def _upload_file(manager, issue, upload_file, filename): # This method will fix original method jira.JIRA.add_attachment (jira/ line 591) url = manager._get_url('issue/' + str(issue) + '/attachments') files = { 'file': (filename, upload_file), } headers = { 'X-Atlassian-Token': 'no-check', } req = Request('POST', url, headers=headers, files=files, auth=manager._session.auth) prepped = req.prepare() prepped.body = re.sub(b'filename=.*', b'filename="%s"\r' % filename.encode('utf-8'), prepped.body) r = manager._session.send(prepped) js = utils.json_loads(r) if not js or not isinstance(js, collections.Iterable): raise JIRAError("Unable to parse JSON: %s" % js) attachment = Attachment(manager._options, manager._session, js[0]) if attachment.size == 0: raise JIRAError("Added empty attachment?!: r: %s\nattachment: %s" % (r, attachment)) return attachment
def create_customer_request(self, fields=None, prefetch=True, use_old_api=False, **fieldargs): """The code for this function is almost completely copied from function create_customer_request of the JIRA library""" data = fields p = data['serviceDeskId'] service_desk = None if isinstance(p, str) or isinstance(p, int): service_desk = self.service_desk(p) elif isinstance(p, ServiceDesk): service_desk = p data['serviceDeskId'] = p = data['requestTypeId'] if isinstance(p, int): data['requestTypeId'] = p elif isinstance(p, str): data['requestTypeId'] = self.request_type_by_name(service_desk, p).id requestParticipants = data.pop('requestParticipants', None) url = self._options['server'] + '/rest/servicedeskapi/request' headers = {'X-ExperimentalApi': 'opt-in'} r =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)) raw_issue_json = json_loads(r) if 'issueKey' not in raw_issue_json: raise JIRAError(r.status_code, request=r) if requestParticipants: url = (self._options['server'] + '/rest/servicedeskapi/request/%s/participant' % raw_issue_json['issueKey']) headers = {'X-ExperimentalApi': 'opt-in'} if use_old_api: data = {'usernames': requestParticipants} else: data = {'accountIds': requestParticipants} r =, headers=headers, json=data) if r.status_code != status.HTTP_200_OK: raise JIRAError(r.status_code, request=r) if prefetch: return self.issue(raw_issue_json['issueKey']) else: return Issue(self._options, self._session, raw=raw_issue_json)
def _get_filename(path): limit = CHARS_LIMIT - PADDING fname = os.path.basename(path) filename = fname.split('.')[0] filename_extension = fname.split('.')[1:] count = ( len('.'.join(filename_extension).encode('utf-8')) + 1 if filename_extension else 0 ) char_limit = 0 for char in filename: count += len(char.encode('utf-8')) if count > limit: break else: char_limit += 1 if not char_limit: raise JIRAError('Attachment filename is very long.') tmp = [filename[:char_limit]] tmp.extend(filename_extension) filename = '.'.join(tmp) return filename
def test_create_returns_JIRAError(self, mock_get_users: Mock, mock_JIRA_client: Mock) -> None: mock_JIRA_client.return_value.create_issue.side_effect = JIRAError( 'Some exception') with app.test_request_context(): mock_get_users.return_value = [self.mock_user] try: jira_client = JiraClient( issue_labels=[], issue_tracker_url=app.config['ISSUE_TRACKER_URL'], issue_tracker_user=app.config['ISSUE_TRACKER_USER'], issue_tracker_password=app. config['ISSUE_TRACKER_PASSWORD'], issue_tracker_project_id=app. config['ISSUE_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID'], issue_tracker_max_results=app. config['ISSUE_TRACKER_MAX_RESULTS']) jira_client.create_issue(description='desc', owner_ids=['test_email'], frequent_user_ids=['test_email'], priority_level='P2', project_key='', table_uri='key', title='title', table_url='http://table') except JIRAError as e: self.assertTrue(type(e), type(JIRAError)) self.assertTrue(e, 'Some exception')
def _get_filename(path): # JIRA does not support composite symbols from Latin-1 charset. # Hence we need to use NFD normalization which translates # each character into its decomposed form. path = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', path) limit = CHARS_LIMIT - PADDING fname = os.path.basename(path) filename = fname.split('.')[0] filename_extension = fname.split('.')[1:] count = (len('.'.join(filename_extension).encode('utf-8')) + 1 if filename_extension else 0) char_limit = 0 for char in filename: count += len(char.encode('utf-8')) if count > limit: break else: char_limit += 1 if not char_limit: raise JIRAError('Attachment filename is very long.') tmp = [filename[:char_limit]] tmp.extend(filename_extension) filename = '.'.join(tmp) return filename
def create_custom_field(fields=None): url = self._get_url('field') r =, data=json.dumps(fields)) if r.status_code != 201: raise JIRAError(r.status_code, request=r) return r
def update_description(username, password, issue, new_description): try: Jira = JIRA(JIRA_URL, basic_auth=(username, password), max_retries=0) existing_issue = Jira.issue(issue) existing_issue.update(description=new_description) Jira.kill_session() except JIRAError as e: raise JIRAError()
def add_jira_comment(username, password, issue, comment): ''' Given a comment, add it to the provided JIRA Issue ''' Jira = JIRA(JIRA_URL, basic_auth=(username, password), max_retries=0) try: jira_issue = Jira.issue(issue) except JIRAError as e: raise JIRAError(text="JIRA Error {}: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason)) Jira.add_comment(jira_issue, comment)
