def to_string(self, remote_key=None, remote_ip=None): """ Sign and encrypt this response. :param remote_key: Encrypt response to this key :param remote_ip: If no remote_key, look up a key for this remote_ip :type remote_key: str or None :type remote_ip: str or None :rtype: str """ sign_key = self._config.keys.private_key self._logger.debug("Signing response using key {!r}".format(sign_key)) jws = jose.sign(self._data, sign_key.jwk, alg=self._config.jose_alg) signed_claims = {'v1': jose.serialize_compact(jws)} self._logger.debug("Signed response: {!r}".format(signed_claims)) encrypt_key = remote_key if not encrypt_key: # default to the first key found using the remote_ip in case no key was supplied ip_keys = self._config.keys.lookup_by_ip(remote_ip) if not ip_keys: self._logger.warning( "Found no key for IP {!r}, can't encrypt response:\n{!r}". format(remote_ip, self._data)) raise EduIDAPIError( "No API Key found - can't encrypt response") encrypt_key = ip_keys[0] self._logger.debug("Encrypting claims to key {!r}".format(encrypt_key)) jwe = jose.encrypt(signed_claims, encrypt_key.jwk) return jose.serialize_compact(jwe)
def test_jws_signature_mismatch_error(self): jwk = {'k': 'password'} jws = jose.sign(claims, jwk) try: jose.verify(jose.JWS(jws.header, jws.payload, 'asd'), jwk) except ValueError as e: self.assertEqual(e.message, 'Mismatched signatures')
def test_jws_signature_mismatch_error(self): jwk = {'k': 'password'} jws = jose.sign(claims, jwk) try: jose.verify(jose.JWS(jws.header, jws.payload, 'asd'), jwk) except jose.Error as e: self.assertEqual(e.message, 'Mismatched signatures')
def test_jws_asym(self): algs = ('RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512') for alg in algs: st = jose.serialize_compact(jose.sign(claims, rsa_priv_key, alg=alg)) jwt = jose.verify(jose.deserialize_compact(st), rsa_pub_key) self.assertEqual(, claims)
def to_string(self, remote_key = None, remote_ip = None): """ Sign and encrypt this response. :param remote_key: Encrypt response to this key :param remote_ip: If no remote_key, look up a key for this remote_ip :type remote_key: str or None :type remote_ip: str or None :rtype: str """ sign_key = self._config.keys.private_key self._logger.debug("Signing response using key {!r}".format(sign_key)) jws = jose.sign(self._data, sign_key.jwk, alg = self._config.jose_alg) signed_claims = {'v1': jose.serialize_compact(jws)} self._logger.debug("Signed response: {!r}".format(signed_claims)) encrypt_key = remote_key if not encrypt_key: # default to the first key found using the remote_ip in case no key was supplied ip_keys = self._config.keys.lookup_by_ip(remote_ip) if not ip_keys: self._logger.warning("Found no key for IP {!r}, can't encrypt response:\n{!r}".format( remote_ip, self._data )) raise EduIDAPIError("No API Key found - can't encrypt response") encrypt_key = ip_keys[0] self._logger.debug("Encrypting claims to key {!r}".format(encrypt_key)) jwe = jose.encrypt(signed_claims, encrypt_key.jwk) return jose.serialize_compact(jwe)
def __init__(self, claims, logger, config, alg = 'RS256'): self._logger = logger self._config = config self._request_result = None self._api_key = None self._claims = claims jws = jose.sign(claims, self._config.keys.private_key.jwk, alg=alg) self.signed_claims = {'v1': jose.serialize_compact(jws)}
