コード例 #1
ファイル: jobTest.py プロジェクト: tmfarrell/ont_dap
 def testJobUpdate(self):
     jobDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "testJobDir")
     os.mkdir(jobDir) #If directory already exists then the test will fail
     command = "by your command"
     memory = 2^32
     cpu = 1
     tryCount = 100
     for i in xrange(40):
         startTime = time.time()
         j = Job(command, memory, cpu, tryCount, jobDir)
         childNumber = random.choice(range(20))
         for k in xrange(childNumber):
             j.children.append((command, memory, cpu))
         self.assertEquals(len(j.children), childNumber)
         j.update(tryCount=tryCount, depth=0)
         j = Job.read(j.getJobFileName())
         self.assertEquals(len(j.children) + len(j.followOnCommands), childNumber + 1)
         for childJobFile, memory, cpu in j.children:
             cJ = Job.read(childJobFile)
             self.assertEquals(cJ.remainingRetryCount, tryCount)
             #self.assertEquals(cJ.jobDir, os.path.split(cJ)[0])
             self.assertEquals(cJ.children, [])
             self.assertEquals(cJ.followOnCommands, [ (command, memory, cpu, 0)])
             self.assertEquals(cJ.messages, [])
             self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(cJ.getJobFileName()))
         self.assertEquals(os.listdir(jobDir), [ "job" ])
         print "It took %f seconds to update jobs" % (time.time() - startTime) #We've just used it for benchmarking, so far 
     system("rm -rf %s" % jobDir)
コード例 #2
ファイル: jobTest.py プロジェクト: tmfarrell/ont_dap
 def testJobReadWriteAndDelete(self):
     jobDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "testJobDir")
     os.mkdir(jobDir) #If directory already exists then the test will fail
     command = "by your command"
     memory = 2^32
     cpu = 1
     tryCount = 100
     for i in xrange(10):
         startTime = time.time()
         for j in xrange(100):
             j = Job(command, memory, cpu, tryCount, jobDir)
             self.assertEquals(j.remainingRetryCount, tryCount)
             self.assertEquals(j.jobDir, jobDir)
             self.assertEquals(j.children, [])
             self.assertEquals(j.followOnCommands, [ (command, memory, cpu, 0)])
             self.assertEquals(j.messages, [])
             j = Job.read(j.getJobFileName())
             self.assertEquals(j.remainingRetryCount, tryCount)
             self.assertEquals(j.jobDir, jobDir)
             self.assertEquals(j.children, [])
             self.assertEquals(j.followOnCommands, [ (command, memory, cpu, 0)])
             self.assertEquals(j.messages, [])
             self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(j.getJobFileName()))
         print "It took %f seconds to load/unload jobs" % (time.time() - startTime) #We've just used it for benchmarking, so far 
         #Would be good to extend this trivial test
     system("rm -rf %s" % jobDir)
コード例 #3
ファイル: jobTreeStatus.py プロジェクト: adamnovak/jobTree
def parseJobFile(absFileName):
        job = Job.read(absFileName)
        return job
        logger.info("Encountered error while parsing job file %s, so we will ignore it" % absFileName)
    return None
コード例 #4
ファイル: jobTreeStatus.py プロジェクト: tmfarrell/ont_dap
def parseJobFile(absFileName):
        job = Job.read(absFileName)
        return job
            "Encountered error while parsing job file %s, so we will ignore it"
            % absFileName)
    return None
コード例 #5
ファイル: jobTreeSlave.py プロジェクト: adamnovak/jobTree
def main():
    #Now we can import all the stuff..
    from sonLib.bioio import getBasicOptionParser
    from sonLib.bioio import parseBasicOptions
    from sonLib.bioio import logger
    from sonLib.bioio import addLoggingFileHandler, redirectLoggerStreamHandlers
    from sonLib.bioio import setLogLevel
    from sonLib.bioio import getTotalCpuTime, getTotalCpuTimeAndMemoryUsage
    from sonLib.bioio import getTempDirectory
    from sonLib.bioio import makeSubDir
    from jobTree.src.job import Job
    from jobTree.src.master import getEnvironmentFileName, getConfigFileName, listChildDirs, getTempStatsFile, setupJobAfterFailure
    from sonLib.bioio import system
    #Input args
    jobTreePath = sys.argv[1]
    jobFile = sys.argv[2]
    #Load the environment for the job
    #First load the environment for the job.
    fileHandle = open(getEnvironmentFileName(jobTreePath), 'r')
    environment = cPickle.load(fileHandle)
    for i in environment:
        if i not in ("TMPDIR", "TMP", "HOSTNAME", "HOSTTYPE"):
            os.environ[i] = environment[i]
    # sys.path is used by __import__ to find modules
    if "PYTHONPATH" in environment:
        for e in environment["PYTHONPATH"].split(':'):
            if e != '':
    #os.environ = environment
    #os.putenv(key, value)
    #Setup the temporary directories.
    #Dir to put all the temp files in.
    localSlaveTempDir = getTempDirectory()
    localTempDir = makeSubDir(os.path.join(localSlaveTempDir, "localTempDir"))
    #Setup the logging
    #Setup the logging
    tempSlaveLogFile = os.path.join(localSlaveTempDir, "slave_log.txt")
    slaveHandle = open(tempSlaveLogFile, 'w')
    for handler in list(logger.handlers): #Remove old handlers
    origStdErr = sys.stderr
    origStdOut = sys.stdout
    sys.stderr = slaveHandle 
    sys.stdout = slaveHandle
    #Parse input files
    config = ET.parse(getConfigFileName(jobTreePath)).getroot()
    job = Job.read(jobFile)
    job.messages = [] #This is the only way to stop messages logging twice, as are read only in the master
    job.children = []
    if os.path.exists(job.getLogFileName()): #This cleans the old log file
    logger.info("Parsed arguments and set up logging")

