コード例 #1
ファイル: networks_jax.py プロジェクト: jrieke/learning-algos
    def update(self, x, y_true, params, averager=None):
        # Run forward pass.
        z1, h1, z2, h2 = self.forward(x, params, return_activations=True)

        # Compute errors for each layer (= gradient of cost w.r.t layer input).
        e2 = h2 - y_true  # gradient through cross entropy loss
        e1 = d_sigmoid(z1) * (e2 @ (np.abs(self.V2) * np.sign(self.W2.T))
                              )  # gradient backpropagation

        # Using these errors, compute gradients of cost w.r.t. parameters.
        grad_b1 = e1
        grad_b2 = e2
        grad_W1 = np.outer(x, e1)  # np.outer creates a matrix from two vectors
        grad_W2 = np.outer(h1, e2)

        # Update parameters.
        self.b1 -= params['lr'] * grad_b1
        self.b2 -= params['lr'] * grad_b2
        self.W1 -= params['lr'] * grad_W1
        self.W2 -= params['lr'] * grad_W2

                    (np.abs(self.V2) * np.sign(self.W2.T)).flatten(),

        return h2
コード例 #2
ファイル: networks_jax.py プロジェクト: jrieke/learning-algos
    def update(self, x, y_true, params, averager=None):
        # "Engaged mode": Forward pass on input image, backward pass to adapt forward weights.
        # Run forward pass.
        z1, h1, z2, h2 = self.forward(x, params, return_activations=True)

        # Compute errors for each layer (= gradient of cost w.r.t layer input).
        e2 = h2 - y_true  # gradient through cross entropy loss
        e1 = d_sigmoid(z1) * (e2 @ self.V2)  # gradient backpropagation

        # Compute gradients of cost w.r.t. parameters.
        grad_b1 = e1
        grad_b2 = e2
        grad_W1 = np.outer(x, e1)  # np.outer creates a matrix from two vectors
        grad_W2 = np.outer(h1, e2)

        # Update parameters.
        self.b1 -= params['lr_forward'] * grad_b1
        self.b2 -= params['lr_forward'] * grad_b2
        self.W1 -= params['lr_forward'] * grad_W1
        self.W2 -= params['lr_forward'] * grad_W2

        # "Mirroring mode": Compute activies for random inputs, adapt backward weights.

                utils.angle_between(self.V2.flatten(), self.W2.T.flatten())))
        averager.add('backward_mean', np.mean(self.V2.flatten()))

        return h2
コード例 #3
ファイル: networks_jax.py プロジェクト: jrieke/learning-algos
    def update(self, x, y_true, params, averager=None):
        # Run forward pass.
        z1, h1, z2, h2 = self.forward(x, params, return_activations=True)

        # ---------- Phase 1: Compute targets and change feedforward weights. ----------
        # --------------------- (-> activations approximate targets) -------------------
        # Compute final layer target and backpropagate it.
        h2_target = h2 - params['lr_final'] * (
            h2 - y_true
        )  # Use the activation given by normal (local!) gradient descent as the last layer target. This is a smoother version than using y_true directly as the target.
        z1_target = h2_target @ self.V2 + self.c2  # Backpropagate the targets.
        h1_target = sigmoid(z1_target)

        # Compute (local) forward losses.
        L1 = mean_squared_error(h1, h1_target)
        L2 = mean_squared_error(h2, h2_target)
        averager.add('L1', L1)
        averager.add('L2', L2)

        # Compute gradients of forward losses w.r.t. forward parameters.
        dL1_db1 = 2 * (h1 - h1_target) * d_sigmoid(z1)
        dL1_dW1 = 2 * (h1 - h1_target) * np.outer(
            x, d_sigmoid(z1))  # TODO: Simply by reusing dL1_db1.
        dL2_db2 = 2 * (h2 - h2_target) * d_sigmoid(z2)
        dL2_dW2 = 2 * (h2 - h2_target) * np.outer(h1, d_sigmoid(z2))

        # Update forward parameters.
        self.b1 -= params['lr_forward'] * dL1_db1
        self.W1 -= params['lr_forward'] * dL1_dW1
        self.b2 -= params['lr_forward'] * dL2_db2
        self.W2 -= params['lr_forward'] * dL2_dW2

        # ---------- Phase 2: Compute reconstructed activations and change feedback weights. ----------
        # ------------- (-> backward function approximates inverse of forward function) ---------------
        # Compute reconstructed activations (here we only have one feedback connection).
        z1_reconstructed = h2 @ self.V2 + self.c2
        h1_reconstructed = sigmoid(z1_reconstructed)

        # Compute reconstruction loss.
        L_rec1 = mean_squared_error(h1, h1_reconstructed)
        averager.add('L_rec1', L_rec1)

        # Compute gradients of reconstruction loss w.r.t. forward parameters.
        dL_rec1_dc2 = 2 * (h1_reconstructed - h1) * d_sigmoid(z1_reconstructed)
        dL_rec1_dV2 = 2 * (h1_reconstructed - h1) * np.outer(
            h2, d_sigmoid(z1_reconstructed))

        # Update backward parameters.
        self.c2 -= params['lr_backward'] * dL_rec1_dc2
        self.V2 -= params['lr_backward'] * dL_rec1_dV2

                utils.angle_between(self.V2.flatten(), self.W2.T.flatten())))
        averager.add('backward_mean', np.mean(self.V2.flatten()))

        return h2
コード例 #4
def rad2deg(x):
  if isinstance(x, JaxArray): x = x.value
  return JaxArray(jnp.rad2deg(x))
コード例 #5
ファイル: instrument.py プロジェクト: quesmax/morphine
    def _get_optical_system(self,
        """ Return an OpticalSystem instance corresponding to the instrument as currently configured.

