def main(finalizer=None, finalizer_args=None): #Will only be used by client log.startLogging(sys.stdout) load_coinjoinxt_config() #to allow testing of confirm/unconfirm callback for multiple txs if isinstance(cjxt_single().bc_interface, RegtestBitcoinCoreInterface): cjxt_single().bc_interface.tick_forward_chain_interval = 2 cjxt_single().bc_interface.simulating = True wallet_name = sys.argv[1] server, port = sys.argv[2:4] #depth 0: spend in, depth 1: receive out, depth 2: for backout transactions. max_mix_depth = 3 wallet_dir = os.path.join(cjxt_single().homedir, 'wallets') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(wallet_dir, wallet_name)): wallet = SegwitWallet(wallet_name, None, max_mix_depth, 6, wallet_dir=wallet_dir) else: while True: try: pwd = get_password("Enter wallet decryption passphrase: ") wallet = SegwitWallet(wallet_name, pwd, max_mix_depth, 6, wallet_dir=wallet_dir) except WalletError: print("Wrong password, try again.") continue except Exception as e: print("Failed to load wallet, error message: " + repr(e)) sys.exit(0) break """ Uncomment this for auto-funding on regtest if isinstance(cjxt_single().bc_interface, RegtestBitcoinCoreInterface): #funding the wallet with outputs specifically suitable for the starting point. funding_utxo_addr = wallet.get_new_addr(0, 0, True) bob_promise_utxo_addr = wallet.get_new_addr(0, 0, True) cjxt_single().bc_interface.grab_coins(funding_utxo_addr, 1.0) cjxt_single().bc_interface.grab_coins(bob_promise_utxo_addr, 0.5) """ sync_wallet(wallet, fast=False) wallet.used_coins = None factory = OCCServerProtocolFactory(wallet) start_daemon(server, port, factory) if finalizer: reactor.addSystemEventTrigger("after", "shutdown", finalizer, finalizer_args)
def create_default_testnet_wallet(): walletdir = "wallets" testwalletname = "testwallet.json" pathtowallet = os.path.join(walletdir, testwalletname) if os.path.exists(pathtowallet): os.remove(pathtowallet) seed = "deadbeef" return (walletdir, pathtowallet, testwalletname, SegwitWallet(seed, None, 5, 6, extend_mixdepth=False, storepassword=False))
def make_wallets(n, wallet_structures=None, mean_amt=1, sdev_amt=0, start_index=0, fixed_seeds=None, test_wallet=False, passwords=None): '''n: number of wallets to be created wallet_structure: array of n arrays , each subarray specifying the number of addresses to be populated with coins at each depth (for now, this will only populate coins into 'receive' addresses) mean_amt: the number of coins (in btc units) in each address as above sdev_amt: if randomness in amouts is desired, specify here. Returns: a dict of dicts of form {0:{'seed':seed,'wallet':Wallet object},1:..,} Default Wallet constructor is joinmarket.Wallet, else use TestWallet, which takes a password parameter as in the list passwords. ''' if len(wallet_structures) != n: raise Exception("Number of wallets doesn't match wallet structures") if not fixed_seeds: seeds = chunks(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(15 * n)), 15 * 2) else: seeds = fixed_seeds wallets = {} for i in range(n): if test_wallet: w = TestWallet(seeds[i], None, max_mix_depth=3, pwd=passwords[i]) else: w = SegwitWallet(seeds[i], None, max_mix_depth=3) wallets[i + start_index] = {'seed': seeds[i], 'wallet': w} for j in range(3): for k in range(wallet_structures[i][j]): deviation = sdev_amt * random.random() amt = mean_amt - sdev_amt / 2.0 + deviation if amt < 0: amt = 0.001 amt = float(Decimal(amt).quantize(Decimal(10)**-8)) cs_single().bc_interface.grab_coins( wallets[i + start_index]['wallet'].get_external_addr(j), amt) #reset the index so the coins can be seen if running in same script wallets[ i + start_index]['wallet'].index[j][0] -= wallet_structures[i][j] return wallets
def pubkey_to_address(cls, pubkey): return SegwitWallet.pubkey_to_address(pubkey)