     #Try loop for slave logging
    #Setup the stats, if requested
    if config.attrib.has_key("stats"):
        startTime = time.time()
        startClock = getTotalCpuTime()
        stats = ET.Element("slave")
        stats = None
    #The max time 
    maxTime = float(config.attrib["job_time"])
    assert maxTime > 0.0
    assert maxTime < sys.maxint

    #Slave log file trapped from here on in

    slaveFailed = False
        #The next job
        def globalTempDirName(job, depth):
            return job.getGlobalTempDirName() + str(depth)
        command, memoryAvailable, cpuAvailable, depth = job.followOnCommands[-1]
        defaultMemory = int(config.attrib["default_memory"])
        defaultCpu = int(config.attrib["default_cpu"])
        assert len(job.children) == 0
        startTime = time.time() 
        while True:
            #Global temp dir
            globalTempDir = makeSubDir(globalTempDirName(job, depth))
            i = 1
            while os.path.isdir(globalTempDirName(job, depth+i)):
                system("rm -rf %s" % globalTempDirName(job, depth+i))
                i += 1
            #Old children, not yet deleted
            #These may exist because of the lazy cleanup
            #we do
            for childDir in listChildDirs(job.jobDir):
                logger.debug("Cleaning up old child %s" % childDir)
                system("rm -rf %s" % childDir)
            #Run the job
            if command != "": #Not a stub
                if command[:11] == "scriptTree ":
                    #Run the target
                    loadStack(command).execute(job=job, stats=stats,
                                    localTempDir=localTempDir, globalTempDir=globalTempDir, 
                                    memoryAvailable=memoryAvailable, cpuAvailable=cpuAvailable, 
                                    defaultMemory=defaultMemory, defaultCpu=defaultCpu, depth=depth)
                else: #Is another command
            #Cleanup/reset a successful job/checkpoint
            job.remainingRetryCount = int(config.attrib["try_count"])
            system("rm -rf %s/*" % (localTempDir))
            job.update(depth=depth, tryCount=job.remainingRetryCount)
            #Establish if we can run another job
            if time.time() - startTime > maxTime:
                logger.info("We are breaking because the maximum time the job should run for has been exceeded")
            #Deal with children
            if len(job.children) >= 1:  #We are going to have to return to the parent
                logger.info("No more jobs can run in series by this slave, its got %i children" % len(job.children))
            if len(job.followOnCommands) == 0:
                logger.info("No more jobs can run by this slave as we have exhausted the follow ons")
            #Get the next job and see if we have enough cpu and memory to run it..
            command, memory, cpu, depth = job.followOnCommands[-1]
            if memory > memoryAvailable:
                logger.info("We need more memory for the next job, so finishing")
            if cpu > cpuAvailable:
                logger.info("We need more cpus for the next job, so finishing")
            logger.info("Starting the next job")
        #Finish up the stats
        if stats != None:
            totalCpuTime, totalMemoryUsage = getTotalCpuTimeAndMemoryUsage()
            stats.attrib["time"] = str(time.time() - startTime)
            stats.attrib["clock"] = str(totalCpuTime - startClock)
            stats.attrib["memory"] = str(totalMemoryUsage)
            tempStatsFile = getTempStatsFile(jobTreePath)
            fileHandle = open(tempStatsFile + ".new", "w")
            os.rename(tempStatsFile + ".new", tempStatsFile) #This operation is atomic
        logger.info("Finished running the chain of jobs on this node, we ran for a total of %f seconds" % (time.time() - startTime))
    #Where slave goes wrong
    except: #Case that something goes wrong in slave
        traceback.print_exc(file = slaveHandle)
        logger.critical("Exiting the slave because of a failed job on host %s", socket.gethostname())
        job = Job.read(jobFile)
        setupJobAfterFailure(job, config)
        slaveFailed = True

