def process(self): print " * formData=%s" % formData result = "{}" portalManager = Services.getPortalManager() portal = portalManager.get(portalId) func = formData.get("func") if func == "view-update": portal.setDescription(formData.get("view-description")) portal.setQuery(formData.get("view-query")) portal.setSearchQuery(formData.get("view-search-query")) print " *** ", formData.get("view-records-per-page") portal.setRecordsPerPage(int(formData.get("view-records-per-page"))) portal.setFacetCount(int(formData.get("view-facet-count"))) portal.setFacetSort(formData.get("view-facet-sort") is not None) elif func == "general-update": config = JsonConfig() email = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(formData.get("general-email")) systemEmail = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(config.get("email")) print email, systemEmail if systemEmail != email: config.set("email", formData.get("general-email"), True) config.set("configured", "true", True), True) # mark restart Services.getHouseKeepingManager().requestUrgentRestart() else: print " * email not updated: did not change" self.throw_error("Email address is the same! No change saved.") elif func == "facets-update": portal.removePath("portal/facet-fields") fields = formData.getValues("field") labels = formData.getValues("label") displays = formData.getValues("display") deletes = formData.getValues("delete") for i in range(0, len(fields)): field = fields[i] if deletes[i] == "false": portal.set("portal/facet-fields/%s/label" % field, labels[i]) portal.set("portal/facet-fields/%s/display" % field, displays[i]) elif func == "backup-update": pathIds = formData.get("pathIds").split(",") actives = formData.getValues("backup-active") deletes = formData.getValues("backup-delete") if actives is None: actives = [] # renditions = formData.getValues("backup-rendition") # if renditions is None: # renditions = [] queries = formData.getValues("backup-queries") if queries is None: queries = [] paths = HashMap() for pathId in pathIds: if deletes is None or pathId not in deletes: path = formData.get("%s-path" % pathId) pathName = path.replace("/", "_").replace("${user.home}", "") active = str(pathId in actives).lower() # rendition = str(pathId in renditions).lower() query = str(pathId in queries).lower() ignoreFilter = formData.get("%s-ignore" % pathId) json = HashMap() json.put("path", path) json.put("active", active) json.put("include-portal-query", query) json.put("ignoreFilter", ignoreFilter) storage = HashMap() storage.put("type", "file-system") filesystem = HashMap() filesystem.put("home", path) filesystem.put("use-link", "false") storage.put("file-system", filesystem) json.put("storage", storage) paths.put(pathName, json) # reset the path first portal.setMap("portal/backup/paths", HashMap()) portal.setMultiMap("portal/backup/paths", paths) elif func == "watcher-update": configFile = self.getWatcherFile() if configFile is not None: pathIds = formData.get("pathIds").split(",") actives = formData.getValues("watcher-active") if actives is None: actives = [] deletes = formData.getValues("watcher-delete") if deletes is None: deletes = [] watchDirs = HashMap() for pathId in pathIds: if pathId not in deletes: path = formData.get("%s-path" % pathId) stopped = str(pathId not in actives).lower() watchDir = HashMap() watchDir.put("ignoreFileFilter", formData.get("%s-file" % pathId)) watchDir.put("ignoreDirectories", formData.get("%s-dir" % pathId)) watchDir.put("cxtTags", []) watchDir.put("stopped", stopped) watchDirs.put(path, watchDir) json = JsonConfigHelper(self.getWatcherFile()) json.setMap("watcher/watchDirs", watchDirs), True) else: result = "The Watcher is not installed properly." elif func == "restore-default-config": # backup the file JsonConfig.backupSystemFile() # delete the file JsonConfig.getSystemFile().delete() # restore default JsonConfig.getSystemFile() # mark restart Services.getHouseKeepingManager().requestUrgentRestart() elif func == "housekeeping-update": config = JsonConfig() freq = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(formData.get("housekeeping-timeout")) systemFreq = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(config.get("portal/houseKeeping/config/frequency")) result = "House Keeper refreshed" if systemFreq != freq: config.set("portal/houseKeeping/config/frequency", freq, True), True) result = "Frequency updated, refreshing House Keeper" # Refresh the HouseKeeper message = JsonConfigHelper() message.set("type", "refresh") Services.getHouseKeepingManager().sendMessage(message.toString()) self.writer.println(result) self.writer.close()
