コード例 #1
def plot_klf_with_jwst():
    Plot up a simulated KLF for the young star cluster at the Galactic Center
    and show spectroscopic and photometric detections today with Keck and in the
    future with TMT.

    from jlu.gc.imf import bayesian as b

    fitAlpha = 1.7
    fitAge = 3.9e6
    fitMcl = 9.2e3
    fitDist = 7900
    fitLogAge = math.log10(fitAge)

    theAKs = 2.7
    distance = 8000.0

    # Use our best fit IMF for 0.5 - 150 Msun
    # Use Weidner_Kroupa_2004 IMF between 0.1 - 0.5 Msun
    #     Stop at 0.1 Msun as we don't have evolution models below that mass.
    massLimits = np.array([0.1, 0.5, 150])
    powers = np.array([-1.3, -fitAlpha])

    Mcl1 = 3.4e4
    Mcl2 = 3.0e4

    cluster1 = b.model_young_cluster_new(fitLogAge, massLimits=massLimits, 
                                         imfSlopes=powers, clusterMass=Mcl1, 
                                         AKs=theAKs, distance=distance)

    Mcl1_1_150 = cluster1.systemMasses[cluster1.mass >= 1].sum()
    Mcl1_01_1 = cluster1.systemMasses[cluster1.mass < 1].sum()

    print 'Cluster with multiples:'
    print '     Total Cluster Mass = %d' % Mcl1
    print '    Mass [1 - 150] Msun = %d' % Mcl1_1_150
    print '    Mass [0.1 - 1] Msun = %d' % Mcl1_01_1

    # Assign arbitrary magnitudes for WR stars. Uniformly distributed from Kp=9-11
    idx = np.where(cluster1.isWR == True)[0]
    cluster1.mag[idx] = 9.0 + (np.random.rand(len(idx))*2)

    # Plot the mass luminosity relationship
    py.semilogy(cluster1.mag, cluster1.mass, 'k.', ms=2, label="Multiples")
    py.xlabel('Kp Magnitude')
    py.ylabel('Stellar Mass (Msun)')

    kbins = np.arange(9.0, 24, 0.5)

    # Plot the KLF
    py.hist(cluster1.mag, bins=kbins, histtype='step', linewidth=2, label='Multiples')
    py.xlabel('Kp Magnitude')
    py.ylabel('Number of Stars')
    py.title('Galactic Center Young Cluster')
    py.xlim(9, 28)
    py.ylim(1, 1e4)
    rng = py.axis()

    py.axvline(15.5, color='black', linestyle='--', linewidth=2)
    py.text(15.6, 6e3, r'13 M$_\odot$', horizontalalignment='center')
    ar1 = FancyArrow(15.5, 1e3, -1, 0, width=1e2, color='black', head_length=0.3)
    py.text(15.3, 7e2, 'Keck\nSpectra', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top')

    py.axvline(21, color='black', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
    py.text(21.0, 6e3, r'0.4 M$_\odot$', horizontalalignment='center')
    ar1 = FancyArrow(21, 4e3, -1, 0, width=4e2, color='black', head_length=0.3)
    py.text(20.8, 3e3, 'TMT\nSpectra', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top')

    ar1 = FancyArrow(17.8, 10, 0, 13, width=0.1, color='blue', head_length=10)
    py.text(18, 9, 'Pre-MS\nTurn-On', color='blue',
            horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top')

コード例 #2
def plot_gc_yng_klf_imf(age):
    Plot up a simulated KLF, IMF, mass-luminosity relationship for the young star
    cluster at the Galactic Center.

    from jlu.gc.imf import bayesian as b
    # Use our best fit IMF for 0.5 - 150 Msun
    # Use Weidner_Kroupa_2004 IMF between 0.1 - 0.5 Msun
    #     Stop at 0.1 Msun as we don't have evolution models below that mass.
    massLimits = np.array([0.1, 0.5, 150])
    powers = np.array([-1.3, -fitAlpha])

    Mcl1 = 3.4e4
    Mcl2 = 3.0e4

    logAge = math.log10(age * 1e6)

    cluster1 = b.model_young_cluster_new(logAge, massLimits=massLimits, imfSlopes=powers,
                                         clusterMass=Mcl1, makeMultiples=True,
                                         AKs=theAKs, distance=distance)
    cluster2 = b.model_young_cluster_new(logAge, massLimits=massLimits, imfSlopes=powers,
                                         clusterMass=Mcl2, makeMultiples=False,
                                         AKs=theAKs, distance=distance)

    Mcl1_1_150 = cluster1.systemMasses[cluster1.mass >= 1].sum()
    Mcl2_1_150 = cluster2.systemMasses[cluster2.mass >= 1].sum()
    Mcl1_01_1 = cluster1.systemMasses[cluster1.mass < 1].sum()
    Mcl2_01_1 = cluster2.systemMasses[cluster2.mass < 1].sum()

    print 'Cluster with multiples:'
    print '     Total Cluster Mass = %d' % Mcl1
    print '    Mass [1 - 150] Msun = %d' % Mcl1_1_150
    print '    Mass [0.1 - 1] Msun = %d' % Mcl1_01_1
    print 'Cluster with singles:'
    print '     Total Cluster Mass = %d' % Mcl2
    print '    Mass [1 - 150] Msun = %d' % Mcl2_1_150
    print '    Mass [0.1 - 1] Msun = %d' % Mcl2_01_1

    # Assign arbitrary magnitudes for WR stars. Uniformly distributed from Kp=9-11
    idx1 = np.where(cluster1.isWR == True)[0]
    cluster1.mag[idx1] = 9.0 + (np.random.rand(len(idx1))*2)
    idx2 = np.where(cluster2.isWR == True)[0]
    cluster2.mag[idx2] = 9.0 + (np.random.rand(len(idx2))*2)

    # Plot the mass luminosity relationship
    py.semilogy(cluster1.mag, cluster1.mass, 'k.', ms=2, label="Multiples", mec='black')
    py.semilogy(cluster2.mag, cluster2.mass, 'b.', ms=2, label='Single', mec='blue')
    py.xlabel('Kp Magnitude')
    py.ylabel('Stellar Mass (Msun)')
    py.title('Age: {0:.1f} Myr'.format(age))
    py.legend(loc='upper right', numpoints=1)
    py.ylim(0.1, 200)
    py.savefig('{0}plots/mass_luminosity_{1:.1f}Myr.png'.format(workDir, age))

    kbins = np.arange(9.0, 24, 0.5)

    # Plot the KLF
    py.hist(cluster1.mag, bins=kbins, histtype='step', linewidth=2, label='Multiples', color='blue')
    py.hist(cluster2.mag, bins=kbins, histtype='step', linewidth=2, label='Singles', color='black')
    py.xlabel('Kp Magnitude')
    py.ylabel('Number of Stars')
    py.title('Age: {0:.1f} Myr'.format(age))
    py.legend(loc='upper left')
    py.xlim(7, 22)
    py.ylim(1, 1e4)
    rng = py.axis()

    outRoot = '{0}plots/klf_{1:.1f}Myr'.format(workDir, age)