コード例 #1
ファイル: lighting.py プロジェクト: Jittor/jrender
    def execute(self, mesh, eyes=None):
        if self.Gbuffer == "albedo":
            return mesh
        if self.Gbuffer == "normal" or self.Gbuffer == "depth":
            mesh.textures = jt.ones_like(mesh.textures)
        if self.light_mode == 'surface':
            diffuseLight = jt.zeros(mesh.faces.shape)
            specularLight = jt.zeros(mesh.faces.shape)
            diffuseLight = self.ambient(diffuseLight)
            for directional in self.directionals:
                [diffuseLight, specularLight] = directional(
                    diffuseLight, specularLight, mesh.surface_normals,
                    (jt.sum(mesh.face_vertices, dim=2) / 3.0), eyes,
                    mesh.with_specular, mesh.metallic_textures,
            if len(mesh.textures.shape) == 4:
                mesh.textures = jt.clamp(
                    mesh.textures * diffuseLight.unsqueeze(2) +
                    jt.ones_like(mesh.textures) * specularLight.unsqueeze(2),
                    0.0, 1.0)
            elif len(mesh.textures.shape) == 6:
                mesh.textures = jt.clamp(
                    mesh.textures *
                    diffuseLight.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2) +
                    jt.ones_like(mesh.textures) *
                    specularLight.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2), 0.0,

        elif self.light_mode == 'vertex':
            diffuseLight = jt.zeros(mesh.vertices.shape)
            specularLight = jt.zeros(mesh.vertices.shape)
            diffuseLight = self.ambient(diffuseLight)
            for directional in self.directionals:
                [diffuseLight, specularLight
                 ] = directional(diffuseLight, specularLight,
                                 mesh.vertex_normals, mesh.vertices, eyes,
                                 mesh.with_specular, mesh.metallic_textures,
            if len(mesh.textures.shape) == 4:
                mesh.textures = jt.clamp(
                    mesh.textures * diffuseLight.unsqueeze(2) +
                    jt.ones_like(mesh.textures) * specularLight.unsqueeze(2),
                    0.0, 1.0)
            elif len(mesh.textures.shape) == 6:
                mesh.textures = jt.clamp(
                    mesh.textures *
                    diffuseLight.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2) +
                    jt.ones_like(mesh.textures) *
                    specularLight.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2), 0.0,

        return mesh
コード例 #2
def sample_pdf(bins, weights, N_samples, det=False):
    # Get pdf
    weights = weights + 1e-5  # prevent nans
    pdf = weights / jt.sum(weights, -1, keepdims=True)
    cdf = jt.cumsum(pdf, -1)
    cdf = jt.concat([jt.zeros_like(cdf[..., :1]), cdf],
                    -1)  # (batch, len(bins))

    # Take uniform samples
    if det:
        u = jt.linspace(0., 1., steps=N_samples)
        u = u.expand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [N_samples])
        u = jt.random(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [N_samples])

    # Invert CDF
    inds = jt.searchsorted(cdf, u, right=True)
    below = jt.maximum(jt.zeros_like(inds - 1), inds - 1)
    above = jt.minimum((cdf.shape[-1] - 1) * jt.ones_like(inds), inds)
    inds_g = jt.stack([below, above], -1)  # (batch, N_samples, 2)

    matched_shape = [inds_g.shape[0], inds_g.shape[1], cdf.shape[-1]]
    cdf_g = jt.gather(cdf.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g)
    bins_g = jt.gather(bins.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g)

    denom = (cdf_g[..., 1] - cdf_g[..., 0])
    denom[denom < 1e-5] = 1.0
    t = (u - cdf_g[..., 0]) / denom
    samples = bins_g[..., 0] + t * (bins_g[..., 1] - bins_g[..., 0])