def add_watchers(username, password, issue, watchers): ''' Given a list of watchers, add them to the provided JIRA Issue ''' Jira = JIRA(JIRA_URL, basic_auth=(username, password), max_retries=0) try: jira_issue = Jira.issue(issue) except JIRAError as e: raise JIRAError() for watcher in watchers: Jira.add_watcher(jira_issue, watcher)
def get_project_id_from_name(username, password, name): ''' Gets a project ID from the provided project Name Example: 'Single Cell' returns 11220 ''' try: Jira = JIRA(JIRA_URL, basic_auth=(username, password), max_retries=0) projects = sorted(Jira.projects(), key=lambda project: for project in projects: if ( == name): return return None except JIRAError as e: raise JIRAError()
def test_get_issues_returns_JIRAError(self, mock_remaining_issues: Mock, mock_JIRA_client: Mock) -> None: mock_JIRA_client.return_value.get_issues.side_effect = JIRAError('Some exception') mock_remaining_issues.return_value = 0 with app.test_request_context(): try: jira_client = JiraClient(issue_labels=[], issue_tracker_url=app.config['ISSUE_TRACKER_URL'], issue_tracker_user=app.config['ISSUE_TRACKER_USER'], issue_tracker_password=app.config['ISSUE_TRACKER_PASSWORD'], issue_tracker_project_id=app.config['ISSUE_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID'], issue_tracker_max_results=app.config['ISSUE_TRACKER_MAX_RESULTS']) jira_client.get_issues('key') except JIRAError as e: self.assertTrue(type(e), type(JIRAError)) self.assertTrue(e, 'Some exception')
def create_customer(self, email, displayName): """Create a new customer and return an issue Resource for it.""" url = self._options['server'] + '/rest/servicedeskapi/customer' headers = {'X-ExperimentalApi': 'opt-in'} r = url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps({ 'email': email, 'fullName': displayName, # different property for the server one }), ) raw_customer_json = json_loads(r) if r.status_code != 201: raise JIRAError(r.status_code, request=r) return Customer(self._options, self._session, raw=raw_customer_json)
def test_create_returns_JIRAError(self, mock_JIRA_client: Mock) -> None: mock_JIRA_client.return_value.create_issue.side_effect = JIRAError( 'Some exception') with app.test_request_context(): try: jira_client = JiraClient( issue_tracker_url=app.config['ISSUE_TRACKER_URL'], issue_tracker_user=app.config['ISSUE_TRACKER_USER'], issue_tracker_password=app. config['ISSUE_TRACKER_PASSWORD'], issue_tracker_project_id=app. config['ISSUE_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID'], issue_tracker_max_results=app. config['ISSUE_TRACKER_MAX_RESULTS']) jira_client.create_issue(description='desc', table_uri='key', title='title') except JIRAError as e: self.assertTrue(type(e), type(JIRAError)) self.assertTrue(e, 'Some exception')
def service_desk(manager, id_or_key): """In Jira v8.7.1 / SD 4.7.1 a Service Desk ID must be an integer. We use a hackish workaround to make it work till Atlassian resolves bug """ try: return manager.service_desk(id_or_key) except JIRAError as e: if 'java.lang.NumberFormatException' in e.text: service_desks = [ sd for sd in manager.service_desks() if sd.projectKey == id_or_key ] if len(service_desks): return service_desks[0] else: msg = 'The Service Desk with ID {id} does not exist.'.format( id=id_or_key) raise JIRAError(text=msg, status_code=404) else: raise e
def create_ticket( username, password, project, title, description, reporter, assignee=None, watchers=None, ): ''' Creates a JIRA Ticket Returns the string URL of the JIRA Ticket ''' try: Jira = JIRA(JIRA_URL, basic_auth=(username, password), max_retries=0) issue_dict = { 'project': { 'id': int(project) }, 'summary': title, 'description': description, 'issuetype': { 'name': 'Task' }, 'reporter': { 'name': reporter }, 'assignee': { 'name': assignee }, } new_issue = Jira.create_issue(fields=issue_dict) if watchers is not None: for watcher in watchers: jira.add_watcher(, watcher) Jira.kill_session() return str(new_issue) except JIRAError as e: raise JIRAError()
def __init__( self, server="", board="SEGTEST", # TODO Change this to a board that is monitored access_token=None, access_token_secret=None, consumer_key=None, key_cert=None, api_token=None, ): options = {"server": server} self.jira = None self.board = board oauth_dict = {} if access_token and access_token_secret and consumer_key and key_cert: key_cert_data = (open(os.path.expanduser(key_cert), "r").read() if os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(key_cert)) else key_cert.replace("\\n", "\n")) oauth_dict = { "access_token": access_token, "access_token_secret": access_token_secret, "consumer_key": consumer_key, "key_cert": key_cert_data, } self.jira = JIRA(options, oauth=oauth_dict) elif api_token: creds = (self._get_api_token(api_token) if os.path.isfile(api_token) else api_token.split(":")) self.jira = JIRA(options, basic_auth=(tuple(creds))) if not getattr(self, "jira"): raise JIRAError("JIRA unable to be initialized")
def jira_add_watcher_mock(*_): raise JIRAError(status_code=401, response=Response('dummy msg'))
def issue(self, issue_key): try: return next(i for i in self._issues if i.key == issue_key) except StopIteration: raise JIRAError("Issue %s not found" % issue_key)