def gather_meals_by_search(search: str): """ When searching for meals with a keyword we need to parse all meals for that keyword. Each meal should have relevant search terms in [key]["Search Terms"][list] :return: if no items are found that match, an empty list is returned. If items are found they are returned as a list of pairs containing key and Display Name for the meals found. i.e.: [[donut, Donut], [veggieOmelet, Veggie Omelet], [huevoRanchero, Huevo Ranchero]] """ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'meals.json') return_list = [] # grab JSON to read - returns a dict json = JSONHandler(path) json_dict = json.read_json() for key, value in json_dict.items(): for term in value["Search Terms"]: if term == search: return_list.append([key, value["Display Name"]]) return return_list
def read_json(): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'users.json') json = JSONHandler(path) json_dict = json.read_json() return json_dict
def gather_ingredient_alternatives_by_key(key: str): """ Returns a list of alternatives for for a specific ingredient. """ ingredient_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'ingredients.json') # print(key) # grab ingredients JSON to read and then parse for ingredients in recipe ingredient_json = JSONHandler(ingredient_path) ingredient_json_dict = ingredient_json.read_json() # List storing key value of alternative ingredients. alternatives_key = ingredient_json_dict[key]["Ethical Alternatives"] # List that will store display name value of alternative ingredients. alternatives_name = [] for key in alternatives_key: # Return list of dicts {key:name} for each ingredient. key_dict = gather_ingredient_by_key(key) # Append just the first value (the display name) from each dict. alternatives_name.append(next(iter(key_dict.values()))) return alternatives_name
def recipe_exists(recipe_key): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'meals.json') json = JSONHandler(path) json_dict = json.read_json() for key in json_dict: if recipe_key == key: return True return False
def gather_ingredient_by_key(key: str): ingredient_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'ingredients.json') # print(key) # grab ingredients JSON to read and then parse for ingredients in recipe ingredient_json = JSONHandler(ingredient_path) ingredient_json_dict = ingredient_json.read_json() ingredient = {key: ingredient_json_dict[key]["Display Name"]} return ingredient
def load_custom_recipe_ingredients(username, key): json_dict = read_json() recipe = json_dict[username][key] ingredient_json_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'ingredients.json') dict_of_ingredients = {} ingredient_json = JSONHandler(ingredient_json_path) ingredient_json_dict = ingredient_json.read_json() for key in recipe: dict_of_ingredients.update( {key: ingredient_json_dict[key]["Display Name"]}) return dict_of_ingredients
def gather_meals(): """ When on the randomizer page, will gather all meals in our database return dictionary list with all meals. :return: list of pairs containing key and Display Name for the meals found. i.e.: {"donut": "Donut", "veggieOmelet": "Veggie Omelet", "huevoRanchero": "Huevo Ranchero"} """ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'meals.json') meals_dict = {} json = JSONHandler(path) json_dict = json.read_json() for key, value in json_dict.items(): meals_dict.update({key: json_dict[key]["Display Name"]}) return meals_dict
def gather_full_ingredient_list(): """ Function to return full list of ingredients specifically for the create recipe page. :return: dict that contains key and Display Name for all ingredients in the recipe. i.e.: {"donut": "Donut", "veggieOmelet": "Veggie Omelet", "huevoRanchero": "Huevo Ranchero"} """ ingredient_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'ingredients.json') dict_of_ingredients = {} # grab ingredients JSON to read json = JSONHandler(ingredient_path) json_dict = json.read_json() for key, value in json_dict.items(): dict_of_ingredients.update({key: json_dict[key]["Display Name"]}) return dict_of_ingredients
def gather_meals_by_category(category: str): """ When clicking on a category (breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert), we parse the entire meals.json for any meals with the appropriate category flag. :return: dict of pairs containing key and Display Name for the meals found. i.e.: {"donut": "Donut", "veggieOmelet": "Veggie Omelet", "huevoRanchero": "Huevo Ranchero"} """ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'meals.json') dict_of_meals = {} # grab JSON to read - returns a dict json = JSONHandler(path) json_dict = json.read_json() for key, value in json_dict.items(): if value[category] == 1: dict_of_meals.update({key: json_dict[key]["Display Name"]}) return dict_of_meals
def gather_ingredients_by_meal(meal: str): """ Function to use for action where a meal has been selected and we need to gather a list of all the ingredients in the recipe :param meal: needs to be the key for the meal i.e. veggieOmelet :return: list of pairs that contain key, Display Name for all ingredients in the recipe. i.e.: [[milk, Milk], [sugar, White Sugar], [redPepper, Red Pepper]] """ # TODO add in ethical alternative information into the return so that we can un-grey the symbols if its present. meal_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'meals.json') ingredient_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'ingredients.json') list_of_ingredients = [] # grab meal JSON to read for specific meal meal_json = JSONHandler(meal_path) meal_json_dict = meal_json.read_json() recipe = meal_json_dict[meal]["Ingredients"] # grab ingredients JSON to read and then parse for ingredients in recipe ingredient_json = JSONHandler(ingredient_path) ingredient_json_dict = ingredient_json.read_json() for key in recipe: list_of_ingredients.append([[key], ingredient_json_dict[key]["Display Name"]]) return list_of_ingredients