    return samples
コード例 #3
def get_rays(H, W, focal, c2w, intrinsic=None):
    i, j = jt.meshgrid(jt.linspace(0, W - 1, W), jt.linspace(0, H - 1, H))
    i = i.t()
    j = j.t()
    if intrinsic is None:
        dirs = jt.stack([(i - W * .5) / focal, (j - H * .5) / focal,
                         jt.ones_like(i)], -1).unsqueeze(-2)
        i += 0.5
        j += 0.5
        dirs = jt.stack([i, j, jt.ones_like(i)], -1).unsqueeze(-2)
        dirs = jt.sum(dirs * intrinsic[:3, :3], -1).unsqueeze(-2)
    # Rotate ray directions from camera frame to the world frame
    rays_d = jt.sum(
        dirs * c2w[:3, :3],
        -1)  # dot product, equals to: [c2w.dot(dir) for dir in dirs]
    # Translate camera frame's origin to the world frame. It is the origin of all rays.
    rays_o = c2w[:3, -1].expand(rays_d.shape)
    return rays_o, rays_d
コード例 #4
    def execute(self, locations, box_cls, box_regression, centerness,
                proposal_embed, proposal_margin, pixel_embed, image_sizes,
                targets, benchmark, timers):
            anchors: list[list[BoxList]]
            box_cls: list[tensor]
            box_regression: list[tensor]
            image_sizes: list[(h, w)]
            boxlists (list[BoxList]): the post-processed anchors, after
                applying box decoding and NMS

        if benchmark and timers is not None:
        sampled_boxes = []
        for i, (l, o, b, c) in enumerate(
                zip(locations, box_cls, box_regression, centerness)):
            em = proposal_embed[i]
            mar = proposal_margin[i]
            if self.fix_margin:
                mar = jt.ones_like(mar) * self.init_margin
                self.forward_for_single_feature_map(l, o, b, c, em, mar,
                                                    image_sizes, i))

        if benchmark and timers is not None:
        boxlists = list(zip(*sampled_boxes))
        boxlists = [cat_boxlist(boxlist) for boxlist in boxlists]
        boxlists = self.select_over_all_levels(boxlists)
        if benchmark and timers is not None:

        # resize pixel embedding for higher resolution
        N, dim, m_h, m_w = pixel_embed.shape
        o_h = m_h * self.mask_scale_factor
        o_w = m_w * self.mask_scale_factor
        pixel_embed = interpolate(pixel_embed,
                                  size=(o_h, o_w),
        boxlists = self.forward_for_mask(boxlists, pixel_embed)

        if benchmark and timers is not None:

        return boxlists
コード例 #5
ファイル: faster_rcnn.py プロジェクト: ShenDezhou/CAIL2021
    def predict(self, images,score_thresh=0.7,nms_thresh = 0.3):
        N = images.shape[0]
        img_size = (images.shape[-1],images.shape[-2])
        rpn_locs, rpn_scores,roi_cls_locs, roi_scores, rois, roi_indices = self.execute(images)
        roi_cls_locs = roi_cls_locs.reshape(roi_cls_locs.shape[0],-1,4)
        probs = nn.softmax(roi_scores,dim=-1)
        rois = rois.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,self.n_class,1)
        cls_bbox = loc2bbox(rois.reshape(-1,4),roi_cls_locs.reshape(-1,4))
        cls_bbox[:,0::2] = jt.clamp(cls_bbox[:,0::2],min_v=0,max_v=img_size[0])
        cls_bbox[:,1::2] = jt.clamp(cls_bbox[:,1::2],min_v=0,max_v=img_size[1])
        cls_bbox = cls_bbox.reshape(roi_cls_locs.shape)
        results = []
        for i in range(N):
            index = jt.where(roi_indices==i)[0]
            score = probs[index,:]
            bbox = cls_bbox[index,:,:]
            boxes = []
            scores = []
            labels = []
            for j in range(1,self.n_class):
                bbox_j = bbox[:,j,:]
                score_j = score[:,j]
                mask = jt.where(score_j>score_thresh)[0]
                bbox_j = bbox_j[mask,:]
                score_j = score_j[mask]
                dets = jt.contrib.concat([bbox_j,score_j.unsqueeze(1)],dim=1)
                keep = jt.nms(dets,nms_thresh)
                bbox_j = bbox_j[keep]
                score_j = score_j[keep]
                label_j = jt.ones_like(score_j).int32()*j
            boxes = jt.contrib.concat(boxes,dim=0)
            scores = jt.contrib.concat(scores,dim=0)
            labels = jt.contrib.concat(labels,dim=0)

