def prepare_paper(path='logs/nsdi19'): path = Path(path) with['seaborn-paper', 'mypaper', 'line12']): # also use color # fifo = ju.load_trace(path/'card266'/'salus'/'trace.csv') fifo = load_data(path / 'card272' / 'case0' / 'fifo', 'case0.output') srtf = load_data(path / 'card266' / 'salus', 'card266.output') srtf_refine = ju.load_refine(path / 'card266' / 'salus') fair = load_data(path / 'card272' / 'case2' / 'salus', 'case2.output') pack = load_data(path / 'card272' / 'case1' / 'salus', 'case1.output') fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches(3.25, 1.5, forward=True) jcts = pd.DataFrame({ 'FIFO': fifo.JCT, 'SRTF': srtf.JCT, 'PACK': pack.JCT, 'FAIR': fair.JCT }) plot_jcts(jcts, ax=ax, markevery=0.1, markersize=4, linewidth=1) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('/tmp/workspace/card272-jct.pdf', dpi=300) plt.close() return fifo, srtf, srtf_refine, fair, pack
def do_srtf2(path): srtf = load_data(path / 'card266' / 'salus', 'card266.output') srtf_refine = ju.load_refine(path / 'card266' / 'salus') offset_local = srtf.Queued.min() #srtf = ju.update_start_time_using_refine(srtf, srtf_refine, offset=offset_local) jnos = [34, 80, 82, 86, 93, 94] new_jnos = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(jnos)} st_sec = 2651 ed_sec = 2910 srtf = srtf[srtf.No.isin(jnos)] #colors = ['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2'] with['seaborn-paper', 'mypaper', 'color3']): # first do a refine plot to update 'Started' in srtf ax = plt.gca() ju.plot_refine(ax, srtf, srtf_refine, offset=offset_local, new_jnos=new_jnos, plot_offset=-st_sec) plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots() monochrome = cycler('color', ['0.0']) ax.set_prop_cycle(monochrome) ju.plot_timeline(srtf.drop(['LaneId'], axis=1), ax=ax, linewidth=2.5, offset=offset_local, new_jnos=new_jnos, plot_offset=-st_sec) ju.plot_refine(ax, srtf, srtf_refine, offset=offset_local, new_jnos=new_jnos, plot_offset=-st_sec) ax.set_xlim([0, ed_sec - st_sec]) ax.set_ylabel('Job #') ax.yaxis.set_ticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) fig.set_size_inches(4.875, 2, forward=True) fig.savefig('/tmp/workspace/card274-srtf-compute.pdf', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.015) plt.close()
def do_timelines(path): path = Path(path) # fifo = ju.load_trace(path/'card266'/'salus'/'trace.csv') fifo = load_data(path / 'card272' / 'case0' / 'fifo', 'case0.output') srtf = load_data(path / 'card266' / 'salus', 'card266.output') srtf_refine = ju.load_refine(path / 'card266' / 'salus') fair = load_data(path / 'card272' / 'case2' / 'salus', 'case2.output') pack = load_data(path / 'card272' / 'case1' / 'salus', 'case1.output') with['seaborn-paper', 'mypaper', 'color4']): fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=4, sharex=True) fig.set_size_inches(3.25, 5.35, forward=True) _, colors = ju.plot_timeline(fifo, ax=axs[0], linewidth=2.5) axs[0].set_ylabel('FIFO') axs[0].legend().remove() axs[0].set_xlabel('') ju.plot_timeline(srtf.drop(['LaneId'], axis=1), ax=axs[1], linewidth=2.5, colors=colors) ju.plot_refine(axs[1], srtf, srtf_refine) axs[1].set_ylabel('SRTF') ju.plot_timeline(pack, ax=axs[2], linewidth=2.5, colors=colors) axs[2].set_ylabel('PACK') ju.plot_timeline(fair.drop(['LaneId'], axis=1), ax=axs[3], linewidth=2.5, colors=colors) axs[3].set_ylabel('FAIR') #fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.35) #axs[-1].legend(loc="upper center", frameon=False, # bbox_to_anchor=[0.5, -0.8], # #bbox_transform=fig.transFigure, # fontsize='x-small', # ncol=3 # #mode='expand' # ) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('/tmp/workspace/card272.pdf', dpi=300)
def do_srtf(path): srtf = load_data(path / 'card272' / 'case5' / 'salus', 'case5.output') srtf_refine = ju.load_refine(path / 'card272' / 'case5' / 'salus') df = cm.load_mem(path / 'card274/srtf/alloc.output') offset_local = srtf.Queued.min() # timeline logs in US/Eastern, but server logs in UTC # convert offset from US/Eastern to UTC offset_server = offset_local.tz_localize('US/Eastern').tz_convert( 'UTC').tz_localize(None) # select sess name after calc the offset # use jno = [13, 14, 15] jnos = [13, 14, 15] srtf = srtf[srtf.No.isin(jnos)] #srtf_refine = srtf_refine[srtf_refine.No.isin(jnos)] # select data in range st_sec = 400 ed_sec = 515 st = offset_server + pd.to_timedelta(st_sec, 's') ed = offset_server + pd.to_timedelta(ed_sec, 's') df = df[(df.timestamp >= st) & (df.timestamp <= ed)] df = df[df.Sess.isin(srtf.Sess.unique())] sess2Model = srtf.set_index('Sess').Model.str.split('.', expand=True) sess2Model['Label'] = sess2Model.apply( lambda x: '#{}: {}'.format(x[3], x[0]), axis=1) df['Sess'] = #colors = ['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c'] with['seaborn-paper', 'mypaper', 'color3']): fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [1, 4]}) _, _, sessProps = ju.plot_timeline(srtf.drop(['LaneId'], axis=1), ax=axs[0], linewidth=2.5, returnSessProps=True, offset=offset_local) ju.plot_refine(axs[0], srtf, srtf_refine, offset=offset_local) #axs[0].set_ylabel('Job No.') # srtf is selected by simply set axis limit, because they are not easy to cut in data axs[0].set_xlim([st_sec, ed_sec]) axs[0].set_ylim([12.45, 15.5]) #axs[0].set_ylabel('Job', rotation=0, labelpad=20) sessProps = { row.Label: sessProps[sess] for sess, row in sess2Model.iterrows() } cm.plot_all(df, offset=offset_server, ax=axs[1], sessProps=sessProps) axs[1].set_ylim(bottom=0) #axs[1].legend().remove() # Use axs[0]'s legend, but put it at axs[1]'s legend's place fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, hspace=0.05) axs[1].legend( #*axs[0].get_legend_handles_labels(), loc="lower center", frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=[0.5, 1], #bbox_transform=fig.transFigure, fontsize='x-small', ncol=4 #mode='expand' ) axs[1].xaxis.set_major_locator(pu.MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) axs[1].minorticks_off() pu.cleanup_axis_bytes(axs[1].yaxis, maxN=5) axs[1].set_ylabel('Memory Usage') axs[1].set_xlabel('Time (s)') #fig.tight_layout() fig.set_size_inches(6.5, 2, forward=True) fig.savefig('/tmp/workspace/card274-srtf.pdf', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=.015)