def gather_ingredients_by_meal(meal: str): """ Function to use for action where a meal has been selected and we need to gather a list of all the ingredients in the recipe :param meal: needs to be the key for the meal i.e. veggieOmelet :return: list of pairs that contain key, Display Name for all ingredients in the recipe. i.e.: [[milk, Milk], [sugar, White Sugar], [redPepper, Red Pepper]] """ meal_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'meals.json') ingredient_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'ingredients.json') dict_of_ingredients = {} # grab meal JSON to read for specific meal meal_json = JSONHandler(meal_path) meal_json_dict = meal_json.read_json() recipe = meal_json_dict[meal]["Ingredients"] # grab ingredients JSON to read and then parse for ingredients in recipe ingredient_json = JSONHandler(ingredient_path) ingredient_json_dict = ingredient_json.read_json() for key in recipe: dict_of_ingredients.update( {key: ingredient_json_dict[key]["Display Name"]}) return dict_of_ingredients
def gather_meals_by_search(search: str): """ When searching for meals with a keyword we need to parse all meals for that keyword. Each meal should have relevant search terms in [key]["Search Terms"][list] :return: if no items are found that match, an empty dict is returned. If items are found they are returned as a dict containing key and Display Name for the meals found. i.e.: {"donut": "Donut", "veggieOmelet": "Veggie Omelet", "huevoRanchero": "Huevo Ranchero"} """ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'meals.json') dict_of_meals = {} # grab JSON to read - returns a dict json = JSONHandler(path) json_dict = json.read_json() for key, value in json_dict.items(): for term in value["Search Terms"]: if term == search: dict_of_meals.update({key: json_dict[key]["Display Name"]}) return dict_of_meals
def gather_full_ingredient_list(): """ Function to return full list of ingredients specifically for the create recipe page. :return: list of pairs that contain key, Display Name for all ingredients in the recipe. i.e.: [[milk, Milk], [sugar, White Sugar], [redPepper, Red Pepper]] """ ingredient_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'ingredients.json') list_of_ingredients = [] # grab ingredients JSON to read json = JSONHandler(ingredient_path) json_dict = json.read_json() for key, value in json_dict.items(): list_of_ingredients.append([[key], json_dict[key]["Display Name"]]) return list_of_ingredients
def gather_meals_by_category(category: str): """ When clicking on a category (breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert), we parse the entire meals.json for any meals with the appropriate category flag. :return: list of pairs containing key and Display Name for the meals found. i.e.: [[donut, Donut], [veggieOmelet, Veggie Omelet], [huevoRanchero, Huevo Ranchero]] """ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'meals.json') return_list = [] # grab JSON to read - returns a dict json = JSONHandler(path) json_dict = json.read_json() for key, value in json_dict.items(): if value[category] == 1: return_list.append([key, value["Display Name"]]) return return_list
def gather_ingredient_issues_by_key(key: str): """ Returns a list of dicts of ethical issues for a specific ingredient. """ ingredient_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'ingredients.json') # print(key) # grab ingredients JSON to read and then parse for ingredients in recipe ingredient_json = JSONHandler(ingredient_path) ingredient_json_dict = ingredient_json.read_json() water_issue = ingredient_json_dict[key]["Water Issue"] CO2_issue = ingredient_json_dict[key]["CO2 Issue"] animal_product = ingredient_json_dict[key]["Animal Product"] # List with a dict for each of the three potential issues. Each dict contains the issues value (1 for yes, 0 for no) and the text to be displayed if the issue is relevant. issues_list = [{ "value": water_issue, "text": "High Water Usage: This ingredient requires a significant amount of to produce." }, { "value": CO2_issue, "text": "CO2 Emitter: The cultivation and production of this ingredient emits significant amouns of CO2 into the atmosphere. Consider alternatives with lower emissions." }, { "value": animal_product, "text": "Animal Product: This ingredient is derived whole or partially from an animal product." }] return issues_list
import requests from parsers import ParserFactory from json_handler import JSONHandler readability_token = 'c302342e901b8a2658cf4f5b52e27dd66313e32a' url = '' if __name__ == '__main__': if False: html_text = requests.get(url).text if True: with open('tmp/cheesy-jalapeno-corn-dip.html', 'r') as json_file: html_text ='utf8') parser_factory = ParserFactory() parser = parser_factory.get_parser('') JSONHandler.write_json(url, parser.parse_html(html_text))
def write_json(json_dict): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', 'users.json') json = JSONHandler(path) json.write_json(json_dict)