class _Generator(object): def __init__(self, namespace): self._namespace = namespace first =[0].upper() rest =[1:] self._interface = first + rest self._js_util = JsUtil() def Generate(self): """Generates a Code object with the schema for the entire namespace. """ c = Code() (c.Append(self._GetHeader(sys.argv[0], self._AppendInterfaceObject(c) c.Append() c.Sblock('%s.prototype = {' % self._interface) for function in self._namespace.functions.values(): self._AppendFunction(c, function) c.TrimTrailingNewlines() c.Eblock('};') c.Append() for event in self._AppendEvent(c, event) c.TrimTrailingNewlines() return c def _GetHeader(self, tool, namespace): """Returns the file header text. """ return ( self._js_util.GetLicense() + '\n' + self._js_util.GetInfo(tool) + '\n' + ('/** @fileoverview Interface for %s that can be overriden. */' % namespace) + '\n' + ASSERT) def _AppendInterfaceObject(self, c): """Appends the code creating the interface object. For example: /** @interface */ function SettingsPrivate() {} """ (c.Append('/** @interface */').Append('function %s() {}' % self._interface)) def _AppendFunction(self, c, function): """Appends the inteface for a function, including a JSDoc comment. """ if function.deprecated: return self._js_util.AppendFunctionJsDoc(c,, function) c.Append('%s: assertNotReached,' % ( c.Append() def _AppendEvent(self, c, event): """Appends the interface for an event. """ c.Sblock(line='/**', line_prefix=' * ') if (event.description): c.Comment(event.description, comment_prefix='') c.Append('@type {!ChromeEvent}') c.Append( self._js_util.GetSeeLink(, 'event', c.Eblock(' */') c.Append('%s.prototype.%s;' % (self._interface, c.Append()
class _Generator(object): def __init__(self, namespace): self._namespace = namespace self._class_name = None self._js_util = JsUtil() def Generate(self): """Generates a Code object with the schema for the entire namespace. """ c = Code() # /abs/path/src/tools/json_schema_compiler/ script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # /abs/path/src/ src_root = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(script_dir, '..', '..')) # tools/json_schema_compiler/ src_to_script = os.path.relpath(script_dir, src_root) # tools/json_schema_compiler/ compiler_path = os.path.join(src_to_script, '') (c.Append(self._GetHeader(compiler_path, self._AppendNamespaceObject(c) for js_type in self._namespace.types.values(): self._AppendType(c, js_type) for function in self._namespace.functions.values(): self._AppendFunction(c, function) for event in self._AppendEvent(c, event) c.TrimTrailingNewlines() return c def _GetHeader(self, tool, namespace): """Returns the file header text. """ return (self._js_util.GetLicense() + '\n' + self._js_util.GetInfo(tool) + (NOTE % namespace) + '\n' + ('/** @fileoverview Externs generated from namespace: %s */' % namespace)) def _AppendType(self, c, js_type): """Given a Type object, generates the Code for this type's definition. """ if js_type.property_type is PropertyType.ENUM: self._AppendEnumJsDoc(c, js_type) else: self._AppendTypeJsDoc(c, js_type) c.Append() def _AppendEnumJsDoc(self, c, js_type): """ Given an Enum Type object, generates the Code for the enum's definition. """ (c.Sblock( line='/**', line_prefix=' * ').Append('@enum {string}').Append( self._js_util.GetSeeLink(, 'type', js_type.simple_name)).Eblock(' */')) c.Append('%s.%s = {' % (self._GetNamespace(), def get_property_name(e): # Enum properties are normified to be in ALL_CAPS_STYLE. # Assume enum '1ring-rulesThemAll'. # Transform to '1ring-rules_Them_All'. e = re.sub(r'([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', e) # Transform to '1ring_rules_Them_All'. e = re.sub(r'\W', '_', e) # Transform to '_1ring_rules_Them_All'. e = re.sub(r'^(\d)', r'_\1', e) # Transform to '_1RING_RULES_THEM_ALL'. return e.upper() c.Append('\n'.join([ " %s: '%s'," % (get_property_name(, for v in js_type.enum_values ])) c.Append('};') def _IsTypeConstructor(self, js_type): """Returns true if the given type should be a @constructor. If this returns false, the type is a typedef. """ return any(prop.type_.property_type is PropertyType.FUNCTION for prop in def _AppendTypeJsDoc(self, c, js_type, optional=False): """Appends the documentation for a type as a Code. """ c.Sblock(line='/**', line_prefix=' * ') if js_type.description: for line in js_type.description.splitlines(): c.Append(line) if js_type.jsexterns: for line in js_type.jsexterns.splitlines(): c.Append(line) is_constructor = self._IsTypeConstructor(js_type) if js_type.property_type is not PropertyType.OBJECT: self._js_util.AppendTypeJsDoc(c,, js_type, optional) elif is_constructor: c.Comment('@constructor', comment_prefix='', wrap_indent=4) c.Comment('@private', comment_prefix='', wrap_indent=4) else: self._AppendTypedef(c, c.Append( self._js_util.GetSeeLink(, 'type', js_type.simple_name)) c.Eblock(' */') var = '%s.%s' % (self._GetNamespace(), js_type.simple_name) if is_constructor: var += ' = function() {}' var += ';' c.Append(var) if is_constructor: c.Append() self._class_name = for prop in if prop.type_.property_type is PropertyType.FUNCTION: self._AppendFunction(c, prop.type_.function) else: self._AppendTypeJsDoc(c, prop.type_, prop.optional) c.Append() self._class_name = None def _AppendTypedef(self, c, properties): """Given an OrderedDict of properties, Appends code containing a @typedef. """ if not properties: return c.Append('@typedef {') self._js_util.AppendObjectDefinition(c,, properties, new_line=False) c.Append('}', new_line=False) def _AppendFunction(self, c, function): """Appends the code representing a function, including its documentation. For example: /** * @param {string} title The new title. */ chrome.window.setTitle = function(title) {}; """ self._js_util.AppendFunctionJsDoc(c,, function) params = self._GetFunctionParams(function) c.Append('%s.%s = function(%s) {};' % (self._GetNamespace(),, params)) c.Append() def _AppendEvent(self, c, event): """Appends the code representing an event. For example: /** @type {!ChromeEvent} */ chrome.bookmarks.onChildrenReordered; """ c.Sblock(line='/**', line_prefix=' * ') if (event.description): c.Comment(event.description, comment_prefix='') c.Append('@type {!ChromeEvent}') c.Append( self._js_util.GetSeeLink(, 'event', c.Eblock(' */') c.Append('%s.%s;' % (self._GetNamespace(), c.Append() def _AppendNamespaceObject(self, c): """Appends the code creating namespace object. For example: /** * @const */ chrome.bookmarks = {}; """ c.Append("""/** * @const */""") c.Append('chrome.%s = {};' % c.Append() def _GetFunctionParams(self, function): """Returns the function params string for function. """ params = function.params[:] if function.callback: params.append(function.callback) return ', '.join( for param in params) def _GetNamespace(self): """Returns the namespace to be prepended to a top-level typedef. For example, it might return "chrome.namespace". Also optionally includes the class name if this is in the context of outputting the members of a class. For example, "chrome.namespace.ClassName.prototype" """ if self._class_name: return 'chrome.%s.%s.prototype' % (, self._class_name) return 'chrome.%s' %