def register(): try: firstname = request.json['fname'] lastname = request.json['lname'] email = request.json['email'] regtype = int(request.json['regtype']) mobile = request.json['mobile'] cityid = request.json['city'] skill = request.json['skill'] stateid = request.json['state'] countryid = request.json['country'] picurl = request.json['picurl'] gender = request.json['gender'] locationid = request.json['locationid'] if locationid != "": locationid = int(locationid) if picurl == '': picurl = "default-image.jpg" ''' if city!="":{"city":city},{"_id":0,"cityid":1}) cityid=citylist['cityid'] else: cityid="" if state!="": statelist=db.state.find_one({"state":state},{"_id":0,"stateid":1}) stateid=statelist['stateid'] else: stateid="" if country!="":{"country":country},{"_id":0,"countryid":1}) countryid=countrylist['countryid'] else: countryid="" ''' addressJSON = { "address1": request.json['address1'], "address2": request.json['address2'], "city": cityid, "state": stateid, "country": countryid, "pincode": request.json['pincode'] } salt = CommonUtils.generateRandomName() emailhash = CommonUtils.getHashValue() token = CommonUtils.generateRandomName() if regtype == 0: password = request.json['password'] password = CommonUtils.password_hash(password, salt) sociallogin = False emailverified = False fbid = "" fbaccesstoken = "" registeredfrom = "jobwork" else: password = "" sociallogin = True emailverified = True fbid = request.json['fbid'] fbaccesstoken = request.json['fbaccesstoken'] if regtype == 1: registeredfrom = "facebook" elif regtype == 2: registeredfrom = "gmail" #return jsonify({"ok":1}) userdata = list(User.find({"email": email}, {"_id": 0})) if User.count({"email": email}) == 0: userid = CommonUtils.generateRandomNo(User, "userid") User.insert({ "userid": userid, "signupJSON": "", "email": email, "emailverified": emailverified, "emailhash": emailhash, "mobile": mobile, "mobileverified": False, "mobileotp": "", "isdcode": None, "fbid": fbid, "fbaccesstoken": fbaccesstoken, "password": password, "salt": salt, "token": token, "firstname": firstname, "lastname": lastname, "isadmin": False, "createddatetime":, "updateddatetime":, "addressJSON": addressJSON, "paymentdetailsJSON": [], "skillsJSON": skill, "languagesJSON": [], "educationCSV": [], "workplaceCSV": [], "certificateJSON": [], "proJSON": [], "forgotpasswordJSON": [], "gender": gender, "dob": "", "locationid": locationid, "aboutme": "", "picurl": picurl, "reportedJSON": [], "notificationJSON": [], "socaillogin": sociallogin, "facebookpicurl": "", "active": True, "paypal_id": "", "registeredfrom": registeredfrom }) if regtype != 0: response = userDataResponse(email) # user = list(User.find({"email": email}, {"_id": 0})) return jsonify({ "status": 200, "response": response, "message": "", "error": False, "registedfrom": registeredfrom }) else: emailhash = CommonUtils.getHashValue() result = User.update( { "userid": userid, "token": token, "email": request.json['email'] }, {"$set": { "emailhash": emailhash }}) # Send email verification reset_password_link = str(URL) + "emailverify/" + str( emailhash) subject = "Your Account Email Verification" msg = Message(subject, sender=("JobWork", "*****@*****.**"), recipients=[email]) msg.html = render_template( '/emailTemplates/email_verification_template.html', name=firstname, resetLink=reset_password_link, email=email) mail.send(msg) EmailTracks.insert({ "emailtrackid": CommonUtils.generateRandomNo(EmailTracks, "emailtrackid"), "userid": userid, "email": request.json['email'], "subject": subject, "emailtext": msg.html, "createdatetime":, "updatedatetime": }) return jsonify({ "status": 200, "response": {}, "message": "verification mail sent", "error": True, "registedfrom": registeredfrom }) elif userdata[0]['emailverified'] == False: emailhash = CommonUtils.getHashValue() userid = CommonUtils.generateRandomNo(User, "userid") db.user.remove({"email": email}) User.insert({ "userid": userid, "signupJSON": "", "email": email, "emailverified": emailverified, "emailhash": emailhash, "mobile": mobile, "mobileverified": False, "mobileotp": "", "isdcode": None, "fbid": fbid, "fbaccesstoken": fbaccesstoken, "password": password, "salt": salt, "token": token, "firstname": firstname, "lastname": lastname, "isadmin": False, "createddatetime":, "updateddatetime":, "addressJSON": addressJSON, "paymentdetailsJSON": [], "skillsJSON": skill, "languagesJSON": [], "educationCSV": [], "workplaceCSV": [], "certificateJSON": [], "proJSON": [], "forgotpasswordJSON": [], "gender": gender, "dob": "", "locationid": locationid, "aboutme": "", "picurl": picurl, "reportedJSON": [], "notificationJSON": [], "socaillogin": sociallogin, "facebookpicurl": "", "active": True, "paypal_id": "", "registeredfrom": registeredfrom }) if regtype != 0: response = userDataResponse(email) return jsonify({ "status": 200, "response": response, "message": "existed now updated", "error": False, "registedfrom": registeredfrom }) else: emailhash = CommonUtils.getHashValue() result = User.update( { "userid": userid, "token": token, "email": request.json['email'] }, {"$set": { "emailhash": emailhash }}) # Send email verification reset_password_link = str(URL) + "emailverify/" + str( emailhash) subject = "Your Account Email Verification" msg = Message(subject, sender=("JobWork", "*****@*****.**"), recipients=[email]) msg.html = render_template( '/emailTemplates/email_verification_template.html', name=firstname, resetLink=reset_password_link, email=email) mail.send(msg) EmailTracks.insert({ "emailtrackid": CommonUtils.generateRandomNo(EmailTracks, "emailtrackid"), "userid": userid, "email": request.json['email'], "subject": subject, "emailtext": msg.html, "createdatetime":, "updatedatetime": }) return jsonify({ "status": 200, "response": {}, "message": "mail id exist but not verified yet verification mail sent", "error": True, "registedfrom": registeredfrom }) elif regtype != 0: verify = False user = list(User.find({"email": email}, {"_id": 0})) if regtype == 1 and user[0]['registeredfrom'] == "facebook": verify = True elif regtype == 2 and user[0]['registeredfrom'] == "gmail": verify = True else: message = "account already registered from " + user[0][ 'registeredfrom'] return jsonify({ "status": 200, "messsage": message, "registedfrom": user[0]['registeredfrom'], "response": {}, "error": True }) #user = list(User.find({"email": email}, {"_id": 0})) if verify == True: #print(userdata[0]['cityname'][0]) response = userDataResponse(email) print((response)) return jsonify({ "status": 200, "response": response, "message": "", "error": False, "registedfrom": user[0]['registeredfrom'] }) else: return jsonify({ "status": 200, "messsage": "email id already used", "response": {}, "error": True, "registedfrom": userdata[0]['registeredfrom'] }) except Exception as e: return json.dumps(e, indent=4, default=json_util.default)
def get_or_create_user(user_data, user_type, facebook_token): email = user_data.get("email", "") if email: is_user_exists = User.count({"": email}) if is_user_exists == 0: mobile, mobileotp = "", "" # emailhash = send_email(email) emailhash = CommonUtils.getHashValue() firstname = user_data.get('first_name', "") lastname = user_data.get('last_name', "") usertype = user_type city, location, device_token = "", "", "" fullname = user_data.get("name", "") password = CommonUtils.generateRandomName() if fullname and usertype: salt = CommonUtils.generateRandomName() # random.randrange(1000, 9999) signupJSON = SignupUtils.get_signup_json(email, fbid=user_data.get("id", ""), fbaccesstoken=facebook_token) addressJSON = SignupUtils.get_user_address_json(city) proJSON = SignupUtils.get_pro_json() paymentdetailsJSON = SignupUtils.get_payment_detail_json() if password: password = CommonUtils.password_hash(password, salt) token = request.json.get('token', "") userid = request.json.get('userid', "") if not userid: userid = CommonUtils.generateRandomNo(User, "userid") if not token: token = CommonUtils.generateRandomName() User.insert({ "userid": userid, "email": email, "mobile": mobile, "mobileotp": str(mobileotp), "emailhash": emailhash, "password": password, "salt": salt, "token": token, "usertype": usertype, "firstname": firstname, "lastname": lastname, "device_token": device_token, "signupJSON": signupJSON, "emailverified": False, "mobileverified": False, "isdcode": None, "fbid": "", "fbaccesstoken": "", "isadmin": False, "createddatetime":, "updateddatetime":, "addressJSON": addressJSON, "paymentdetailsJSON": paymentdetailsJSON, "skillsJSON": [], "languagesJSON": [], "educationCSV": [], "workplaceCSV": [], "certificateJSON": [], "proJSON": proJSON, "forgotpasswordJSON": [], "gender": "", "dob": "", "locationid": location, "aboutme": "", "picurl": "user-no-image.jpg", "reportedJSON": [], "notificationJSON": [], "socaillogin": False, "facebookpicurl": "", "active": True, "paypal_id": "" }) session['cookiesUserid'] = int(userid) session['userValid'] = str(salt) session['cookiesToken'] = str(token) session['city'] = str(city) session['userloginName'] = str(fullname) session['location'] = str(location) session.permanent = True # Onboard Push notification PushNotificationUtils.notify_onboard(userid, fullname, device_token) # Onboard Email EmailUtils.send_onboard_email(userid, email, emailhash, firstname) return { 'status': 200, 'message': 'Successfull Register', 'userid': userid, 'token': token, 'city': city, 'location': location, "firstname": firstname, "lastname": lastname, "picurl": "user-no-image.jpg", "picPath": Constants.PROFIL_PIC_STATIC_PATH } else: return {'status': 400, 'message': 'Data can not be null.'} else: user = User.find_one({"email": email}, {"_id": 0, "userid": 1, "token": 1, "city": 1, "location": 1, "firstname": 1, "lastname": 1, "picurl": 1, "picPath": Constants.PROFIL_PIC_STATIC_PATH}) return { 'status': 200, 'message': 'Successfull Register', }.update(user) else: return {'status': 202, 'message': 'Data can not be null.'}
def user_register(): email = request.json['email'] if email: is_user_exists = User.count({"": email}) if is_user_exists == 0: mobile, mobileotp = "", "" # emailhash = send_email(email) emailhash = CommonUtils.getHashValue() firstname = request.json['firstname'] lastname = request.json['lastname'] usertype = request.json['usertype'] city = int(request.json['city']) location = int(request.json['location']) device_token = request.json.get('device_token', "") fullname = firstname + " " + lastname password = request.json['password'].strip() if firstname and lastname and usertype and city: salt = CommonUtils.generateRandomName() # random.randrange(1000, 9999) signupJSON = SignupUtils.get_signup_json(email) addressJSON = SignupUtils.get_user_address_json(city) proJSON = SignupUtils.get_pro_json() paymentdetailsJSON = SignupUtils.get_payment_detail_json() if password: password = CommonUtils.password_hash(password, salt) token = request.json.get('token', "") userid = request.json.get('userid', "") if not userid: userid = CommonUtils.generateRandomNo(User, "userid") if not token: token = CommonUtils.generateRandomName() User.insert({ "userid": userid, "email": email, "mobile": mobile, "mobileotp": str(mobileotp), "emailhash": emailhash, "password": password, "salt": salt, "token": token, "usertype": usertype, "firstname": firstname, "lastname": lastname, "device_token": device_token, "signupJSON": signupJSON, "emailverified": False, "mobileverified": False, "isdcode": None, "fbid": "", "fbaccesstoken": "", "isadmin": False, "createddatetime":, "updateddatetime":, "addressJSON": addressJSON, "paymentdetailsJSON": paymentdetailsJSON, "skillsJSON": [], "languagesJSON": [], "educationCSV": [], "workplaceCSV": [], "certificateJSON": [], "proJSON": proJSON, "forgotpasswordJSON": [], "gender": "", "dob": "", "locationid": location, "aboutme": "", "picurl": "user-no-image.jpg", "reportedJSON": [], "notificationJSON": [], "socaillogin": False, "facebookpicurl": "", "active": True, "paypal_id": "" }) session['cookiesUserid'] = int(userid) session['userValid'] = str(salt) session['cookiesToken'] = str(token) session['city'] = str(city) session['userloginName'] = str(fullname) session['location'] = str(location) session.permanent = True # Onboard Push notification PushNotificationUtils.notify_onboard(userid, fullname, device_token) # Onboard Email EmailUtils.send_onboard_email(userid, email, emailhash, firstname) return make_response( jsonify({ 'status': 200, 'message': 'Successfull Register', 'userid': userid, 'token': token, 'city': city, 'location': location, "firstname": firstname, "lastname": lastname, "picurl": "user-no-image.jpg", "picPath": picPath }), 200) else: return make_response( jsonify({ 'status': 202, 'message': 'Data can not be null.' }), 400) else: return make_response( jsonify({ 'status': 201, 'message': 'Email already exits.' }), 400) else: return make_response( jsonify({ 'status': 202, 'message': 'Data can not be null.' }), 400)