def update_get(): """Fetches the state of the latest update job. For backwards compatibility, we must include the now deprecated `success` and `error` properties in the response. This is needed for when TinyPilot updates from a version before our migration to using conventional HTTP status codes. Issue: Returns: On success, a JSON data structure with the following properties: status: str describing the status of the job. Can be one of ["NOT_RUNNING", "DONE", "IN_PROGRESS"]. updateError: str of the error that occured while updating. If no error occured, then this will be null. success: true for backwards compatibility. error: null for backwards compatibility. Example: { "status": "NOT_RUNNING", "updateError": null, "success": true, "error": null } """ status, error = update.status.get() return json_response.success({ 'status': str(status), 'updateError': error, 'success': True, 'error': None })
def settings_video_fps_put(): """Changes the current video FPS setting. Expects a JSON data structure in the request body that contains the new videoFps as an integer. Example: { "videoFps": 30 } Returns: Empty response on success, error object otherwise. """ try: video_fps = request_parsers.video_fps.parse(flask.request) settings = update.settings.load() # Note: To avoid polluting the settings file with unnecessay default # values, we unset them instead. if video_fps == video_settings.DEFAULT_FPS: del settings.ustreamer_desired_fps else: settings.ustreamer_desired_fps = video_fps except request_parsers.errors.InvalidVideoFpsError as e: return json_response.error(e), 400 except update.settings.SaveSettingsError as e: return json_response.error(e), 500 return json_response.success()
def hostname_set(): """Changes the machine’s hostname Expects a JSON data structure in the request body that contains the new hostname as string. Example: { 'hostname': 'grandpilot' } Returns: A JSON string with two keys: success, error. success: true if successful. error: null if successful, str otherwise. Example of success: { 'success': true, 'error': null } Example of error: { 'success': false, 'error': 'Invalid hostname.' } """ try: new_hostname = request_parsers.hostname.parse_hostname(flask.request) hostname.change(new_hostname) return json_response.success() except request_parsers.errors.Error as e: return json_response.error('Invalid input: %s' % str(e)), 200 except hostname.Error as e: return json_response.error('Operation failed: %s' % str(e)), 200
def hostname_get(): """Determines the hostname of the machine. Returns: A JSON string with three keys when successful and two otherwise: success, error and hostname (if successful). success: true if successful. error: null if successful, str otherwise. hostname: str if successful. Example of success: { 'success': true, 'error': null, 'hostname': 'tinypilot' } Example of error: { 'success': false, 'error': 'Cannot determine hostname.' } """ try: return json_response.success({'hostname': hostname.determine()}) except hostname.Error as e: return json_response.error(str(e)), 200
def settings_video_fps_get(): """Retrieves the current video FPS setting. Returns: A JSON string with three keys when successful and two otherwise: success, error and videoFps (if successful). success: true if successful. error: null if successful, str otherwise. videoFps: int. Example of success: { 'success': true, 'error': null, 'videoFps': 30 } Example of error: { 'success': false, 'error': 'Failed to load settings from settings file' } """ try: video_fps = update.settings.load().ustreamer_desired_fps except update.settings.LoadSettingsError as e: return json_response.error(str(e)), 200 # Note: Default values are not set in the settings file. So when the # values are unset, we must respond with the correct default value. if video_fps is None: video_fps = video_settings.DEFAULT_FPS return json_response.success({'videoFps': video_fps})
def settings_video_jpeg_quality_get(): """Retrieves the current video JPEG quality setting. Returns: A JSON string with three keys when successful and two otherwise: success, error and videoJpegQuality (if successful). success: true if successful. error: null if successful, str otherwise. videoJpegQuality: int. Example of success: { 'success': true, 'error': null, 'videoJpegQuality': 80 } Example of error: { 'success': false, 'error': 'Failed to load settings from settings file' } """ try: video_jpeg_quality = update.settings.load().ustreamer_quality except update.settings.LoadSettingsError as e: return json_response.error(str(e)), 200 # Note: Default values are not set in the settings file. So when the # values are unset, we must respond with the correct default value. if video_jpeg_quality is None: video_jpeg_quality = video_settings.DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY return json_response.success({'videoJpegQuality': video_jpeg_quality})
def settings_video_apply_post(): """Applies the current video settings found in the settings file. Returns: A JSON string with two keys: success, error. success: true if successful. error: null if successful, str otherwise. Example of success: { 'success': true, 'error': null } Example of error: { 'success': false, 'error': 'Failed to apply video settings.' } """ try: video_settings.apply() except video_settings.Error as e: return json_response.error(str(e)), 200 return json_response.success()
