コード例 #1
def test_validate_pipeline_generator(pipeline, sdc_executor):
    bundle = sdc_executor.get_bundle(['PipelineContentGenerator'])

    # Manifest must contain the generator
    with bundle.open('generators.properties') as zip_file:
        p = Properties()
        assert p.get('com.streamsets.datacollector.bundles.content.PipelineContentGenerator') is not None
        assert p.get('com.streamsets.datacollector.bundles.content.LogContentGenerator') is None
        assert p.get('com.streamsets.datacollector.bundles.content.SdcInfoContentGenerator') is None

    # We should have pipeline in the bundle that we should be able to easily import to the SDC again
    with bundle.open(f'com.streamsets.datacollector.bundles.content.PipelineContentGenerator/'
                     f'{pipeline.id}/pipeline.json') as raw:
        bundle_json = json.loads(raw.read().decode())
        bundle_pipeline = sdc_models.Pipeline(pipeline=bundle_json)
        # We need to "reset" the name, otherwise import will fail
        bundle_pipeline.id = str(uuid4())

    # History have a known structure as the pipeline have not run yet
    with bundle.open(f'com.streamsets.datacollector.bundles.content.PipelineContentGenerator/'
                     f'{pipeline.id}/history.json') as raw:
        bundle_json = json.loads(raw.read().decode())
        bundle_history = sdc_models.History(bundle_json)
        assert len(bundle_history) == 1

        entry = bundle_history.latest
        assert entry['user'] == 'admin'

    # Validate existence of some other files
    assert (f'com.streamsets.datacollector.bundles.content.PipelineContentGenerator/{pipeline.id}/info.json'
            in bundle.namelist())
    assert (f'com.streamsets.datacollector.bundles.content.PipelineContentGenerator/{pipeline.id}/offset.json'
            in bundle.namelist())
コード例 #2
def test_generate_new_bundle(sdc_executor):
    bundle = sdc_executor.get_bundle()

    # The manifest is created last and contains all the generators
    with bundle.open('generators.properties') as zip_file:
        p = Properties()

        # Default bundle should have the "default" generators
        assert p.get(
        ) is not None
        assert p.get(
        ) is not None
        assert p.get(
        ) is not None

        # And should have generators that user needs to explicitly allow
        assert p.get(
        ) is None

        # Negative case
        assert p.get(
        ) is None
コード例 #3
def test_validate_log_generator(sdc_executor):
    bundle = sdc_executor.get_bundle(['LogContentGenerator'])

    # Manifest must contain the generator
    with bundle.open('generators.properties') as zip_file:
        p = Properties()
        assert p.get(
        ) is not None
        assert p.get(
        ) is None
        assert p.get(
        ) is None

    # Main log
    with bundle.open(
    ) as raw:
        log = raw.read().decode()

        assert "Main - Build info" in log
        assert "Main - Runtime info" in log
        assert "Main - Starting" in log

    # We're fine with just validating that gc log is indeed there
    assert 'com.streamsets.datacollector.bundles.content.LogContentGenerator//gc.log' in bundle.namelist(
コード例 #4
def test_validate_snapshot_generator(pipeline, sdc_executor):
    generator = 'com.streamsets.datacollector.bundles.content.SnapshotGenerator'

    # Generate at least one snapshot
    snapshot = sdc_executor.capture_snapshot(pipeline,

    assert snapshot is not None

    bundle = sdc_executor.get_bundle(['SnapshotGenerator'])

    # Manifest must contain the generator
    with bundle.open('generators.properties') as zip_file:
        p = Properties()
        assert p.get(
        ) is not None

    with bundle.open('{}/{}/{}/output.json'.format(
            generator, pipeline.id, snapshot.snapshot_name)) as raw:
        bundle_json = json.loads(raw.read().decode())
        bundle_snapshot = sdc_models.Snapshot(pipeline.id,

        assert len(bundle_snapshot) == 1
        assert len(
            bundle_snapshot[pipeline.origin_stage.instance_name].output) == 10

    assert '{}/{}/{}/info.json'.format(
        generator, pipeline.id, snapshot.snapshot_name) in bundle.namelist()
コード例 #5
def test_validate_redaction(sdc_executor):
    bundle = sdc_executor.get_bundle()

    # Redaction in files
    with bundle.open('com.streamsets.datacollector.bundles.content.SdcInfoContentGenerator/conf/sdc.properties') as raw:
        p = Properties()
        assert p.get('https.keystore.password') == 'REDACTED'
コード例 #6
def test_validate_sdc_info_generator(sdc_executor):
    bundle = sdc_executor.get_bundle(['SdcInfoContentGenerator'])
    bundle_file_root = 'com.streamsets.datacollector.bundles.content.SdcInfoContentGenerator'

    # Manifest must contain the generator
    with bundle.open('generators.properties') as zip_file:
        p = Properties()
        assert p.get(
        ) is not None
        assert p.get(
        ) is None
        assert p.get(
        ) is None

    with bundle.open(f'{bundle_file_root}/properties/build.properties') as raw:
        p = Properties()
        assert p.get('version') is not None

    with bundle.open(
            f'{bundle_file_root}/properties/system.properties') as raw:
        p = Properties()
        assert p.get('os.name') is not None
        assert p.get('java.vm.version') is not None
        assert p.get('sdc.hostname') is not None

    with bundle.open(f'{bundle_file_root}/conf/sdc.properties') as raw:
        p = Properties()
        assert p.get('https.keystore.password') is not None

    # We're fine with just validating existence of some other files
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/dir_listing/conf.txt' in bundle.namelist()
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/dir_listing/resource.txt' in bundle.namelist()
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/dir_listing/data.txt' in bundle.namelist()
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/dir_listing/log.txt' in bundle.namelist()
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/dir_listing/lib_extra.txt' in bundle.namelist()
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/dir_listing/stagelibs.txt' in bundle.namelist()
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/conf/sdc-log4j.properties' in bundle.namelist()
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/conf/dpm.properties' in bundle.namelist()
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/conf/ldap-login.conf' in bundle.namelist()
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/conf/sdc-security.policy' in bundle.namelist()
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/libexec/sdc-env.sh' in bundle.namelist()
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/libexec/sdcd-env.sh' in bundle.namelist()
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/runtime/threads.txt' in bundle.namelist()
    assert f'{bundle_file_root}/runtime/jmx.json' in bundle.namelist()