        return results
コード例 #6
ファイル: integrator.py プロジェクト: Jittor/jrender
def integrator(raw, z_vals, rays_d, raw_noise_std=0, white_bkgd=False):
    """Transforms model's predictions to semantically meaningful values.
        raw: [num_rays, num_samples along ray, 4]. Prediction from model.
        z_vals: [num_rays, num_samples along ray]. Integration time.
        rays_d: [num_rays, 3]. Direction of each ray.
        rgb_map: [num_rays, 3]. Estimated RGB color of a ray.
        disp_map: [num_rays]. Disparity map. Inverse of depth map.
        acc_map: [num_rays]. Sum of weights along each ray.
        weights: [num_rays, num_samples]. Weights assigned to each sampled color.
        depth_map: [num_rays]. Estimated distance to object.
    raw2alpha = lambda raw, dists, act_fn=jt.nn.relu: 1. - jt.exp(-act_fn(raw)
                                                                  * dists)

    dists = z_vals[..., 1:] - z_vals[..., :-1]
    dists = jt.concat([
            dists[..., :1].shape)
    ], -1)  # [N_rays, N_samples]
    dists = dists * jt.norm(rays_d.unsqueeze(-2), p=2, dim=-1)

    rgb = jt.sigmoid(raw[..., :3])  # [N_rays, N_samples, 3]
    noise = 0.
    if raw_noise_std > 0.:
        noise = jt.init.gauss(raw[..., 3].shape, raw.dtype) * raw_noise_std
    alpha = raw2alpha(raw[..., 3] + noise, dists)  # [N_rays, N_samples]
    weights = alpha * jt.cumprod(
            (alpha.shape[0], 1)), 1. - alpha + 1e-10], -1), -1)[:, :-1]
    rgb_map = jt.sum(weights.unsqueeze(-1) * rgb, -2)  # [N_rays, 3]

    depth_map = jt.sum(weights * z_vals, -1)
    disp_map = 1. / jt.maximum(1e-10 * jt.ones_like(depth_map),
                               depth_map / jt.sum(weights, -1))
    acc_map = jt.sum(weights, -1)

    if white_bkgd:
        rgb_map = rgb_map + (1. - acc_map.unsqueeze(-1))

    return rgb_map, disp_map, acc_map, weights, depth_map
コード例 #7
ファイル: render.py プロジェクト: Jittor/jrender
def render(H,
           chunk=1024 * 32,
    """Render rays
      H: int. Height of image in pixels.
      W: int. Width of image in pixels.
      focal: float. Focal length of pinhole camera.
      chunk: int. Maximum number of rays to process simultaneously. Used to
        control maximum memory usage. Does not affect final results.
      rays: array of shape [2, batch_size, 3]. Ray origin and direction for
        each example in batch.
      c2w: array of shape [3, 4]. Camera-to-world transformation matrix.
      ndc: bool. If True, represent ray origin, direction in NDC coordinates.
      near: float or array of shape [batch_size]. Nearest distance for a ray.
      far: float or array of shape [batch_size]. Farthest distance for a ray.
      use_viewdirs: bool. If True, use viewing direction of a point in space in model.
      c2w_staticcam: array of shape [3, 4]. If not None, use this transformation matrix for
       camera while using other c2w argument for viewing directions.
      rgb_map: [batch_size, 3]. Predicted RGB values for rays.
      disp_map: [batch_size]. Disparity map. Inverse of depth.
      acc_map: [batch_size]. Accumulated opacity (alpha) along a ray.
      extras: dict with everything returned by render_rays().
    if c2w is not None:
        # special case to render full image
        rays_o, rays_d = pinhole_get_rays(H, W, focal, c2w, intrinsic)
        # use provided ray batch
        rays_o, rays_d = rays

    if use_viewdirs:
        # provide ray directions as input
        viewdirs = rays_d
        if c2w_staticcam is not None:
            assert intrinsic is None
            rays_o, rays_d = pinhole_get_rays(H, W, focal, c2w_staticcam)
        viewdirs = viewdirs / jt.norm(viewdirs, p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
        viewdirs = jt.reshape(viewdirs, [-1, 3]).float()

    sh = rays_d.shape  # [..., 3]
    if ndc:
        # for forward facing scenes
        rays_o, rays_d = ndc_rays(H, W, focal, 1., rays_o, rays_d)