def settings_video_jpeg_quality_put(): """Changes the current video JPEG quality setting. Expects a JSON data structure in the request body that contains the new videoJpegQuality as an integer. Example: { "videoJpegQuality": 80 } Returns: Empty response on success, error object otherwise. """ try: video_jpeg_quality = request_parsers.video_jpeg_quality.parse( flask.request) settings = update.settings.load() # Note: To avoid polluting the settings file with unnecessay default # values, we unset them instead. if video_jpeg_quality == video_settings.DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY: del settings.ustreamer_quality else: settings.ustreamer_quality = video_jpeg_quality except request_parsers.errors.InvalidVideoJpegQualityError as e: return json_response.error(e), 400 except update.settings.SaveSettingsError as e: return json_response.error(e), 500 return json_response.success()
def version_get(): """Retrieves the current installed version of TinyPilot. Returns: A JSON string with three keys when successful and two otherwise: success, error and version (if successful). success: true if successful. error: null if successful, str otherwise. version: str. Example of success: { 'success': true, 'error': null, 'version': 'bf07bfe72941457cf068ca0a44c6b0d62dd9ef05', } Example of error: { 'success': false, 'error': 'git rev-parse HEAD failed.', } """ try: return json_response.success({'version': version.local_version()}) except version.Error as e: return json_response.error(str(e)), 200
def settings_video_apply_post(): """Applies the current video settings found in the settings file. Returns: Empty response on success, error object otherwise. """ try: video_settings.apply() except video_settings.Error as e: return json_response.error(e), 500 return json_response.success()
def shutdown_post(): """Triggers shutdown of the system. Returns: Empty response on success, error object otherwise. """ try: local_system.shutdown() return json_response.success() except local_system.Error as e: return json_response.error(e), 500
def status_get(): """Checks the status of TinyPilot. This endpoint may be called from all locations, so there is no restriction in regards to CORS. Returns: Empty response, which implies the server is up and running. """ response = json_response.success() response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' return response
def settings_video_fps_default_get(): """Retrieves the default video FPS setting. Returns: On success, a JSON data structure with the following properties: videoFps: int. Example of success: { "videoFps": 30 } """ return json_response.success({'videoFps': video_settings.DEFAULT_FPS})
def settings_video_jpeg_quality_default_get(): """Retrieves the default video JPEG quality setting. Returns: On success, a JSON data structure with the following properties: videoJpegQuality: int. Example: { "videoJpegQuality": 80 } """ return json_response.success( {'videoJpegQuality': video_settings.DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY})
def update_get(): """Fetches the state of the latest update job. Returns: A JSON string describing the latest update job. success: true if we were able to fetch job. error: null if successful, str otherwise. status: str describing the status of the job. Can be one of ["NOT_RUNNING", "DONE", "IN_PROGRESS"]. """ status, error = update.status.get() if error: return json_response.error(error), 200 return json_response.success({'status': str(status)})
def status_get(): """Checks the status of TinyPilot. This endpoint may be called from all locations, so there is no restriction in regards to CORS. Returns: A JSON string with two keys: success, error. Example: { 'success': true, 'error': null } """ response = json_response.success() response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' return response
def latest_release_get(): """Retrieves the latest version of TinyPilot. Returns: On success, a JSON data structure with the following properties: version: str. Example: { "version": "bf07bfe72941457cf068ca0a44c6b0d62dd9ef05", } Returns error object on failure. """ try: return json_response.success({'version': version.latest_version()}) except version.Error as e: return json_response.error(e), 500
def update_put(): """Initiates job to update TinyPilot to the latest version available. This endpoint asynchronously starts a job to update TinyPilot to the latest version. API clients can then query the status of the job with GET /api/update to see the status of the update. Returns: Empty response on success, error object otherwise. """ try: update.launcher.start_async() except update.launcher.AlreadyInProgressError: # If an update is already in progress, treat it as success. pass except update.launcher.Error as e: return json_response.error(e), 500 return json_response.success()
def hostname_get(): """Determines the hostname of the machine. Returns: On success, a JSON data structure with the following properties: hostname: string. Example: { "hostname": "tinypilot" } Returns an error object on failure. """ try: return json_response.success({'hostname': hostname.determine()}) except hostname.Error as e: return json_response.error(e), 500
def update_get(): """Fetches the state of the latest update job. Returns: On success, a JSON data structure with the following properties: status: str describing the status of the job. Can be one of ["NOT_RUNNING", "DONE", "IN_PROGRESS"]. Example: { "status": "NOT_RUNNING" } Returns error object on failure. """ status, error = update.status.get() if error: return json_response.error(error), 500 return json_response.success({'status': str(status)})