    #Close the slave logging
    sys.stderr = origStdErr
    sys.stdout = origStdOut
    redirectLoggerStreamHandlers(slaveHandle, sys.stderr)
    #Copy back the log file to the global dir, if needed
    if slaveFailed:
        system("mv %s %s" % (tempSlaveLogFile, job.getLogFileName()))
    #Remove the temp dir
    system("rm -rf %s" % localSlaveTempDir)
    #This must happen after the log file is done with, else there is no place to put the log
    if (not slaveFailed) and len(job.followOnCommands) == 0 and len(job.children) == 0 and len(job.messages) == 0:
        #Cleanup global files at the end of the chain
コード例 #6
ファイル: jobTreeSlave.py プロジェクト: tmfarrell/ont_dap
def main():
    #Now we can import all the stuff..
    from sonLib.bioio import getBasicOptionParser
    from sonLib.bioio import parseBasicOptions
    from sonLib.bioio import logger
    from sonLib.bioio import addLoggingFileHandler, redirectLoggerStreamHandlers
    from sonLib.bioio import setLogLevel
    from sonLib.bioio import getTotalCpuTime, getTotalCpuTimeAndMemoryUsage
    from sonLib.bioio import getTempDirectory
    from sonLib.bioio import makeSubDir
    from jobTree.src.job import Job
    from jobTree.src.master import getEnvironmentFileName, getConfigFileName, listChildDirs, getTempStatsFile, setupJobAfterFailure
    from sonLib.bioio import system
    #Input args
    jobTreePath = sys.argv[1]
    jobFile = sys.argv[2]
    #Load the environment for the job
    #First load the environment for the job.
    fileHandle = open(getEnvironmentFileName(jobTreePath), 'r')
    environment = cPickle.load(fileHandle)
    for i in environment:
        if i not in ("TMPDIR", "TMP", "HOSTNAME", "HOSTTYPE"):
            os.environ[i] = environment[i]
    # sys.path is used by __import__ to find modules
    if "PYTHONPATH" in environment:
        for e in environment["PYTHONPATH"].split(':'):
            if e != '':
    #os.environ = environment
    #os.putenv(key, value)
    #Setup the temporary directories.
    #Dir to put all the temp files in.
    localSlaveTempDir = getTempDirectory()
    localTempDir = makeSubDir(os.path.join(localSlaveTempDir, "localTempDir"))
    #Setup the logging
    #Setup the logging. This is mildly tricky because we don't just want to
    #redirect stdout and stderr for this Python process; we want to redirect it
    #for this process and all children. Consequently, we can't just replace
    #sys.stdout and sys.stderr; we need to mess with the underlying OS-level
    #file descriptors. See <http://stackoverflow.com/a/11632982/402891>
    #When we start, standard input is file descriptor 0, standard output is
    #file descriptor 1, and standard error is file descriptor 2.

    #What file do we want to point FDs 1 and 2 to?    
    tempSlaveLogFile = os.path.join(localSlaveTempDir, "slave_log.txt")
    #Save the original stdout and stderr (by opening new file descriptors to the
    #same files)
    origStdOut = os.dup(1)
    origStdErr = os.dup(2)
    #Open the file to send stdout/stderr to.
    logDescriptor = os.open(tempSlaveLogFile, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_APPEND)

    #Replace standard output with a descriptor for the log file
    os.dup2(logDescriptor, 1)
    #Replace standard error with a descriptor for the log file
    os.dup2(logDescriptor, 2)
    #Since we only opened the file once, all the descriptors duped from the
    #original will share offset information, and won't clobber each others'
    #writes. See <http://stackoverflow.com/a/5284108/402891>. This shouldn't
    #matter, since O_APPEND seeks to the end of the file before every write, but
    #maybe there's something odd going on...
    #Close the descriptor we used to open the file
    for handler in list(logger.handlers): #Remove old handlers
    #Add the new handler. The sys.stderr stream has been redirected by swapping
    #the file descriptor out from under it.

    #Put a message at the top of the log, just to make sure it's working.
    print "---JOBTREE SLAVE OUTPUT LOG---"
    #Log the number of open file descriptors so we can tell if we're leaking
    logger.debug("Next available file descriptor: {}".format(
    #Parse input files
    config = ET.parse(getConfigFileName(jobTreePath)).getroot()
    job = Job.read(jobFile)
    job.messages = [] #This is the only way to stop messages logging twice, as are read only in the master
    job.children = [] #Similarly, this is where old children are flushed out.
    job.write() #Update status, to avoid reissuing children after running a follow on below.
    if os.path.exists(job.getLogFileName()): #This cleans the old log file
    logger.info("Parsed arguments and set up logging")