    # Create ray batch
    rays_o = jt.reshape(rays_o, [-1, 3]).float()
    rays_d = jt.reshape(rays_d, [-1, 3]).float()

    near, far = near * jt.ones_like(rays_d[..., :1]), far * jt.ones_like(
        rays_d[..., :1])
    rays = jt.concat([rays_o, rays_d, near, far], -1)
    if use_viewdirs:
        rays = jt.concat([rays, viewdirs], -1)

    # Render and reshape
    all_ret = batchify_rays(rays, chunk, **kwargs)
    for k in all_ret:
        k_sh = list(sh[:-1]) + list(all_ret[k].shape[1:])
        all_ret[k] = jt.reshape(all_ret[k], k_sh)

    k_extract = ['rgb_map', 'disp_map', 'acc_map']
    ret_list = [all_ret[k] for k in k_extract]
    ret_dict = {k: all_ret[k] for k in all_ret if k not in k_extract}
    return ret_list + [ret_dict]
コード例 #8
def output_masked_image(output_dir, selected_img, ori_img, mask, sidelength,
    masked_image = jittor.ones_like(ori_img)
    masked_image[mask] = selected_img
    masked_image = form_image(masked_image, sidelength, channels)
    masked_image.save(os.path.join(output_dir, "masked.jpg"))
コード例 #9
def build_targets(p, targets, model):
    # Build targets for compute_loss(), input targets(image,class,x,y,w,h)
    det = model.model[-1]  # Detect() module
    na, nt = det.na, targets.shape[0]  # number of anchors, targets
    tcls, tbox, indices, anch = [], [], [], []
    gain = jt.ones((7, ))  # normalized to gridspace gain
    ai = jt.index(
        (na, ),
        dim=0).float().view(na, 1).repeat(1,
                                          nt)  # same as .repeat_interleave(nt)

    targets = jt.contrib.concat((targets.repeat(na, 1, 1), ai[:, :, None]),
                                2)  # append anchor indices

    g = 0.5  # bias
    off = jt.array(
            [0, 0],
            # [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1],  # j,k,l,m
            # [1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1],  # jk,jm,lk,lm
        ], ).float() * g  # offsets

    for i in range(det.nl):
        anchors = det.anchors[i]
        gain[2:6] = jt.array(
            [p[i].shape[3], p[i].shape[2], p[i].shape[3],
             p[i].shape[2]])  # xyxy gain

        # Match targets to anchors
        t = targets * gain

        if nt:
            # Matches
            r = t[:, :, 4:6] / anchors[:, None]  # wh ratio
            j = jt.maximum(r, 1. / r).max(2) < model.hyp['anchor_t']  # compare
            # j = wh_iou(anchors, t[:, 4:6]) > model.hyp['iou_t']  # iou(3,n)=wh_iou(anchors(3,2), gwh(n,2))
            t = t[j]  # filter

            # Offsets
            gxy = t[:, 2:4]  # grid xy
            gxi = gain[jt.array([2, 3])] - gxy  # inverse
            # j, k = jt.logical_and((gxy % 1. < g), (gxy > 1.)).int().transpose(1,0).bool()
            # l, m = jt.logical_and((gxi % 1. < g),(gxi > 1.)).int().transpose(1,0).bool()
            jk = jt.logical_and((gxy % 1. < g), (gxy > 1.))
            lm = jt.logical_and((gxi % 1. < g), (gxi > 1.))
            j, k = jk[:, 0], jk[:, 1]
            l, m = lm[:, 0], lm[:, 1]

            j = jt.stack((jt.ones_like(j), ))
            t = t.repeat((off.shape[0], 1, 1))[j]
            offsets = (jt.zeros_like(gxy)[None] + off[:, None])[j]
            t = targets[0]
            offsets = 0

        # Define
        b = t[:, 0].int32()
        c = t[:, 1].int32()  # image, class
        gxy = t[:, 2:4]  # grid xy
        gwh = t[:, 4:6]  # grid wh
        gij = (gxy - offsets).int32()
        gi, gj = gij[:, 0], gij[:, 1]  # grid xy indices

        # Append
        a = t[:, 6].int32()  # anchor indices
        indices.append((b, a, gj.clamp(0, gain[3] - 1),
                                 gain[2] - 1)))  # image, anchor, grid indices
        tbox.append(jt.contrib.concat((gxy - gij, gwh), 1))  # box
        anch.append(anchors[a])  # anchors
        tcls.append(c)  # class

    return tcls, tbox, indices, anch