コード例 #1
    def cl(ell):
        def integrand(a):
            # Step 1: retrieve the associated comoving distance
            chi = bkgrd.radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, a)

            # Step 2: get the power spectrum for this combination of chi and a
            k = (ell + 0.5) / np.clip(chi, 1.0)

            # pk should have shape [na]
            pk = power.nonlinear_matter_power(cosmo, k, a, transfer_fn,

            # Compute the kernels for all probes
            kernels = np.vstack([p.kernel(cosmo, a2z(a), ell) for p in probes])

            # Define an ordering for the blocks of the signal vector
            cl_index = np.array(_get_cl_ordering(probes))

            # Compute all combinations of tracers
            def combine_kernels(inds):
                return kernels[inds[0]] * kernels[inds[1]]

            # Now kernels has shape [ncls, na]
            kernels = lax.map(combine_kernels, cl_index)

            result = pk * kernels * bkgrd.dchioverda(cosmo, a) / np.clip(
                chi**2, 1.0)

            # We transpose the result just to make sure that na is first
            return result.T

        return simps(integrand, z2a(zmax), 1.0, 512) / const.c**2
コード例 #2
def weak_lensing_kernel(cosmo, pzs, z, ell):
    Returns a weak lensing kernel
    z = np.atleast_1d(z)
    zmax = max([pz.zmax for pz in pzs])
    # Retrieve comoving distance corresponding to z
    chi = bkgrd.radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, z2a(z))

    def integrand(z_prime):
        chi_prime = bkgrd.radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, z2a(z_prime))
        # Stack the dndz of all redshift bins
        dndz = np.stack([pz(z_prime) for pz in pzs], axis=0)
        return dndz * np.clip(chi_prime - chi, 0) / np.clip(chi_prime, 1.0)

    # Computes the radial weak lensing kernel
    radial_kernel = np.squeeze(
        simps(integrand, z, zmax, 256) * (1.0 + z) * chi)
    # Constant term
    constant_factor = 3.0 * const.H0**2 * cosmo.Omega_m / 2.0 / const.c
    # Ell dependent factor
    ell_factor = np.sqrt(
        (ell - 1) * (ell) * (ell + 1) * (ell + 2)) / (ell + 0.5)**2
    return constant_factor * ell_factor * radial_kernel
コード例 #3
def lensing_kernel(cosmo, z, nz):
  Computes the lensing kernel W_L, for a flat universe
  chi = bkgrd.radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, z2a(z))

  def integrand(z_prime):
    chi_prime = bkgrd.radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, z2a(z_prime))
    return  nz(z_prime) * np.clip(chi_prime - chi, 0) / (chi_prime + 1e-5)

  return np.squeeze(simps(integrand, z, nz.zmax, 256))
コード例 #4
def nla_kernel(cosmo, pzs, bias, z, ell):
    Computes the NLA IA kernel
    # stack the dndz of all redshift bins
    dndz = np.stack([pz(z) for pz in pzs], axis=0)
    # Compute radial NLA kernel: same as clustering
    if isinstance(bias, list):
        # This is to handle the case where we get a bin-dependent bias
        b = np.stack([b(cosmo, z) for b in bias], axis=0)
        b = bias(cosmo, z)
    radial_kernel = dndz * b * bkgrd.H(cosmo, z2a(z))
    # Apply common A_IA normalization to the kernel
    # Joachimi et al. (2011), arXiv: 1008.3491, Eq. 6.
    radial_kernel *= (-(5e-14 * const.rhocrit) * cosmo.Omega_m /
                      bkgrd.growth_factor(cosmo, z2a(z)))
    # Constant factor
    constant_factor = 1.0
    # Ell dependent factor
    ell_factor = np.sqrt(
        (ell - 1) * (ell) * (ell + 1) * (ell + 2)) / (ell + 0.5)**2
    return constant_factor * ell_factor * radial_kernel
コード例 #5
def density_kernel(cosmo, pzs, bias, z, ell):
    Computes the number counts density kernel
    # stack the dndz of all redshift bins
    dndz = np.stack([pz(z) for pz in pzs], axis=0)
    # Compute radial NLA kernel: same as clustering
    if isinstance(bias, list):
        # This is to handle the case where we get a bin-dependent bias
        b = np.stack([b(cosmo, z) for b in bias], axis=0)
        b = bias(cosmo, z)
    radial_kernel = dndz * b * bkgrd.H(cosmo, z2a(z))
    # Normalization,
    constant_factor = 1.0
    # Ell dependent factor
    ell_factor = 1.0
    return constant_factor * ell_factor * radial_kernel
コード例 #6
 def integrand(z_prime):
   chi_prime = bkgrd.radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, z2a(z_prime))
   return  nz(z_prime) * np.clip(chi_prime - chi, 0) / (chi_prime + 1e-5)
コード例 #7
 def integrand(z_prime):
     chi_prime = bkgrd.radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, z2a(z_prime))
     # Stack the dndz of all redshift bins
     dndz = np.stack([pz(z_prime) for pz in pzs], axis=0)
     return dndz * np.clip(chi_prime - chi, 0) / np.clip(chi_prime, 1.0)
コード例 #8
ファイル: bias.py プロジェクト: minaskar/jax_cosmo
 def __call__(self, cosmo, z):
     b = self.params[0]
     return b / bkgrd.growth_factor(cosmo, z2a(z))