def __init__(self):
		global transport 

		variables = ['meridional_transport','psi']
		num_cores = 6

		data = np.ones((len(variables),len(scow.months),scow.latitude.shape[0],scow.longitude.shape[0]))*np.nan

		beta = c.beta.repeat(scow.longitude.shape[0]).reshape((c.beta.shape[0],scow.longitude.shape[0]))

		for i in xrange([1]):
			transport =[2,i,:,:]/beta

			psi = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(integration)(lat) for lat in scow.latitude)
			psi = np.array(psi)

			D = np.array([transport.copy()/(c.rho*1.e+6),psi.copy()/(c.rho*1.e+6)])
			data[:,i,:,:] = D			

		del transport 

		# Here I could derive psi in y and get the zonal sverdrup transport (I think I won't need it)

		# "Isolating" the subtropical gyre 
		ibad = (np.abs(scow.latitude) <= 5) | (np.abs(scow.latitude) >= 50)
		data[:,:,ibad,:] = np.nan

		self.latitude = scow.latitude
		self.longitude = scow.longitude
		self.variables = variables = data
コード例 #2
def preprocess(frames, thresh=90):
    '''frames is an iterable of numpy.array objects.
	uses scharr filter to get cell edges from DIC channel,
	scaling down to uint8 dtypes.
	returns a stack of image list of frames.
    preprocessing should be done with this output
    to avoid normalizing intensity with respect
    to variable empirical parameters.'''
    md1 = np.median(frames[0])
    mx1 = np.max(frames[0])  #nearly 65535 for uint16
    md2 = np.median(frames[-1])
    mx2 = np.max(frames[-1])
    md = md1 / 2 + md2 / 2
    mx = mx1 / 2 + mx2 / 2

    def processInput(img):
        fno = img.frame_no
        img = 255 / (mx - md) * (img - md)
        edges = np.sqrt(scharr_h(img)**2 + scharr_v(img)**2)
        return pims.Frame(np.uint8(edges), frame_no=fno + 1)

    start = time.time()
    inputs = frames
    edges = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores,
                     verbose=.1)(delayed(processInput)(img) for img in inputs)
    end = time.time()
    print('{} seconds elapsed taking scharr filtration.'.format(
        np.around(end - start, 1)))
    #denoise the background of the scharr transform with a lower bound threshold edge intensity
    imgs = edges.copy()
    for img in imgs:
        img[img < thresh] = 0
        img[img > thresh] = 255
    return imgs
	def __init__(self):
		global transport 

		variables = ['zonal_transport','meridional_transport','psi']
		num_cores = 6

		data = np.ones((len(variables),len(scow.months),scow.latitude.shape[0],scow.longitude.shape[0]))*np.nan

		f = c.f.repeat(scow.longitude.shape[0]).reshape((c.f.shape[0],scow.longitude.shape[0]))

		for i in xrange([1]):
			zonal_transport =[1,i,:,:]/(f*c.rho)
			meridional_transport =[0,i,:,:]/(f*c.rho)

			transport = meridional_transport.copy()

			psi = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(integration)(lat) for lat in scow.latitude)
			psi = np.array(psi)

			D = np.array([zonal_transport.copy()/1.e+6,meridional_transport.copy()/1.e+6,psi.copy()/1.e+6])
			data[:,i,:,:] = D			

		del transport

		# "Isolating" the subtropical gyre 
		ibad = (np.abs(scow.latitude) <= 5) | (np.abs(scow.latitude) >= 50)
		data[:,:,ibad,:] = np.nan

		self.latitude = scow.latitude
		self.longitude = scow.longitude
		self.variables = variables = data
コード例 #4
ファイル: プロジェクト: runngezhang/pof
    def _update_filters(self, X):
        if self.verbose:
            last_score = self._bound(X)
            start_t = time.time()

        U = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)(delayed(global_update_U)(
            X[:, j], self.U[:, j], self.gamma[j], self.alpha,,
            self.rho, self.EA, self.ElogA, self.verbose)
                                         for j in xrange(self.n_feats))
        U = np.vstack(U).T
        self.U = U.copy()
        if self.verbose:
            score = self._bound(X)
            print_increment('U', last_score, score)
            last_score = score

        if self.verbose:
            score = self._bound(X)
            print_increment('gamma', last_score, score)
            last_score = score

        if self.verbose:
            score = self._bound(X)
            print_increment('alpha', last_score, score)

        if self.verbose:
            t = time.time() - start_t
            print('Update free parameters\ttime: %.2f' % t)
コード例 #5
    def _update_filters(self, X):
        if self.verbose:
            last_score = self._bound(X)
            start_t = time.time()