     #Try loop for slave logging
    #Setup the stats, if requested
    if config.attrib.has_key("stats"):
        startTime = time.time()
        startClock = getTotalCpuTime()
        stats = ET.Element("slave")
        stats = None
    #The max time 
    maxTime = float(config.attrib["job_time"])
    assert maxTime > 0.0
    assert maxTime < sys.maxint

    #Slave log file trapped from here on in

    slaveFailed = False
        #The next job
        def globalTempDirName(job, depth):
            return job.getGlobalTempDirName() + str(depth)
        command, memoryAvailable, cpuAvailable, depth = job.followOnCommands[-1]
        defaultMemory = int(config.attrib["default_memory"])
        defaultCpu = int(config.attrib["default_cpu"])
        assert len(job.children) == 0
        startTime = time.time() 
        while True:
            #Global temp dir
            globalTempDir = makeSubDir(globalTempDirName(job, depth))
            i = 1
            while os.path.isdir(globalTempDirName(job, depth+i)):
                system("rm -rf %s" % globalTempDirName(job, depth+i))
                i += 1
            #Old children, not yet deleted
            #These may exist because of the lazy cleanup
            #we do
            for childDir in listChildDirs(job.jobDir):
                logger.debug("Cleaning up old child %s" % childDir)
                system("rm -rf %s" % childDir)
            #Run the job
            if command != "": #Not a stub
                if command[:11] == "scriptTree ":
                    #Run the target
                    loadStack(command).execute(job=job, stats=stats,
                                    localTempDir=localTempDir, globalTempDir=globalTempDir, 
                                    memoryAvailable=memoryAvailable, cpuAvailable=cpuAvailable, 
                                    defaultMemory=defaultMemory, defaultCpu=defaultCpu, depth=depth)
                else: #Is another command
            #Cleanup/reset a successful job/checkpoint
            job.remainingRetryCount = int(config.attrib["try_count"])
            system("rm -rf %s/*" % (localTempDir))
            job.update(depth=depth, tryCount=job.remainingRetryCount)
            #Establish if we can run another job
            if time.time() - startTime > maxTime:
                logger.info("We are breaking because the maximum time the job should run for has been exceeded")
            #Deal with children
            if len(job.children) >= 1:  #We are going to have to return to the parent
                logger.info("No more jobs can run in series by this slave, its got %i children" % len(job.children))
            if len(job.followOnCommands) == 0:
                logger.info("No more jobs can run by this slave as we have exhausted the follow ons")
            #Get the next job and see if we have enough cpu and memory to run it..
            command, memory, cpu, depth = job.followOnCommands[-1]
            if memory > memoryAvailable:
                logger.info("We need more memory for the next job, so finishing")
            if cpu > cpuAvailable:
                logger.info("We need more cpus for the next job, so finishing")
            logger.info("Starting the next job")
        #Finish up the stats
        if stats != None:
            totalCpuTime, totalMemoryUsage = getTotalCpuTimeAndMemoryUsage()
            stats.attrib["time"] = str(time.time() - startTime)
            stats.attrib["clock"] = str(totalCpuTime - startClock)
            stats.attrib["memory"] = str(totalMemoryUsage)
            tempStatsFile = getTempStatsFile(jobTreePath)
            fileHandle = open(tempStatsFile + ".new", "w")
            os.rename(tempStatsFile + ".new", tempStatsFile) #This operation is atomic
        logger.info("Finished running the chain of jobs on this node, we ran for a total of %f seconds" % (time.time() - startTime))
    #Where slave goes wrong
    except: #Case that something goes wrong in slave
        logger.critical("Exiting the slave because of a failed job on host %s", socket.gethostname())
        job = Job.read(jobFile)
        setupJobAfterFailure(job, config)
        slaveFailed = True

    #Close the slave logging
    #Flush at the Python level
    #Flush at the OS level
    #Close redirected stdout and replace with the original standard output.
    os.dup2(origStdOut, 1)
    #Close redirected stderr and replace with the original standard error.
    os.dup2(origStdOut, 2)
    #sys.stdout and sys.stderr don't need to be modified at all. We don't need
    #to call redirectLoggerStreamHandlers since they still log to sys.stderr
    #Close our extra handles to the original standard output and standard error
    #streams, so we don't leak file handles.
    #Now our file handles are in exactly the state they were in before.
    #Copy back the log file to the global dir, if needed
    if slaveFailed:
        system("mv %s %s" % (tempSlaveLogFile, job.getLogFileName()))
    #Remove the temp dir
    system("rm -rf %s" % localSlaveTempDir)
    #This must happen after the log file is done with, else there is no place to put the log
    if (not slaveFailed) and len(job.followOnCommands) == 0 and len(job.children) == 0 and len(job.messages) == 0:
        #Cleanup global files at the end of the chain