コード例 #1
def py__getitem__(context, typ, node):
    if not typ.get_root_context().name.string_name == "typing":
        return None
    # we assume that any class using [] in a module called
    # "typing" with a name for which we have a replacement
    # should be replaced by that class. This is not 100%
    # airtight but I don't have a better idea to check that it's
    # actually the PEP-0484 typing module and not some other
    if node.type == "subscriptlist":
        nodes = node.children[::2]  # skip the commas
        nodes = [node]
    del node

    nodes = [_fix_forward_reference(context, node) for node in nodes]
    type_name = typ.name.string_name

    # hacked in Union and Optional, since it's hard to do nicely in parsed code
    if type_name in ("Union", '_Union'):
        # In Python 3.6 it's still called typing.Union but it's an instance
        # called _Union.
        return unite(context.eval_node(node) for node in nodes)
    if type_name in ("Optional", '_Optional'):
        # Here we have the same issue like in Union. Therefore we also need to
        # check for the instance typing._Optional (Python 3.6).
        return context.eval_node(nodes[0])

    from jedi.evaluate.representation import ModuleContext
    typing = ModuleContext(
    factories = typing.py__getattribute__("factory")
    assert len(factories) == 1
    factory = list(factories)[0]
    assert factory
    function_body_nodes = factory.tree_node.children[4].children
    valid_classnames = set(child.name.value
                           for child in function_body_nodes
                           if isinstance(child, tree.Class))
    if type_name not in valid_classnames:
        return None
    compiled_classname = compiled.create(context.evaluator, type_name)

    from jedi.evaluate.iterable import FakeSequence
    args = FakeSequence(
        [LazyTreeContext(context, n) for n in nodes]

    result = factory.execute_evaluated(compiled_classname, args)
    return result
コード例 #2
def _execute_array_values(evaluator, array):
    Tuples indicate that there's not just one return value, but the listed
    ones.  `(str, int)` means that it returns a tuple with both types.
    if isinstance(array, Array):
        values = []
        for typ in array.values():
            objects = _execute_array_values(evaluator, typ)
        return [FakeSequence(evaluator, values, array.type)]
        return evaluator.execute(array)
コード例 #3
def _execute_array_values(evaluator, array):
    Tuples indicate that there's not just one return value, but the listed
    ones.  `(str, int)` means that it returns a tuple with both types.
    if isinstance(array, SequenceLiteralContext):
        values = []
        for lazy_context in array.py__iter__():
            objects = unite(_execute_array_values(evaluator, typ) for typ in lazy_context.infer())
        return set([FakeSequence(evaluator, array.array_type, values)])
        return array.execute_evaluated()
コード例 #4
def get_types_for_typing_module(evaluator, typ, node):
    from jedi.evaluate.iterable import FakeSequence
    if not typ.base.get_parent_until().name.value == "typing":
        return None
    # we assume that any class using [] in a module called
    # "typing" with a name for which we have a replacement
    # should be replaced by that class. This is not 100%
    # airtight but I don't have a better idea to check that it's
    # actually the PEP-0484 typing module and not some other
    if tree.is_node(node, "subscriptlist"):
        nodes = node.children[::2]  # skip the commas
        nodes = [node]
    del node

    nodes = [_fix_forward_reference(evaluator, node) for node in nodes]

    # hacked in Union and Optional, since it's hard to do nicely in parsed code
    if typ.name.value == "Union":
        return unite(evaluator.eval_element(node) for node in nodes)
    if typ.name.value == "Optional":
        return evaluator.eval_element(nodes[0])

    typing = _get_typing_replacement_module()
    factories = evaluator.find_types(typing, "factory")
    assert len(factories) == 1
    factory = list(factories)[0]
    assert factory
    function_body_nodes = factory.children[4].children
    valid_classnames = set(child.name.value
                           for child in function_body_nodes
                           if isinstance(child, tree.Class))
    if typ.name.value not in valid_classnames:
        return None
    compiled_classname = compiled.create(evaluator, typ.name.value)

    args = FakeSequence(evaluator, nodes, "tuple")

    result = evaluator.execute_evaluated(factory, compiled_classname, args)
    return result