        U = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)(
                X[:, j], self.U[:, j], self.gamma[j], self.alpha,
      , self.rho, self.EA, self.ElogA, self.verbose
            for j in xrange(self.n_feats)
        U = np.vstack(U).T
        self.U = U.copy()
        if self.verbose:
            score = self._bound(X)
            print_increment('U', last_score, score)
            last_score = score

        if self.verbose:
            score = self._bound(X)
            print_increment('gamma', last_score, score)
            last_score = score

        if self.verbose:
            score = self._bound(X)
            print_increment('alpha', last_score, score)

        if self.verbose:
            t = time.time() - start_t
            print('Update free parameters\ttime: %.2f' % t)
コード例 #6
def rollingcv(grid, dat, orizzonte, par=False, intercept=True, ensemble=False):
	Here I run rolling window cross validation. That is:
	calling ---- the training data and **** the validation data
	we iteratively run:
	iter 1.) -------****
	iter 2.) --------****
	iter 3.) ---------****
	iter 4.) ----------****
	Then we take the validation error over the iterations
    if par:
        num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1
        print('Running in parallel')
        error = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores, backend='multiprocessing')(
            delayed(fun_rolling)(i, grid, dat, orizzonte, intercept)
            for i in range(len(grid)))
        print('Running not in parallel: safest choice at the moment')
        error = [
            fun_rolling(i, grid, dat, orizzonte, intercept)
            for i in range(len(grid))
    if ensemble:
        lam = []
        tht = []
        er = []
        full_error_path = error.copy()
        min_error = min(error)
        max_error = max(error)
        prog = True
        model = 0
        max_models = 100
        while prog:
            idx, val = min(enumerate(error), key=itemgetter(1))
            lam.append(np.round(grid[idx]['lambda'], 5))
            tht.append(np.round(grid[idx]['theta'], 5))
            er.append(np.round(error[idx], 4))
            ## Set the current minimum value to the max
            ## so that the second smallest value is the new minimum
            error[idx] = max_error
            model += 1
            if val > min_error * 1.2 or model == max_models:
                prog = False
        return (full_error_path, er, lam, tht)
        idx = min(enumerate(error), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
        return (error, grid[idx]['lambda'], grid[idx]['theta'])
コード例 #7
ファイル: プロジェクト: josejimenezluna/molgrad
def sim_matrix(inchis):
    """Computes pairwise similarity matrix between all compounds in the `inchis` list.

    inchis : list
        A list of inchi strings
    n_total = len(inchis)
    sims = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, verbose=100, backend="multiprocessing")(
        delayed(parallel_wrapper)(MolFromInchi(inchi), inchis[(idx +
                                                               1):], n_total)
        for idx, inchi in enumerate(inchis))
    sims = np.stack(sims)
    sims += sims.copy().T
    sims += np.eye(n_total)
    return sims
コード例 #8
    def __init__(self):
        global transport

        variables = ['zonal_transport', 'meridional_transport', 'psi']
        num_cores = 6

        data = np.ones(
            (len(variables), len(scow.months), scow.latitude.shape[0],
             scow.longitude.shape[0])) * np.nan

        f = c.f.repeat(scow.longitude.shape[0]).reshape(
            (c.f.shape[0], scow.longitude.shape[0]))

        for i in xrange([1]):
            zonal_transport =[1, i, :, :] / (f * c.rho)
            meridional_transport =[0, i, :, :] / (f * c.rho)

            transport = meridional_transport.copy()

            psi = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(integration)(lat)
                                             for lat in scow.latitude)
            psi = np.array(psi)

            D = np.array([
                zonal_transport.copy() / 1.e+6,
                meridional_transport.copy() / 1.e+6,
                psi.copy() / 1.e+6
            data[:, i, :, :] = D

        del transport

        # "Isolating" the subtropical gyre
        ibad = (np.abs(scow.latitude) <= 5) | (np.abs(scow.latitude) >= 50)
        data[:, :, ibad, :] = np.nan

        self.latitude = scow.latitude
        self.longitude = scow.longitude
        self.variables = variables = data
コード例 #9
def loocv(grid, dat, par=False, intercept=True, ensemble=False):
	Leave one out cross validation (automatically implemented in the fit)
    if par:
        num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1
        print('Running in parallel')
        error = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores, backend='multiprocessing')(
            delayed(fun_loocv)(i, grid, dat, intercept)
            for i in range(len(grid)))
        print('Running not in parallel: safest choice at the moment')
        error = [fun_loocv(i, grid, dat, intercept) for i in range(len(grid))]