reactor.connectTCP(host, int(port), factory) if isinstance(cjxt_single().bc_interface, RegtestBitcoinCoreInterface): cjxt_single().bc_interface.shutdown_signal = True if __name__ == "__main__": load_coinjoinxt_config() wallet_name = sys.argv[1] serv, port = sys.argv[2:4] max_mix_depth = 3 wallet_dir = os.path.join(cjxt_single().homedir, 'wallets') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(wallet_dir, wallet_name)): wallet = SegwitWallet(wallet_name, None, max_mix_depth, 6, wallet_dir=wallet_dir) else: while True: try: pwd = get_password("Enter wallet decryption passphrase: ") wallet = SegwitWallet(wallet_name, pwd, max_mix_depth, 6, wallet_dir=wallet_dir) except WalletError: print("Wrong password, try again.") continue except Exception as e:
def main(): tumble_log = get_tumble_log(logsdir) (options, args) = get_tumbler_parser().parse_args() options = vars(options) if len(args) < 1: parser.error('Needs a wallet file') sys.exit(0) load_program_config() #Load the wallet wallet_name = args[0] max_mix_depth = options['mixdepthsrc'] + options['mixdepthcount'] if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('wallets', wallet_name)): wallet = SegwitWallet(wallet_name, None, max_mix_depth) else: while True: try: pwd = get_password("Enter wallet decryption passphrase: ") wallet = SegwitWallet(wallet_name, pwd, max_mix_depth) except WalletError: print("Wrong password, try again.") continue except Exception as e: print("Failed to load wallet, error message: " + repr(e)) sys.exit(0) break if jm_single().config.get("BLOCKCHAIN", "blockchain_source") == "electrum-server": jm_single().bc_interface.synctype = "with-script" sync_wallet(wallet, fast=options['fastsync']) #Parse options and generate schedule #Output information to log files jm_single().mincjamount = options['mincjamount'] destaddrs = args[1:] print(destaddrs) #If the --restart flag is set we read the schedule #from the file, and filter out entries that are #already complete if options['restart']: res, schedule = get_schedule( os.path.join(logsdir, options['schedulefile'])) if not res: print("Failed to load schedule, name: " + str(options['schedulefile'])) print("Error was: " + str(schedule)) sys.exit(0) #This removes all entries that are marked as done schedule = [s for s in schedule if s[5] != 1] if isinstance(schedule[0][5], str) and len(schedule[0][5]) == 64: #ensure last transaction is confirmed before restart"WAITING TO RESTART...") txid = schedule[0][5] restart_waiter(txid + ":0") #add 0 index because all have it #remove the already-done entry (this connects to the other TODO, #probably better *not* to truncate the done-already txs from file, #but simplest for now. schedule = schedule[1:] elif schedule[0][5] != 0: print("Error: first schedule entry is invalid.") sys.exit(0) with open(os.path.join(logsdir, options['schedulefile']), "wb") as f: f.write(schedule_to_text(schedule))"TUMBLE RESTARTING") else: #Create a new schedule from scratch schedule = get_tumble_schedule(options, destaddrs)"TUMBLE STARTING") with open(os.path.join(logsdir, options['schedulefile']), "wb") as f: f.write(schedule_to_text(schedule)) print("Schedule written to logs/" + options['schedulefile'])"With this schedule: ") print("Progress logging to logs/TUMBLE.log") def filter_orders_callback(orders_fees, cjamount): """Decide whether to accept fees """ return tumbler_filter_orders_callback(orders_fees, cjamount, taker, options) def taker_finished(res, fromtx=False, waittime=0.0, txdetails=None): """on_finished_callback for tumbler; processing is almost entirely deferred to generic taker_finished in tumbler_support module, except here reactor signalling. """ sfile = os.path.join(logsdir, options['schedulefile']) tumbler_taker_finished_update(taker, sfile, tumble_log, options, res, fromtx, waittime, txdetails) if not fromtx: reactor.stop() elif fromtx != "unconfirmed": reactor.callLater(waittime * 60, clientfactory.getClient().clientStart) #to allow testing of confirm/unconfirm callback for multiple txs if isinstance(jm_single().bc_interface, RegtestBitcoinCoreInterface): jm_single().bc_interface.tick_forward_chain_interval = 10 jm_single().bc_interface.simulating = True jm_single().maker_timeout_sec = 15 #instantiate Taker with given schedule and run taker = Taker(wallet, schedule, order_chooser=weighted_order_choose, callbacks=(filter_orders_callback, None, taker_finished), tdestaddrs=destaddrs) clientfactory = JMClientProtocolFactory(taker) nodaemon = jm_single().config.getint("DAEMON", "no_daemon") daemon = True if nodaemon == 1 else False if jm_single().config.get("BLOCKCHAIN", "network") in ["regtest", "testnet"]: startLogging(sys.stdout) start_reactor(jm_single().config.get("DAEMON", "daemon_host"), jm_single().config.getint("DAEMON", "daemon_port"), clientfactory, daemon=daemon)