def test_jws_sym(self): algs = ('HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512',) jwk = {'k': 'password'} for alg in algs: st = jose.serialize_compact(jose.sign(claims, jwk, alg=alg)) jwt = jose.verify(jose.deserialize_compact(st), jwk, alg) self.assertEqual(, claims)
def test_jws_invalid_algorithm_error(self): sign_alg = 'HS256' verify_alg = 'RS256' jwk = {'k': 'password'} jws = jose.sign(claims, jwk, alg=sign_alg) try: jose.verify(jose.JWS(jws.header, jws.payload, 'asd'), jwk, verify_alg) except jose.Error as e: self.assertEqual(e.message, 'Invalid algorithm')
def get_freja_state(user): current_app.logger.debug('Getting state for user {!s}.'.format(user)) try: proofing_state = current_app.proofing_statedb.get_state_by_eppn( user.eppn) expire_time = current_app.config['FREJA_EXPIRE_TIME_HOURS'] if helpers.is_proofing_state_expired(proofing_state, expire_time): current_app.proofing_statedb.remove_state(proofing_state) current_app.stats.count(name='freja.proofing_state_expired') raise DocumentDoesNotExist(reason='freja proofing state expired') except DocumentDoesNotExist: return {} # Return request data current_app.logger.debug( 'Returning request data for user {!s}'.format(user)) current_app.stats.count(name='freja.proofing_state_returned') opaque_data = helpers.create_opaque_data(proofing_state.nonce, proofing_state.token) valid_until = helpers.get_proofing_state_valid_until( proofing_state, expire_time) request_data = { "iarp": current_app.config['FREJA_IARP'], "exp": int(valid_until.astimezone(UTC()).strftime('%s')) * 1000, # Milliseconds since 1970 in UTC "proto": current_app.config['FREJA_RESPONSE_PROTOCOL'], "opaque": opaque_data } jwk = {'k': current_app.config['FREJA_JWK_SECRET'].decode('hex')} jws_header = { 'alg': current_app.config['FREJA_JWS_ALGORITHM'], 'kid': current_app.config['FREJA_JWS_KEY_ID'], } jws = jose.sign(request_data, jwk, add_header=jws_header, alg=current_app.config['FREJA_JWS_ALGORITHM']) return {'iaRequestData': jose.serialize_compact(jws)}
'', ], } # # The request header reveals information about the signature # reqhdr = { 'cty': 'application/json', 'kid': '*****@*****.**', 'timestamp': time.time (), } # # Following demonstration code signs, maps to a dictionary and maps that to JSON # reqhdr ['kid'] = sharedkey ['kid'] tobesent = jose.sign (request, sharedkey, add_header = reqhdr) tobesent = tobesent._asdict () tobesent = json.dumps (tobesent, indent=3) # # End of demonstration code # print '-----BEGIN TO BE SENT-----' print 'Content-type: application/jws+json' print print tobesent print '-----END TO BE SENT-----'
MIICBjCCAW+gAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAxMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEN MAsGA1UEAxMEYXNkZjETMBEGCSqGSIb3DQEJARMEYXNkZjAeFw0xMzA4MjIyMTMx NTNaFw0xNDA4MjIyMTMxNTNaMDExCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMQ0wCwYDVQQDEwRhc2Rm MRMwEQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBEwRhc2RmMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKB gQCZdrbHbZ87wBILsrQvJLB50Eg77XGzmvUUsI0eB+7Q+a4qhin1LfOwm1NdHYzY ZR/GSLPxJPl0Jni/sbCmA6Zf94Z/FHRJMBGPbcqCehF6GD1ECKOY9fGL37U9Ue7+ gbcwvm5nTmdkE9AlmCoZe8MJDJXDq3JeAqtaY9dvx4guawIDAQABoy4wLDAMBgNV HRMEBTADAQH/MAsGA1UdDwQEAwIC9DAPBgNVHREECDAGgQRhc2RmMA0GCSqGSIb3 DQEBBQUAA4GBACNbRRnq5utziHBiUAh7z87Mgm9EzsNOz/tYRqbiHYqNpHiYAaCV 