    ### Ensemble method or note
    if ensemble:
        lam = []
        tht = []
        er = []
        full_error_path = error.copy()
        min_error = min(error)
        max_error = max(error)
        prog = True
        model = 0
        max_models = 100
        while prog:
            idx, val = min(enumerate(error), key=itemgetter(1))
            lam.append(np.round(grid[idx]['lambda'], 5))
            tht.append(np.round(grid[idx]['theta'], 5))
            er.append(np.round(error[idx], 4))
            ## Set the current minimum value to the max
            ## so that the second smallest value is the new minimum
            error[idx] = max_error
            model += 1
            if val > min_error * 1.2 or model == max_models:
                prog = False
        return (full_error_path, er, lam, tht)
        idx = min(enumerate(error), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
        return (error, grid[idx]['lambda'], grid[idx]['theta'])
コード例 #10
    def __init__(self):
        global transport

        variables = ['meridional_transport', 'psi']
        num_cores = 6

        data = np.ones(
            (len(variables), len(scow.months), scow.latitude.shape[0],
             scow.longitude.shape[0])) * np.nan

        beta = c.beta.repeat(scow.longitude.shape[0]).reshape(
            (c.beta.shape[0], scow.longitude.shape[0]))

        for i in xrange([1]):
            transport =[2, i, :, :] / beta

            psi = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(integration)(lat)
                                             for lat in scow.latitude)
            psi = np.array(psi)

            D = np.array([
                transport.copy() / (c.rho * 1.e+6),
                psi.copy() / (c.rho * 1.e+6)
            data[:, i, :, :] = D

        del transport

        # Here I could derive psi in y and get the zonal sverdrup transport (I think I won't need it)

        # "Isolating" the subtropical gyre
        ibad = (np.abs(scow.latitude) <= 5) | (np.abs(scow.latitude) >= 50)
        data[:, :, ibad, :] = np.nan

        self.latitude = scow.latitude
        self.longitude = scow.longitude
        self.variables = variables = data
コード例 #11
    time_binary.drop('index', axis=1, inplace=True)

    # if observation took place before spray, zero out time
    # else return elapsed time between spray and observation

    print('negating sprays after traps...')

    for col in time_binary.columns:
        time_binary[col] = time_binary[col].map(lambda x: 0 if x < 0 else x)

    time_binary.columns = distance_binary.columns

    time_binary_backup = time_binary.copy()
    distance_binary_backup = distance_binary.copy()

    time_tp = time_binary.transpose()
    distance_tp = distance_binary.transpose()

    time_tp = time_binary.transpose()
    distance_tp = distance_binary.transpose()

    def CalculateDistance(i):
        distances = []
        if i % 500 == 0:
            print('evaluating time binaries ' + str(i))
        d = i
        cols = distance_tp[[d]]
コード例 #12
ファイル: プロジェクト: kstaniek/EQcorrscan
    # Now lets try and work out how many unique events we have just to compare
    # with the GeoNet catalog of 20 events on this day in this sequence
    for master in detections:
        keep = True
        for slave in detections:
            if not master == slave and\
               abs(master.detect_time - slave.detect_time) <= 6.0:
                # If the events are within 6s of each other then test which
                # was the 'best' match, strongest detection
                if not master.detect_val > slave.detect_val:
                    keep = False
        if keep:

print('We made a total of ' + str(len(unique_detections)) + ' detections')

for detection in unique_detections:
    print('Detection at :' + str(detection.detect_time) + ' for template ' +
          detection.template_name + ' with a cross-correlation sum of: ' +
    # We can plot these too
    stplot = st.copy()
    template = templates[template_names.index(detection.template_name)]
    lags = sorted([tr.stats.starttime for tr in template])
    maxlag = lags[-1] - lags[0]
    stplot.trim(starttime=detection.detect_time - 10,
                endtime=detection.detect_time + maxlag + 10)
    plotting.detection_multiplot(stplot, template,
コード例 #13
    # Now lets try and work out how many unique events we have just to compare
    # with the GeoNet catalog of 20 events on this day in this sequence
    for master in detections:
        keep = True
        for slave in detections:
            if not master == slave and\
               abs(master.detect_time - slave.detect_time) <= 6.0:
                # If the events are within 6s of each other then test which
                # was the 'best' match, strongest detection
                if not master.detect_val > slave.detect_val:
                    keep = False
        if keep:

print('We made a total of ' + str(len(unique_detections)) + ' detections')

for detection in unique_detections:
    print('Detection at :' + str(detection.detect_time) + ' for template ' +
          detection.template_name + ' with a cross-correlation sum of: ' +
    # We can plot these too
    stplot = st.copy()
    template = templates[template_names.index(detection.template_name)]
    lags = sorted([tr.stats.starttime for tr in template])
    maxlag = lags[-1] - lags[0]
    stplot.trim(starttime=detection.detect_time - 10,
                endtime=detection.detect_time + maxlag + 10)
    plotting.detection_multiplot(stplot, template,