コード例 #1
ファイル: test_memory.py プロジェクト: joblib/joblib
def test_func_dir(tmpdir):
    # Test the creation of the memory cache directory for the function.
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    path = __name__.split('.')
    path = tmpdir.join('joblib', *path).strpath

    g = memory.cache(f)
    # Test that the function directory is created on demand
    func_id = _build_func_identifier(f)
    location = os.path.join(g.store_backend.location, func_id)
    assert location == path
    assert os.path.exists(path)
    assert memory.location == os.path.dirname(g.store_backend.location)
    with warns(DeprecationWarning) as w:
        assert memory.cachedir == g.store_backend.location
    assert len(w) == 1
    assert "The 'cachedir' attribute has been deprecated" in str(w[-1].message)

    # Test that the code is stored.
    # For the following test to be robust to previous execution, we clear
    # the in-memory store
    assert not g._check_previous_func_code()
    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'func_code.py'))
    assert g._check_previous_func_code()

    # Test the robustness to failure of loading previous results.
    func_id, args_id = g._get_output_identifiers(1)
    output_dir = os.path.join(g.store_backend.location, func_id, args_id)
    a = g(1)
    assert os.path.exists(output_dir)
    os.remove(os.path.join(output_dir, 'output.pkl'))
    assert a == g(1)
コード例 #2
def test_memory_name_collision(tmpdir):
    " Check that name collisions with functions will raise warnings"
    memory = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)

    def name_collision(x):
        """ A first function called name_collision
        return x

    a = name_collision

    def name_collision(x):
        """ A second function called name_collision
        return x

    b = name_collision

    with warns(JobLibCollisionWarning) as warninfo:

    assert len(warninfo) == 1
    assert "collision" in str(warninfo[0].message)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_memory.py プロジェクト: joblib/joblib
def test_call_and_shelve_argument_hash(tmpdir):
    # Verify that a warning is raised when accessing arguments_hash
    # attribute from MemorizedResult
    func = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0).cache(f)
    result = func.call_and_shelve(2)
    assert isinstance(result, MemorizedResult)
    with warns(DeprecationWarning) as w:
        assert result.argument_hash == result.args_id
    assert len(w) == 1
    assert "The 'argument_hash' attribute has been deprecated" \
        in str(w[-1].message)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_memory.py プロジェクト: joblib/joblib
def test_warning_on_unknown_location_type():
    class NonSupportedLocationClass:
    unsupported_location = NonSupportedLocationClass()

    with warns(UserWarning) as warninfo:
        _store_backend_factory("local", location=unsupported_location)

    expected_mesage = ("Instanciating a backend using a "
                       "NonSupportedLocationClass as a location is not "
                       "supported by joblib")
    assert expected_mesage in str(warninfo[0].message)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_memory.py プロジェクト: joblib/joblib
def test_deprecated_cachedir_behaviour(tmpdir):
    # verify the right deprecation warnings are raised when using cachedir
    # option instead of new location parameter.
    with warns(None) as w:
        memory = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
        assert memory.store_backend.location.startswith(tmpdir.strpath)

    assert len(w) == 1
    assert "The 'cachedir' parameter has been deprecated" in str(w[-1].message)

    with warns(None) as w:
        memory = Memory()
        assert memory.cachedir is None

    assert len(w) == 1
    assert "The 'cachedir' attribute has been deprecated" in str(w[-1].message)

    error_regex = """You set both "location='.+ and "cachedir='.+"""
    with raises(ValueError, match=error_regex):
        memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, cachedir=tmpdir.strpath,
コード例 #6
def test_memory_in_memory_function_code_change(tmpdir):
    _function_to_cache.__code__ = _sum.__code__

    mem = Memory(cachedir=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    f = mem.cache(_function_to_cache)

    assert f(1, 2) == 3
    assert f(1, 2) == 3

    with warns(JobLibCollisionWarning):
        # Check that inline function modification triggers a cache invalidation
        _function_to_cache.__code__ = _product.__code__
        assert f(1, 2) == 2
        assert f(1, 2) == 2
コード例 #7
def test_file_handle_persistence_in_memory_mmap():
    obj = np.random.random((10, 10))
    buf = io.BytesIO()

    numpy_pickle.dump(obj, buf)