def __init__(self): print " * formData=%s" % formData result = "{}" portalManager = Services.getPortalManager() portal = portalManager.get(portalId) func = formData.get("func") if func == "view-update": portal.setDescription(formData.get("view-description")) portal.setQuery(formData.get("view-query")) portal.setSearchQuery(formData.get("view-search-query")) print " *** ", formData.get("view-records-per-page") portal.setRecordsPerPage(int(formData.get("view-records-per-page"))) portal.setFacetCount(int(formData.get("view-facet-count"))) portal.setFacetSort(formData.get("view-facet-sort") is not None) elif func == "general-update": config = JsonConfig() email = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(formData.get("general-email")) systemEmail = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(config.get("email")) print email, systemEmail if systemEmail != email: config.set("email", formData.get("general-email"), True) config.set("configured", "true", True), True) # mark restart sessionState.set("need-restart", "true") else: print " * email not updated: did not change" elif func == "facets-update": portal.removePath("portal/facet-fields") fields = formData.getValues("field") labels = formData.getValues("label") displays = formData.getValues("display") deletes = formData.getValues("delete") for i in range(0, len(fields)): field = fields[i] if deletes[i] == "false": portal.set("portal/facet-fields/%s/label" % field, labels[i]) portal.set("portal/facet-fields/%s/display" % field, displays[i]) elif func == "backup-update": pathIds = formData.get("pathIds").split(",") actives = formData.getValues("backup-active") deletes = formData.getValues("backup-delete") if actives is None: actives = [] #renditions = formData.getValues("backup-rendition") #if renditions is None: # renditions = [] views = formData.getValues("backup-view") if views is None: views = [] paths = HashMap() for pathId in pathIds: if deletes is None or pathId not in deletes: path = formData.get("%s-path" % pathId) pathName = path.replace("/", "_").replace("${user.home}", "") active = str(pathId in actives).lower() #rendition = str(pathId in renditions).lower() view = str(pathId in views).lower() ignoreFilter = formData.get("%s-ignore" % pathId) json = HashMap() json.put("path", path) json.put("active", active) json.put("include-portal-view", view) json.put("ignoreFilter", ignoreFilter) storage = HashMap() storage.put("type", "file-system") filesystem = HashMap() filesystem.put("home", path) filesystem.put("use-link", "false") storage.put("file-system", filesystem) json.put("storage", storage) paths.put(pathName, json) # reset the path first portal.setMap("portal/backup/paths", HashMap()) portal.setMultiMap("portal/backup/paths", paths) elif func == "watcher-update": configFile = self.getWatcherFile() if configFile is not None: pathIds = formData.get("pathIds").split(",") actives = formData.getValues("watcher-active") if actives is None: actives = [] deletes = formData.getValues("watcher-delete") if deletes is None: deletes = [] watchDirs = HashMap() for pathId in pathIds: if pathId not in deletes: path = formData.get("%s-path" % pathId) stopped = str(pathId not in actives).lower() watchDir = HashMap() watchDir.put("ignoreFileFilter", formData.get("%s-file" % pathId)) watchDir.put("ignoreDirectories", formData.get("%s-dir" % pathId)) watchDir.put("cxtTags", []) watchDir.put("stopped", stopped) watchDirs.put(path, watchDir) json = JsonConfigHelper(self.getWatcherFile()) json.setMap("watcher/watchDirs", watchDirs), True) else: result = "The Watcher is not installed properly." elif func == "restore-default-config": # delete the file JsonConfig.getSystemFile().delete() # restore default JsonConfig.getSystemFile() # mark restart sessionState.set("need-restart", "true") writer = response.getPrintWriter("text/plain; charset=UTF-8") writer.println(result) writer.close()