コード例 #1
def annotate(path):
  midi = representation.MidiFile(path)
  (name, version, track, singletrack) = midi.parsename(midi.name)
  key = '{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(name, version, track)

  parts = ['percussion', 'bass', 'accompaniment', 'melody', None]
  part = None
  choice = -1

  index = rbsearch.load_file('data/realbooks/index.csv')
  hits = rbsearch.find(index, name.replace('_', ' '))

  score = 'No score found'
  if len(hits) > 0:
    score = 'Scores found'

  header = '>>> [{0}]\t[#{1}: {2}]\t[{3}]\t({4})'.format(name, track, midi['1'].name.strip(), midi['1'][1].instrument(), score)
  while choice not in [5, 6]:
    # Show options: play file,don't add to corpus
    choice = commandline.menu(header, ['Play file', 'Annotate', 'View info', 'Drop to shell', 'Search score', 'Save and next', 'Skip', 'Abort'])
    # Play file
    if choice == 0:
    # Annotate
    elif choice == 1:

      part = parts[commandline.menu('Choose value for \'part\' attribute.', parts)]
    # View info
    elif choice == 2:
      print 'Name:\t\t{0}\nPath:\t\t{1}\nInstrument:\t{2}\n'.format(\
        midi.name, path, midi['1'][0].instrument())
    # Drop to shell
    elif choice == 3:
    elif choice == 4:
      if len(hits) == 0:
        print 'Sorry! No score found'
        if raw_input('Would you like to search manually? (y/n) ') == 'y':
          query = raw_input('Search for: ')
          hits2 = rbsearch.find(index, query)
          if len(hits2) == 0:
            print 'No results'
          (song, book) = rbsearch.choose_book(index, hits2)
          rbsearch.view(song, book, 'data/realbooks/songs/')
      (song, book) = rbsearch.choose_book(index, hits)
      rbsearch.view(song, book, 'data/realbooks/songs/')
    # Abort
    elif choice == 7:
      if raw_input('Are you sure? (y/n) ') is 'y':
  if choice == 5:
    return {'path':path, 'part':part}
  if choice == 6:
    return None
コード例 #2
ファイル: rbsearch.py プロジェクト: bjvanderweij/jazz-rhythm
def choose_book(index, results, stdscr=None):
    if stdscr:
        song = results[cgui.menu(stdscr, "Select a song", results)]
        song = results[commandline.menu("Select a song", results)]
    locations = zip(books, index[song])

    bookhits = []
    for book in books:
        if index[song][book]:
    if stdscr:
        book = bookhits[cgui.menu(stdscr, "Select a book", bookhits)]
        book = bookhits[commandline.menu("Select a book", bookhits)]
    return (song, book)
コード例 #3
ファイル: midi.py プロジェクト: bjvanderweij/jazz-rhythm
def selectfile(collection=None, song=None, version=None, track=None):
    level = 1
    midifile = None
    while level > 0 and not midifile:
        if level == 1 and not collection:
            choice = commandline.menu("Choose collection", collections())
            if choice == -1:
                level -= 1
                level += 1
            collection = collections()[choice]
        elif level == 2 and not song:
            choice = commandline.menu("Choose song", songs(collection=collection))
            if choice == -1:
                level -= 1
                collection = None
                level += 1
            song = songs(collection=collection)[choice]
        elif level == 3 and not version:
            choice = commandline.menu("Choose version", versions(song, collection=collection))
            if choice == -1:
                level -= 1
                song = None
                level += 1
            version = versions(song, collection=collection)[choice]
        elif level == 4 and not track:
            singletrack = False
            track = 0
            if len(tracks(song, version, collection=collection)) > 0:
                singletrack = True
                choice = commandline.menu("Choose track", tracks(song, version, collection=collection))
                if choice == -1:
                    level -= 1
                    version = None
                track = tracks(song, version, collection=collection)[choice]
                level += 1
        elif level < 4:
            level += 1
            return load(song, version, track, singletrack, collection=collection)
コード例 #4
ファイル: player.py プロジェクト: bjvanderweij/jazz-rhythm
    def commandline(self):
        seq = self.seq
        inp = ''

        print 'Command line midi player. Type help for a list of commands'
        while inp is not 0 and inp is not 'exit':

            try: inp = raw_input(':')
            except(EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):

            if inp == 'stop':
                seq.control(seq.STOP, None)
            elif inp == 'play' or inp == 'p':
                seq.control(seq.PLAY, None)
            elif inp == 'metricality' or inp == 'm':
            elif inp == 'pause':
                seq.control(seq.PAUSE, None)
            elif inp == 'status' or inp == 's':
                print seq.status
            elif inp == 'h':
                seq.control(seq.SETTIME, seq.time-1)
            elif inp == 'l':
                seq.control(seq.SETTIME, seq.time+1)
            elif inp == 'track' or inp == 't':
                if seq.midifile:
                    choice = commandline.menu('Choose a track',\
                       ['Track #{0}.\tName: {1}\tNumber of notes: {2}'.format(\
                        seq.midifile[t].n, seq.midifile[t].name, len(seq.midifile[t]))\
                        for t in seq.tracklist()])
                    if choice < 0: continue
                    seq.control(seq.LOADTRACK, seq.tracklist()[choice])
            elif inp == 'load' or inp == 'f':
                choice = commandline.menu('Choose a file', sorted(midi.names()))
                if choice < 0: continue
                print 'Loading file'
                seq.control(seq.LOADFILE, midi.loadname(sorted(midi.names())[choice]))
            elif inp == 'output' or inp == 'device' or inp == 'd' or inp == 'o':
                choice = commandline.menu('Choose a midi device', seq.devicelist())
                if choice < 0: continue
                seq.control(seq.SETOUTPUT, choice)
コード例 #5
ファイル: pcfg.py プロジェクト: bjvanderweij/jazz-rhythm
def run():

