def TemporaryHmacSecretFile( secret ): """Helper function for passing the hmac secret when starting a JediHTTP server with TemporaryHmacSecretFile( 'mysecret' ) as hmac_file: jedihttp = subprocess.Popen( ['python', 'jedihttp', '--hmac-file-secret', ] ) The JediHTTP Server as soon as it reads the hmac secret will remove the file """ hmac_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( 'w', delete = False ) encoded_secret = decode_string( b64encode( encode_string( secret ) ) ) json.dump( { 'hmac_secret': encoded_secret }, hmac_file ) return hmac_file
def teardown_jedihttp(jedihttp): try:'{0}/shutdown'.format(PORT), auth=HmacAuth(SECRET)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: pass try: wait_process_shutdown(jedihttp) except RuntimeError: jedihttp.terminate() stdout, _ = jedihttp.communicate() sys.stdout.write(decode_string(stdout))
def TemporaryHmacSecretFile(secret): """Helper function for passing the hmac secret when starting a JediHTTP server with TemporaryHmacSecretFile( 'mysecret' ) as hmac_file: jedihttp = subprocess.Popen( ['python', 'jedihttp', '--hmac-file-secret', ] ) The JediHTTP Server as soon as it reads the hmac secret will remove the file """ hmac_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) encoded_secret = decode_string(b64encode(encode_string(secret))) json.dump({'hmac_secret': encoded_secret}, hmac_file) return hmac_file
def _set_hmac_header(self, headers, hmac): headers[_HMAC_HEADER] = decode_string(b64encode(hmac))
def _SetHmacHeader( self, headers, hmac ): headers[ _HMAC_HEADER ] = decode_string( b64encode( hmac ) )
def _SetHmacHeader(self, headers, hmac): headers[_HMAC_HEADER] = decode_string(b64encode(hmac))