コード例 #1
ファイル: chain.py プロジェクト: orionzhou/robin
def bed2chain(args):
    from maize.formats.sizes import Sizes
    tdic = Sizes(args.tsize)
    qdic = Sizes(args.qsize)
    firstline = True
    cid0, tName0, qName0, srd0, locs = '', '', '', '', []
    for line in must_open(args.fi):
        line = line.rstrip("\n")
        if not line:
        tName, tStart, tEnd, srd, qName, qStart, qEnd, cid = line.split()[:8]
        tStart, tEnd, qStart, qEnd = int(tStart), int(tEnd), int(qStart), int(qEnd)
        if firstline:
            cid0, tName0, qName0, srd0 = cid, tName, qName, srd
            locs.append([tStart, tEnd, qStart, qEnd])
            firstline = False
        elif cid0 == cid:
            assert tName == tName0 and qName == qName0 and srd == srd0, "inconsistent info in chain"
            locs.append([tStart, tEnd, qStart, qEnd])
            print_chain(cid0, tName0, qName0, srd0, tdic.get_size(tName0), qdic.get_size(qName0), locs)
            cid0, tName0, qName0, srd0 = cid, tName, qName, srd
            locs = [[tStart, tEnd, qStart, qEnd]]
    print_chain(cid0, tName0, qName0, srd0, tdic.get_size(tName0), qdic.get_size(qName0), locs)
コード例 #2
ファイル: chain.py プロジェクト: shanwai1234/maize
def bed2chain(args):
    from jcvi.formats.sizes import Sizes
    tdic = Sizes(args.tsize)
    qdic = Sizes(args.qsize)

    firstline = True
    cid0, tName0, qName0, srd0, locs = '', '', '', '', []
    for line in must_open(args.fi):
        line = line.rstrip("\n")
        if not line:
        tName, tStart, tEnd, srd, qName, qStart, qEnd, cid = line.split()[:8]
        tStart, tEnd, qStart, qEnd = int(tStart), int(tEnd), int(qStart), int(qEnd)
        if firstline:
            cid0, tName0, qName0, srd0 = cid, tName, qName, srd
            locs.append([tStart, tEnd, qStart, qEnd])
            firstline = False
        elif cid0 == cid:
            assert tName == tName0 and qName == qName0 and srd == srd0, "inconsistent info in chain"
            locs.append([tStart, tEnd, qStart, qEnd])
            print_chain(cid0, tName0, qName0, srd0, tdic.get_size(tName0), qdic.get_size(qName0), locs)
            cid0, tName0, qName0, srd0 = cid, tName, qName, srd
            locs = [[tStart, tEnd, qStart, qEnd]]
    print_chain(cid0, tName0, qName0, srd0, tdic.get_size(tName0), qdic.get_size(qName0), locs)
コード例 #3
ファイル: coverage.py プロジェクト: rrane/jcvi
def main():
    p = OptionParser(__doc__)
                help="The order to plot the tracks, comma-separated")
    opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options()

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    chr, sizes, datadir = args
    order = opts.order
    hlsuffix = opts.hlsuffix
    if order:
        order = order.split(",")
    sizes = Sizes(sizes)
    fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h))
    root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
    canvas = (.12, .35, .8, .35)
    chr_size = sizes.get_size(chr)
    c = Coverage(fig, root, canvas, chr, (0, chr_size), datadir,
                 order=order, hlsuffix=hlsuffix)

    root.set_xlim(0, 1)
    root.set_ylim(0, 1)

    image_name = chr + "." + iopts.format
    savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)
コード例 #4
def main():
    p = OptionParser(__doc__)
                 help="The order to plot the tracks, comma-separated")
    opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options()

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    chr, sizes, datadir = args
    order = opts.order
    hlsuffix = opts.hlsuffix
    if order:
        order = order.split(",")
    sizes = Sizes(sizes)
    fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h))
    root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
    canvas = (.12, .35, .8, .35)
    chr_size = sizes.get_size(chr)
             chr, (0, chr_size),

    root.set_xlim(0, 1)
    root.set_ylim(0, 1)