def hostname_set(): """Changes the machine’s hostname Expects a JSON data structure in the request body that contains the new hostname as string. Example: { "hostname": "grandpilot" } Returns: Empty response on success, error object otherwise. """ try: new_hostname = request_parsers.hostname.parse_hostname(flask.request) hostname.change(new_hostname) return json_response.success() except request_parsers.errors.Error as e: return json_response.error(e), 400 except hostname.Error as e: return json_response.error(e), 500
def status_get(): """Checks the status of TinyPilot. This endpoint may be called from all locations, so there is no restriction in regards to CORS. For backwards compatibility, we must include the now deprecated `success` and `error` properties in the response. This is needed for when TinyPilot updates from a version before our migration to using conventional HTTP status codes. Issue: Returns: No additional properties implies the server is up and running. success: true for backwards compatibility. error: null for backwards compatibility. """ response = json_response.success({'success': True, 'error': None}) response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' return response
def settings_video_jpeg_quality_put(): """Changes the current video JPEG quality setting. Expects a JSON data structure in the request body that contains the new videoJpegQuality as an integer. Example: { 'videoJpegQuality': 80 } Returns: A JSON string with two keys: success, error. success: true if successful. error: null if successful, str otherwise. Example of success: { 'success': true, 'error': null } Example of error: { 'success': false, 'error': 'Failed to save settings to settings file' } """ try: video_jpeg_quality = request_parsers.video_jpeg_quality.parse( flask.request) settings = update.settings.load() # Note: To avoid polluting the settings file with unnecessay default # values, we unset them instead. if video_jpeg_quality == video_settings.DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY: del settings.ustreamer_quality else: settings.ustreamer_quality = video_jpeg_quality except (request_parsers.errors.InvalidVideoJpegQualityError, update.settings.SaveSettingsError) as e: return json_response.error(str(e)), 200 return json_response.success()
def update_put(): """Initiates job to update TinyPilot to the latest version available. This endpoint asynchronously starts a job to update TinyPilot to the latest version. API clients can then query the status of the job with GET /api/update to see the status of the update. Returns: A JSON string with two keys: success and error. success: true if update task was initiated successfully. error: null if successful, str otherwise. """ try: update.launcher.start_async() except update.launcher.AlreadyInProgressError: # If an update is already in progress, treat it as success. pass except update.launcher.Error as e: return json_response.error(str(e)), 200 return json_response.success()
def restart_post(): """Triggers restart of the system. For backwards compatibility, we must include the now deprecated `success` and `error` properties in the response. This is needed for when TinyPilot updates from a version before our migration to using conventional HTTP status codes. Issue: Returns: No additional properties on success. success: true for backwards compatibility. error: null for backwards compatibility. Returns error object otherwise. """ try: local_system.restart() return json_response.success({'success': True, 'error': None}) except local_system.Error as e: return json_response.error(e), 500
def settings_video_jpeg_quality_get(): """Retrieves the current video JPEG quality setting. Returns: On success, a JSON data structure with the following properties: videoJpegQuality: int. Example: { "videoJpegQuality": 80 } Returns an error object on failure. """ try: video_jpeg_quality = update.settings.load().ustreamer_quality except update.settings.LoadSettingsError as e: return json_response.error(e), 500 # Note: Default values are not set in the settings file. So when the # values are unset, we must respond with the correct default value. if video_jpeg_quality is None: video_jpeg_quality = video_settings.DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY return json_response.success({'videoJpegQuality': video_jpeg_quality})
def settings_video_fps_get(): """Retrieves the current video FPS setting. Returns: On success, a JSON data structure with the following properties: videoFps: int. Example of success: { "videoFps": 30 } Returns an error object on failure. """ try: video_fps = update.settings.load().ustreamer_desired_fps except update.settings.LoadSettingsError as e: return json_response.error(e), 200 # Note: Default values are not set in the settings file. So when the # values are unset, we must respond with the correct default value. if video_fps is None: video_fps = video_settings.DEFAULT_FPS return json_response.success({'videoFps': video_fps})
def restart_post(): try: local_system.restart() return json_response.success() except local_system.Error as e: return json_response.error(str(e)), 200
def shutdown_post(): try: local_system.shutdown() return json_response.success() except local_system.Error as e: return json_response.error(str(e)), 200