コード例 #1
class Extension(with_metaclass(ExtensionRegistry, object)):
    """Extensions can be used to add extra functionality to the Jinja template
    system at the parser level.  Custom extensions are bound to an environment
    but may not store environment specific data on `self`.  The reason for
    this is that an extension can be bound to another environment (for
    overlays) by creating a copy and reassigning the `environment` attribute.

    As extensions are created by the environment they cannot accept any
    arguments for configuration.  One may want to work around that by using
    a factory function, but that is not possible as extensions are identified
    by their import name.  The correct way to configure the extension is
    storing the configuration values on the environment.  Because this way the
    environment ends up acting as central configuration storage the
    attributes may clash which is why extensions have to ensure that the names
    they choose for configuration are not too generic.  ``prefix`` for example
    is a terrible name, ``fragment_cache_prefix`` on the other hand is a good
    name as includes the name of the extension (fragment cache).

    #: if this extension parses this is the list of tags it's listening to.
    tags = set()

    #: the priority of that extension.  This is especially useful for
    #: extensions that preprocess values.  A lower value means higher
    #: priority.
    #: .. versionadded:: 2.4
    priority = 100

    def __init__(self, environment):
        self.environment = environment

    def bind(self, environment):
        """Create a copy of this extension bound to another environment."""
        rv = object.__new__(self.__class__)
        rv.environment = environment
        return rv

    def preprocess(self, source, name, filename=None):
        """This method is called before the actual lexing and can be used to
        preprocess the source.  The `filename` is optional.  The return value
        must be the preprocessed source.
        return source

    def filter_stream(self, stream):
        """It's passed a :class:`~jinja2.lexer.TokenStream` that can be used
        to filter tokens returned.  This method has to return an iterable of
        :class:`~jinja2.lexer.Token`\\s, but it doesn't have to return a

        In the `ext` folder of the Jinja2 source distribution there is a file
        called `inlinegettext.py` which implements a filter that utilizes this
        return stream

    def parse(self, parser):
        """If any of the :attr:`tags` matched this method is called with the
        parser as first argument.  The token the parser stream is pointing at
        is the name token that matched.  This method has to return one or a
        list of multiple nodes.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def attr(self, name, lineno=None):
        """Return an attribute node for the current extension.  This is useful
        to pass constants on extensions to generated template code.


            self.attr('_my_attribute', lineno=lineno)
        return nodes.ExtensionAttribute(self.identifier, name, lineno=lineno)

    def call_method(self, name, args=None, kwargs=None, dyn_args=None,
                    dyn_kwargs=None, lineno=None):
        """Call a method of the extension.  This is a shortcut for
        :meth:`attr` + :class:`jinja2.nodes.Call`.
        if args is None:
            args = []
        if kwargs is None:
            kwargs = []
        return nodes.Call(self.attr(name, lineno=lineno), args, kwargs,
                          dyn_args, dyn_kwargs, lineno=lineno)
コード例 #2
ファイル: runtime.py プロジェクト: wangjianze/jinja
class Context(with_metaclass(ContextMeta)):
    """The template context holds the variables of a template.  It stores the
    values passed to the template and also the names the template exports.
    Creating instances is neither supported nor useful as it's created
    automatically at various stages of the template evaluation and should not
    be created by hand.

    The context is immutable.  Modifications on :attr:`parent` **must not**
    happen and modifications on :attr:`vars` are allowed from generated
    template code only.  Template filters and global functions marked as
    :func:`contextfunction`\\s get the active context passed as first argument
    and are allowed to access the context read-only.

    The template context supports read only dict operations (`get`,
    `keys`, `values`, `items`, `iterkeys`, `itervalues`, `iteritems`,
    `__getitem__`, `__contains__`).  Additionally there is a :meth:`resolve`
    method that doesn't fail with a `KeyError` but returns an
    :class:`Undefined` object for missing variables.
    # XXX: we want to eventually make this be a deprecation warning and
    # remove it.
    _legacy_resolve_mode = False
    _fast_resolve_mode = False

    def __init__(self, environment, parent, name, blocks):
        self.parent = parent
        self.vars = {}
        self.environment = environment
        self.eval_ctx = EvalContext(self.environment, name)
        self.exported_vars = set()
        self.name = name