    image_name = chr + "." + iopts.format
    savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)
コード例 #5
ファイル: psl.py プロジェクト: shanwai1234/maize
def coordT(args):
    sizes = Sizes(args.fs)
    for line in must_open(args.fi):
        if not re.match(r'\d+', line[0]):
        p = PslLine(line)
        tnames = p.tName.split("-")
        if len(tnames) == 3:
            x = p.tName
            p.tName, tosStart, tosEnd = tnames[0], int(tnames[1]), int(
            assert tosEnd - tosStart + 1 == p.tSize
            cSize = sizes.get_size(p.tName)
            p.tStart += tosStart - 1
            p.tEnd += tosStart - 1
            p.tStarts = [x + tosStart - 1 for x in p.tStarts]
            p.tSize = cSize
コード例 #6
ファイル: psl.py プロジェクト: shanwai1234/maize
def coordQ(args):
    sizes = Sizes(args.fs)
    for line in must_open(args.fi):
        if not re.match(r'\d+', line[0]):
        p = PslLine(line)
        qnames = p.qName.split("-")
        if len(qnames) == 3:
            x = p.qName
            p.qName, qosStart, qosEnd = qnames[0], int(qnames[1]), int(
            assert qosEnd - qosStart + 1 == p.qSize
            cSize = sizes.get_size(p.qName)
            p.qStart += qosStart - 1
            p.qEnd += qosStart - 1
            if p.qstrand == "-":
                p.qStarts = [x + cSize - qosEnd for x in p.qStarts]
                p.qStarts = [x + qosStart - 1 for x in p.qStarts]
            p.qSize = cSize
コード例 #7
def bambus(args):
    %prog bambus bambus.bed bambus.mates total.fasta

    Insert unplaced scaffolds based on mates.
    from jcvi.formats.bed import BedLine
    from jcvi.formats.posmap import MatesFile

    p = OptionParser(bambus.__doc__)
        help="Prefix of the unplaced scaffolds",
        help="Minimum number of links to place",
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    bedfile, matesfile, fastafile = args
    pf = matesfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    logfile = pf + ".log"
    log = open(logfile, "w")

    mf = MatesFile(matesfile)
    maxdist = max(x.max for x in mf.libraries.values())
    logging.debug("Max separation: {0}".format(maxdist))

    prefix = opts.prefix
    minlinks = opts.minlinks

    is_unplaced = lambda x: x.startswith(prefix)
    bed = Bed(bedfile, sorted=False)
    beds = []
    unplaced = defaultdict(list)

    for a, b in pairwise(bed):
        aname, bname = a.accn, b.accn
        aseqid, bseqid = a.seqid, b.seqid

        if aname not in mf:

        pa, la = mf[aname]
        if pa != bname:

        ia = is_unplaced(aseqid)
        ib = is_unplaced(bseqid)
        if ia == ib:

        if ia:
            a, b = b, a

        unplaced[b.seqid].append((a, b))
        beds.extend([a, b])

    sizes = Sizes(fastafile)
    candidatebed = Bed()
    cbeds = []
    # For each unplaced scaffold, find most likely placement and orientation
    for scf, beds in sorted(unplaced.items()):
        ranges = []
        for a, b in beds:
            aname, astrand = a.accn, a.strand
            bname, bstrand = b.accn, b.strand
            aseqid, bseqid = a.seqid, b.seqid
            pa, lib = mf[aname]

            print(a, file=log)
            print(b, file=log)

            flip_b = astrand == bstrand
            fbstrand = "-" if flip_b else "+"
            if flip_b:

            lmin, lmax = lib.min, lib.max

            L = sizes.get_size(scf)
            assert astrand in ("+", "-")
            if astrand == "+":
                offset = a.start - b.end
                sstart, sstop = offset + lmin, offset + lmax
                offset = a.end - b.start + L
                sstart, sstop = offset - lmax, offset - lmin

            # Prevent out of range error
            size = sizes.get_size(aseqid)
            sstart = max(0, sstart)
            sstop = max(0, sstop)
            sstart = min(size - 1, sstart)
            sstop = min(size - 1, sstop)

            start_range = (aseqid, sstart, sstop, scf, 1, fbstrand)
            print("*" + "\t".join(str(x) for x in start_range), file=log)

        mranges = [x[:3] for x in ranges]
        # Determine placement by finding the interval with the most support
        rd = ranges_depth(mranges, sizes.mapping, verbose=False)
        alldepths = []
        for depth in rd:
        print(alldepths, file=log)

        maxdepth = max(alldepths, key=lambda x: x[-1])[-1]
        if maxdepth < minlinks:
            print("Insufficient links ({0} < {1})".format(maxdepth, minlinks), file=log)

        candidates = [x for x in alldepths if x[-1] == maxdepth]
        nseqids = len(set(x[0] for x in candidates))
        if nseqids != 1:
            msg = "Multiple conflicting candidates found"
            print(msg, file=log)

        seqid, mmin, mmax, depth = candidates[0]
        mmin, mmax = range_minmax([x[1:3] for x in candidates])

        if mmin >= mmax:
            msg = "Invalid (min, max) range"
            print("Invalid (min, max) range", file=log)

        if (mmax - mmin) > maxdist:
            msg = "(min, max) distance greater than library maxdist"
            print(msg, file=log)

