コード例 #1
ファイル: sortTest.py プロジェクト: cvaske/jobTree
 def testSort(self):
     for test in xrange(self.testNo):
         tempDir = getTempDirectory(os.getcwd())
         tempFile1 = getTempFile(rootDir=tempDir)
         lines1 = loadFile(tempFile1)
         lines2 = loadFile(tempFile1)
         checkEqual(lines1, lines2)
         system("rm -rf %s" % tempDir)
コード例 #2
ファイル: sortTest.py プロジェクト: cvaske/jobTree
 def testGetMidPoint(self):
     for test in xrange(self.testNo):
         tempDir = getTempDirectory(os.getcwd())
         tempFile = getTempFile(rootDir=tempDir)
         l = open(tempFile, 'r').read()
         fileSize = os.path.getsize(tempFile)
         midPoint = getMidPoint(tempFile, 0, fileSize)
         print "the mid point is %i of a file of %i bytes woth byte" % (midPoint, fileSize)
         assert midPoint < fileSize
         assert l[midPoint] == '\n'
         assert midPoint >= 0
         system("rm -rf %s" % tempDir)
コード例 #3
ファイル: sortTest.py プロジェクト: cvaske/jobTree
 def testCopySubRangeOfFile(self):
     for test in xrange(self.testNo):
         tempDir = getTempDirectory(os.getcwd())
         tempFile = getTempFile(rootDir=tempDir)
         outputFile = getTempFile(rootDir=tempDir)
         fileSize = os.path.getsize(tempFile)
         assert fileSize > 0
         fileStart = random.choice(xrange(0, fileSize))
         fileEnd = random.choice(xrange(fileStart, fileSize))
         copySubRangeOfFile(tempFile, fileStart, fileEnd, outputFile)
         l = open(outputFile, 'r').read()
         l2 = open(tempFile, 'r').read()[fileStart:fileEnd]
         checkEqual(l, l2)
         system("rm -rf %s" % tempDir)
コード例 #4
ファイル: statsTest.py プロジェクト: cvaske/jobTree
 def testJobTreeStats_SortSimple(self):
     """Tests the jobTreeStats utility using the scriptTree_sort example.
     for test in xrange(self.testNo):
         tempDir = getTempDirectory(os.getcwd())
         tempFile = getTempFile(rootDir=tempDir)
         outputFile = getTempFile(rootDir=tempDir)
         jobTreeDir = os.path.join(tempDir, "jobTree")
         makeFileToSort(tempFile, lines, maxLineLength)
         #Sort the file
         command = "scriptTreeTest_Sort.py --jobTree %s --logLevel=DEBUG --fileToSort=%s --N %s --stats --jobTime 0.5" % (jobTreeDir, tempFile, N)
         #Now get the stats
         system("jobTreeStats --jobTree %s --outputFile %s" % (jobTreeDir, outputFile))
         system("rm -rf %s" % tempDir)
コード例 #5
ファイル: sortTest.py プロジェクト: cvaske/jobTree
def scriptTree_SortTest(testNo, batchSystem, lines=100000, maxLineLength=10, N=1000):
    """Tests scriptTree/jobTree by sorting a file in parallel.
    for test in xrange(testNo):
        tempDir = getTempDirectory(os.getcwd())
        tempFile = getTempFile(rootDir=tempDir)
        jobTreeDir = os.path.join(tempDir, "jobTree")
        makeFileToSort(tempFile, lines=lines, maxLineLength=maxLineLength)
        #First make our own sorted version
        fileHandle = open(tempFile, 'r')
        l = fileHandle.readlines()
        #Sort the file
        command = "scriptTreeTest_Sort.py --jobTree %s --logLevel=DEBUG --fileToSort=%s --N %i --batchSystem %s --jobTime 1.0" % (jobTreeDir, tempFile, N, batchSystem)
        #Now check the file is properly sorted..
        #Now get the sorted file
        fileHandle = open(tempFile, 'r')
        l2 = fileHandle.readlines()
        checkEqual(l, l2)
        system("rm -rf %s" % tempDir)
コード例 #6
ファイル: scriptTreeTest.py プロジェクト: cvaske/jobTree
 def setUp(self):
     self.testNo = TestStatus.getTestSetup(1, 2, 10, 10)
     self.tempDir = getTempDirectory(os.getcwd())
     self.jobTreeDir = os.path.join(self.tempDir, "jobTree")  # A directory for the job tree to be created in
コード例 #7
ファイル: stack.py プロジェクト: cvaske/jobTree
 def getGlobalTempDir(self):
     return getTempDirectory(rootDir=self.globalTempDir)
コード例 #8
ファイル: jobTreeSlave.py プロジェクト: cvaske/jobTree
def processJob(job, jobToRun, memoryAvailable, cpuAvailable, stats):
    """Runs a job.
    from jobTree.src.bioio import getTempFile
    from jobTree.src.bioio import getTempDirectory
    from jobTree.src.bioio import logger
    from jobTree.src.bioio import system
    from jobTree.src.bioio import getTotalCpuTime
    assert len(job.find("children").findall("child")) == 0
    assert int(job.attrib["child_count"]) == int(job.attrib["black_child_count"])
    command = jobToRun.attrib["command"]
    #Copy the job file to be edited
    tempJob = ET.Element("job")
    ET.SubElement(tempJob, "children")
    #Log for job
    tempJob.attrib["log_level"] = job.attrib["log_level"]
    #Time length of 'ideal' job before further parallelism is required
    tempJob.attrib["job_time"] = job.attrib["job_time"]
    #Dir to put all the temp files in.