        When creating such an OpticalSystem, you must specify the parameters needed to define the
        desired sampling, specifically the oversampling and field of view.


        fft_oversample : int
            Oversampling factor for intermediate plane calculations. Default is 2
        detector_oversample: int, optional
            By default the detector oversampling is equal to the intermediate calculation oversampling.
            If you wish to use a different value for the detector, set this parameter.
            Note that if you just want images at detector pixel resolution you will achieve higher fidelity
            by still using some oversampling (i.e. *not* setting `oversample_detector=1`) and instead rebinning
            down the oversampled data.
        fov_pixels : float
            Field of view in pixels. Overrides fov_arcsec if both set.
        fov_arcsec : float
            Field of view, in arcseconds. Default is 2
        options : dict
            Other arbitrary options for optical system creation

        osys : morphine.OpticalSystem
            an optical system instance representing the desired configuration.


        morphine_core._log.info("Creating optical system model:")

        if detector_oversample is None:
            detector_oversample = fft_oversample
        if options is None:
            options = dict()

        morphine_core._log.debug("Oversample: %d  %d " %
                                 (fft_oversample, detector_oversample))
        optsys = morphine_core.OpticalSystem(name=self.name,

        if 'source_offset_x' in options or 'source_offset_y' in options:
            if 'source_offset_r' in options:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Cannot set source offset using source_offset_x and source_offset_y"
                    + " at the same time as source_offset_r")
            offx = options.get('source_offset_x', 0)
            offy = options.get('source_offset_y', 0)
            optsys.source_offset_r = np.sqrt(offx**2 + offy**2)
            optsys.source_offset_theta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-offx, offy))
                "Source offset from X,Y = ({}, {}) is (r,theta) = {},{}".
                format(offx, offy, optsys.source_offset_r,
            if 'source_offset_r' in options:
                optsys.source_offset_r = options['source_offset_r']
            if 'source_offset_theta' in options:
                optsys.source_offset_theta = options['source_offset_theta']
            _log.debug("Source offset is (r,theta) = {},{}".format(
                optsys.source_offset_r, optsys.source_offset_theta))

        # ---- set pupil intensity
        pupil_optic = None  # no optic yet defined
        if isinstance(
                morphine_core.OpticalElement):  # do we already have an object?
            pupil_optic = self.pupil
            full_pupil_path = None
        elif isinstance(self.pupil, str):  # simple filename
            if os.path.exists(self.pupil):
                full_pupil_path = self.pupil
                raise IOError("File not found: " + full_pupil_path)
        elif isinstance(self.pupil,
                        fits.HDUList):  # pupil supplied as FITS HDUList object
            full_pupil_path = self.pupil
            raise TypeError("Not sure what to do with a pupil of that type:" +

        # ---- set pupil OPD
        if isinstance(self.pupilopd, str):  # simple filename
            full_opd_path = self.pupilopd if os.path.exists(
                self.pupilopd) else os.path.join(self._datapath, "OPD",
        elif hasattr(self.pupilopd, '__getitem__') and isinstance(
                self.pupilopd[0], str):  # tuple with filename and slice
            full_opd_path = (self.pupilopd[0] if os.path.exists(
                self.pupilopd[0]) else os.path.join(
                    self._datapath, "OPD", self.pupilopd[0]), self.pupilopd[1])
        elif isinstance(self.pupilopd,
                        fits.HDUList):  # OPD supplied as FITS HDUList object
            full_opd_path = self.pupilopd  # not a path per se but this works correctly to pass it to morphine
        elif self.pupilopd is None:
            full_opd_path = None
            raise TypeError(
                "Not sure what to do with a pupilopd of that type:" +

        # ---- apply pupil intensity and OPD to the optical model
        optsys.add_pupil(name='Entrance Pupil',

        # Allow instrument subclass to add field-dependent aberrations
        aberration_optic = self._get_aberrations()
        if aberration_optic is not None:

        # --- add the detector element.
        if fov_pixels is None:
            fov_pixels = np.round(fov_arcsec / self.pixelscale)
            if 'parity' in self.options:
                if self.options['parity'].lower() == 'odd' and np.remainder(
                        fov_pixels, 2) == 0:
                    fov_pixels += 1
                if self.options['parity'].lower() == 'even' and np.remainder(
                        fov_pixels, 2) == 1:
                    fov_pixels += 1

                            name=self.name + " detector")

        return optsys