def main_cs(test_data=None): #twisted logging (TODO disable for non-debug runs) if test_data: wallet_name, args, options, use_ssl, alt_class, alt_c_class, fail_alice_state, fail_carol_state = test_data server, port, usessl = parse_server_string(options.serverport) else: parser = get_coinswap_parser() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() #Will only be used by client server, port, usessl = parse_server_string(options.serverport) if options.checkonly: #no need for any more data; just query alice_client = CoinSwapJSONRPCClient(server[2:], port, usessl=usessl) reactor.callWhenRunning(alice_client.send_poll_unsigned, "status", print_status) return log.startLogging(sys.stdout) load_coinswap_config() wallet_name = args[0] #depth 0: spend in, depth 1: receive out, depth 2: for backout transactions. max_mix_depth = 3 wallet_dir = os.path.join(cs_single().homedir, 'wallets') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(wallet_dir, wallet_name)): wallet = SegwitWallet(wallet_name, None, max_mix_depth, 6, wallet_dir=wallet_dir) else: while True: try: pwd = get_password("Enter wallet decryption passphrase: ") wallet = SegwitWallet(wallet_name, pwd, max_mix_depth, 6, wallet_dir=wallet_dir) except WalletError: print("Wrong password, try again.") continue except Exception as e: print("Failed to load wallet, error message: " + repr(e)) sys.exit(0) break #for testing main script (not test framework), need funds. if not test_data and isinstance(cs_single().bc_interface, RegtestBitcoinCoreInterface): for i in range(3): cs_single().bc_interface.grab_coins( wallet.get_new_addr(0, 0, True), 2.0) wallet.index[0][0] -= 3 time.sleep(3) sync_wallet(wallet, fast=options.fastsync) if test_data: cs_single().bc_interface.wallet_synced = True wallet.used_coins = None if options.serve: #sanity check that client params were not provided: if len(args) > 1: print("Extra parameters provided for running as server. " "Are you sure you didn't want to run as client?") sys.exit(0) if not test_data: main_server(options, wallet) else: main_server( options, wallet, { 'use_ssl': use_ssl, 'alt_c_class': alt_c_class, 'fail_carol_state': fail_carol_state }) return wallet.get_balance_by_mixdepth() return if not options.recover: target_amount = int(args[1]) #Reset the targetting for backout transactions #TODO must be removed/changed for updated fees handling oldtarget = cs_single().config.get("POLICY", "tx_fees") newtarget = cs_single().config.getint("POLICY", "backout_fee_target") multiplier = float(cs_single().config.get("POLICY", "backout_fee_multiplier")) cs_single().config.set("POLICY", "tx_fees", str(newtarget)) tx23fee = estimate_tx_fee((1, 2, 2), 1, txtype='p2shMofN') tx23fee = int(multiplier * tx23fee) tx24_recipient_amount = target_amount - tx23fee tx35_recipient_amount = target_amount - tx23fee cs_single().config.set("POLICY", "tx_fees", oldtarget) #to allow testing of confirm/unconfirm callback for multiple txs if isinstance(cs_single().bc_interface, RegtestBitcoinCoreInterface): cs_single().bc_interface.tick_forward_chain_interval = 2 cs_single().bc_interface.simulating = True cs_single().config.set("BLOCKCHAIN", "notify_port", "62652") cs_single().config.set("BLOCKCHAIN", "rpc_host", "") #if restart option selected, read state and backout if options.recover: session_id = options.recover alice = CoinSwapAlice(wallet, 'alicestate') alice.bbmb = wallet.get_balance_by_mixdepth(verbose=False) alice.load(sessionid=session_id) alice.backout("Recovering from shutdown") return if len(args) > 2: tx5address = args[2] if not validate_address(tx5address): print("Invalid address: ", tx5address) sys.exit(0) else: #Our destination address should be in a separate mixdepth tx5address = wallet.get_new_addr(1, 1, True) #instantiate the parameters, but don't yet have the ephemeral