def _get_deflate_data(deflater): buf = jarray.zeros(1024, 'b') sb = lang.StringBuffer() while not deflater.finished(): l = deflater.deflate(buf) if l == 0: break sb.append(lang.String(buf, 0, 0, l)) return sb.toString()
def _toXML(filter, pretty=True, version=1.0): """ Encodes a filter object as XML. """ ogc, ogcconfig = _ogc(version) e = Encoder(ogcconfig) e.indenting = pretty e.omitXMLDeclaration = True out = io.ByteArrayOutputStream() e.encode(filter, ogc.Filter, out) return str(lang.String(out.toByteArray()))
def toInputStream(o): if isinstance(o, (io.InputStream, io.Reader, file)): return o f = toFile(o) if isinstance(f, io.File) and f.exists(): return io.FileInputStream(f) if isinstance(o, (str, unicode)): return io.ByteArrayInputStream(lang.String(o).getBytes()) if type(o).__name__ == 'array': return io.ByteArrayInputStream(o)
def _get_inflate_data(inflater, max_length=0): buf = jarray.zeros(1024, 'b') sb = lang.StringBuffer() total = 0 while not inflater.finished(): if max_length: l = inflater.inflate(buf, 0, min(1024, max_length - total)) else: l = inflater.inflate(buf) if l == 0: break total += l sb.append(lang.String(buf, 0, 0, l)) if max_length and total == max_length: break return sb.toString()
def sendStringToPrinter( self, data , type = jprint.DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.TEXT_PLAIN_HOST ): hatt = jatt.HashDocAttributeSet() type = jprint.DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE bais = jlang.String( data ).getBytes( "US-ASCII" ) ) sdoc = jprint.SimpleDoc( bais, type , hatt ) pservices = jprint.PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices( type , hatt ) print pservices if pservices: hpattset = jatt.HashPrintRequestAttributeSet() ps = jprint.ServiceUI.printDialog( None, 50, 50, pservices, pservices[ 0 ], type , hpattset ) if ps: dpj = ps.createPrintJob() dpj.addPrintJobListener( self.PrintJobReporter() ) try: dpj.print( sdoc, hpattset ) except jlang.Exception, x: "Could not execute print job", color='red' )
def findXpathNodes(self, xmlAsText, xpathExpr): xmlText = InputSource( ByteArrayInputStream(lang.String(xmlAsText).getBytes())) docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance() docBuilderFactory.setValidating(0) docBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(0) docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder() doc = docBuilder.parse(xmlText) xpathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance() xPath = xpathFactory.newXPath() expr = xPath.compile(xpathExpr) nodeList = expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET) nodeCount = nodeList.getLength() count = 0 xpathNodes = [] while count < nodeCount: xpathNodes.append(nodeList.item(count)) count = count + 1 return xpathNodes
# In fact it is easy for users to write their own Scannables (like VM's in JCLAM or Pseudo Motors in SPEC). To do this, a minimum of only three methods need to be written - so its quick to write them. # Scannables have levels so they are operated in order during a scan. # Scannables can be set to be 'default' (see the add default above) so they are implicitly operated in every scan. #The data points from each scan will be shown in the display. To have each scan plot to a brand new graph, then check the tick box at the bottom of the plotting area on the Terminal tab #==================== Using Java from Jython ========================================== #import Java packages as needed import java.lang as lang #Invoke the Java static method: lang.System.out.println("Hello Jython from Java"); #Create Java instance the same way as create Python object, without using the Java new keyword myStr = lang.String("Zot"); #The Java method can be invoked in two way: #1. bounded way print myStr.startsWith("Z") #2. Unbounded way print lang.String.startsWith(myStr, "Z"); #jarrays import jarray x=jarray.zeros(200,"i"); print