    with warns(UserWarning) as warninfo:
        numpy_pickle.load(buf, mmap_mode='r+')
    assert len(warninfo) == 1
    assert (str(warninfo[0].message) ==
            'In memory persistence is not compatible with mmap_mode '
            '"%(mmap_mode)s" flag passed. mmap_mode option will be '
            'ignored.' % {
                'mmap_mode': 'r+'
コード例 #8
def test_delayed_check_pickle_deprecated():
    class UnpicklableCallable(object):
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return 42

        def __reduce__(self):
            raise ValueError()

    with warns(DeprecationWarning):
        f, args, kwargs = delayed(lambda x: 42, check_pickle=False)('a')
    assert f('a') == 42
    assert args == ('a', )
    assert kwargs == dict()

    with warns(DeprecationWarning):
        f, args, kwargs = delayed(UnpicklableCallable(),
                                  check_pickle=False)('a', option='b')
        assert f('a', option='b') == 42
        assert args == ('a', )
        assert kwargs == dict(option='b')

    with warns(DeprecationWarning):
        with raises(ValueError):
            delayed(UnpicklableCallable(), check_pickle=True)
コード例 #9
def test_compress_mmap_mode_warning(tmpdir):
    # Test the warning in case of compress + mmap_mode
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
    a = rnd.random_sample(10)
    this_filename = tmpdir.join('test.pkl').strpath
    numpy_pickle.dump(a, this_filename, compress=1)
    with warns(UserWarning) as warninfo:
        numpy_pickle.load(this_filename, mmap_mode='r+')
    assert len(warninfo) == 1
    assert (str(warninfo[0].message) ==
            'mmap_mode "%(mmap_mode)s" is not compatible with compressed '
            'file %(filename)s. "%(mmap_mode)s" flag will be ignored.' % {
                'filename': this_filename,
                'mmap_mode': 'r+'
コード例 #10
def test_memory_warning_collision_detection(tmpdir):
    # Check that collisions impossible to detect will raise appropriate
    # warnings.
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    a1 = eval('lambda x: x')
    a1 = memory.cache(a1)
    b1 = eval('lambda x: x+1')
    b1 = memory.cache(b1)

    with warns(JobLibCollisionWarning) as warninfo:

    assert len(warninfo) == 2
    assert "cannot detect" in str(warninfo[0].message).lower()
コード例 #11
def test_memory_warning_lambda_collisions(tmpdir):
    # Check that multiple use of lambda will raise collisions
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    a = lambda x: x
    a = memory.cache(a)
    b = lambda x: x + 1
    b = memory.cache(b)

    with warns(JobLibCollisionWarning) as warninfo:
        assert a(0) == 0
        assert b(1) == 2
        assert a(1) == 1

    # In recent Python versions, we can retrieve the code of lambdas,
    # thus nothing is raised
    assert len(warninfo) == 4
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_memory.py プロジェクト: joblib/joblib
def test_memory_warning_collision_detection(tmpdir):
    # Check that collisions impossible to detect will raise appropriate
    # warnings.
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    a1 = eval('lambda x: x')
    a1 = memory.cache(a1)
    b1 = eval('lambda x: x+1')
    b1 = memory.cache(b1)

    with warns(JobLibCollisionWarning) as warninfo:

    assert len(warninfo) == 2
    assert "cannot detect" in str(warninfo[0].message).lower()
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_memory.py プロジェクト: joblib/joblib
def test_memory_warning_lambda_collisions(tmpdir):
    # Check that multiple use of lambda will raise collisions
    memory = Memory(location=tmpdir.strpath, verbose=0)
    a = lambda x: x
    a = memory.cache(a)
    b = lambda x: x + 1
    b = memory.cache(b)

    with warns(JobLibCollisionWarning) as warninfo:
        assert a(0) == 0
        assert b(1) == 2
        assert a(1) == 1