        # Determine orientation by voting
        nplus, nminus = 0, 0
        arange = (seqid, mmin, mmax)
        for sid, start, end, sf, sc, fbstrand in ranges:
            brange = (sid, start, end)
            if range_overlap(arange, brange):
                if fbstrand == "+":
                    nplus += 1
                    nminus += 1

        fbstrand = "+" if nplus >= nminus else "-"

        candidate = (seqid, mmin, mmax, scf, depth, fbstrand)
        bedline = BedLine("\t".join((str(x) for x in candidate)))
        print("Plus: {0}, Minus: {1}".format(nplus, nminus), file=log)
        print(candidate, file=log)

    logging.debug("A total of {0} scaffolds can be placed.".format(len(candidatebed)))

    candidatebedfile = pf + ".candidate.bed"
    candidatebed.print_to_file(candidatebedfile, sorted=True)
コード例 #8
ファイル: patch.py プロジェクト: JinfengChen/jcvi
def bambus(args):
    %prog bambus bambus.bed bambus.mates total.fasta

    Insert unplaced scaffolds based on mates.
    from jcvi.utils.iter import pairwise
    from jcvi.formats.posmap import MatesFile

    p = OptionParser(bambus.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--prefix", default="scaffold",
                 help="Prefix of the unplaced scaffolds [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--minlinks", default=3, type="int",
                 help="Minimum number of links to place [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    bedfile, matesfile, fastafile = args
    pf = matesfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    logfile = pf + ".log"
    log = open(logfile, "w")

    mf = MatesFile(matesfile)
    maxdist = max(x.max for x in mf.libraries.values())
    logging.debug("Max separation: {0}".format(maxdist))

    prefix = opts.prefix
    minlinks = opts.minlinks

    is_unplaced = lambda x: x.startswith(prefix)
    bed = Bed(bedfile, sorted=False)
    beds = []
    unplaced = defaultdict(list)

    for a, b in pairwise(bed):
        aname, bname = a.accn, b.accn
        aseqid, bseqid = a.seqid, b.seqid

        if aname not in mf:

        pa, la = mf[aname]
        if pa != bname:

        ia = is_unplaced(aseqid)
        ib = is_unplaced(bseqid)
        if ia == ib:

        if ia:
            a, b = b, a

        unplaced[b.seqid].append((a, b))
        beds.extend([a, b])

    sizes = Sizes(fastafile)
    candidatebed = Bed()
    cbeds = []
    # For each unplaced scaffold, find most likely placement and orientation
    for scf, beds in sorted(unplaced.items()):
        print >> log
        ranges = []
        for a, b in beds:
            aname, astrand = a.accn, a.strand
            bname, bstrand = b.accn, b.strand
            aseqid, bseqid = a.seqid, b.seqid
            pa, lib = mf[aname]

            print >> log, a
            print >> log, b

            flip_b = (astrand == bstrand)
            fbstrand = '-' if flip_b else '+'
            if flip_b:

            lmin, lmax = lib.min, lib.max

            L = sizes.get_size(scf)
            assert astrand in ('+', '-')
            if astrand == '+':
                offset = a.start - b.end
                sstart, sstop = offset + lmin, offset + lmax
                offset = a.end - b.start + L
                sstart, sstop = offset - lmax, offset - lmin

            # Prevent out of range error
            size = sizes.get_size(aseqid)
            sstart = max(0, sstart)
            sstop = max(0, sstop)
            sstart = min(size - 1, sstart)
            sstop = min(size - 1, sstop)

            start_range = (aseqid, sstart, sstop, scf, 1, fbstrand)
            print >> log, "*" + "\t".join(str(x) for x in start_range)

        mranges = [x[:3] for x in ranges]
        # Determine placement by finding the interval with the most support
        rd = ranges_depth(mranges, sizes.mapping, verbose=False)
        alldepths = []
        for depth in rd:
        print >> log, alldepths

        maxdepth = max(alldepths, key=lambda x: x[-1])[-1]
        if maxdepth < minlinks:
            print >> log, "Insufficient links ({0} < {1})".format(maxdepth, minlinks)

        candidates = [x for x in alldepths if x[-1] == maxdepth]
        nseqids = len(set(x[0] for x in candidates))
        msg = "Multiple conflicting candidates found"
        if nseqids != 1:
            print >> log, msg

        seqid, mmin, mmax, depth = candidates[0]
        mmin, mmax = range_minmax([x[1:3] for x in candidates])
        if (mmax - mmin) > maxdist:
            print >> log, msg

        # Determine orientation by voting
        nplus, nminus = 0, 0
        arange = (seqid, mmin, mmax)
        for sid, start, end, sf, sc, fbstrand in ranges:
            brange = (sid, start, end)
            if range_overlap(arange, brange):
                if fbstrand == '+':
                    nplus += 1
                    nminus += 1

        fbstrand = '+' if nplus >= nminus else '-'

        candidate = (seqid, mmin, mmax, scf, depth, fbstrand)
        bedline = BedLine("\t".join((str(x) for x in candidate)))
        print >> log, "Plus: {0}, Minus: {1}".format(nplus, nminus)
        print >> log, candidate

    logging.debug("A total of {0} scaffolds can be placed.".\

    candidatebedfile = pf + ".candidate.bed"
    candidatebed.print_to_file(candidatebedfile, sorted=True)