0puGCKeB+kU/kIqFI0nQ4aWjZDQmtgPj39oI2EuzL0c+J3ux9NhiE5YIg2Bkrf2z f56W5ExLLyiBerztpkt430HoDmoK13wBr+nzEX8JIeD+KFvlcizUHEM0 """ payload = "Shall I compare the to a summer's day?" # Test sign / verify with jwk jws1 = jose.sign({ "alg":"RS256", "jwk": jwk_pub }, [jwk_priv], payload ) ver1 = jose.verify(jws1, []) print jws1 print print ver1 print # Test sign / verify with x5c jws2 = jose.sign({ "alg":"RS256", "x5c": [cert] }, [jwk_priv], payload ) ver2 = jose.verify(jws1, []) print jws2 print print ver2 print
# key = b"""-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- # MIGTAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBHkwdwIBAQQgsegINAr5xcE48BiD # yfXjsfQmEk1ReGtD7bSuKsKx04CgCgYIKoZIzj0DAQehRANCAASauMCp36D8FOF1 # 5OGI1+fe5oeRoCbY5yGQ2Jk0Gi9P92ksyvC8LK7JDqtzKfEf18UsScYc+NWffEtt # v413G73q # -----END PRIVATE KEY-----""" # k = {'k': 'password'} # # signed = jws.sign(data, k, algorithm='ES256') # print(signed) # data = jws.verify(signed, k, algorithms='ES256') # print(data) jwk = {'k': 'password'} jws = jose.sign(data, jwk, alg='HS256') # JWS(header='eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYifQ', # payload='eyJpc3MiOiAiaHR0cDovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsICJzdWIiOiA0MiwgImV4cCI6IDEzOTU2NzQ0Mjd9', # signature='WYApAiwiKd-eDClA1fg7XFrnfHzUTgrmdRQY4M19Vr8') # issue the compact serialized version to the clients. this is what will be # transported along with requests to target systems. jwt = jose.serialize_compact(jws) # 'eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYifQ.eyJpc3MiOiAiaHR0cDovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsICJzdWIiOiA0MiwgImV4cCI6IDEzOTU2NzQ0Mjd9.WYApAiwiKd-eDClA1fg7XFrnfHzUTgrmdRQY4M19Vr8' jose.verify(jose.deserialize_compact(jwt), jwk, 'HS256') # JWT(header={u'alg': u'HS256'}, claims={u'iss': u'', u'sub': 42, u'exp': 1395674427})
def _sign_and_encrypt(self, claims, priv_jwk, server_jwk, alg='RS256'): jws = jose.sign(claims, priv_jwk, alg=alg) signed_claims = {'v1': jose.serialize_compact(jws)} jwe = jose.encrypt(signed_claims, server_jwk) return jwe
print serialize_compact(jwe1) print print "Decrypted, decompressed JWE:" print dec1 print # Criticality test payload = "Some day you may pass validation. Today is not that day." jws_header1 = {"alg": "HS256", "crit": ["alg"]} jws_header2 = {"alg": "HS256", "true_rings": 1, "crit": ["true_rings"]} keys = [{"kty": "oct", "k": "i-ueSNQgcr0q7auC8YUrYg"}] # Test 1: Should fail on sign try: jws1 = jose.sign(jws_header1, keys, payload) ver1 = jose.verify(jws1, keys) except Exception as e: print e print # Test 2: Should fail on verify try: jws2 = jose.sign(jws_header2, keys, payload) ver2 = jose.verify(jws2, keys) except Exception as e: print e print
print "Error: %s" % e exit() # JWT sign - Sign token using the private key External claims = { 'from': 'mindthebyte', 'exp': int(time()) + 3600, 'secret': secret, } print "\t< claims to be signed: " + str(claims) print "\t |" print "\t< Sing token signature (claims, private external key) >" print "\t |" try: jwk = {'k': 'password'} jws = jose.sign(claims, jwk, alg='HS256') # JWS(header='eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYifQ', # payload='eyJpc3MiOiAiaHR0cDovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsICJzdWIiOiA0MiwgImV4cCI6IDEzOTU2NzQ0Mjd9', # signature='WYApAiwiKd-eDClA1fg7XFrnfHzUTgrmdRQY4M19Vr8') # issue