    # In recent Python versions, we can retrieve the code of lambdas,
    # thus nothing is raised
    assert len(warninfo) == 4
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_numpy_pickle.py プロジェクト: Aathi410/Pro123
def test_cache_size_warning(tmpdir, cache_size):
    # Check deprecation warning raised when cache size is not None
    filename = tmpdir.join('test.pkl').strpath
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
    a = rnd.random_sample((10, 2))

    with warns(None) as warninfo:
        numpy_pickle.dump(a, filename, cache_size=cache_size)
    expected_nb_warnings = 1 if cache_size is not None else 0
    assert len(warninfo) == expected_nb_warnings
    for w in warninfo:
        assert w.category == DeprecationWarning
        assert (str(w.message) ==
                "Please do not set 'cache_size' in joblib.dump, this "
                "parameter has no effect and will be removed. You "
                "used 'cache_size={0}'".format(cache_size))
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_numpy_pickle.py プロジェクト: Aathi410/Pro123
def test_file_handle_persistence_compressed_mmap(tmpdir):
    obj = np.random.random((10, 10))
    filename = tmpdir.join('test.pkl').strpath

    with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
        numpy_pickle.dump(obj, f, compress=('gzip', 3))

    with closing(gzip.GzipFile(filename, 'rb')) as f:
        with warns(UserWarning) as warninfo:
            numpy_pickle.load(f, mmap_mode='r+')
        assert len(warninfo) == 1
        assert (str(warninfo[0].message) ==
                '"%(fileobj)r" is not a raw file, mmap_mode "%(mmap_mode)s" '
                'flag will be ignored.' % {
                    'fileobj': f,
                    'mmap_mode': 'r+'
コード例 #16
def test_main_thread_renamed_no_warning(backend, monkeypatch):
    # Check that no default backend relies on the name of the main thread:
    # https://github.com/joblib/joblib/issues/180#issuecomment-253266247
    # Some programs use a different name for the main thread. This is the case
    # for uWSGI apps for instance.

    with warns(None) as warninfo:
        results = Parallel(n_jobs=2, backend=backend)(delayed(square)(x)
                                                      for x in range(3))
        assert results == [0, 1, 4]
    # The multiprocessing backend will raise a warning when detecting that is
    # started from the non-main thread. Let's check that there is no false
    # positive because of the name change.
    assert len(warninfo) == 0
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_numpy_pickle.py プロジェクト: Aathi410/Pro123
def _check_pickle(filename, expected_list):
    """Helper function to test joblib pickle content.

    Note: currently only pickles containing an iterable are supported
    by this function.
    version_match = re.match(r'.+py(\d)(\d).+', filename)
    py_version_used_for_writing = int(version_match.group(1))

    py_version_to_default_pickle_protocol = {2: 2, 3: 3}
    pickle_reading_protocol = py_version_to_default_pickle_protocol.get(3, 4)
    pickle_writing_protocol = py_version_to_default_pickle_protocol.get(
        py_version_used_for_writing, 4)
    if pickle_reading_protocol >= pickle_writing_protocol:
            with warns(None) as warninfo:
                    message='The compiler package is deprecated')
                result_list = numpy_pickle.load(filename)
            filename_base = os.path.basename(filename)
            expected_nb_warnings = 1 if ("_0.9" in filename_base
                                         or "_0.8.4" in filename_base) else 0
            assert len(warninfo) == expected_nb_warnings
            for w in warninfo:
                assert w.category == DeprecationWarning
                assert (str(w.message) ==
                        "The file '{0}' has been generated with a joblib "
                        "version less than 0.10. Please regenerate this "
                        "pickle file.".format(filename))
            for result, expected in zip(result_list, expected_list):
                if isinstance(expected, np.ndarray):
                    assert result.dtype == expected.dtype
                    np.testing.assert_equal(result, expected)
                    assert result == expected
        except Exception as exc:
            # When trying to read with python 3 a pickle generated
            # with python 2 we expect a user-friendly error
            if py_version_used_for_writing == 2:
                assert isinstance(exc, ValueError)
                message = ('You may be trying to read with '
                           'python 3 a joblib pickle generated with python 2.')
                assert message in str(exc)
            elif filename.endswith('.lz4') and with_lz4.args[0]:
                assert isinstance(exc, ValueError)
                assert LZ4_NOT_INSTALLED_ERROR in str(exc)
        # Pickle protocol used for writing is too high. We expect a
        # "unsupported pickle protocol" error message
            raise AssertionError('Numpy pickle loading should '
                                 'have raised a ValueError exception')
        except ValueError as e:
            message = 'unsupported pickle protocol: {0}'.format(
            assert message in str(e.args)