コード例 #1
    def fill_journeys(self, pb_req, request, instance):
        call kraken to get the requested number of journeys

        It more journeys are wanted, we ask for the next (or previous if not clockwise) departures
        resp = response_pb2.Response()
        next_request = copy.deepcopy(pb_req)
        nb_typed_journeys = 0
        cpt_attempt = 0
        max_attempts = 2 if not request[
            "min_nb_journeys"] else request["min_nb_journeys"] * 2
        at_least_one_journey_found = False
        forbidden_uris = []

        #call to kraken must be done with fallback mode in the right order:
        #walking, then bss, then bike, and finally car
        #in some case a car journey can be equivalent to a walking journey, typically when crowfly are used
        #and only the first one is kept, and we want the walking one to be kept!

        while ((request["min_nb_journeys"] and request["min_nb_journeys"] > nb_typed_journeys) or\
            (not request["min_nb_journeys"] and nb_typed_journeys == 0)) and cpt_attempt < max_attempts:
            tmp_resp = self.call_kraken(next_request, instance)
            if len(tmp_resp.journeys) == 0:
                # if we do not yet have journeys, we get the tmp_resp to have the error if there are some
                if len(resp.journeys) == 0:
                    resp = tmp_resp
            at_least_one_journey_found = True

            if request['clockwise']:
                new_datetime = self.next_journey_datetime(
                    tmp_resp.journeys, request['clockwise'])
                new_datetime = self.previous_journey_datetime(
                    tmp_resp.journeys, request['clockwise'])

            if new_datetime is None:

            next_request, forbidden_uris = self.change_request(
                pb_req, tmp_resp, forbidden_uris)
            next_request.journeys.datetimes[0] = new_datetime
            del next_request.journeys.datetimes[1:]
            # we tag the journeys as 'next' or 'prev' journey
            if len(resp.journeys):
                for j in tmp_resp.journeys:
                    j.tags.append("next" if request['clockwise'] else "prev")

            self.merge_response(resp, tmp_resp)
            #we delete after the merge, else we will have duplicate non_pt journey in the count
            self.delete_journeys(resp, request, final_filter=False)

            nb_typed_journeys = count_typed_journeys(resp.journeys)
            cpt_attempt += 1

        if not request['debug']:
            self._remove_not_long_enough_fallback(resp, instance)
            self._remove_not_long_enough_tc_with_fallback(resp, instance)
            self._delete_too_long_journey(resp, instance, request['clockwise'])
        self.sort_journeys(resp, instance.journey_order, request['clockwise'])
            resp, request, final_filter=True
        )  # filter one last time to remove similar journeys

        if len(resp.journeys
               ) == 0 and at_least_one_journey_found and not resp.HasField(
            error = resp.error
            error.id = response_pb2.Error.no_solution
            error.message = "No journey found, all were filtered"

        self._compute_pagination_links(resp, instance, request['clockwise'])

        return resp
コード例 #2
    def fill_journeys(self, pb_req, request, instance):
        call kraken to get the requested number of journeys

        It more journeys are wanted, we ask for the next (or previous if not clockwise) departures
        resp = response_pb2.Response()
        next_request = copy.deepcopy(pb_req)
        nb_typed_journeys = 0
        cpt_attempt = 0
        max_attempts = 2 if not request["min_nb_journeys"] else request["min_nb_journeys"]*2
        at_least_one_journey_found = False
        forbidden_uris = []
        while ((request["min_nb_journeys"] and request["min_nb_journeys"] > nb_typed_journeys) or\
            (not request["min_nb_journeys"] and nb_typed_journeys == 0)) and cpt_attempt < max_attempts:
            tmp_resp = self.call_kraken(next_request, instance)
            if len(tmp_resp.journeys) == 0:
                # if we do not yet have journeys, we get the tmp_resp to have the error if there are some
                if len(resp.journeys) == 0:
                    resp = tmp_resp
            at_least_one_journey_found = True
            last_best = next((j for j in tmp_resp.journeys if j.type == 'rapid'), None)

            new_datetime = None
            one_minute = 60
            if request['clockwise']:
                #since dates are now posix time stamp, we only have to add the additional seconds
                if not last_best:
                    last_best = min(tmp_resp.journeys, key=lambda j: j.departure_date_time)
                    #In this case there is no journeys, so we stop
                    if not last_best:
                new_datetime = last_best.departure_date_time + one_minute
                if not last_best:
                    last_best = max(tmp_resp.journeys, key=lambda j: j.arrival_date_time)
                    #In this case there is no journeys, so we stop
                    if not last_best:
                new_datetime = last_best.arrival_date_time - one_minute

            next_request, forbidden_uris = self.change_request(pb_req, tmp_resp, forbidden_uris)
            next_request.journeys.datetimes[0] = new_datetime
            del next_request.journeys.datetimes[1:]
            # we tag the journeys as 'next' or 'prev' journey
            if len(resp.journeys):
                for j in tmp_resp.journeys:
                    j.tags.append("next" if request['clockwise'] else "prev")

            self.merge_response(resp, tmp_resp)
            #we delete after the merge, else we will have duplicate non_pt journey in the count
            self.delete_journeys(resp, request, final_filter=False)

            if not request['debug']:

            nb_typed_journeys = count_typed_journeys(resp.journeys)
            cpt_attempt += 1

        if not request['debug']:
            self._remove_not_long_enough_fallback(resp.journeys, instance)
            self._remove_not_long_enough_tc_with_fallback(resp.journeys, instance)
            self._delete_too_long_journey(resp.journeys, instance, request['clockwise'])
        self.sort_journeys(resp, instance.journey_order, request['clockwise'])
        self.delete_journeys(resp, request, final_filter=True)  # filter one last time to remove similar journeys

        if len(resp.journeys) == 0 and at_least_one_journey_found and not resp.HasField("error"):
            error = resp.error
            error.id = response_pb2.Error.no_solution
            error.message = "No journey found, all were filtered"

        return resp