pubkeys #or destination addresses. #TODO figure out best estimate incl. priority btcfee_est = estimate_tx_fee((1, 2, 2), 1, txtype='p2shMofN') cpp = CoinSwapPublicParameters(base_amount=target_amount, bitcoin_fee=btcfee_est) cpp.set_addr_data(addr5=tx5address) testing_mode = True if test_data else False aliceclass = alt_class if test_data and alt_class else CoinSwapAlice if test_data and fail_alice_state: alice = aliceclass(wallet, 'alicestate', cpp, testing_mode=testing_mode, fail_state=fail_alice_state) else: if testing_mode or options.checkfee: alice = aliceclass(wallet, 'alicestate', cpp, testing_mode=testing_mode) else: alice = aliceclass(wallet, 'alicestate', cpp, testing_mode=testing_mode, fee_checker="cli") alice_client = CoinSwapJSONRPCClient(server[2:], port,, alice.backout, usessl) alice.set_jsonrpc_client(alice_client) reactor.callWhenRunning(alice_client.send_poll_unsigned, "status", alice.check_server_status) if not test_data: if test_data: return alice
def main(): parser = OptionParser( usage= 'usage: %prog [options] [txid:n]', description="Adds one or more utxos to the list that can be used to make " "commitments for anti-snooping. Note that this utxo, and its " "PUBkey, will be revealed to makers, so consider the privacy " "implication. " "It may be useful to those who are having trouble making " "coinjoins due to several unsuccessful attempts (especially " "if your joinmarket wallet is new). " "'Utxo' means unspent transaction output, it must not " "already be spent. " "The options -w, -r and -R offer ways to load these utxos " "from a file or wallet. " "If you enter a single utxo without these options, you will be " "prompted to enter the private key here - it must be in " "WIF compressed format. " "BE CAREFUL about handling private keys! " "Don't do this in insecure environments. " "Also note this ONLY works for standard (p2pkh) utxos." ) parser.add_option( '-r', '--read-from-file', action='store', type='str', dest='in_file', help='name of plain text csv file containing utxos, one per line, format: ' 'txid:N, WIF-compressed-privkey' ) parser.add_option( '-R', '--read-from-json', action='store', type='str', dest='in_json', help='name of json formatted file containing utxos with private keys, as ' 'output from "python -u -p walletname showutxos"' ) parser.add_option( '-w', '--load-wallet', action='store', type='str', dest='loadwallet', help='name of wallet from which to load utxos and use as commitments.' ) parser.add_option( '-g', '--gap-limit', action='store', type='int', dest='gaplimit', default = 6, help='Only to be used with -w; gap limit for Joinmarket wallet, default 6.' ) parser.add_option( '-M', '--max-mixdepth', action='store', type='int', dest='maxmixdepth', default=5, help='Only to be used with -w; number of mixdepths for wallet, default 5.' ) parser.add_option( '-d', '--delete-external', action='store_true', dest='delete_ext', help='deletes the current list of external commitment utxos', default=False ) parser.add_option( '-v', '--validate-utxos', action='store_true', dest='validate', help='validate the utxos and pubkeys provided against the blockchain', default=False ) parser.add_option( '-o', '--validate-only', action='store_true', dest='vonly', help='only validate the provided utxos (file or command line), not add', default=False ) parser.add_option('--fast', action='store_true', dest='fastsync', default=False, help=('choose to do fast wallet sync, only for Core and ' 'only for previously synced wallet')) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() load_program_config() #TODO; sort out "commit file location" global so this script can #run without this hardcoding: utxo_data = [] if options.delete_ext: other = options.in_file or options.in_json or options.loadwallet if len(args) > 0 or other: if raw_input("You have chosen to delete commitments, other arguments " "will be ignored; continue? (y/n)") != 'y': print "Quitting" sys.exit(0) c, e = get_podle_commitments() print pformat(e) if raw_input( "You will remove the above commitments; are you sure? (y/n): ") != 'y': print "Quitting" sys.exit(0) update_commitments(external_to_remove=e) print "Commitments deleted." sys.exit(0) #Three options (-w, -r, -R) for loading utxo and privkey pairs from a wallet, #csv file or json file. if options.loadwallet: while True: pwd = get_password("Enter wallet decryption passphrase: ") try: wallet = SegwitWallet(options.loadwallet, pwd, options.maxmixdepth, options.gaplimit) except WalletError: print("Wrong password, try again.") continue except Exception as e: print("Failed to load wallet, error message: " + repr(e)) sys.exit(0) break sync_wallet(wallet, fast=options.fastsync) unsp = {} for u, av in wallet.unspent.iteritems(): addr = av['address'] key = wallet.get_key_from_addr(addr) wifkey = btc.wif_compressed_privkey(key, vbyte=get_p2pk_vbyte()) unsp[u] = {'address': av['address'], 'value': av['value'], 'privkey': wifkey} for u, pva in unsp.iteritems(): utxo_data.append((u, pva['privkey'])) elif options.in_file: with open(options.in_file, "rb") as f: utxo_info = f.readlines() for ul in utxo_info: ul = ul.rstrip() if ul: u, priv = get_utxo_info(ul) if not u: quit(parser, "Failed to parse utxo info: " + str(ul)) utxo_data.append((u, priv)) elif options.in_json: if not os.path.isfile(options.in_json): print "File: " + options.in_json + " not found." sys.exit(0) with open(options.in_json, "rb") as f: try: utxo_json = json.loads( except: print "Failed to read json from " + options.in_json sys.exit(0) for u, pva in utxo_json.iteritems(): utxo_data.append((u, pva['privkey'])) elif len(args) == 1: u = args[0] priv = raw_input( 'input private key for ' + u + ', in WIF compressed format : ') u, priv = get_utxo_info(','.join([u, priv])) if not u: quit(parser, "Failed to parse utxo info: " + u) utxo_data.append((u, priv)) else: quit(parser, 'Invalid syntax') if options.validate or options.vonly: if not validate_utxo_data(utxo_data, segwit=True): quit(parser, "Utxos did not validate, quitting") if options.vonly: sys.exit(0) #We are adding utxos to the external list assert len(utxo_data) add_ext_commitments(utxo_data)
def test_wallet_create(setup_wallets, includecache, wrongnet, storepwd, extendmd, pwdnumtries): walletdir, pathtowallet, testwalletname, wallet = create_default_testnet_wallet( ) assert wallet.get_key( 4, 1, 17) == "96095d7542e4e832c476b9df7e49ca9e5be61ad3bb8c8a3bdd8e141e2f4caf9101" assert wallet.get_addr(2, 0, 5) == "2NBUxbEQrGPKrYCV6d4o7Y4AtJ34Uy6gZZg" jm_single().bc_interface.wallet_synced = True assert wallet.get_new_addr(1, 0) == "2Mz817RE6zqywgkG2h9cATUoiXwnFSxufk2" assert wallet.get_external_addr(3) == "2N3gn65WXEzbLnjk5FLDZPc1pL6ebvZAmoA" addr3internal = wallet.get_internal_addr(3) assert addr3internal == "2N5NMTYogAyrGhDtWBnVQUp1kgwwFzcf7UM" assert wallet.get_key_from_addr( addr3internal) == "089a7173314d29f99e02a37e36da517ce41537a317c83284db1f33dda0af0cc201" dummyaddr = "mvw1NazKDRbeNufFANqpYNAANafsMC2zVU" assert not wallet.get_key_from_addr(dummyaddr) #Make a new Wallet(), and prepare a testnet wallet file for this wallet password = "******" password_key = bitcoin.bin_dbl_sha256(password) seed = bitcoin.sha256("\xaa" * 64)[:32] encrypted_seed = encryptData(password_key, seed.decode('hex')) timestamp ="%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") net = get_network() if not wrongnet else 'mainnnet' walletfilejson = {'creator': 'joinmarket project', 'creation_time': timestamp, 'encrypted_seed': encrypted_seed.encode('hex'), 'network': net} if includecache: mmd = wallet.max_mix_depth if not extendmd else wallet.max_mix_depth + 5 print("using mmd: " + str(mmd)) walletfilejson.update({'index_cache': [[0, 0]] * mmd}) walletfile = json.dumps(walletfilejson) if not os.path.exists(walletdir): os.makedirs(walletdir) with open(pathtowallet, "wb") as f: f.write(walletfile) if wrongnet: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e_info: SegwitWallet(testwalletname, password, 5, 6, extend_mixdepth=extendmd, storepassword=storepwd) return from string import ascii_letters for i in range( pwdnumtries): #multiple tries to ensure pkcs7 error is triggered with pytest.raises(WalletError) as e_info: wrongpwd = "".join([random.choice(ascii_letters) for _ in range(20) ]) SegwitWallet(testwalletname, wrongpwd, 