, engine=eng, prepared_submission=jobfile, wait=wait, ) Logger.log("Finished starting task") return wm except KeyboardInterrupt:"Exiting...") try: wm.abort() except: pass except Exception as e: # Have to make sure we stop the engine if something happens when creating the task that causes # janis to exit early eng.stop_engine() raise e return wm
def init_template( templatename, stream=None, unparsed_init_args=None, output_location=None, force=False, ): """ :param templatename: :param force: :return: """ import ruamel.yaml outpath = fully_qualify_filename(output_location or EnvVariables.config_path.resolve(True)) cached_outd = None def get_config(): """ This is here to lazily instantiate the config """ nonlocal cached_outd if not cached_outd: outd = JanisConfiguration.default() if templatename: tmpl = janistemplates.get_template(templatename) schema = janistemplates.get_schema_for_template(tmpl) mapped_schema_to_default = { s.identifier: s.default for s in schema if s.default is not None } # parse extra params description = dedent(tmpl.__doc__) if tmpl.__doc__ else None parser = InitArgParser(templatename, schema, description=description) parsed = parser.parse_args(unparsed_init_args) try: # "easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" keys_to_skip = set(tmpl.ignore_init_keys) except AttributeError: Logger.log( f"Template '{templatename}' didn't have 'ignore_init_keys'" ) keys_to_skip = set() outd["engine"] = EngineType.cromwell outd["template"] = { parsed.get(, mapped_schema_to_default.get( for s in schema if (s.identifier in parsed) or ( s.identifier in mapped_schema_to_default and s.identifier not in keys_to_skip) } outd["template"]["id"] = templatename cached_outd = stringify_dict_keys_or_return_value(outd) return cached_outd if any(k in unparsed_init_args for k in ("-h", "--help")): get_config() does_exist = os.path.exists(outpath) if does_exist and not force: f"Janis will skip writing config as file exists at: '{outpath}'") else: if does_exist:"Overwriting template at '{outpath}'") else:"Saving Janis config to '{outpath}'") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outpath), exist_ok=True) val = get_config() with open(outpath, "w+") as configpath: ruamel.yaml.dump(val, configpath, default_flow_style=False) if stream: ruamel.yaml.dump(get_config(), sys.stdout, default_flow_style=False)
def fromjanis( workflow: Union[str, j.Tool, Type[j.Tool]], name: str = None, engine: Union[str, Engine] = None, filescheme: Union[str, FileScheme] = LocalFileScheme(), validation_reqs=None, batchrun_reqs=None, hints: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, output_dir: Optional[str] = None, dryrun: bool = False, inputs: Union[str, dict] = None, required_inputs: dict = None, watch=True, max_cores=None, max_memory=None, force=False, keep_intermediate_files=False, recipes=None, run_in_background=True, run_in_foreground=None, dbconfig=None, only_toolbox=False, no_store=False, allow_empty_container=False, check_files=True, container_override: dict = None, **kwargs, ): cm = ConfigManager.manager() jc = JanisConfiguration.manager() wf: Optional[Tool] = resolve_tool( tool=workflow, name=name, from_toolshed=True, only_toolbox=only_toolbox, force=force, ) if not wf: raise Exception("Couldn't find workflow with name: " + str(workflow)) # if isinstance(tool, j.CommandTool): # tool = tool.wrapped_in_wf() # elif isinstance(tool, j.CodeTool): # tool = tool.wrapped_in_wf() # organise inputs inputsdict = {} if recipes: valuesfromrecipe = inputsdict.update(valuesfromrecipe) inputsdict.update( cascade_inputs( wf=wf, inputs=inputs, required_inputs=required_inputs, batchrun_options=batchrun_reqs, )) row = cm.create_task_base(wf, outdir=output_dir, store_in_centraldb=not no_store) print(row.wid, file=sys.stdout) engine = engine or jc.engine eng = get_engine_from_eng( engine, wid=row.wid, execdir=WorkflowManager.get_path_for_component_and_dir( row.outputdir, WorkflowManager.WorkflowManagerPath.execution), confdir=WorkflowManager.get_path_for_component_and_dir( row.outputdir, WorkflowManager.WorkflowManagerPath.configuration), logfile=os.path.join( WorkflowManager.get_path_for_component_and_dir( row.outputdir, WorkflowManager.WorkflowManagerPath.logs), "engine.log", ), watch=watch, **kwargs, ) fs = get_filescheme_from_fs(filescheme, **kwargs) environment = Environment(f"custom_{}", eng, fs) try: # Note: run_in_foreground can be None, so # (not (run_in_foreground is True)) != (run_in_foreground is False) should_run_in_background = (run_in_background is True or jc.run_in_background is True ) and not (run_in_foreground is True) tm = cm.start_task( wid=row.wid, tool=wf, environment=environment, validation_requirements=validation_reqs, batchrun_requirements=batchrun_reqs, task_path=row.outputdir, hints=hints, inputs_dict=inputsdict, dryrun=dryrun, watch=watch, max_cores=max_cores, max_memory=max_memory, keep_intermediate_files=keep_intermediate_files, run_in_background=should_run_in_background, dbconfig=dbconfig, allow_empty_container=allow_empty_container, container_override=container_override, check_files=check_files, ) Logger.log("Finished starting task task") return tm except KeyboardInterrupt:"Exiting...") except Exception as e: # Have to make sure we stop the engine if something happens when creating the task that causes # janis to exit early environment.engine.stop_engine() raise e