    directory = os.listdir('.')[commandline.menu('', os.listdir('.'))]
    files = os.listdir(directory)

    standard = re.compile('([a-z_]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+)-[0-9]+')
    standards = {}
    for f in files:
        m = standard.match(f)
        if m:
            name = m.group(0)
            if not name in standards:
                standards[name] = m.group(1)

    for s in standards.keys():
        parses = []
        exp = re.compile('{0}-parse_([0-9])+$'.format(s))
        print s
        for f in files:
            m = exp.match(f)
            if m:
                parses.append((int(m.group(1)), m.group(0)))
        parses = sorted(parses, key=lambda x: x[0])
        print '{0} parses found.'.format(len(parses))
        symbols = []
        results = []
        for (number, parse) in parses:
            S = pickle.load(open('{0}/{1}'.format(directory, parse)))
            p = probability(S, model)
            results.append((p, number))
            print 'Parse {0}: {1}'.format(number, p)
        if len(results) > 0:
            print 'Best parse: {0}'.format(max(results, key=lambda x: x[0]))
        while True:
            choice = -1
            if len(results) > 1:
                choice = commandline.menu('View tree?', [str(result[0]) for result in results])
            if choice == -1:
            os.system('evince "{0}/{1}"'.format(directory, '{0}-parse_{1}.pdf'.format(s, results[choice][1])))
コード例 #6
ファイル: rbsearch.py プロジェクト: bjvanderweij/jazz-rhythm
def interactive(path=path, songspath=songspath):
    index = load_file(path)
    while True:
        query = raw_input('Say a name! ').lower()
        results = find(index, query)
        if len(results) > 0:
            (song, book) = choose_book(index, results)

            print "What would you like to do?"
            while True:
                choice = commandline.menu("Please select", ["View", "Continue", "Quit"])
                if choice is 0:
                    view(song, book, songspath)
                if choice is 1: break
                if choice is 2: exit(0)
コード例 #7
def filtermanually():
  choice = commandline.menu('Choose an input collection', files.collections())
  if choice != -1: inp = files.collections()[choice]
  else: return
  outp = raw_input('Specify output collection: ')
  if outp in files.collections():
    if raw_input('Warning: collection exists, continue? (y/n)') != 'y': return
    os.mkdir('{0}{1}'.format(files.corpuspath, outp))
  songs = files.songs(collection=inp)
  midifiles = {}
  counter = 1
  for song in songs:
    print 'Song {0} of {1}'.format(counter, len(songs))
    counter += 1
    versions = files.versions(song, collection=inp)
    for version in versions:
      tracks = files.tracks(song, version, collection=inp)
      for track in tracks:
        decide(song, version, track, inp, outp)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: bjvanderweij/jazz-rhythm
def transcribe():
    corpus = annotations.loadAll()
    choice = commandline.menu('Choose item', [x.name for x in corpus])
    annotation = corpus[choice]
    score = annotation.transcribe()
コード例 #9
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: bjvanderweij/jazz-rhythm
    d = data.Data(datafile)
    for item, attribs in d.data.iteritems():
        print '{0}'.format(item)
        for key, value in attribs.iteritems():
            print '\t{0}: {1}'.format(key, value)

def shell(): code.interact(local=locals())

def quit(): exit(0)

options = [\
('Run quick \'n dirty tests', quickndirty),\
('Transcribe standard', transcribe),\
('Check corpustool', check_corpus),\
('Cross validate temperley cross entropy', cross_validate),\
('Test annotation tool', testtool),\
('Check corpus', check_corpus),\
('Search realbooks', search),\
('Drop to shell', shell),\
('Quit', quit)]

#('Run quick \'n dirty tests', quickndirty),\
#('Parse realbook index', parse_index),\
#('Parse realbook index (NEW)', parse_newindex),\
#('Search realbooks', search),\
#('Drop to shell', shell),\
#('Split realbooks', split),\
#('Review datafile', review_datafile),\

while commandline.menu('What shall we do?', options, executableOptions=True) != -1: pass
コード例 #10
def select(results):
  name = sorted(results.keys())[commandline.menu('', sorted(results.keys()))]
  return results[name]
コード例 #11
from jazzr.rhythm import groupingparser as gp
from jazzr.corpus import annotations
from jazzr.tools import commandline, rbsearch
import math, os, pickle, re

directory = os.listdir('.')[commandline.menu('', os.listdir('.'))]
files = os.listdir(directory)

standard = re.compile('([a-z_]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+)-[0-9]+')
standards = {}
for f in files:
  m = standard.match(f)
  if m:
    name = m.group(0)
    if not name in standards:
      standards[name] = m.group(1)

for s in standards.keys():
  parses = []
  exp = re.compile('{0}-parse_([0-9])+.pdf'.format(s))
  pdffiles = []
  print s
  for f in files:
    m = exp.match(f)
    if m:
      pdffiles.append((int(m.group(1)), m.group(0)))
  pdffiles = sorted(pdffiles, key=lambda x: x[0])
  print '{0} parses found.'.format(len(pdffiles))
  for (part, pdf) in pdffiles:
コード例 #12
def load():
  files = sorted(os.listdir('results'))
  choice = commandline.menu('Choose', files)
  if choice != -1:
    f = open('results/{0}'.format(files[choice]), 'rb')
    return pickle.load(f)