    localSlaveTempDir = getTempDirectory()

    #Temp file dirs for job.
    localTempDir = getTempDirectory(rootDir=localSlaveTempDir)
    tempJob.attrib["local_temp_dir"] = localTempDir
    depth = len(job.find("followOns").findall("followOn"))
    tempJob.attrib["global_temp_dir"] = os.path.join(job.attrib["global_temp_dir"], str(depth))
    if not os.path.isdir(tempJob.attrib["global_temp_dir"]): #Ensures that the global temp dirs of each level are kept separate.
        os.chmod(tempJob.attrib["global_temp_dir"], 0777)
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(job.attrib["global_temp_dir"], str(depth+1))):
        system("rm -rf %s" % os.path.join(job.attrib["global_temp_dir"], str(depth+1)))
    assert not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(job.attrib["global_temp_dir"], str(depth+2)))
    #Deal with memory and cpu requirements (this pass tells the running job how much cpu and memory they have,
    #according to the batch system
    tempJob.attrib["available_memory"] = str(memoryAvailable)
    tempJob.attrib["available_cpu"] = str(cpuAvailable)
    if stats != None:
        tempJob.attrib["stats"] = getTempFile(rootDir=localSlaveTempDir)
    #Now write the temp job file
    tempFile = getTempFile(rootDir=localSlaveTempDir)
    fileHandle = open(tempFile, 'w') 
    tree = ET.ElementTree(tempJob)
    logger.info("Copied the jobs files ready for the job")
    if "JOB_FILE" not in command:
        logger.critical("There is no 'JOB_FILE' string in the command to be run to take the job-file argument: %s" % command)
        job.attrib["colour"] = "red" #Update the colour
        #First load the environment for the job.
        fileHandle = open(job.attrib["environment_file"], 'r')
        environment = cPickle.load(fileHandle)
        logger.info("Loaded the environment for the process")
        #Run the actual command
        tempLogFile = getTempFile(suffix=".log", rootDir=localSlaveTempDir)
        fileHandle = open(tempLogFile, 'w')
        finalCommand = command.replace("JOB_FILE", tempFile)
        if stats != None:
            startTime = time.time()
            startClock = getTotalCpuTime()
        process = subprocess.Popen(finalCommand, shell=True, stdout=fileHandle, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=environment)
        sts = os.waitpid(process.pid, 0)
        truncateFile(tempLogFile, int(job.attrib["max_log_file_size"]))
        #Copy across the log file
        system("mv %s %s" % (tempLogFile, job.attrib["log_file"]))
        i = sts[1]
        logger.info("Ran the job command=%s with exit status %i" % (finalCommand, i))
        if i == 0:
            logger.info("Passed the job, okay")
            if stats != None:
                jobTag = ET.SubElement(stats, "job", { "time":str(time.time() - startTime), "clock":str(getTotalCpuTime() - startClock) })
                if os.path.exists(tempJob.attrib["stats"]):
            tempJob = ET.parse(tempFile).getroot()
            job.attrib["colour"] = "black" #Update the colour
            #Deal with any logging messages directed at the master
            if tempJob.find("messages") != None:
                messages = job.find("messages")
                if messages == None:
                    messages = ET.SubElement(job, "messages")
                for messageTag in tempJob.find("messages").findall("message"):
            #Update the runtime of the stack..
            totalRuntime = float(job.attrib["total_time"])  #This is the estimate runtime of the jobs on the followon stack
            runtime = float(jobToRun.attrib["time"])
            totalRuntime -= runtime
            if totalRuntime < 0.0:
                totalRuntime = 0.0
            #The children
            children = job.find("children")
            assert len(children.findall("child")) == 0 #The children
            assert tempJob.find("children") != None
            for child in tempJob.find("children").findall("child"):
                memory, cpu, compTime = getMemoryCpuAndTimeRequirements(job, child)
                ET.SubElement(children, "child", { "command":child.attrib["command"], 
                        "time":str(compTime), "memory":str(memory), "cpu":str(cpu) })
                logger.info("Making a child with command: %s" % (child.attrib["command"]))
            #The follow on command
            followOns = job.find("followOns")
            followOns.remove(followOns.findall("followOn")[-1]) #Remove the old job
            if tempJob.attrib.has_key("command"):
                memory, cpu, compTime = getMemoryCpuAndTimeRequirements(job, tempJob)
                ET.SubElement(followOns, "followOn", { "command":tempJob.attrib["command"], 
                        "time":str(compTime), "memory":str(memory), "cpu":str(cpu) })
                ##Add the runtime to the total runtime..
                totalRuntime += compTime
                logger.info("Making a follow on job with command: %s" % tempJob.attrib["command"])
            elif len(tempJob.find("children").findall("child")) != 0: #This is to keep the stack of follow on jobs consistent.
                ET.SubElement(followOns, "followOn", { "command":"echo JOB_FILE", "time":"0", "memory":"1000000", "cpu":"1" })
                logger.info("Making a stub follow on job")
            #Write back the runtime, after addin the follow on time and subtracting the time of the run job.
            job.attrib["total_time"] = str(totalRuntime)
            logger.info("Failed the job")
            job.attrib["colour"] = "red" #Update the colour
    #Clean up
    system("rm -rf %s" % (localSlaveTempDir))
    logger.info("Cleaned up by removing temp jobfile (the copy), and the temporary file directory for the job")