5, 6, extend_mixdepth=extendmd, storepassword=storepwd) with pytest.raises(WalletError) as e_info: SegwitWallet(testwalletname, None, 5, 6, extend_mixdepth=extendmd, storepassword=storepwd) newwallet = SegwitWallet(testwalletname, password, 5, 6, extend_mixdepth=extendmd, storepassword=storepwd) assert newwallet.seed == wallet.wallet_data_to_seed(seed) #now we have a functional wallet + file, update the cache; first try #with failed paths oldpath = newwallet.path newwallet.path = None newwallet.update_cache_index() newwallet.path = "fake-path-definitely-doesnt-exist" newwallet.update_cache_index() #with real path newwallet.path = oldpath newwallet.index = [[1, 1]] * 5 newwallet.update_cache_index() #ensure we cannot find a mainnet wallet from seed seed = "goodbye" jm_single().config.set("BLOCKCHAIN", "network", "mainnet") with pytest.raises(IOError) as e_info: Wallet(seed, 5, 6, False, False) load_program_config()
def ygmain(ygclass, txfee=1000, cjfee_a=200, cjfee_r=0.002, ordertype='swreloffer', nickserv_password='', minsize=100000, gaplimit=6): import sys parser = OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options] [wallet file]') parser.add_option('-o', '--ordertype', action='store', type='string', dest='ordertype', default=ordertype, help='type of order; can be either reloffer or absoffer') parser.add_option('-t', '--txfee', action='store', type='int', dest='txfee', default=txfee, help='minimum miner fee in satoshis') parser.add_option('-c', '--cjfee', action='store', type='string', dest='cjfee', default='', help='requested coinjoin fee in satoshis or proportion') parser.add_option('-p', '--password', action='store', type='string', dest='password', default=nickserv_password, help='irc nickserv password') parser.add_option('-s', '--minsize', action='store', type='int', dest='minsize', default=minsize, help='minimum coinjoin size in satoshis') parser.add_option('-g', '--gap-limit', action='store', type="int", dest='gaplimit', default=gaplimit, help='gap limit for wallet, default='+str(gaplimit)) parser.add_option('--fast', action='store_true', dest='fastsync', default=False, help=('choose to do fast wallet sync, only for Core and ' 'only for previously synced wallet')) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: parser.error('Needs a wallet') sys.exit(0) wallet_name = args[0] ordertype = options.ordertype txfee = options.txfee if ordertype == 'swreloffer': if options.cjfee != '': cjfee_r = options.cjfee # minimum size is such that you always net profit at least 20% #of the miner fee minsize = max(int(1.2 * txfee / float(cjfee_r)), options.minsize) elif ordertype == 'swabsoffer': if options.cjfee != '': cjfee_a = int(options.cjfee) minsize = options.minsize else: parser.error('You specified an incorrect offer type which ' +\ 'can be either swreloffer or swabsoffer') sys.exit(0) nickserv_password = options.password load_program_config() if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('wallets', wallet_name)): wallet = SegwitWallet(wallet_name, None, max_mix_depth=MAX_MIX_DEPTH, gaplimit=options.gaplimit) else: while True: try: pwd = get_password("Enter wallet decryption passphrase: ") wallet = SegwitWallet(wallet_name, pwd, max_mix_depth=MAX_MIX_DEPTH, gaplimit=options.gaplimit) except WalletError: print("Wrong password, try again.") continue except Exception as e: print("Failed to load wallet, error message: " + repr(e)) sys.exit(0) break if jm_single().config.get("BLOCKCHAIN", "blockchain_source") == "electrum-server": jm_single().bc_interface.synctype = "with-script" sync_wallet(wallet, fast=options.fastsync) maker = ygclass(wallet, [options.txfee, cjfee_a, cjfee_r, options.ordertype, options.minsize])'starting yield generator') clientfactory = JMClientProtocolFactory(maker, proto_type="MAKER") nodaemon = jm_single().config.getint("DAEMON", "no_daemon") daemon = True if nodaemon == 1 else False if jm_single().config.get("BLOCKCHAIN", "network") in ["regtest", "testnet"]: startLogging(sys.stdout) start_reactor(jm_single().config.get("DAEMON", "daemon_host"), jm_single().config.getint("DAEMON", "daemon_port"), clientfactory, daemon=daemon)