the compact serialized version to the clients. this is what will be # transported along with requests to target systems. jwt = jose.serialize_compact(jws) # 'eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYifQ.eyJpc3MiOiAiaHR0cDovL3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsICJzdWIiOiA0MiwgImV4cCI6IDEzOTU2NzQ0Mjd9.WYApAiwiKd-eDClA1fg7XFrnfHzUTgrmdRQY4M19Vr8' print "\t OK" print "\t |" except: print "\tError signing token! " e = sys.exc_info()[0] print "Error: %s" % e exit()
MIICBjCCAW+gAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAxMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEN MAsGA1UEAxMEYXNkZjETMBEGCSqGSIb3DQEJARMEYXNkZjAeFw0xMzA4MjIyMTMx NTNaFw0xNDA4MjIyMTMxNTNaMDExCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMQ0wCwYDVQQDEwRhc2Rm MRMwEQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBEwRhc2RmMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKB gQCZdrbHbZ87wBILsrQvJLB50Eg77XGzmvUUsI0eB+7Q+a4qhin1LfOwm1NdHYzY ZR/GSLPxJPl0Jni/sbCmA6Zf94Z/FHRJMBGPbcqCehF6GD1ECKOY9fGL37U9Ue7+ gbcwvm5nTmdkE9AlmCoZe8MJDJXDq3JeAqtaY9dvx4guawIDAQABoy4wLDAMBgNV HRMEBTADAQH/MAsGA1UdDwQEAwIC9DAPBgNVHREECDAGgQRhc2RmMA0GCSqGSIb3 DQEBBQUAA4GBACNbRRnq5utziHBiUAh7z87Mgm9EzsNOz/tYRqbiHYqNpHiYAaCV 0puGCKeB+kU/kIqFI0nQ4aWjZDQmtgPj39oI2EuzL0c+J3ux9NhiE5YIg2Bkrf2z f56W5ExLLyiBerztpkt430HoDmoK13wBr+nzEX8JIeD+KFvlcizUHEM0 """ payload = "Shall I compare the to a summer's day?" # Test sign / verify with jwk jws1 = jose.sign({"alg": "RS256", "jwk": jwk_pub}, [jwk_priv], payload) ver1 = jose.verify(jws1, []) print(jws1) print() print(ver1) print() # Test sign / verify with x5c jws2 = jose.sign({"alg": "RS256", "x5c": [cert]}, [jwk_priv], payload) ver2 = jose.verify(jws1, []) print(jws2) print() print(ver2) print()
def _sign_and_encrypt(self, claims, priv_jwk, server_jwk, alg = 'RS256'): jws = jose.sign(claims, priv_jwk, alg=alg) signed_claims = {'v1': jose.serialize_compact(jws)} jwe = jose.encrypt(signed_claims, server_jwk) return jwe
# Encrypt into the JSON serialization jwe1 = jose.encrypt(jwe_header, keys, plaintext) dec1 = jose.decrypt(jwe1, keys) print jwe1 print dec1 print # Encrypt into the compact serialization jwe2 = serialize_compact( \ jose.encrypt(jwe_header, keys, plaintext, protect="*")) dec2 = jose.decrypt(jwe2, keys) print jwe2 print dec2 print # Sign into the JSON serialization jws1 = jose.sign(jws_header, keys, plaintext) ver1 = jose.verify(jws1, keys) print jws1 print ver1 print # Sign into the compact serialization jws2 = serialize_compact( \ jose.sign(jws_header, keys, plaintext, protect="*")) ver2 = jose.verify(jws2, keys) print jws2 print ver2 print
print print "Decrypted, decompressed JWE:" print dec1 print # Criticality test payload = "Some day you may pass validation. Today is not that day." jws_header1 = { "alg":"HS256", "crit": ["alg"] } jws_header2 = { "alg":"HS256", "true_rings": 1, "crit": ["true_rings"] } keys = [{ "kty":"oct", "k":"i-ueSNQgcr0q7auC8YUrYg" }] # Test 1: Should fail on sign try: jws1 = jose.sign(jws_header1, keys, payload) ver1 = jose.verify(jws1, keys) except Exception as e: print e print # Test 2: Should fail on verify try: jws2 = jose.sign(jws_header2, keys, payload) ver2 = jose.verify(jws2, keys) except Exception as e: print e print