        # create the initial mapping of blocks.  Whenever template inheritance
        # takes place the runtime will update this mapping with the new blocks
        # from the template.
        self.blocks = dict((k, [v]) for k, v in iteritems(blocks))

        # In case we detect the fast resolve mode we can set up an alias
        # here that bypasses the legacy code logic.
        if self._fast_resolve_mode:
            self.resolve_or_missing = MethodType(resolve_or_missing, self)

    def super(self, name, current):
        """Render a parent block."""
            blocks = self.blocks[name]
            index = blocks.index(current) + 1
        except LookupError:
            return self.environment.undefined('there is no parent block '
                                              'called %r.' % name,
        return BlockReference(name, self, blocks, index)

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        """Returns an item from the template context, if it doesn't exist
        `default` is returned.
            return self[key]
        except KeyError:
            return default

    def resolve(self, key):
        """Looks up a variable like `__getitem__` or `get` but returns an
        :class:`Undefined` object with the name of the name looked up.
        if self._legacy_resolve_mode:
            rv = resolve_or_missing(self, key)
            rv = self.resolve_or_missing(key)
        if rv is missing:
            return self.environment.undefined(name=key)
        return rv

    def resolve_or_missing(self, key):
        """Resolves a variable like :meth:`resolve` but returns the
        special `missing` value if it cannot be found.
        if self._legacy_resolve_mode:
            rv = self.resolve(key)
            if isinstance(rv, Undefined):
                rv = missing
            return rv
        return resolve_or_missing(self, key)

    def get_exported(self):
        """Get a new dict with the exported variables."""
        return dict((k, self.vars[k]) for k in self.exported_vars)

    def get_all(self):
        """Return the complete context as dict including the exported
        variables.  For optimizations reasons this might not return an
        actual copy so be careful with using it.
        if not self.vars:
            return self.parent
        if not self.parent:
            return self.vars
        return dict(self.parent, **self.vars)

    def call(__self, __obj, *args, **kwargs):
        """Call the callable with the arguments and keyword arguments
        provided but inject the active context or environment as first
        argument if the callable is a :func:`contextfunction` or
        if __debug__:
            __traceback_hide__ = True  # noqa

        # Allow callable classes to take a context
        if hasattr(__obj, '__call__'):
            fn = __obj.__call__
            for fn_type in ('contextfunction', 'evalcontextfunction',
                if hasattr(fn, fn_type):
                    __obj = fn

        if isinstance(__obj, _context_function_types):
            if getattr(__obj, 'contextfunction', 0):
                args = (__self, ) + args
            elif getattr(__obj, 'evalcontextfunction', 0):
                args = (__self.eval_ctx, ) + args
            elif getattr(__obj, 'environmentfunction', 0):
                args = (__self.environment, ) + args
            return __obj(*args, **kwargs)
        except StopIteration:
            return __self.environment.undefined('value was undefined because '
                                                'a callable raised a '
                                                'StopIteration exception')

    def derived(self, locals=None):
        """Internal helper function to create a derived context.  This is
        used in situations where the system needs a new context in the same
        template that is independent.
        context = new_context(self.environment, self.name, {}, self.get_all(),
                              True, None, locals)
        context.eval_ctx = self.eval_ctx
        context.blocks.update((k, list(v)) for k, v in iteritems(self.blocks))
        return context

    def _all(meth):
        proxy = lambda self: getattr(self.get_all(), meth)()
        proxy.__doc__ = getattr(dict, meth).__doc__
        proxy.__name__ = meth
        return proxy

    keys = _all('keys')
    values = _all('values')
    items = _all('items')

    # not available on python 3
    if PY2:
        iterkeys = _all('iterkeys')
        itervalues = _all('itervalues')
        iteritems = _all('iteritems')
    del _all

    def __contains__(self, name):
        return name in self.vars or name in self.parent

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Lookup a variable or raise `KeyError` if the variable is
        item = self.resolve_or_missing(key)
        if item is missing:
            raise KeyError(key)
        return item

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s %s of %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(
            self.get_all()), self.name)
コード例 #3
ファイル: nodes.py プロジェクト: Alan-mag/Jun
class Node(with_metaclass(NodeType, object)):
    """Baseclass for all Jinja2 nodes.  There are a number of nodes available
    of different types.  There are four major types:

    -   :class:`Stmt`: statements
    -   :class:`Expr`: expressions
    -   :class:`Helper`: helper nodes
    -   :class:`Template`: the outermost wrapper node

    All nodes have fields and attributes.  Fields may be other nodes, lists,
    or arbitrary values.  Fields are passed to the constructor as regular
    positional arguments, attributes as keyword arguments.  Each node has
    two attributes: `lineno` (the line number of the node) and `environment`.
    The `environment` attribute is set at the end of the parsing process for
    all nodes automatically.
    fields = ()
    attributes = ('lineno', 'environment')
    abstract = True

    def __init__(self, *fields, **attributes):
        if self.abstract:
            raise TypeError('abstract nodes are not instanciable')
        if fields:
            if len(fields) != len(self.fields):
                if not self.fields:
                    raise TypeError('%r takes 0 arguments' %
                raise TypeError('%r takes 0 or %d argument%s' % (
                    len(self.fields) != 1 and 's' or ''
            for name, arg in zip(self.fields, fields):
                setattr(self, name, arg)
        for attr in self.attributes:
            setattr(self, attr, attributes.pop(attr, None))
        if attributes:
            raise TypeError('unknown attribute %r' %

    def iter_fields(self, exclude=None, only=None):
        """This method iterates over all fields that are defined and yields
        ``(key, value)`` tuples.  Per default all fields are returned, but
        it's possible to limit that to some fields by providing the `only`
        parameter or to exclude some using the `exclude` parameter.  Both
        should be sets or tuples of field names.
        for name in self.fields:
            if (exclude is only is None) or \
               (exclude is not None and name not in exclude) or \
               (only is not None and name in only):
                    yield name, getattr(self, name)
                except AttributeError:

    def iter_child_nodes(self, exclude=None, only=None):
        """Iterates over all direct child nodes of the node.  This iterates
        over all fields and yields the values of they are nodes.  If the value
        of a field is a list all the nodes in that list are returned.
        for field, item in self.iter_fields(exclude, only):
            if isinstance(item, list):
                for n in item:
                    if isinstance(n, Node):
                        yield n
            elif isinstance(item, Node):
                yield item

    def find(self, node_type):
        """Find the first node of a given type.  If no such node exists the
        return value is `None`.
        for result in self.find_all(node_type):
            return result

    def find_all(self, node_type):
        """Find all the nodes of a given type.  If the type is a tuple,
        the check is performed for any of the tuple items.
        for child in self.iter_child_nodes():
            if isinstance(child, node_type):
                yield child
            for result in child.find_all(node_type):
                yield result

    def set_ctx(self, ctx):
        """Reset the context of a node and all child nodes.  Per default the
        parser will all generate nodes that have a 'load' context as it's the
        most common one.  This method is used in the parser to set assignment
        targets and other nodes to a store context.
        todo = deque([self])
        while todo:
            node = todo.popleft()
            if 'ctx' in node.fields:
                node.ctx = ctx
        return self

    def set_lineno(self, lineno, override=False):
        """Set the line numbers of the node and children."""
        todo = deque([self])
        while todo:
            node = todo.popleft()
            if 'lineno' in node.attributes:
                if node.lineno is None or override:
                    node.lineno = lineno
        return self

    def set_environment(self, environment):
        """Set the environment for all nodes."""
        todo = deque([self])
        while todo:
            node = todo.popleft()
            node.environment = environment
        return self

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return type(self) is type(other) and \
               tuple(self.iter_fields()) == tuple(other.iter_fields())

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    # Restore Python 2 hashing behavior on Python 3
    __hash__ = object.__hash__

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%s)' % (
            ', '.join('%s=%r' % (arg, getattr(self, arg, None)) for
                      arg in self.fields)

    def dump(self):
        def _dump(node):
            if not isinstance(node, Node):

            buf.append('nodes.%s(' % node.__class__.__name__)
            if not node.fields:
            for idx, field in enumerate(node.fields):
                if idx:
                    buf.append(', ')
                value = getattr(node, field)
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    for idx, item in enumerate(value):
                        if idx:
                            buf.append(', ')
        buf = []
        return ''.join(buf)