x; import java.lang.Math y=java.lang.Math.sqrt(256);
def to10dash1(action_code, sample_id, specs, instrument_analysis_date, analysis_lab_id="N", srm_id="IIIE", pkg_lab_id="N", instrument="E", instrument_number="2", spot_size="5", operator="NWMR", spectrometer="EDS15", comment={}): """to10dash1( action_code, sample_id, specs, instrument_analysis_date, analysis_lab_id="N", srm_id="IIIE", pkg_lab_id="N", instrument="I", instrument_number="1", spot_size="5", operator="NWMR", spectrometer="EDS15", comment={} ) * action_code = "N", "R" or "D" * sample_id unique id * specs = selected() or a list of spectra * instrument_analysis_date = "10-DEC-2020" or equivalent for date of acquisition * srm_id = "IIIX" where "X" is the letter of your block * pkg_lab and analysis_lab_id = your lab ID letter * instrument - Instrument id * spot_size a number in unspecified units as a string * operator = "Your initials" * spectrometer = the spectrometer ID * comment = { element("Fe"):"Eat more iron", element("Si"):"Sillycone" } or similar The function prints a line per element for each element in the "MicroanalyticalComposition" property of the selected spectra. The selected spectra are assumed to come from the same material. The "_error" columns reflect the standard deviation between the spectra not the single spectrum uncertainty.""" def savg(vals): s = 0.0 for val in vals: s = s + val return s / len(vals) def sstd(vals): s, s2 = savg(vals), 0.0 for val in vals: s2 += (val - s) * (val - s) return jl.Math.sqrt(s2 / len(vals)) elms = ju.TreeSet() props = specs[0].getProperties() e0 = props.getNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.BeamEnergy) beam_current = "%0.3f" % (props.getNumericProperty( epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayBegin), ) for spec in specs: mat = spec.getProperties().getObjectProperty( epq.SpectrumProperties.MicroanalyticalComposition) elms.addAll(mat.getElementSet()) for elm in elms: comment.setifabsent(elm, "") wfa, afa, ks, cr = {}, {}, {}, [] for spec in specs: props = spec.getProperties() mat = props.getObjectProperty( epq.SpectrumProperties.MicroanalyticalComposition) krs = props.getObjectProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.OptimalKRatios) cr.append( epq.SpectrumUtils.integrate(spec, 100.0, 1000.0 * e0) / props.getNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.LiveTime)) for elm in elms: wfa.setifabsent(elm, []), afa.setifabsent(elm, []), ks.setifabsent(elm, []), wfa[elm].append(mat.weightFraction(elm, False)) afa[elm].append(mat.atomicPercent(elm)) xrts = krs.optimalDatum(elm) ks[elm].append(krs.getKRatio(xrts) if xrts != None else 0.0) full = "" for elm in elms: weight_percent = "%0.2f" % (100.0 * savg(wfa[elm]), ) weight_percent_error = "%0.2f" % (100.0 * sstd(wfa[elm]), ) atom_percent = "%0.2f" % (100.0 * savg(afa[elm]), ) atom_percent_error = "%0.2f" % (100.0 * sstd(afa[elm]), ) amount = ("MAJOR" if weight_percent > 10.0 else ("MINOR" if weight_percent > 1.0 else "TRACE")) k_value = "%0.4f" % (savg(ks[elm]), ) normalization_factor = "" normalization_model = "" count_rate = "%0.0f" % (savg(cr)) diffracting_crystal = "NA" incident_beam_energy = "%0.1f" % (e0, ) star_elemental_comments = comment[elm] element = str(jl.String(elm.toAbbrev()).toUpperCase()) item = (action_code, sample_id, srm_id, pkg_lab_id, analysis_lab_id, element, instrument, instrument_number, instrument_analysis_date, operator, weight_percent, weight_percent_error, atom_percent, atom_percent_error, amount, k_value, normalization_factor, normalization_model, count_rate, diffracting_crystal, spectrometer, e0, beam_current, spot_size, star_elemental_comments) res = "%1s%07i %-6s %1s %1s %-3s %-2s %-3s %-11s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %5s %12s %12s %3s %12s %-6s %5s %4s %5s %5s %s" % item full = "%s%s\n" % (full, res) print(res) return full[0:-1]