コード例 #1
 def test_no_term(self):
     Raise exception if tigetstr() is called before setupterm()
     jinxed._terminal.TERM = None
     with self.assertRaises(jinxed.error,
                            msg='Must call setupterm() first'):
コード例 #2
 def test_cap_missing(self):
     Return None if capability is missing for terminal
コード例 #3
def unicode_cap(cap):
    """Return the result of ``tigetstr`` except as Unicode."""
        val = curses.tigetstr(cap)
    except curses.error:
        val = None
    if val:
        return val.decode('latin1')
    return u''
コード例 #4
def unicode_parm(cap, *parms):
    """Return the result of ``tparm(tigetstr())`` except as Unicode."""
        cap = curses.tigetstr(cap)
    except curses.error:
        cap = None
    if cap:
            val = curses.tparm(cap, *parms)
        except curses.error:
            val = None
        if val:
            return val.decode('latin1')
    return u''
コード例 #5
def get_keyboard_sequences(term):
    Return mapping of keyboard sequences paired by keycodes.

    :arg blessed.Terminal term: :class:`~.Terminal` instance.
    :returns: mapping of keyboard unicode sequences paired by keycodes
        as integer.  This is used as the argument ``mapper`` to
        the supporting function :func:`resolve_sequence`.
    :rtype: OrderedDict

    Initialize and return a keyboard map and sequence lookup table,
    (sequence, keycode) from :class:`~.Terminal` instance ``term``,
    where ``sequence`` is a multibyte input sequence of unicode
    characters, such as ``u'\x1b[D'``, and ``keycode`` is an integer
    value, matching curses constant such as term.KEY_LEFT.

    The return value is an OrderedDict instance, with their keys
    sorted longest-first.
    # A small gem from curses.has_key that makes this all possible,
    # _capability_names: a lookup table of terminal capability names for
    # keyboard sequences (fe. kcub1, key_left), keyed by the values of
    # constants found beginning with KEY_ in the main curses module
    # (such as KEY_LEFT).
    # latin1 encoding is used so that bytes in 8-bit range of 127-255
    # have equivalent chr() and unichr() values, so that the sequence
    # of a kermit or avatar terminal, for example, remains unchanged
    # in its byte sequence values even when represented by unicode.
    sequence_map = dict((
        (seq.decode('latin1'), val)
        for (seq, val) in (
            (curses.tigetstr(cap), val)
            for (val, cap) in capability_names.items()
        ) if seq
    ) if term.does_styling else ())


    # This is for fast lookup matching of sequences, preferring
    # full-length sequence such as ('\x1b[D', KEY_LEFT)
    # over simple sequences such as ('\x1b', KEY_EXIT).
    return OrderedDict((
        (seq, sequence_map[seq]) for seq in sorted(
            sequence_map.keys(), key=len, reverse=True)))
コード例 #6
def resolve_capability(term, attr):
    Resolve a raw terminal capability using :func:`tigetstr`.

    :arg Terminal term: :class:`~.Terminal` instance.
    :arg str attr: terminal capability name.
    :returns: string of the given terminal capability named by ``attr``,
       which may be empty (u'') if not found or not supported by the
       given :attr:`~.Terminal.kind`.
    :rtype: str
    if not term.does_styling:
        return u''
    val = curses.tigetstr(term._sugar.get(attr, attr))  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    # Decode sequences as latin1, as they are always 8-bit bytes, so when
    # b'\xff' is returned, this is decoded as u'\xff'.
    return u'' if val is None else val.decode('latin1')
コード例 #7
 def test_cap_present(self):
     Return capability if present for terminal
     self.assertEqual(jinxed.tigetstr('bold'), b'\x1b[1m')