コード例 #1
    def _convert_to_numpy_array(arr, name):
        if type(arr) is np.ndarray:
            return arr

            # create numpy array from list
            arr = np.array(arr, dtype=float)

            if jh.is_live():
                # in livetrade mode, we'll need them rounded
                price = arr[0][1]

                prices = jh.round_price_for_live_mode(price, arr[:, 1])
                qtys = jh.round_qty_for_live_mode(price, arr[:, 0])

                arr[:, 0] = qtys
                arr[:, 1] = prices

            return arr
        except ValueError:
            raise exceptions.InvalidShape(
                'The format of {} is invalid. \n'
                'It must be (qty, price) or [(qty, price), (qty, price)] for multiple points; but {} was given'.format(
                    name, arr
コード例 #2
    def _convert_to_numpy_array(self, arr, name) -> np.ndarray:
        if type(arr) is np.ndarray:
            return arr

            # create numpy array from list
            arr = np.array(arr, dtype=float)

            if jh.is_live():
                # in livetrade mode, we'll need them rounded
                current_exchange = selectors.get_exchange(self.exchange)

                # skip rounding if the exchange doesn't have values for 'precisions'
                if 'precisions' not in current_exchange.vars:
                    return arr

                price_precision = current_exchange.vars['precisions'][self.symbol]['price_precision']
                qty_precision = current_exchange.vars['precisions'][self.symbol]['qty_precision']

                prices = jh.round_price_for_live_mode(arr[:, 1], price_precision)
                qtys = jh.round_qty_for_live_mode(arr[:, 0], qty_precision)

                arr[:, 0] = qtys
                arr[:, 1] = prices

            return arr
        except ValueError:
            raise exceptions.InvalidShape(
                f'The format of {name} is invalid. \n'
                f'It must be (qty, price) or [(qty, price), (qty, price)] for multiple points; but {arr} was given'